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' E plfioed before tke items below stanch for Report, (und is prefixed loith the number of the report before news which has not vet appeared in these colwnns. ' * ^B—tJie aster isle indicates that previotts information concermng the bwildiiuj operation it prefaces has ah-mdif been miblished m these eoktmns. MERCANTILE, R, 327.—Fourteenth street, north side, 145 feet east of 6th avenue. Nathan Straus, of R. H. Macy
9 East 60th street; L. ICoru, No. 621 Broadway, architect. H. MoNaUy, No. 289 4th avenue, has tbe mason's contract: Grissler & Son, No. 634 East 17tb street, tbe carpenter's contract, and Jackeon Architectural IroniWorks the iron.contract. F,W,Seagrist, Jr., it Co., No. 304 Avenue B, are taking down the old building, Tbis wort was mentioned in our ieeue of March 2d last, nuder plane filed. *R, 112.—Union square, aouthwest coruer of 17th street, C. S. Wadswortb, owner; W, H. W. Youngs and J. Bergesen. No. 281 4tb avenne, architects. Plans are tinished, and they are now ready to take estimates for erection of this building: mentioned in this column last week. ''R. 322.—Fifth avenue. No. 103, eight-story, flre-proof. skeleton construction store and loft-, buUding. Josiah Lindsay, No. 352 4tb avenue, owner: L. Korn, 621 Broadway, arebitect. Cost, $120,000. raentioned April 16tb last. *E. 72.—Broadway, northeast corner of Leonard street, J. C. Ayer estate, owuera; E. Maynicke, Constable BnUding, architect. Condition, ready to take estimates. This building was mentioned iu our issue of April 13, 1895. ELATS AND TENEMENTS. R, 339.—One Hundred and Sixth street, north side, 100 feet west of Amsterdam avenue, six tive-story brick and stone double flats GnatavuR L, Lawrence, No. 343 West 53d street, owner; Neville & Bagge, No. 217 West 125tb street, architects. Size, 33.4x90.8 each. Coat, $40,000 eacb. Condition—plans heing drawn, no contracts let, work to he st.arted soon. Specitications wUl call for all first-class improvements. *R. 269.—Fifth avenue, eaat aide, entire block from 132d to 133d street. John Hauser, No. 1441 3d aveuue, ia preparing plans for twelve flve-story brick and stone double flats aud stores, eight on tbe avenne and two on each street, to be erected by a well-kuown up-town builder, whose name ie for tbe preseut withheld. Ccst $280,000. Size of plot, 200x125. Speciflcationa will caU for all latest improvements, including structnral and galvauized iron-work, face brick, atone-work, fire-escapes, skyhghts, iron and braes rail¬ ings, plate-glaaa, pine, concrete and marble flooring, bath-room and laundiy fittings, aanitary plumbing, gas tixtures. electric beUs, speak¬ ing tnbea. interior trim, cabinet-work, inaide bUnds, shades, ranges, dnmb-waiters, cabiuet-work and cabiuet mantels, A brief meution of tbis item was made last week. 'R. 305.—Third avenue, Nos. 173 to 177. St. George's Church Corporation, ownera. D. C. Weeks & Sou. No. 289 4th avenue, are the masons, and Ralph Heury tbe carpenter on tbe above building, mentioned in our issue of March SOtb, 1895. uuder plaus tiled. R. 304.—Madison aveuue, southwest corner 118th street. Size, 100x60. One tive-story apartmeut house, four famUies on a floor! J.J. Macdonald, No. 51 East 117tb street, owner. Specifications will call for irou bearas, fire-proofing, face and common brick, gal¬ vanized iron cornice, tin roof, steam heat, open plumbing, dumb waiter, plate and common glaaa, gas fixtures and all conveniences. No plana are drawn. E. 330.—One Hundred aud Forty-sixth street, soutb aide, 152 west of Brook avenne, one five-story brick aud brownstone front flat; size, 28x95. Mrs. Mary McGuire, owner; Jobn C. Burne, archi¬ tect. Conditiou—plaus started. Specifications will call for all im¬ provements, iucluding galvauized irou cornices and skyUgbt. tin roofing, irou-work. batb aud laundry tixtures. inside blinds, dnmb- waiters, concrete and pine flooring, tiling, hot-air heating, wood mautels, plate glaea, rangee, refrigerators, fire-escapes, gaa fixtures and sanitary plumbing. K. 336.—One Hunilred and First street, north side, 100 feet west of West Eud avenue. Audrew Brose, No. 1 Madison nvenue, will erect a flve-story brick aud stone single flat, ou plot aize 25x100.11, Plana will call for all lateat conveniences. R. 337.—Fourth street. No. 280 East, one flve-story aud atore, brick iind stone tenement, Caspar Aaronson, owner, care of architect, S. D. Cohen. No. 176 Broadway. Size, 27.6x86.6x96.6. Coat, $30.00o! Coudition—plaus being drawn, no contracts let, work to be .started soon. Specifications call for cold water improvements, and the halls aud stairways to be inclosed by tire-proof walls. R. 338,—Leuox aveuue, wost aide, 75 feet south of 114tb street, oue five-story brick aud stone single flat. Thomas R. White, owner' care of architect, J. H. Valentiue, No, 217 West 125th street. Size' 25.2x75. Coudition—plana beiug drawu, no contracts let. work to be started ae aoon ue possible. Speciflcations will call for allimprove¬ ments, R. 323.—Greenwich street, northwest corner of Liberty, a five-story store and flat. R. C. Cornell, owner; C. Eidlitz, No. 160 Sth avenne. architect. Condition—plans uuder way, Specificatious will call for iron beams, fire-proofiug, face and common brick, galvanized iron cornice, tin roof, fire-escapes, sanitary plumbing, plate and common glaas, store tixtures. Cost, $20,000. R. 320.—Lexiugtou avenue, northeast corner of 12l8t street. Charles Bichtonnau, of Loug Lsland City, will erect two five-story brick aud stouo double flats aud etores and one tive-story single flat, ou plot, size 61.8x100, with an "L" 19x37,4, Plans will caU for all latest conveniencea. R. 321.—Fifty-first street. No. 544 West, one five-story tenement, ■ Margaret L. King, Nos. 630 and 632 Hudsou street, owner; D. W. Kiug, No. 96 5th avenue, architect. Plane are nearly completed and specifications will call for iron beams, fire-proofiiig, front and com^