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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 55, no. 1421: June 8, 1895

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Record and Guide, Jtta'* S, 1R95 Eachcr, Sattian C—Joseub Blumentbal reevr isgr,,........................................9-2 L 18 iBnsRlni. Jolm, ,rr, and Amanda-Mary .M T> Stage. 1894........................1.523 C7 Rov^, Rapliael and Canuila—Jobn Califanu. l,t;9 - .,...............................=.40 82 Cocbeu Nonli L-Freclericli C-ben. 1^90.,,112 19 Don.ieilv. Paik J-C H Rnrmeister, 1895.,,92 41 Doelgir. Jacib Edward BarHis, 189S,, 440 9,^ 1;Dp Orauf. Henrv P-fl W OenlHe. l-94.1,9'i9 0^ Einbr-c, Wallace U-9 Ad.opr.r l«9i..,.l7'2 3V Emersou. J M 6 ^2 SFnlkenhTg fibar'.es-Max nanzU'er I*.ti2.107 3.^) rreer, Kllie'«-Rlvira W^lilstrora le94..,,16S 27 Gorcbu. Catbt-riue-MPCloueb, 1&95------42(' G5 Pame—same iS9t........................620 fio Same-----J H Mavburv. 1=9^...............7m4 11 Same-----Samu.4 (luetz. I-='J-t............3-1 l!i Gourlie .lohn H, ,lr—George Hartell T890.I2I bO i)o'.rt.=ell Ed«tl Lii luiclielanvelo Pettinato. Goodsell. E L. Pii i 189=i...................n^o -.19 GnU-an, DaulV—.\Iarv B Fareira, l«9i..i.4''2 42 IJHopper. John J—V P P hrslev (A L Foss Uy a-iirn 1 1393.............................. 0" 80 Hawkins. EOswortli F and Geo W—Le B K Hunker. 1891.............................278 54 Herzoff, Alir.'itiam s—i^encbtwanger & Co (a?- sie-ied to Loui-" Herzoej, 1890.........-J-,^'-?! 02 Snme-----=am'. (a^siffued to sa'c^ 1890 S,ii-\ 97 H-es. WniM. Publie Atinir Catliariue Youne— Mnrsaret Cou'ipll. 1895 .............S'^S ''0 .laeline. Clias t-Penpli'srate N Y. 1!^94.1.000 00 IKay.-. Solomon L-HD Reiner. 1895......1"0 Ifi Kaiie. Terenc.' Aime' Armslrnne, 18*^2—ft5 .'^O Kaplin, George—Henrv More uroib. IRO'^.'IO^ SO Kettidbodt, Frederick-C M Vou Elm. 1-94 ,, ................................9:i2 6"^ I-eorartl, Peler H—W h Oerani. li^On.......(>ft 46 M.prt'Ter .lacnh ftlax Banzlirpr 189'.....107 3^ Mnitin Wm F H—Matilda sloaue extrx Gporge Sloane. IS94 .......................... 142 ■,?7 Ham-------same. 1893 . ...............'lfi,«90 58 Murray, Georse—People State N Y. 1^94. ....................... ...,.......1 000 00 Moore. AlfrpflH-O M Vnn EPn 1H9' 91! ii:i McOart'"' Prfderick—G F Norton, 1895.1,211 67 ;Mah-'n .Mariin ") suodn.4 -J T Lyncli. 1895.........3'^3 03 'Dk-. .lohn > NaOian.Piultus-Panl Pr^-ibil. I''95........730 on -Penn R E Co-Jaenli Maimnri^tPJn. 18:1I.22'2 1!) *8arae-----sami" ISOi....................91 94 Plir^rott. William—W S JoUnstou rcc"r M-trine Na.t Mrnik 1 ity NY 18-^5..........1.0!« 31 Partrii'ge, Finnic A-J O Rr-'wu trusti e Gi-orse CtiestHrmnn. I«04..................20t 39 Perrin. Pavsi.n & fg—Williiim LanL'rfn an infant liv .lacob I nnsren lii'; Q-nar '. 1S9......1.70^ 53 Kotiun, Jn,.^i pli—Michel an fi el o Pettinato. Ii^O.t ..........." 39 Fomoln, Sabinn-S w Colm. 1S92..........209 41 R-ed .lames H-I. V f^onover. 189^.......1 «« .^6 Eeiii Nathan V.-C M Von Elm, 1394 .. 970 if, ^Rose, .to-'.ph R-Davi'i Stewart. 1893..,.100 <)-, Kussell. Elwood W — Henry Allen. 1S93. ...................................10,117 RFS Pchneide'-, Alirnham—W H Tacksnn, 1894..7;i 06 Par e— Edwavd Ki-Pv. 189 I......... ___12^ 21 Strobel & Willieu C'^' —Martlia Morris, '803. ......................................5415 S8 Samo —same 1894 .........■........142 37 Sntbeiliind. Orlando and Masgii—A L Lmils. 18fi3................................. :i48 ■"'3 gh'iptrn llqrrip—Hi-nrv Moreeuroth. '9i. ,4''.i 8*^ Shaw.Danl McL—.lacoH Bnlz. 1895....... O.t (7 Sam"-----same, 1P94 ...................409 '^2 ISolomi'U. Warren L- Deau l-inseed i Ul Co, 1 "^'^ .......................................... 1,088 On 'anni"-----s.inic. IftOi ,.................1.416 of) Saiiin. CliiisD—LGQinnlin, 1893 .......:^,:?70 r,p Bheioaiit, Muses G—Heyman Schnitzer, 189.'>... .......................................1",T 74 IStorm, Walton—Thnr'.er-Whyland Co, 18:i3, ......................................2.08O 75 'Uliliff. narnlin"—Max «• hlsteio. 189o___"19 72 Tan Orilen, Howard Eand Barrv M-J P Davis '8'^.'>...,................................ 90 98 Wenzel. J.diu and Au)ntstiu-T FDevine. 1894, ...............:............ ___244 or-. Williams. Iven M_Charles Uradtev. ]«or),,.705 (J5 Weisiee'-. Pohattnn-Philip nari -o. I89,n..l29 31 Vyelsli, John II—Sfamau Lichlensteiu. ico'i----- .........................................1,350 ao Panie^-^ArpxitiideV YiVle. i 89.^......... '310 75 Yeandie, Adelaide A—H H Meise. 1H95.,1,112 44 •Vacated hy order of Court t.'JuopeudPd on Ap¬ peal. IRelf-saert. fRever^ol Hftatislied liy Ey»- nii'in" P^CCSiAf^ftCS' LIENS. NbTC YORK Jnxt; I Ilfitb St. N.'s ll'iai'd II?, ss, 16.'"i w Li-nox av, ■IOxlOO, Melvin u Eualish atrt Fredeiirk Pace and J P Bunilian!,., .~...................:fj27 00 jrxK 3, Cherry st No 360. n =. '"'!.9x8r,,0x'?R r>x8fi.6, l.fnaK Bueliesi.ach a.Ki TiilUe noebermann — ..................................... 085" CO Ch'Tiy St. No 3(i4. n s. 22.7xS(i,6x20,6x«6.6, Sanie a;!t samp......................... 5,9ao 00 I07iii n, BS, 100 wPark av. SOxH'O 11. William Nelso'i ..lilt Carrii- and John W Ga'dt.......99 lO Broonav e w. 45 g I lilld st. ."i x 0 Peter Relli-y aKt l^ettrr B ir-s and-iohn H .M.vers......ISit uO Brookav, Nos Oil anil9.:3, w s, -o I s lH:-;d Pt. .■=.'1x62, Pasquale Strppponi agt Jolm Kirk and PettT Bi'hreiis............................145 00 13:^d St. Non 599-ti05. n s. 2 U,0 e Alexanderl av —X—.......................................I i:-i4th sl. Nos 586 and 588. s s, 89.G c Alexan- f dernv. -x—.............................J Geo P Schlldwiitliter nt^t 8nn Ins Coi.f Eng¬ land. Henry M Ali-xan !cr trustee and Peter B;ing. a^ent ............................... fin 00 4lh .-'08 anil 27'i, 9 s, [y^r. e Av B 49.SX 11 0. Aehille Adnr oagt Uenry Wen helm a- d William Luih..........".................3B0 00 Summltst n H, I2rie Anthony av. 25x100. .las A aod E TWonlE agt Leonora C and Cbis B JODOB.........................................51 98 JITXK 4. Southern Boulevard. Mo 19. vr b. 327.3 n Trp¬ mont avorl77(h si. 27.4x81x25x81, Joseph Avalloue agt CLas H Gerke and Henry Helue,. .............................................1,19 50 107th St. Nos 76 and 78. s 8. H'O w Park av. 5ux 9i'. Alfred W Uootb &Ero agtCariieUanlt... ............................................1,4..J S6 Jonu 5. 4th st, s s, 325 e Av B. 5^x100, Guiseppe Carusso agt Henry Wertheim and Achilli Adamo......................................45 oO Saiuf priipeity. Gerdamo Ruhmo agt same .'S-i 00 -ai'ie proy-rty. Joaeph Karyeioso as;t same.ifO nO 17.')th st, se cor Prui-peet av, ..i5xl40. Daviil R BoJ.-tt-r att Thos F O'Kourke..............207 OO Mnrniiiiu av, e s. 297,10 n Tremout av or] 177th et. 2,'ix75.................................1 Sonibern Boulevari. w .s. 3^7.2 n Tn-iuont av f or J 77th at. 25x75..............................J Frank Spillmau UST Cbas H Gerlte aud Henry H. ii.e..................................... will 00 11 7tli st Noa 53-61. a a. 104 e Madiaon av. 162x 100.11. Hurry G Turner agt TiUie E S ith and Johu J Macdonald aK>-nt..............263 25 Clirisiopher st. No 33, o w cor Waveri. y pl 21.4x 75. Steiher & Gedan age Fred RaDhd aud Wal¬ ler Pmvera ................................275 00 Sameproperty. Wal'er Powers agt Fred Eabh.< and Kernarii Jolmaou....................I,04.( 00 8th av. No -^704, e s. 2."^ s 144th st, 25sl0o. Rosanua Faraber ae-t Ernest Plaih.........44 00 Jtr.NE 6, Madiaon av, Noa 200i>-2ou4, w a. 60.2 n 127th st, 59 9x35, Charles .Maun 4- Co agt J N Su,iti\ ,. 89th ,st il s. ioo' w Cemral Park West. 75x100 8, Wm G .lohn-on "gt Eliz J W- llw-.d ,. ,.385 00 580131. No 449, ns, 80 5 >v Sntton plor Av A. 20 xloii,=i. Peter Schiiesiuanu agt darah E Boa:el aud Alfred Levy ....-......................55 00 Er.'oine --l. No ■<87, a w cnr Mulherry st. ■i.'tsi' 0 FredericH Musty aet Mary Kenuy ami Domen¬ ico Sala lino..............................1!,"(I0 on Same propeity, Pasquale Barbieri agt same..60 Ou JrrNB 7. 17lb st.Nos 428 and 430 W. Simon Zireskin aet TeliiPKy Bros and Nathan Zire-kin.....63 00 23d at.No lf^4, s s, 100 w 3d av. 25, ls88 9. Conduit Wiling to agr estate I'eter A II Jack- anu and Heury H J.'tcksou esr and Lewis Z Bach...................................6j5 oO Chen V St. No 366. n s. a'^t 91.0 w Gonveru'.ur st, 21.1 J \94, Kidaiii-ky & live agt Eb^e I (lie¬ bermann ..................................4.7-1(1 00 Cherrv St. No 364, u s, abt 113.8 w Gouverneur St. 22.lox9i, Sauieagtsame..........4,loo 00 Dclauc-j-at. Noa 206-212 n s. t.S O leni^ st. Si'xlOo, John P Epau agt Kidnnsky & Fine and L Arenowitz or Mnnroe Irou Works___fiO 00 182d sl. u 8, 12.'i e Washiugton sv. lOi'xHio. Dnmenico Pacitlco agt Ellawoith Burger and A M^rin-....................................24 66 Samepropi-ri.v. l-ouis Sabbry agt Bame.....i;4 06 The lien put laat week upon thebnilding on Stb avenue, nortlieaet c rner of 58th atreer, was occa¬ sioned by a misapprehension and bas been with¬ drawn by the lienors. SATISFIED MECHANIC'S LIENS,. NEW YORK, JU'-E 1, Washington av, Noa 1027-1933, we, iri3 n Tre¬ mont av. 10 XlOO. Clarke & Sher-uan agt Martha Koerber (Lieu tlie.i Oct -1. Ip94i.. ,............................................$410 33 Jones. South st.No 270. n wcor Jefferson et, 37.2x61.4. Thos M Elliott ael Emma Mever and J..lius W Krugpr. iMav 29.1*>94)......"......... -^50 00 133d 8'. Noa l 011-1004 E. Geo M Banlis ajrt Jo.*eph A Rrantigam and Andrew J cmiili (April 10, iSHii.............................iil 50 Same pr perty. Richard Carrol] agt aame. (Api il 10. i89j|........................."............22 50 J^^E 5, C.duuihine av, n s. 100 w Jefferaon at, 1 ooxt 00. Josephiue A Harrison extrx: Robt (J Hoirisnn agl .uargare' .stonebridge and D H Melville. (March 14,1S95,........;...................:«i4 38 ■^611) av, No 923. w a.lict 52d and 53d b's 25x—. U 1 iM.utar Supply C() agt Matilda NWhite, p McGucKln auu Jamea F Feriii-r. (June 4. 1895,.........................................12 75 JCNB 6, ;Monroest. Nns 241 and 2i;i. n s, 47x—. Mat- ihi-w Smith ;igt Anditw and Eliza O'Donn*!!. (Dec -8, 18931............................2,882 87 JCNE 7. Pelham av. s s. '>et St Johns av and Camlireliu". av. Hull, Crippen & Co agt Jamea shauley'. (June 3,1895)............................... .'iy 39 ISrhst J559 x 94 x 51,7. Hud-on st, NosO^S and 667 S Jame^ F feirier Othav Nosl6audl-( > ant Edward Prial. ,Mav 11, 1895^...................2 779 rO 12ist st. u a, 2->o w 7th av, 200x—. Chaa E Ring agt Thoe J Dunh.n. iMarcu 8. IH9,)). ... .........................................164 29 Same pr perty. H'de i..............2.^00 00 Same properly, s-auie agtsame. (M.ay 28, I89'^| "Pelham av, e s,,abt 12^ w C iini.rcliug'av', ftux — \\ illiam Cnriin agt Jame-and Celia Shan¬ lev. Herman Walreth and Samue! Price. (|.vii 19. 19.*.-') ................................:^7 00 'Sain" pn-perty. Philip S Carroll agt sarae. (Feb 19. IH9i)....................................17 50 97th Bl, n e 3;0 e Amsterdam av, 5"XlOo,ii. Dimaj^hr & Steven* agt John Curry and James ITetguson, (May 27, 1895)................2^1 60 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name is Ihcd of the owner; ar't stands for arehileel; b'r for builder. "Discharged by deposit. tDischarKCd bv bond. NEW YORK CITr. SODTH Of 14th street. Plan 1228—Greeuwich st. No 462, o-aty l).-k warebou,9e. 2nx76; coat, *15.000; Samuel Crooks, No 453 W 21st st; ar't, 8 W McLeod; b'r. Hugh (iettv. 274 Oth av. 10,ii—Pike at. No 20. l-atv frame shed. 22.6^12; coat. $50; Joseph Buber. No 1^09 E 17thst: at^t, Kredk W 12li2—Nassau at, a w gor Libjrty st, 15-sty hrk office building, 7!'sll2; cost. $"85.ndO; HuLih Lamb, East Orange. N J; ar't'*. Lamb & Rich. 205 Broadway. 123?t—Greenwich st. No 217. 5-sty -^rore aud offlce building, 2(i 1x24.4; cost. 8>l7.0IIO; Mary E Ma>'uel. 320 \V 5Gth et; ar'ta, Bloodgooil & Lund, 64 Cedar at. BETWEEN 14TH AND 5V)Tlt STKEETS. 122G—Broad(vav. a w cor I7th st. 10-stj and basement brk atore and ofBces. 31 fix 175; coat. $'J5n,0(0; Clarence .S \Vad.*worth, Vliddletown. (.'onn; art's, yoimga, Bergesen & Coruell. 28I 4tb av. 1218—lotb st. No2H R. 3-8ty brk dwell'e andsrable. 2ris93 H; cost. S!5,non; .Jobn E Alexandre, No ve W .fSth .-t; ai'ts. Haruey &Punis.71 Hroadway; b'rs. Jeana & Tav¬ lor. 103'South 5(h av.' 122.'—IVd St. Nos 20 a"rt 22 E, fi-siy and basem-ut brk stori-H and offices. 44x0"; lOft. *75.000: Audrew H Smitb. No 15 E 38ih at; ar't. Alfred E Harlov.- 119 Broadway; b'rs, D U Weeks & Sou. 2SO 4tb av. 59th and 125TH STREKTS. WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WEST AND RTD AVENUE. 1020-61th st, u s. and 05th st, s a. 100 w Amsterdam av. 2-sty brk stable, 25x2^0 lO; cost. $8,0i'O; Lvlrs s Brush, Greeuwich, Conn; ar't. Edw W Ganley. NORTH OF 125Tn STREET. 1231—125th st, n s. nn e Park av. 3-.=;t.y hrk store and loft. 25,4x59.8; cost. 5!8,oCI- ; Jobc 1 Sperrv. No 2^ W I27ih at: a^'t, Tbeo E Thoiiiso". 247 W 12&ih st. I23'i—(5(ith St., s s. 325 w Amsterdam av, five 3-sty ami liasement brk dwell'y;-. ] fix 5.'t ; cost. $';,n00 each; ow'r. ar't and b'r. Edwd E Ashley, No 749 St Nicholas av. 1 24—Terrace View av, 3iO s .lansen pl. 2i.>-siS,frame dwell'g. i9^42; c St. tB'.l5(); C'lTauncey W Frees, KiuRsbridge; ar't. S^ml L Berrian. 23d and 24th WARDS. 1225-Willard St. n w cor Katonah av. 2- sty frameawaon st,i 3-srv frame teueu't: cost, I^IS.OOU; Casiierj Saun hauser, 779 Prospect av; ar't, £«w' Wenz. ---------!»•»---------- ALTERATIONS. Plan 1022—Baxter st. w s, PO n "Wor^b st.brk store and tenem'r; cost.^i.OOO: An¬ touio ('nueo; ar't. W C Dickerson, 3'l av aud 14S)fh st 1023-'^bristopher st.No 20, brk dwell's: cost. $200; William .Morgan; ai-'t and b'r, Hugh Gettv. 274 Otli av. Iir24-57th St. No 2" W. brk dwelt'cr; '■ost. $7.00't; Jolm L M.irtiu: ar't and b'r. Win j Haiimgarten & Co, 3zi 5lh av. 1025—27th st. No 225 E, brk p'ibiic school: cost, $4oO; Ciiy ofNew York; ar't.C BJ Sn.yder. 14(5 Grand st. 102H—Broome and Clinton sis, brk public scbool; cost, $9311; ow'i aud ai'i, same as laat. 1 >27—Mroome 9t,No 108. brk pulillc school: cost. $1,507 ; ow'r andar't same as last, 1028—2iUb at. near 3d av, bik public scbool; cost. $5,160; ow'r and ar't, same as 1.1 at. 1029-Grand at. No 54. brk store and otfice; cost. $2.51)1'; EPrucker; ar't. Lonia EH. iu¬ ecke. 62 Howerj. 103<)-27th Sl, No 258 W. Itrk store and tenom't: cost,$r.75: Jobn H Sch'iever; ai^t, Fredk A S.Tatford. 249 W 28th at; b'r. .