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Fobraary 22, 1998 ReconS and Gmsd!^ LOl are: No. 57 Broadway aud No. 33 Trinity place on northwest coruer of Eichange alley. Nos. 95 and 97 Liberty street. Nos. 34. 36 and 38 Harrison street on the uortheast corner of Washiuglou street. No. .'15 West 13thstreet, Nos. 440 to 459 West 14th street. Nos. 411 to 450 West 15tli street, aud Nos. 149. 151, 155 and 157 East 55th street. Both of these sales will take place at the Real Estate .Salesroom. No. Ill Broadway, where are also the anctioneer's oflices. the place at which detailed information and maps can be had. William M. Ryan announces tho auction sale on Tuesda.y next, the 25th iust.. of nine apartment houses, described as choice investment properties. Their character and the novelty of seeing so many houses of this class sold on one occasion will attract attention. II is stated that they .are all in perfect condition, rented, and the rent roll guaranteed, and that (hey will be sold on most liberal terms. They are: Nos. 330 and352 West 124th street, northeast corner of Mau¬ hattan avenue and llSlh street, Nos. 306. 308 and 310 West l'29th street, No, 224 West 116th street. No. 204 West 6iHh street, and No. 864 First avenue. The place of sale is the Real Estate Salesrooom, No. Ill Broadway. Fuller particulars will be found in oui adver¬ tising pages, or can be had of the auctioneer at No. 111 Broadway. S. De Walltearss' auction sale of 6th avenue corner property and a Weat Side residence will take place on Wednesday next, the 26lh instant, at the Real Estate Exchange. No. 59 Liberty street, and the auctioneer, at his oftice. No. 171 Broadway, or DeWitt. Lockman & De Witt, tbe attorneys for the er.ecutor of the estate of Charles E Cazet, deceased, who has directed the sale to be made, at No. 88 Nassau sireet, will supply any information desired in respect to these oHerings and maps. Tbe parcels oft'ered comprise the valuable business premises. Nos. 440, 442 and 444 Oth avenue, on tho south¬ east corner of 27th street, and No. 520 6th avenue, northeast corner of Slst street; also the dwelling, No. 104 West 86th sireet. Smyth & Ryan will sell at auction on Wednesday next, the 26th inst.. by order ot the Supreme Court, in partiti->n, in the Real Estate Salesroom. No. Ill Broadway, eleven handsome private residences. Tbey are No. 100 East 58th street. Nos. 104. 106. 108 aud 110 East 58th street. Nos. 103, 107, 109 and IU East 6jth street—all near Park avenue, the first menlioned house being on the southeast cor¬ ner ot Ihit avenue aud 58th street, and Nos. 515 aud ,'117 East 117(h street, near Pleasant avenue. Maps and full particulars can be ob¬ tained of the auctioneers, Philip A. Smyth. No. 11 Pine street, and AVilliam M Ryan, No. HI Broadway. Richard V. Harnett & Co. make several important auction an¬ nouncements for the near future, of which the chief relates to the absolute sale ou Wednesday, March llth next, of "The Osborne" apartment house, on the northwest corner of 57th street aud 7th avenue. Tbis properey is to be sold by order of the heirs of the estate of John Taylor, and the occasion is described as a grand oppor- tuuify to purchase the most complete aud absolutely fire-proof apart¬ ment house in the city. The popularity of the hou^e is attested by the facts that it bas been kept fully rented since 18S5. and that now every apartment is occupied under leases running from oue to three years. The terms to the buyer will be very li leral. Ou Tuesday. next, the 25th inst, Messrs R. V. Harnett & Co. will dispose if, at executor's sales, the following propirties: No. 589 Park avenue, three-story brick stable; .\o. 101 Avenue D. five-story double brick tenement with store, and No. 166 Avenne C, asimilar property lo that last mentionetb On the following day. the 26th inst,, tbey will sell the (hree-story and basement stone dwelling, No. 431 West 23d street. A week later. Wednesday, March 4ih next. Mr. Harnett will conduct the executor's sale of No. 44 West 29th street, three- story and ba»eiuent dwelling; No. 16 West 56th street, four-slory and basement brownstone dwelling, aud No. 1411 3d avenue, a fonr-story and cellar brick flat with store located between Slst and 82(1 streets. All these sales will take place on the several dates named, in tho Real Estate Exchange, No. 59 Liberty street, and those who desire further information are referred to our advertising pages and to the autioneers at N03. 71 and 73 Liberty street. Bryan L. Kenuelly will sell on Tuesday next, the 25th inst., in the Real Estate Salesroom, No. Ill Braadway, twenty-eight valuable lots at Wost Hoboken, N. J., location of which with other par¬ ticulars, can be found in our advertising pages, or obtained of the auctioneer at No. 66 Liberty street. Charles Buek, as will be seen by the announcement in our adver¬ tising pages, offers for sale the choice investment properties, the "Northport" and" Southport" apartment-houses on Manhiittanave¬ nne. These houses occupy a plot. 50x201.10, including the whole block front on the avenue, between 102d and 103d streets, and are divided by a large open court, as will be seen by the diagram accompanying the announcement. The description of the houses shows that they are ■wellbuilt, finished and fitted, and. what is very much to the p.urpo'e, fully rented. Investors who favor this class of property ought b.y all means to confer with Mr. Buek in regard to these two houses. Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OF 59TU STREET. Samuel and Henry Corn have sold their new eight-story building on leasehold plot on Sth avenue, near 17th street, with "L" front¬ ing on the latter, to Louis Ettliuger. who will give in exchange the mercantile bnilding Nos. 40 and 42 West 22d street. They have also sold the plot. 50x92. on the north side of 18th street, 185 feet 'west of Sth avenue, to Walker & Lawson. David S. Tnska has sold for .John J. Freeh, the four-story brick dwelliug with lot 18.6x56, No. 131 East 3l8t street, to Mrs. Mary D. Gai ge. for $13,000. Barchfeld & Hoops have sold.for Frederick Wellenbrock, the (ive- story tenement, lot 25x100.5, No. 414 West 62d street, for $26,500 : Edmund Coftin, Jr., who bought at auction on Wednesday, No. 48 Great Jones street, for $27,000, haa purchased of Mrs. J. H. Gr.-en. the adjoining property. No. 50 Great Jones street, at a price not a great deal above the ancliou figure. Both parcels will be iaiproved by builder. Thomas W. Keogh, who will take title, and with Mr. Coffin as his backer, erect a modern business structure on the plot. Douglas Rooinson & Co. have sold for Edward H. Landon. the fou:-story stone front building, lot 24 8x92. N-*. 252 West 42d street, tor about $60,000. to Mrs. Nathalie E. Bayliea. Henry Wise haa sold for Simon P. Flaunery the three-story bnild¬ ing with lot 25x64, No. 340 Water street. Winai'8& May have sold for ex-Congressman .Tames J. Belding, of Syracuse, the four-story dwelling, with lot 23x100.5, No. 14 East 54th street, to a Mrs. Jex. for $70,'K1.'. Henry J. Hurae has sold for the assignee ot John Osborn, Son tfe Co., the fonr-story business building, 22.6x119x20x119, No. 45 Beaver street, to Charles Naething, the restaurateur, for $80,000. A sale of this property was reported some moothsago as having been effecte.- by a dittereut broker, bnt it evidently was not completed. Golding & Whitehonse have sold for the estate of Henry F- Spaulding to H H. Landon the four-story stone front dwellii g. 22x65x130 (lea:ehold). No. 628 Sth avenue, between 50th and Slst streets. Kahn & Baumann have sold for Charlea L. Ritzmann the tive- story tenement and store No 106 Sth avenne (leasehold) to a Mrs. Carbert, The price cjuoted by them is $28,500. Brvan L, Kenu'-lly has sold for Saainel F. Paul, as executor of the will of the late Elizabeth Greer, the four-slory stone front dwelling lot 17x67.1, No. 79 East 56th street, to Samuel A. Tucker, for about $22,000. Ludwig Baumann & Co. were the brokeis in the sale reported in those columns last week of the plot of seven lots ou the northeast corner of 13th avenue and 28t.h sireet. NORTH OF 59T1I STREET. William R. Lowe &. Co. have sold to .Tacob Hess, of .JohnH. Deaue's office, the plot 7Sx74.11 on the northwest cornerof 183d street and And.'bon avenne. Bernard & Co. have sold for William H, Hall to Robert Ferguson tho three-stor.v stone frout dwellinj with lot 19x100.11, No. 128 West 122.1 street. .Tohn G. Norris (Meyer L. Sire) has sold the four-stoir stone front iiwelling. lot 20.^^x100, No. 711 Madison avenue, northeast coruer of 63d sireet, to Henry Hoit for about $65,000. Richard V. Harnett & Co. have sold far the estate of Jonas Heller 1 he plot IOO. 11x100 on the northwest corner of Central Park West and 102d street to Sonn Bros, for $62,500. Hermann Fleituian is reported to have sold tho four-storv brick d«-elliiig. lot 24x102.2, No. 130 West 79th street, to a Mr. Vietor at a substantia lad vance on $39,000. the price paid by him in April, 1894. W. W. & T M. Hall have sold in advance of its completion, one of a row of six now houses on the north side of 76th street, between 5th and Madisun avenues. It ia an American basement dwelling with lot 19x10*2.2. commencing 259 feet east of Sth avenue, pur¬ chased bv Mrs Mary L. W. Peters. William J. McHugh has sold for A. V. Donel'an. the three-story English basement dwelling, 17.6x45x65, No. 3 Hamilton terrace to L. P. Whitemau for about $10,500. The Frank L. Fisher Co. has sold for E. T. Mostert. the fonr-story stone front dwelling. 18x56x102.2, No. 116 West 80th street, to a Mr. Duncan for $30,000. The .same firm has sold for Builder W E. Lanehantin the three- and-a-half story American basement stone front dwelling No. 571 West End aveuue, near 90th street, to Robert Butler for $24,000. Frederick Zittel has sold for Builder F. Aldhous, the four-story stone front dwelling. 20x50 and extension xlOO.S, No. 31 West 87th street, to Isaac B. Kleinert for about $40,000. This is the third house out of a row of five, sold in a few weeks. Edmnnd Cottin, Jr., has bought of Peter H. Morris, the block 199.10x350, bounded by Sth and Edgecombe avenues, lo9th and 140th streets. Dwyer &. Haigh, builders, are reported to have purchased from an estate a plot of six lots on the northwest corner of the Boulevard aud I43th street. Builder David T. Kennedy has sold the fourth house cf his new row of six in 117th street, west ot Morningside Park. It is No, 431 West, a four-and a-half-story American basement dwelling, lot about 18x100.11. purchased by W. H. Reed, for about $26,000. Pincus Loweufeld has bought of the estate of Emil.v L. Janeway, the three five-story tenements, 25x80x100.11 each, Nos. 118 to 123 East 120th street. Francis M. Jencks. who was the unannounced buyer a month or two ago of the Gilbert estate lots on West 70th and 71 st streets, 400 feet west of West End avenue, has sold three of the 70th street lots to Franklin Pettit for improvement, presumably by Builder VVilliam J. Merritt. W. P. Mangam has aold for Berton & Nickel a plot, 55x100, on the south aide of 13lst street, 80 feet east ot Madison aveuue, (o W. & J. Forbes for improvement. D. H. Scully has negotiated a trade between Mrs. .Tames McNiece and S. Michelbacher by the terms of which the former agrees to sell the tive-story apartment houses. 81.3x75. on the southwest corner of Leuox avenue and 118th etreet at about $136,000, and take in ex-