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Record and Guide January 2, 1897. e a. 50.5 s 68lh st, 25x80. Dec 28. 3 yeara, 5%. gold, 16,000 Kaufmann, Leopold to Frederic J Middle- brook. Madison st, No 92. s s, bet Cath¬ arine and Market sts, 25x100, P M. Dec 28, 1 year, 5%. 13,1100 Kirby, John, Brooklyn, lo Jane E Kowald. 24th st, n a, 275 e 7lh av, 35.7x99.7x 22.8x98.9. P M. Sub to mort $24,000. Dec 28, due Sept 1, 1897. 5,300 Same to same. Same property. Sub to mort $29,300. Dec 28. due Sept 1, 1897. 17.000 Klooz, Frederick and Eliza hia wife, Brook¬ lyn, to Matilda M Pond. 7th sl, n s, 35.1 e Av C, 18.1x48.9. Dec 28, due Jan 1, 1900. 5%. 5,000 Kowaid, Jane E lo Edward Ashforth. 24th st, Nos 141 and 143, n a, 275 e. 7th av 35.7x99.7x22.8x98.9. Dec 28. 1 year, 24.000 Kaufmann, Oscar lo Edward M Burghard. SSth st, 5 e cor Park av, 20x80; 65th st, n s, 20 e Park av, 20x80; 65th sl, n s, 60 e Park av, runs e 60x n 105.5 x w 40 X s 20.5 X w 20 X s 80. All liens. Dec 3. demand, ] ,000 Kehoe, John to Bernard Cohen and Woolf Endel. 112th sl, Nos 27 and 29, n a. 400 e Lenox av. 2 lots, each 25x100.11. 2 morts, each $23,000. Dec 24, due Jan 1, 1899 5%. 46,000 Same to Harry McNally. Same property. 2 morts, each $3,669; each lot sub lo prior mort .$23,000. Dec 2,3, due Sept 24 1897. 7,338 Krakower, Fanny and Rachel Richards lo Rosie Abramson. Clinton st, No 127, w s, bet Broome and Delancey sts. 25x 100. Dec 22, installs. 2,000 Kreulzer, Frank and Emma his wife lo Mary C Traberl, 87th sl, n s. 46 w East End av 25x100.8. Dec 22, due Jan 1, 1900. 5%. 18.000 Kelt. John J to Bernheimer & Schmid, 125th sl, Nos 117-125 B and 126th st. No 110 B. Saloon lease. Dec 29, note, demand. 10.000 Kidney, George, Bay Ridge, L I, to Leopold Haas. Bedford st. No 93, w s, S2,4 n Bar¬ row st, runs w 103.4 x n w 13.1 x n 13,4 X e 97.3 to Bedford sl, x s 24.4. Dec SO, due Dec Sl, 1901, 5%. 1S,(X)0 Same lo Moses Grunthal, Same properly. Sub to last mort. Dec 30. due Dec 31, 1899. 0,000 Lawrence, Fannie B to Annie E Brown. Fort Washington av. w s, 25 s 170th st, runs w 98.10 x n 25 to 170th st, x w 50 x s 100 X e 148.5 lo av, x n 75, Dec 23, 3 years, 5%. 6,429 Lawrence. Fannie E to Abraham Van Sant¬ voord referee. Fort Washington av, 3 lots, 58. 59 and 60. P M. Dec 21. 3 yeara, 5%. 6.300 Same lo same. 170lh st, 2 lots. 65 and 66. P M. Dec 21, 3 years. 5%. S.JSO Lienan, EIlz B to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 82d st. No 50, s s. 470 w Central Park West, 16,6x102.2. Dec 26, due Jan 1. 1900, 41/0%. 12,500 Levin, Solomon and Joseph Smolensky to Christian M Hoefler. Monroe st. No 18, a s, bet Catherine and Market sts, 25x50.10k 25x47, Dec 29. 3 years. 5%. 12.50U Levy, Morris and Sarah his wife, Brooklyn. N Y, lo Samuel D Tomback and John J Dowiing. Lenox av. No o25, w a. 133.4 s 1S7lb St. 16,7x75. Dec 2S, 1 year. 2,.50O Levy, Morria and Abraham Rosenfeld, Brooklyn, to Adolph Cohen. Lsnnx av, a w cor lS7th sl, 149.11x75. Sub lo morts-- $115,000. March 26. demand. 2,130 Levy, Bertha to Peter Otlen. 51st at, No 251, n- s, 70 w 2d av, 18,4x100.5. Dec 26. due Dec 28, 1899. 1,000 Lynch, Eliza B widow to THE LAWYERS' MORTGAGE INS CO. 84th st, s a. 175 e 2d av, 25x102,2. Dec 24, 3 years 5% 5,00(1 Miller, Solomon to THE MUTUAL LIFE INS CO of N Y, 40th st, n s, 255 e Sd av 25x98.9. P M. Dec 29, 1 year, 5%. 9,0uii Mason, James R to Carl H Schullz, Lexing¬ ton av, s e cor 93d st. 16.5x70, Dec 22 1 year, 5%. 7,000 Mehrbaeh, Solomon to THE WASHINGTON LIFE INS CO. 7th av, n w cor 120th st. P M. Dec 28, due Dec 1, 1897, 5%. 55,000 Melvin, James A to Nathaniel Whitman. Broadway, Nos 502 and 504; Crosby st, Nos 44-52. being Broadway, e s. 154.11 n Broome st. runs e 100 x s 29.5 x e 100.3 to Crosby st, x n 120,8 x w 100.1 x s 44.9 X w 99.11 lo Broadway, x s 46 to be¬ ginning. Dec 30, 3 years, 4%. SOO.OOU .VIezzadri, Evardo lo William Harlfleld. Worth st, s w s, at intersection with e s Mulberry st, runs s e along Worth sl 47.y X s w 41,3 lo Mulberry st. x n 40.11 lo he- ginning, gore, P M, Dec SO. 2 years, r.;;.. 4,00l> Mcintosh, James and John Paterno to Alon- zo C Monaon aa trustee for Reuben B Withers. 106th at. n 3, 200 e Amsterdam av, 25x100,11. Dec 24, 3 years, 41/2%. 23,000 Mcintosh, Jamea and John Paterno to James Carlew, 106th sl, n s, 200 e Amsterdam av, 25x100,11. Sub to mort $23,000. Dec 24, due Jan 1. 1900. 3,000 McLaughlin. Thoa J to Rosalie King. 112th st, a a, 200 e 7th av. P M. Dee 21, due June 21, 189S, 5%. 44,000 McQuirk, John lo Jane T McQuirk. 130th st, n s. 400 e 7th av, 2 lots, each 25x99.11. 2 morts, each $3,000; each lot auh to mort .$12,500, July 5, 1895, due Aug 1, 1897. 6,000 McGrath. Wm G to Frederic J Middlebrook, 42d st, s s. ISO w 2d av. P M. Dec 28, 1 year, 5%. 10.000 Neus, Henry and Bernhardina his wife lo Gustav Lange. 102d st, t s, ISO e Park av, 75x100,11. P M. Dec 22. 1 year, ,24,000 Same lo same. Same property. Sub tb last mort, Dec 22. 7 months. _30,000 Same to same. Pleasant av. w s. 2-3.8 s 116lh al, 75x69, Dec 22, 7 months, with¬ out interest. 5,000 Norton, John to THE MUTUAL LIFB INS CO of New York. 3d av, n e cor 106th st, 25.2x110. Dec 24, 1 year, 5%. 22.000 New York Really Co, a corporation, lo Hen¬ ry A C Taylor, Newport, R 1. Nassau st. No SO, s e s, 99,10 n e Jobn sl, 34.11x 1lll.6x;-;4.!)x101.10, with all title, to any lauds adj which may have belonged lo George Chesterman, dec'd. P M. Dec SO, 2 years, 5%. 125,000 Same to same. Same property. Consent of stockholders to above morlgage for 125,001) Niewenhous. Siehrand lo Clara E Bidwell, Stockbridge, Mass. 9lh st. n s, 70 e 3d av, runs n e 81.5 x in a line S7.2 to point on n s Stuyvesant sl. 15.3 from Oth st, x 15,3 lo 9th st, X n w along same 34,11 lo beginning. P M. Dec 30, S years, 4^%. .'10.000 Nutzhorn, Adolph F and Gesine his wife mortgagors with Laura Oppenheimer et al exrs Leopold Oppenheimer. 13lh st. No 241, n s, 225 e 10th av. 25x103.1. Ex¬ tension of mortgage, Dec 1.1:!, n >m O'Brien, William to Gabriel Sommer. 7th av, Nos 875, 877 and S79; 56lh st. Nos 162 and 164, being 7lh av, s e cor oGlh st. 75,5x100. P M. Dec 29, due Jau 1, 1901, 414%. 95,000 Pence. Harvey L lo Julia Plant. S7th bt, No SSS, s s, 160 w West End av, 20x100.8. Dec 24, due Nov 1. 1897. 3.500 Poor, Ruel W as trustee to Solonlon Sayles. Oth av. No ISO, s e cor 10th st. 23.1x75; Oth av. No 128, e s, 23.1 s 10th st. 2Sx 7S.6 to alley; 6th av. No 126, e s, 46.1 s lOlh st, 19.4x78.(i. Agreement to re-con¬ vey property on conditions. Feb 28, 189G. nom Pugh, Paul B to En;ina D Van VIeck and ano as trustees under will of Patrick Dickie. 145th st, s s. Sti e .Amsterdam av. 16xSI9.11. Dec 21, due Dec 29. 1001. 5%. gold. 15,000 Post, William Individ and exr. &e, William Post and Margt L P Herrick heirs William Post to CITIZENS' ■ SAVINGS BANK. Elizabeth st, Nos 2S7, 289, 2i)l, 293, 295 aud 297, w s. abt 67.2 n Houston st. 121.9 xSS. Dec 26, 1 year, 5?/, gold, 40,000 Prince, Christopher to Kate Warner, Lis¬ penard st, a a. 7.5 w Church st, 37.6x94,ti. Dec 23, due Dec 28. 1897. 12.000 Preusse, Emelie to George Ehret, Sd av. No 23G7, e s, bet i28th and 129th sts, Leasehold. Dec 3", demand, 5,0Ul> Robiuson, Julius A lo THE METROPOLI¬ TAN SAVINGS BANK, Mercer st, s e cor Washington pl, 49,;)xlOO. Dec 30. 1 year. 41.1;%. 125,000 Rieger, Charles, Flushing, L I, to Frederick Gramme," 91st sl, a s. 74 e Isl av, 20x 50.8. Dec 24, 1 year. 800 Rock, Jamea to H Koehler & Co. 4ilth at. No 533 W, Store lease. Secures note. Dec 24. 452 Rose, Morris lo Julius Beer. 2d av, Nos 934-940, being 50lh st, s e cor 2d av, 21x 80. Dec 2S, due July 1, 1900, 5%. 26.00<) iiaiter, Edward to Richd S Emmet exr Ben,i H Lillie. 2d av. No 2262. n e cor ]16th st, 22.11x100. Nov 9, S years. 4^"'i', gold, 20,OiH) Reiss, Fredk A to Hermann Von Gehren. Av Sl Nicholas, e s. 262,4 n 145th st, P M. Dec 24, 5 years, 41/3%. gold. 15,00(1 Etosenthal, Joaeph mortgagor with John A Brown, Jr, Philadelphia. SOth st. No 130 W. Exlensiou of reduced mort. Dec 4. nom Schermerhoro. Marv A widow, Kirkland, N Y, to THE METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK. 116th st, s s. 319 w Av A, 16,Sx 100.10, Dec 17, 1 year, 5%. SOU Scbuilzer, Hyman with Frances W Poole both mortgagees. lOSth st. No 104, s s, 25.6 e 4th av, 25,6x.50, Agreement as to .priority of inortgnges made by Malchan Schoentbal and CbaLe aud Etta Fine. Dec 22. nom Seaman, Robert to Treadwell Cleveland. 37th St. No 15, n s. 320 w Sth av, 25x98,9. Dec 2, 1 year, 5%. 25,000 Speyer, Abraham to Louise Jagle, Slst st. No 322, s a, 231.3 w Sth av, 18,9x9S.9, P M. Dec 17, due Jau 1, 1900, 0%. 5,000 Sachse, Frank to DRY DOCK SAvTNGS , INST. 41st st, s s, 179 w 2d av, 25.11x1/ —x26x98.9. Dec 29, due Jan 1, Plitij. 4'A% . 12.1..... Sander. Freitk W to George Ehret. Park i4lh) av, n w cor 116th st, 25x90, Dec 29, 1 year, 5%, 6,000 Sharp, Robt G to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. SSd st, No 121. n s, 198.S w Columbus av, 16.4x1(12.2. Dee 29. due Jau 1. 1900, 5%. 9,000 Smith. Eliza J widow, Brooklyn. 10 THE EMIGRANT INDUST SAVINGS BANK, Lispenard st. Nos 60 and 62, s s. 140.3 w Broadway, 49.8x91),4x48.8x87,8. Dec 29, 1 year, 4%^'. 00.000 Schneider, Douglas H, South Orange, N J, to Elmer B Yale, Jersey City, N J. Broad¬ way, n e cor 36lh st, 105.9x197.2 to Oth av x9S.9xl59,4, Dec 28. due March 1, 1S97. gold, 30,000 Schnitzer, Louis S to George Heruener. Av A, e s, 83.9 n 5Slh at, 16.8x75. P M. Dec 29. due Jan 1, 1902. 4%. 4,000 Same to same. Same property. P M. Dec 29. installs, 5%. 2,000 Scbmitl, Jacob lo Jane E Oothout. 17lh st. No 602, s a, GS e Av B, 2i)x200.'i:25xlO2. error, Dec 29, due Jan 1, 1890. 1,200 Searles, Sarah W to Jennie E Burluett. 94lh st, No 128, s s, 230 e 4lh av. 20x100.8. Dec SO, 3 years, 4^.%. 12,000 Thomson, Frances S to Emeline C Ludlum. Warner, N H. 35th sl, No 309. u s. 130.6 w Sth av, runs n 9S.9 x e 9 x s e 99 to st, X w 19.6 lo beginning. Dec 30, 2 years, 5%. 1.400 Thompson, Waller E to THE NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK. 70th sl, s s, lUO e West End av, 15x100.5. Dec 30. due Dec 1, 1899, 4%%. 11,000 Same to same. 70lh st, s s. 115 e West End av, runs s 10O.5 x e 10 x n 15 x e 5 x n 85.5 to st, X w 15 to beginning. Dec 30, due Dec 1, 1899, iVat- H.'IOO Same to same. 70lh st, s s, ISO e West End av. 15,x85,5. Dec 30, due Dec 1, 1S1)9, 41/2%. 11.000 Same to same. 70th st, s s, 145 e West ISnd av, 15x85.5. Dec 30, due Dec 1, 1M»9, 4yj%. 11.000 Same to same. 70th sl, s s. 160 e West End av, 15.3x85.5. Dec SO. due Dee 1, IS'.IO, ■iV-yA. 11,000 Tipping. Edward to Thos R A and Wm H Hall of William Hall's Sons, 94th at. No 52, s s, 475 w Central Park West, 25x 100.8. Dec 26, 1 year, 3,000 True, Clarence F to Francis M Jencks. Riverside av, e a, G2.1 n 7(ith st, runs e .55.10 X n 18 x e 46 x n 22.2 x w 96.S lo av, X s w 40.7, Dec 29, demand, 32,500 Turner, Lucy E wife of and Wm V, Brook- Un. to Ricbd H L Townsend. 5th av, n e cor 113ih st, lOO.llxtOO. Sub to morts $105,- tlUll. Dec 19. demand. 5,000 .Sau;c to William Bryan. Same property. Sub to morts $111,000, Dec 29, demand. 9,450 Turi, Wm J mortgagor with An Associa- non for the Relief of Respectable Aged indigent Females in the City of N Y, !)4lh st, n s, 201.9 w Columbus av, 25.9 xinii.S. Extension of mort at 5% payable iu gold. Dec 23. nom Timmins, Edwd M to Abraham Van Sant¬ voord, ref. 169th st, 2 lots. P M. Dec 21, 3 years. 5%. 2.820 Underhiil. Anna M, Plainfield. N J, only child and heir of Alfred Underhiil and Su¬ sanna his wife, both dec'd, to Heury A C Taylor. 20th st, n s, 175 w 4th av, 25x92. Dec 24, due Nov 26, 1898, 41/.%. 30.000 Same to Sophia L Cauldwell. Same property. Sub lo last mort. Dec 24, due May 26. 1807, 5%. 2.000 Votion, Louise to Frederic de P Foster as trustee of Clara Delafield. 40lh st, a a. 157.3 w 7lh av, 14.3x98.9. Dec 24, due Oct 10, 1898, 41^%. 1.500 Wallace, James G to METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO. 50th sl, s s, 187.6 w 2d av, 20.10x100.5. Dec 24. installs, 5%. 10,000 Same to same. 52d at. No 208, s s, 120 e 3d av, 20x100.5. Dee 24, installs, 5%. 20.000 Waltei'. Marie A widow to Jacob Van Brink, Clinton pl, s s, 75.10 e University pl, runs e 25.1 X a 109.10 x w 10S.2 to beginning, error. Leasehold. Dec 24, due April 1, 1.898. 2,500 Wilmore, Jamea A to Andw J Onderdonk et a! as guards of Geo O Linklettfir under will of Horatio G Onderdonk. 69th st, s a, ■ 118 w 9th av. 13.6x100.5. Dee 22, due* Nov 1. 1899. 4^^%. 14,000 Williams, Matilda to Judson S Toiid. 13liib st, n s, 91.8 w Lenox av, 16.8x100. Dec 29, demand. 2.000 Wheelock, Annie E to John J Gleasou, Flush¬ ing, L I. SSd St. No SS, a s. ISS.ll e Madison av, 16.1x98.9. Dec 26, 1 year. 5%. 5.000 White. John B lo George Gerlach. 119th sl, n s, 111,5 w St Nicholas av, 25x50,5. P M. Dec 28, due Jan 1, 1898. 5%. 500 Woods. EliKabelh widow to William White- man, Ilth st, s s, 207,3 0 Greenwich av, runs s .57,3 X w 6.S x n w 13.9 x n 51.4 x e 1.^.11 to beginning. Nov 30, 1872, 4 years. 7; . 2.000 ' Wood, Heni-y H to Clifford A Hand exr Chaa G Havens, 119th st, n s, .325 w 7lh av, .50x100.11. P M. Dec 28, due June 28, i808. 5%. gold, 12,000 Same lo same. 119th at, n s, 375 w 7th av, 46.2 to n e cor Sl Nicholas av and llittb at, xllS,5x108.2x100,11 P M, Dec 28,