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Record and Guide February 20, 1897. 17 Sohl, Charles—H Wellbrock et al. .266.20 17 Schultz, John and Joseph—A H Ziegier. ........................258.07 17 Seward, Eugene C—C M and P B Pratt. ....................(D) 1,052.55 17 Stork, Philip—L Steinhardt el al. .326,96 17 Selenkow, Morris—H B Claflin & Co.. ........................1,169.00 17 St John, Adeline E—H E Ransweiier.l2S,95 15 Schellenberger, Louis—Henry E Ran_s- weiler......................i2a,9;.i 18 Steidle, Otto^—the same..........125.95 18 Slanwood. Henry-Geo W Church. .138.44 11 Tebbe, Eliza—Amalie Klaus........... .....;...............(D) 1,386.45 16 Titus, Andrew R-J E Kerr & Co. .629.96 17 Thomson, W J—W H Miles, Jr. ,. .155.05 11 Richards Company—C N Lee et al.. ........................4.595.27 11 Brooklyn Yeast Co—Jamer Steara Heat¬ ing Go....................22.92 11 American Belgian Lamp Co—J Enright ........................1,393.90 11 Joseph Fallert Bwg Co—Annie Devlin. .. ......................2,245.00 11 United State Projectile Co—P P Hogan ..........................335.68 16 Brooklyn L R R Co—Ellen Shore. .3,615.82 17 Brooklyn "L" R R Co—J Jaeger------282,40 17 Brooklyn Union "L" R R Co------the same. ..........................282.40 18 Holland Cluh—Geo B Lauck......425.24 11 Van Horn, Geo K—Brooklyn Daily Eagle ..........................21.67 11 ' the same - the same........21.67 16 Van Buren, Anna M—B Wilkenloh. .422.70 15 Vose, Predk C—Joseph A Vose el al.lOS,37 11 Wells, Harry—G Duke............9.00 11 Wilson, Elbert G—J McLoughlin..... .... ................(D) 15,408.94 13 Wertheim, Herman—John P Kane Co. .................. '........125.02 17 Woods, Thomas—Sarah B Wells... .186.95 17 Williams, Joseph—A L Ahlbrecht. .. .24,83 11 Zises, Samuel—Brooklyn Bank, Brook¬ lyn ......................225.13 11 Zimmerman, Frederick—L Abrams.,.. ____.....................423.13 13 Zimmerman. Louis—John P Kane Co... ........................125.02 16 Zimmerman, Fredk and Margt—Welz & Zerweck.....................263.72 <>*----------------■ SATISFACTION OF JTJD«M'TS. Adams, Wm H-J W Holmes. 1897......$209.48 Boyes. W H—Cobb Company. 1897......709.07 Brooklyn Heights R B Co—J Munz. 1897.865.49 Brooklyn Heigbts R R Co—G B Walters. 18%. . , , , _.......... -VfOiV.O^ Same^-^' h' Carroll, Jr, 1898.........1,813,32 Same-----H Magnussen. 1897..........3,3uO.0O Same-----J H Carroll. Jr. 1897............88.52 City of Brooklyn—C Frans. 1895..-.....16(!.50 Same------same. 1890...................37-07 Connors, James and Patrick—P E Conmy. 1896 ....................................157.97 Doenecke, Justus and Caroline—L Bossert 1897 ..................................534.24 Fedorgreon, Nathan—H Freeman. ISfiG. .117.10 Fortenbach. Philip—Adelaide Davis. 1896.330.32 Green, Theo B and Geo W exrs Benj F Consta¬ ble—C L Lyou. 1897..................241.72 Hall, Amos C—Mary J Hagner. 1890......81.12 Jaegel. Julius and Mary—Caroline Traum. 1890. Myerle Dsvld—Emily M Stern. 1896-----107,07 Nassau Electric R R Co—M McGrath. 1897, . .....................150.OD Sam4^J Parker. 1897.................450-00 Same-----Mathilda Hailing- 1897........105.49 Same^-----sarae. 1896.................2,033,04 Nolan. Wm E—F Schirmer. 1896........361.50 Prudential Ins Co of Am—Bmma A Bentley. 1807 ..........................706.7r> Ryan, Tbomas—T W Welch. 1888..........12.75 Stalnaker, Wm H admr Emma Stalnaker—S & J A Bennett. 1896......................176.21 Same------A C Aubery. 1896...............-20.00 Scbult. Herman—F G Wild. 1897........120..S'I Silberstein, Israel and Gregory—H D Buegelei- sen. 1807..........................66,10 Smith, Fredk N—Mary J Hagner. ISOli-----81.12 Spetb, Theo, Sr—F Huhn. 1897..........57.31 Wright, "Wm H—E C Morse. 1896........252.08 Zareck. David—Wm H Frank Brewing Go. 1896 MECHANICS' UENS. February 11. Property Brooklyn Heights R R Co cu account cleaning dirt from tracks. Jobn Henry agl Brooklyn Heights R R Co and Geo S Whipple. .....................$193.50 Hoyt St. n e cor Baltic st, 100x100, Wm W Vredenburgh agt Dora Manneck........94,51 Milford St. e s. 110 n Belmonl av, 100x100. Jobn C Creveling agt Michl Whalen.......31.98 Butler st, n s, 25 e Nostrand av, 145.6x100- Rufus H Enirick agt John F and Mary Ryan. ...................................210011 February 13. 45th st, s s, lOi) w Olh av, 25x100.2. Ulysses IBrown agt Mrs E Crist.................39.38 Washine'on :iv, No 6u3, e s, l'9.7 n Sl Mart;s av, 25xTJ." O'-'i'iir :-'l Martin agt Fraut: R Burrows, Ida and J-roine Ba'-bydt...............10.00 flallii ,,1.. n e cur I'oyt st, lOOxU'O. Mpx P While agt Dora Mannlck...............l;r>,0(l Fob: i;ary 15. 37th st, n s, 100 w 4lh av, 40x100.2, John Mc- l%"o\vn agl Edwd B Rergen, Silas A Condit and F. C Underhiil......................52,00 SaiidB sl, n s, 75 TV Adams st, 81x135. John W McArdell agt "John" Schuman aud Josepb B Antwiler.......-.. ................40.00 February 16. Bay 35th st, e s, 280 w Benson av, 60x08,6. Charlea Cochrane and ano agt Lydia Ray- moJd.................................57,63 Noatrand av, s w cor Fenimore st, 40x100. Thomas McCann agt Martin D Doscher, Henry Meyer and Geo S Whipp... '...........639.08 February 17. Fountain av, w s, 100 n Glenmore av, llOx—. Jamer Steam Heating Co agt Mlchl F Walsh and Johu J Sullivan....................115.00 Pebrueray 18. Throop av, e s, extends from Putnam to Jeffer¬ son av, 200x100. New York State Banking Co aet C E & F L Hine and Geo E Lovett.. .................................. 1^)28-25 --------•-•-•------- ORDERS. February 15. Willoughby av. cor Evergreen av. Jobu Lar¬ son on Henry Ahrens to pay Donald Mac¬ donald $1,187.00 whan floors are laid and par¬ titions set...........................----- February 18. 6lh st, Nos 591 and 593. Augustus Hurd and G F Hunt on Wm H Dole to pay James D Rankin when buildings are completed.. 8.500 --------------**-t-------------- SATISFACTION OF fllECU, UENS February 10. Chauncey st. No 255, n s, 25x100, Thos D Hutchinson and Chas Lyons agt Wm C Smith and H 0 Humphreys. (May 11, 1896)____if:55.O0 February 11. Hawthorne st. Nos 123 and 125, n s. Ross Sc Snyder agt Saltus S Clark and ano exrs Lu¬ cius E Clark and Prances Jezek. (Lieu filed Dec 4, 1896.)........................850-00 February 13. Sutter av, n s, 75 e Stone av. 25x48- Francesco Napolltano agt Samuei Gotberer and Vincenzo Bouagur. l,Sept. 29, 1896.)............98,SS February 15. Macon st. s a. 100 w Marcy av, 60x100. Michl P Brennan agt Mary N Glazier.