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Responding to the coraplaints of the wretched condition of Kingsbridge road, Gen. Collis has iwritten a letter in which he says: ■'! recently drove over it, and so did the Mayor, and we have both concluded it would 'be a hardship on the railroad com- pany to compel them to refl'II the trench if in good faith they are trying to cure the defect in their franchĩse. Public travel is not impeded in the sMghtest degree. If, however, any private citizen is incommoded by having ingress or egress to his property ob- structed, and will let me know the location, I wiĩl have it reme- died at once." The inquiry as to the cause of the collapse of Brown's soap faetory. at ôlst street ■and 12th avenue, on June 3 last, was con- cluded by Ooroner Pitzpatrlck on Wednesday last. The jury, after three hours' deîiberation, announced their failure to agree, and broaght in two verdicts, one signed by five jurors and the other by four. The verãict of the five jurors attributed 'the cause of death to the collapse of the builãĩng and the giving way of braces of tanks erected therein, whíle the verdict signed Tjy the other four placed the blame on structural weakness, defectiveness of cast-iron work. and overweighting of structure. Coroner Fitz- patrick accepted the former verdiot and discharged all who had been held under bail in oonnection with the collapse. -----------•----------- PERSONALS. Peter F. Meyer is recovering from his recent attack of sick- ness He was at his -offlce for a short time this week. Philip Braender. the well-known builder, returned from Europe last Friday on the "Normannia." of the Hamburg-Amencan Ime. Mr. Braender was gone about five weeks and visîted Germany. Faris and Ireland. „ t^ ,,, p ■□ Mr Charles S. Kohler, of the firm of Chas. S. Kohler & Bio., No. 906 Columbus avenue, has returned from a three weeks' stay at Kiamesa Lake, Sullivan County, N. T. —--------•----------- ARE TOU INTERESTED IN REAL BSTATE. If so you ought to have a copy of the real estate man's Web- ster-Van Siclen-s "Guide to Buyers and Sellers of Real Es- tate " It answers every question you can ask. Send for it in cloth, í;1.00; in paper, 75 cents. Record and Guide Office, 14-10 Vesey street. .---------—♦-----------— Real Estate Market. There is nothing in the transactions reported from the private sales markPt this week deserving of particular menUon. The ĩo aî S the considerations reported is about $400,000, and this covers about forty per cent. of the nun^ber of parcels that Phan^ed hands, though one Columbus avenue apartment house accounts for nearly half the sum. Taking all together it would be hard to flgure out a week's business of three-quarters of a miUion of dollars. The foUowlng are the comparatlve tablcB for the New Tork Con- veyances Mortgages and Projected Bulldtngs for the correspond- Ing weeks o£ 1897 and 1886: CON-VEYANCES. 1897. 1S96. July 2-:; to 21), iuc. July 24 to 30. iiic. Total nutnber I- entlre elty ..... - - ■ - - ^^_^^^216 ^^^^^246 Ainount li^nti ................. 148 122 NuEũber nom'f*^ ^itb Wards, omltting Number 23d antt -;■. ^gg^^..... .j2 g^ imortTÆÍd'^......\..........:::: ^^^^ m^.m A^^t «ed'"."î" .■.■•............ ■*1^«.«|| 5^925 ^^ber Bomlnal..................... m W '■■'^^l'*^"'*""'*''^"-"' "-■■ »'«5 «-«í4 MOKTQAGHS. I-^U"íS5^îved-::::^::::::-"::.-- .2,.48^ ,6,499,i| ^^^^^'^■'^.■^■■•■■■■■■■■■'' ^U52,^ ,.3Æ IX^^í fív^i^ t^'!';.:::::::::::::::: .852.o| ,4.86o,lĩ^ Number ftt less thau 5 per cent....... ,.-,, -?^ 28 Amount Involved ...........■.......■ - .î^i^i.oOO $699,000 Number ot above to Banks, Trust and InsurancB Companlea .............. 27 63 Amount Involved ..................... I|;80i..,500 $4.504,847 Total IV*. o< Moriĸages, Jbu. I „ .„„ to da««.............................. »,r»9 »,6»í roial amonnt of ITIoptKBges, Jan. ____ 1 íodaie..........................*ias,9.t5.53i! «14l..lSt,663 PROJBCTED BUILDINQS, Number of nsw BuildÍngB............. „„55 62 BBtimated coat ....................... .'»'1,068.400 $2,436,150 fotal No. of New BDÍldiitKH. Jan. I todate............................ a.I'i* »,174 rolnl amonnt ot New BDiIdingH, Jbd. I to date....................«59,953,350 «5'í,e7íe,02!t roial nmonnt of AlterBtiona, ■ bd. to daie ..................... 4.668,593 4,9»9,rS2 IF the auctlon market had a feature this weeĩc, it was to be found in the salø by Wm. Kennelly, of Nos. Í33 EJast 45th streel. at $12.000. and No. 207 Avenue B, near 13th s.treet, at $16,225, as proving what auction-room results have asserted 'before, that property in the lower ^middlê §ectíoR of the cJty is in good de- mand. The ■prices in both these eases were quite good. For what they were in others readers are referred to our "Sales of the Week." No. 334 2d aVenne was sold iby John T. Boyd for the failure to com-ply with the terms of sale reported last week. and brought .'(18,000, or $500 less than the defaulted bid of the pre- vious week, and the sum the auctioneer announced at the flrst sale could 'be haâ from a loaner of money upon it. James L. Wells, on Tuesday, again adjourned the sale of the Casino lease, this time to August ISth. Other adjoumments beyond the com- ing week were: No. 322 East 36th street, by Strong & Ireland, to Sept. 7; No. 47 East 134th street,