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August 7;t897. Record and Guĩde "205' Amsterdam av, 60x100-11- P M- July 2G, 1 year, 5%- 29,200 Sanle to same- Same property. Sub to iast mort. July 26, due May 1, 1898. Bulld- ing loan- 25,000 Mclntosfa, Martja. Waterbury, Vfc, to Martha Mclntosh- 85lh st, n w cor Lexington av. 82x41,8. July 19, 5 years, 4Vi%. 34,184 McKeana, Owen to Jacob Kuppert. 3d av, No 1311, n e cor 75th st- Lease. July 17, demand- 1,408 McSweeney, John fco Bernheimer & Schraid. Boulevard, No 704. s e cor 9oth st. Sa- loon lease. Aug 2, note, deraand. 2,500 Neil. James, Jr. to Joseph B Heira'erdinger. Madisou av, w s, 18.5 n 113th st, 16-6x 70- July 30, 3 years, 5%, 8,500 Nemecek, John to Caroline Larcfaan, 73a st, No 428, s s, 17o w Av A. P M. July 29, due Aug 1, 1002, 5%. 15,000 Same to same. Same property- P M- Sub to last mort. July 29, installs, 5%. 3,000 O'NeiI, Oscar T to Nicholas C Seedori:, Brook- lyn. 5th av, No 1339, e s. 25.2 n 112th sL. P M- July 31, due Aug 1, 19O0, 5%. 2.500 Phillips, Andrew Lo Jas G Mulcahy. 34Lh sL, No 244, s s. 330 e 8Lh av, 22.6x98.9. Aug 3, 2 years, 4Y-'X. 18,000 PolsLein, Joseph aaã William Peinberg Lo Solomon H Kohn. SLh st. No 307, n s, 189.6 e Av B, 24.9x93-11- Aug 2, 5 years, 5%. 25,000 Prenaergast, Patrick to D WiIIis James. S5th st, a s, 175 w Arasterdara av, 7ox 102-2; S4th st, u s, 247 e Arasterdam av, 82x102,2. Aug 3, due Aug 1, 1900, 24,000 Prendergasfc, Patjick to UNITED STATBS TRUST CO. 8oth st, n s. 175 w Aroster- dam av, 20x102.2- Aug 3. due Aug 1, 1902, 4^%. 21.000 Same to same. 85th sfc, n s, 195 w ArasLer- dara av, 35x102.2. Aug 3, due Aug 1, 1902, 41^%- 32,000 Sarae to sarae- S5th st, a s. 230 w Amster- dam av, 20x102.2. Aug 3, ûue Aug 1, 1902, 4ĩé%- 20,000 Peyerl, Anton mortgagor with Henry Cbaun- cey trustee of Helen C Cryder. SOth st, No 51S East. Extension of mort. July 27. aom Popham, Elĩza H, Geo M, James L and Lydia to Cornelius P Kingsland, Mt Pleaaant. N Y- -ilh st, No 270, w s. 21.6 n Perry st, 21-1x52-4x21.1x52.2. Aug 3, due Aug 4. 1898, 5%. 7,000 Same to same. 4th st, No 276, w s, S4.6 n Perry st, 21x.53x21xo2.10. Aug 3, due Aug 4. 1898, 5%. 7,000 Potter, Frederick and Clarence H Keĩsey as trustees under deed of trusfc made fay Fred- erick Potter and others, Frederick Potter, Ossiaing, N Y, Martha PoHer, Mary Geer. and Blanche Potter all heirs of Orlando B Potter to Moses T Pyne and ano as trus- tees under wil! of Moses Taylor, for Al- bertina S Pyne. Kate W Winthrop. Mary Lewis, Geo C and Henry A C Taylor. Nas- sau st, north cor Beeiĩman st, runs n e 89.2 X n w 103.8 to Park row, x w 95.11 to Beekman st, x s w 144.10. July 30. ' due Feb 6, 1898, 4%. 300,000 Rogers. Henry P et al fcrusfcees wilĩ of Nathl P Rogers to John A Stewart et al as Lrus- Lees Of Lfae LIVBRPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBE INS CO. Wall sfc, u e cor Front sL. ruus n 54.1 x e 45 x s e 10.4 X s 51.11 to Wall 3t. X w 56.9- May 25, due June 15. 1898, 4'A%. gold, 40 OOO Romaine. Benjn F. Louis T, Girard. Julia A and Washington T to THB SEAMBN*S BANK FOR SAVINOS. Boulevard, n w cor 76th st, 105-5x61x102.2x87.2- July 19, 5 years, 4%. 90.000 Rosenfleld, David to Henry Siaenberg. I19th st, n 3. 305 e 2d av, 20x100.10- P M- July 30. 5 years, 4V:;%. 6,000 Rotfaschild. Henry to Edward D Thuraton, AraityviIIe. L I. 5tfa av, n w cor 118 h st, 20-11x100; 5th av, w s, 25.11 n llSlh st. 25x100. July 30, 3 years, 5%. 32,500 Sarae to Waltei- F Kingsland, Paria, Fraoce. 5th av, w 3. 75-11 n llSth st, 25x100- July 30, 3 years, ô'.. 20.000 Same to Cornelius F Kingsland trustee of Alherfc A Kingsland will of Arabrose C Kiagsland. Sr. 5ih av, w s, 50.11 n llSlh st. 25x100. July 30. 3 years, 5%. 20,000 Rothschild, Henry to Kath A Kíngsland et al trustees Ambrose C Kingsland the younger. 5th av, e s, 50.11 n 114th st, 2 lots, each 25x100. 2 moris, each .'p20,000. Aug 2. 3 years, 5%. 40,000 Raicble, Barbara fco J Prederic Mermond or Mermoud. CliDtoa pl, n s, 64.5 e Univer- sity pl, 26.6x93.11. Aug 3, 5 years. Leáse- hoia. 10,000 Raichle, Barbara forroerly Hofmann to Ma- thilde Mueflling. Clintoa pl, n s, 64.5 e University pl, 26-6x93-11. Leasehold. Aug 4. installs. 2.000 Richey, David to Louise D Simpson efc al trustees for Oswald Simpson will of James Simpson. 76th st, n s, 432 w Columbus av, 18x102,2. Aug 3, due July 1, 1900, 4%%. 20,000 Ranger, Prances L aud Edaa A to Abraham H Peucfatwanger. 3d av. s e cor 125ifa st, runs e 230 X s 100 x w 100 x a 25,7 x w 130 to av. X n 74.5. July 30, 1897. due Aug 28, 1897. gold, 6,000 Ringen, Meta et al exra and trustees Die^clh Ringen, Meta, John M aad Cfaarles and Minna G Ringen widow ana devisees of Diedrich Riugen to Bstelie D Bowers, of Cooperstown. N Y. 3d av. No 294, w s, 30,1 s 23d st. runa w ou x s 8 x w "20 x s 16 X e 70 to av, x n 24. Aug 2, 1 year. 8,500 Rooney, Cath T wife of aad Martin mortgag- ors wiLh TITLE GUARANTBB AND TRUST CO. 12th st. No 348, s s, 203 w Greeuwlcfa st, 24x80. Bxtenslon of raort. July 29. ' nom Roth, Jean mortgagor with George Meyer. Lexington av, e s, 79.4 s lUôth st. 15.10x 70. Extenslon of mort at 4ĩé%- July 30. nora Ryaa, Margaret to Bliz M Anderson, Green- wich, Coun. 53d st, n s. 150 w 9th av. P M. Aug 4, 3 years, 4%. gold, 11,000 Rechenberg, Louise N wife of Wm H E to Anna S wife of Geo H Pinck. Kingsbridge road, e s, 50.5 s 184lh st, 25.3x92.10x25x 96.3. Aug 4, 3 years, 5%. 2,000 Schluter, Mjnnie to Judson S Todd. 91st st, s s. 225 e 2d av, 25x100.8. Aug 3. 1 year. 11,500 Same to same- 91st st. s s, 200 e 2d av, 25 xlOU.S. Aug 3, 1 year. 11.500 Same to Gustav P Taussig. 91sfc st, s s. 200 e 2ã av, SUxlOO.S. P. M. Sub to morts .$23,000. Aug 3, demand- 11,400 Schmidt, Adolph and Kathie to George Bhret. 9th st. No i09 Bast, n s, bet 3d av and Broadway, Lease. July 31, de- raand- 3,000 Schraidt, Henry and Hartmann fco Bdwin A Bradlev and Geo C Currier. Lenox av, s e cor 113th st. P M- Aug 3, due Aug 12, 1898. 35.000 Schoeueuberger, Barbara to Daviû Mainzer. 32d st. u s, 100 w 8th av. P M. Aug 2. due Aug 1. 1900. 5%- 9,500 Shlauowsky, Isaac to Bernard Sfalanowsky. Allen sL. No 108, e s. 80 s Delancey st. 24.9x87-6; 122d st, Nos 444 and 446. s s. 100 w Av A, 50x100.10. July 30. due Aug 1, 1899. 10.000 Sir.iou, BfLiy and Charle's mortgagors wilh Imanuel Lodge No 1 Indepeaûent Order of 1'nip Sisters- 55th st, n s. 121.-ĩ w Ist av, 2UxlOO,.5. Extension of mortgage. Juj; 21. nom Smith, Walter mortgagor with Bmeline, Har- riot !ind Amanda Barker. 133d st, n s, 45].8 e Lenox av, 16.8x99.11. Bxtension of T-iortgage. Marcb 10. nom Smith, Patrick to INSTITUTION POR THB SAVINGS OF MBRCHANTS' CLBRKS. 76Lh sfc, No 56, 3 s. 100 e Coĩumbus av, 18x102,2. Aug 2, 5 years, 41/2% and 4%, 18,000 SLern, Abraham and Isidore Jacksoa to West- raoreland D Davis, Tuxedo, N T. 44th st, s s, 450 w 5th av, 25x100.5. P M. June 25, due Feh 2, 1898, 5%. 5,000 Sullivan, Michl J to Howard & Childs. South st, No 3S2, bet Gouverneur slip aad Jack- son st. Store lease. July 30, deraand. 700 Shrader, Sarah J wiâow to Carl T Heye, Sfcaten Island. Jane st, No 27, n s, 100 e 4ih st, 16.8x60. Sub to.possible encroach- ment. Aug 3. 3 years. 1,550 Sosnowsky. Mary to Howard & Childs- West . st, No 117, bet Cortlaadt and Dey sts. Store lease. July 31, demand, 1,200 . StiIIgebauer, BIiz C and Henry to THB FRANKLIN S.WINGS BANK. 97th at, n w cor Boulevard, 25x100.11. Aug 4, 1 year, 4^^%- 30,000 StiIIgebauer, Eliz C to John J Gibbons. Same property. F M. Sub to last mort. Aug 4, 1 year. gold, 7;000 Scott, Libbie M R widow to Albert Tilt. 57th st, s s, 100 w 6th av. loxIOO. with all tifcĩe to strip of land 5 ins in deptfa on each side and 15 ft in width, adj in the rear- Sub to raorts $25,200. July 27, 1 year. 1,400 Spangenberg, Jacob to Andw H Sands. Sth av, No 2299, w s. 75,5 n 123d st, 25.3x100. P M, July 29. 3 years, 5%. gold, 15,000 Steinmann, Sigmund B to Randolph Guggen- heimer and Salomon Marx. 96th st, No 166, s s, 150 e Arasterdam av, 19x100.8- July 26. 1 year. 5,467 Sarae to saroe. 96th st. No 162, s s. 198 e Amsterdam av, 29x100.8- Ju!y 26, 1 year. 9,063 Same to same. 96tfa st, No 158, s s. 256 e Amsterdam av, 19x100.8. July 26. 1 year, 5,462 Taylor, Jeannie L to Mortoa J Tayĩor. Wash- ington pl, No 25. n s, 25.2 w Greene st, 25.2x100. June 22, 1 year. 21,750 The White, Potter & Paige Mfg Co, Brook- lyn, to THB MANUFACTURERS' TRUST CO. Brooklyn. Madison av, w s. 60.2 a 127th st, 19.10x35. Aug 2, 1 year, 5%. 10,000 Sarae to same. Madison av, w s, 80 n 127th st, 19.11x35. Aug 2. 1 year, 5%. 10,000 Sarae to same. Maâison av, w s. 99.11 n 127th st, 19.11x60. Aug 2, 1 year, 5%. 10,000 Thompson, Maria T to TITLB GUARANTEB AND TRUST CO. Division el, Nos 33 and 33y., s s. beL Calfaarine and MarkeL sts. 2.5.2x69.3x24.9x69.1. Aug 2. due Aug 1, 1900, 4%. 5,000 TownsbPUd- John to TXTLE GUARANTBE AND TRUST CO- 124Lb sL, a s. 75 e Bou- levard. 100x100.10. July 20, due Aug 1, . 1900, 5%. 8,000 The Society of Tammany or Columbian Or- der to CENTRAL TRUST CU trustee. 14tb st, n 3, 100 w 3d av, 116x122.6. Secures bonds- Aug 2, due Aug 1, 19U7, 41/2%. gold. 113,000 Tappen, Ella C J widow to MaiT A Gwyer extrx and trustee of Cfaristopher Gwyer. 123d Et, No 340, s s, 100 w Manhattan av, 16x100.11- Aug 5, 3 years, 4^%- 11,000 Variey, William to Wm H Hamiltoh. 53d st, s s. 175 w lOth av, 7oxlu0.5. P M. Aug 2, due Aug 1, 1898. 750 Von Raitz, Feodor Lo THE MBTROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK- 90Lb sfc, s s, lUil w-Cen- tral Park West, 25x100-8- July 28, 1 yr, 41/2%. 30,000 Voifa. Riehard C to Eugeae C Potter. Maũ- gin st, w s. 71.1 s StanLon sfc, 50xl(jO- Sub Lo mort. July 30, 1 year. 12.000 Victory, Vincent P, Maria L aad Alma to-- THB EMIGRANT INDUST SAVINGS BA."JK. Spring st, n e cor Mulberry sfc, 25.3x107.6x25x102. Already morlgaged to mortgagee. Aug 3, 1 year, ■1>A%. '2,500 Voege, John H to Mary Hays. Ist av, No 427, s w cor 25th st, 24.10x75. P M. July 30, 5 years. 5%. 18',C00 Same to Peter Doelger. Same property. P M. Sub to last mort. July 30. demand. 10.000 Wagner, Henry to Ignatz Roth. 2d av„ w s, 26.4 s 13th st, 25.8x110. Sub morts .$27,000. July 31, due Sept 1, 1899. Se- cures notes. 5.000 Walsh, Jofan to New Tork and Suburban Co- operative Building aad Loan Assoc. 113th st, No 250. s s. 383 w 7th av. lUxlOO.ll. July 2, ínsLalIs. 9,000 Weinhandler, Adolph to Wm P Chrysiie, HasLings on Hudson, N Y. Leasehold. 9Lh sL, No 40 East, s s. beL Broadway and University pl. July 28. due—. 2.0OO Wasfafaurn, Kate St C Lo Norman S Wash- buru coraraiiLee of Maria J Bdwards. Broadway, .No 859, w s, 26.6 n 17th st, 26.6 x99x25xl07-li- 1-20 part. July 2, de- mand, 2%. 3,UO0 Wilkinson, Peler A and Edward J and Mary J Holland to David Marks. 57th st, No 545, n s, 525 w lOth av, 2oxl00-5. July 27, due Aug 3. 1900. 5%. 7,000 Same to sarae. o7tfa st, No 547. n s. 550 w lOLfa av. 25x100.5. July 27, due Aug 3, 1900, 5%. 7,000 WiIIe, Valentine to Mary N Townshend. 98Lfa st, n s. 150 w Cohirabus av, 26.5xJ,^ block. Aug 2, due Aug 1, 19u2. 8.000 White, Horace fco UNĨTED STATBS TRUST CO. 69th st. No 18, s s, 200 w Centra! Park West. 2oxl00.5. Aug 3. due Aue 1, 1900, 4%. 35;000 Yule, Jofan to Jofan J Jones aad ano trusLees will of David Joaes- 104th sfc, s s, 121, e ManfaaLtan av, 27x100.11- Aug 5, 5 yrs, 5%. 30,000 Same to same. 104th st, s s, 148 e Manhat- tan av, 27x100.11. Aug 5, 5 years, 5%. 30,000 23d and 24th WARDS. Mortgages under Lbis liead marked with • de- note that tlie propcrty is located iu the new Annexed DistricL (Act of 1S95}. All'ot, Helea J lo Bllen A WLlkiason. Tra- faigar pl proposed, e s, 125 s 176Lh st, 25x 78. July 23, 3 years. 2,500 Avallone, Josepfa and Raffaele Lo Jacob Rup- pert. 149 fa sL, No 526. s s. 245.3 e Morrls ■ ,av, 25x106.6. Aug 3, demand. ãÔO Bowman, Bugene M and Laphelĩa to Louise Erlenkoetter, Hoboken, N J- Honev^wseíl av, e s. 95 3 Samuel st. 25x100. JulV'29;- due Aug 4, 1902. .. 3,000 *Bale, John D Lo Coleridge C Vickery. 4th at. s e s. 220 n e Union av, 20x100. July 26, 3 years. 2.200 Same to Chas P Brooks, Brooklyn. Same property, July 26. 1 year. . 600 Busfaraann, Amalie to Tfae Phoenix Iron Co, of Pennaylvania. 162d st, a w cor Melrose av, 24.5x100x22.6x100. June 28, 9 monLha. 800 Becker, G AdelberL Lo Annie Trinks general guard of Bveline A Koerber. WashingLon av. w s, 216 s 178Lh st,^ 70x111. excepl part taken for widening av. P M. Aug 2, 1 year, 5%. 4,800 Berliner, Abraham and Brama and Marcus Berliner to Theresa Metzger. 3d av, e s, as widened, 66 s LoriIIard pl, P M Aug 3. due Aug 1. 1902. 5%. 8,000 Breiling. Michael to Tfae Safety Co-operative Buĩldiag Loan and Savings Associafcion- Lafayette av, w s, 227-6 n Spring st, 27.(íx 100. July 27, inatalls. 3.000 Rurton, Louise B to Wm C G Wilson. Bath- gate av, No 1630. e s. 1.^0 n 172d st, 25x 95- Sub to mort $10,000. Aug 2 due July 30. 1S99. 2.100 Same ío same. BajbgaLe av, No 1632. e s, 15o n 172d st, 2ox9o. Sub to mort $10,- . 000. Aug 2, due July 30. ISGO- 2.100 Cofaen, Samuel and Bmanuei Heilner.. to . Martba W Prince. Vanderbilt av, e s, 241 s 17SLh st, 25x189- Aug 2, 1 year, 5%. 1,200 CrotLy, Mary J and John F to Henry E Bowns, Brooklyn, Central or Aribur av. s w cor Pine st or ISlat st, 50x200 to Lafayetie pl or Lafontaine av. July 15. 3 years, 5%. 3,000 Clarence, Hugh P to Sophja Guggolz. Vyse av. P M. Aug 3. 1 î-ear, 5%. 300