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Octolĩer 2, 1897. Record and Guĩde 409 Suilding News. MERCANTILB. 91st street, south slde, 100 feet west of Ist avenue, plot 75x 160. Erady & Hauptraan, No. 709 Ist avpnue. will erect on this site a factory buildlng for their own use. Washington atreet, No. 313. The four-story store and loft build- ĩng on this site, which was recently gutted by fire, will probably be replaced by a new structure, as the old wafls appear to be seriously damaged. The owner is Mary T. Best, whose agents are Horace S, Ely & Co., No. 64 Cedar street. 19th street, south side, near 5th avenue, eight-story briek and stone store and loft, huildlng, 75x100; cost, ¥150,000; Frederick C. Zobel, No. 53 West 24th street, owner and architect. Vanderbllt avenue, between 170:h and 177th streets, one-story frame store, 23x70; Cha.s, Rubsam, No, 480 WhHs avenue, owuer; Gust9,v Schwarĸ, No. 5,54 East 15Sth street architect. FLAT3 AND TENBMENTS. 150ch screet, south side, 121 feet west of Melrose avenue, 50x 100, two four-story doiihle flats; Henry Muller, No. 701 East 138th atreet, owner. Eoston avenue, near 16Sth street, two four-story brick flats; cost, $16,000 each; George Bell. care o£ architect, owner^^W, C. Dickerson, 149th street and 3d avenue. architect Elton avenue, east side. south o£ 157th street, two flve-atory brick flats, 2.jx79; cost, $18,000; Mary Russham, 171st street and ' Inwood avenue, owncr; W. C. Dickerson, llOth street and 3d ave- nue, arehitoet. Boulevard, southwest co;-ner o£ 114th street, lot 25.11x100, ttve- story brĩck fiaC with store: William Drought. No. 200 West 105th street, owner. His architects in a recent building operation were Neville & Bagge. No. 217 West 125th street. WiIIis avenue, east side, from 140th to' 141st street, eight five- story hrick and brownstone flats with stores, corner houses. 25x95, inside houses. 2.5x77; cost. $15t),000; John M. Linek. No. 6S5 Bast 135th street, owner; Neville & Bagge, No. 217 West 125th street arehitects. Henry strcet, No. 40. lot 2.jxl00, six-story stone and terra cotta front flat; cost, .?25,000; M. Kobinson, No. 54 East llSth street, owner; Eernstein & S'tone, No. 145 Centre síreet, architects. Ludlow street, No. 119, fivg-story, basement and cellar stone and terra cotta front store and flat house, 19x70; cost, .$20,000; Friedherg & Feinberg, No. 66 Monroe street, owners; Bemstein & Stone, No. 145 Centre street, archjtects. UWELLINQS. S'th avenue. northeast corner of G4th street, !ot 30.8x110- It is reported that George Crocker, the California raiUionaire. who has purchased this site, wil! tear dowu the old building and erect a handsome restdence. Mr. Crocker is a specia! partner of Price, McCorraick & Cc, No. 72 Broadway. 5th avenue, 30 feet north of Glth street, plot 70x110. This site. which has been purcliased by B. Winthrop and J. J. Wysoug. No. 44 Pine street, will be improved by the erection of two 35-foot front dwellings. Valentine avenue, east side, betwneu 179th and ISOth streets, seven two-atory frame dwellings, 16.8x47; cost, $3,500 each; John H. Metzler, No. 1074 Tremont avenue, owner and buiider; W. C. Dickerson. 149th stroet and 3d avenue, architect. Crotona Park North, three-story frame dwelling, 22x45. and stable, lfix20; coat, $6.500; I. E. Dougherty, care o£ architect, owner; Louis Falk, No, 2769 3d avenue, architect. ALTERATIONS. S2d street, No. 435 East, fire repairs (pla.sterlng, carpenterlng, etc); Anton Zitalsperger, No. 489 2d avenue, owner. Oth street, No. 46 East, alteration of dwelling for business pur- poses; 'M. Rosenstein, owner; Louis Korn, No, 37 Maiden lane. architect " 41st atreet No. 215 Bast, alteratlon to plumhing; Frederick Wool, owner; Geo. H. Van Auken, No. 30 East llth street, archi- tect. Cedar street northwest corucr of Washington, interior altera- tions; cost, .$5,000; P. Eallantine & Sons, No. 1.'Î4 Cedar street, owners; Warrington G. Lawrence, No. 111 5th avenue, architect. 42d street, No. 103 West, new store front and interior altera- tiona; cost $1.800; M. H, Moore, owner; J. H. Kniibel, No. 503 ."th avenue, architect. B'STIMATES RECBIVABLE. By the Department of Public Parks, at the Arsenal Buildlng, 64th street. and 5th avenue, Central Park. until October 11. at 2 p. ra., for erecting In the Eotanlcal Gardens, In Bronx Park, a rauaeum bulldlng and a power house, stable and cĩoset group. By the Eoard o£ Education, at No. 585 Broadway, until October NOTB.—For Building Plans Filed see pages 473 and 487. 11, at 3.30 p. m., for erectlng a school building on 119th and 120th streets, between 2d and 3d avenues; also for Improving iots Nos. 215 and 217 East lODth street, in rear of Public School No. 83. Specifications may be aeen at Nos. 419 and 421 Broome street, top floor. By the Fire Department. at Nos. 157 and 159 East 67th atreét untll October 13, at 10.30 a. m., for raaking alterationg to 100 firp alarm boxes. ■ By the Commlssloners of the Pire Department, at Nos. 157 aná' 159 Bast 67th street, until October 13. at 10.30 a. ra., for erecting a huilding on the easterly side of Ogden avenue, 195 feet north el Devoe street. By the Comralsaloner of Street Improveraents of the 23d anfl 24th Wards, at 3d avenue and l'T^th street, untl! Octoher 14* at 11 a. m„ for paving work in 134th, 138th, Ĩ42d, 143d, 145th, 140th, 173d, ISlst, 205lh, 206th, 207th ahd Tiffany streets, In Spencei- place and Eoston road, and in Norwood. HuU and Perry avenues; also for construoting sewers in Burnside and St. Ann's avenues. CONTRACTS AWARDED. The contraot for making the alterations and addltions to the building. No. 615 Lexington avenue, has been awarded to Wm, J. Devlin, No. 2 Cortlanût street; Bernstein & Stone, No. 145 Centre street, architect. The general contract for the erectlon of the Washington Heights Lutheran Church, on 153d street, near the Grand Boulevard, has been awarded to Scheidecker & Gonder, No. 556 West 170th street. The contract fcr erecting a storehouse in rear of the headquar- ters o£ the Fire Department, at Nos. 157 and 159 East 67th atreet. was awarded to Thomas B. Leahy. No. 350 West 31st street, at $3,-303. The contract for erecting a new public schooi building on Ford- ham avenue. Clty Island. has been awarded to H. Probst No, IISO Broadway. at $53.906; the contract for supplying the heat- ing and ventilating apparatus for the new school at Henry, Cath- arine and Oliver streets, went to Blake & Wiiliams, No. 362 West Broadway, at $23,922. There were no hidders on che contracC for erecting the projecteá southwest corner wing of the American Museum of National His- tory In Manhattan square, and the time for reeeiving estiraatéá has been extended unti! Octoher 4. The new East River Bridge Comraission, No. 49 Charabefa atreet, has awarded the following contracts: For the New Tork anchorage, Shanley & Ryan, of No. 160 West 122d street, at $750,- 770; for the Brooklyn anchorage. the Degnon—McCiain Construc- tion Co., of No. 1 Broadway, at $723,578. It will be remembered that, in our issue of last week, J. J. O'Brien, D, E. McLean and Wm. J. McHale, were mentioned as the lowest blddera for the Brooklyn anchorage, their joint bid being $6S7.G21. Houston street. southwest corner o£ Mulberry. The contract for the raasonry ĩn íhe altering of the Puck Building, haa been awarded to P. & J. Schaeffler,Bihle House; the carpentry to Griaa- ler & Son, No. 032 Eaat 17th street; and the steam-heatlng tp Baker, Smith & Co., No. 83 West Houston. The architect is AI^ ■bert Wagner, No. 51 East 59th street, and 107 Universlty place.' THE BOTAKICAL GARDENS, The Eoard of Estimate and Apportionmsnt on Wednesday ap- propriated $500,000 for the Botanlcal Gardens buildings, in Bronx Park. UN'ITED ST.4.TES GOVERX.\IBNT WORK, . . Estimates wilĩ he received at the oflĩce of the Supervising Architect Treasury Department, Washington, D. C, until Oct 18, at 2 p. ra., for furnishing and putting in place a low pressure, return circulation. steam-heating and ventilating apparatua, in the U. S. post-office and custora house building, at Racine, Wia. Copies o£ specifications raay he had on applieation. Estimates wil! also be received untĩl Oct. 20, at 2 p. m.. for erect- Ing a stone retaining wall on the north side of the U. S. Marine Hospital grounds at Evansville, Ind. Copies of speciflcatiojis may be had on application. Plans have been prepared and are now in the hands of the Secretary of the Navy, for the erection of corrugated iron build-i ings for the storage of 17 torpedo boats near the Wallabout Canal, to cost ahout $350,000. An appropriation will be asked for at the next meeting of Congress, BROOIÍLYN. Sheepshead Bay,—Three-story brick, frame and steel cluh-house, GOx60; cost, $20,000; Coney Island Jockey Club, No. 045 Broad- way, New Tork City, owners; Quinby & Broome, No. 9!> Nassau street. New Tork City, architects. Jeffersou avenue and Ormond place, threc four-story brlck and Btone ílats, 33x60; total eost, $30,000; owner's name wlthheld; C. Powelĩ Carr, No. 70 5th avenue, New Tork City, architect. Jefferson avenue, south side, 72 feet east of Raĩph avenue, four- story brick and stone fiat, 2Sx65; cost $10,000; William Brown,