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n^ Record and Guide January 22, 1898. 4-sc.y brk tenem't on rear. Samuel Harris to Barnett Friedman. Morl
fW. Tbf^WtB. :73.9x34.1x70, 7-sty bik stores and lofls, except Water si, s e s._35.8 n e Dover st, runs a e 2li.6 X n w 2( to Water st, x n e 7.3 to beginning, gore. Wm D i-hillips, Glenbrook, Conn, to Jo¬ seph P Dunn, Brookijn. Mort $25,000. Jan IS. nom Same property. Joseph F Dunn to Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher 'Lewine. Mort $41,UU0, Jan 18 . val consid and IOO Wliite st, No 125. s s. abt 115 e Centre st, 21x99x20.9x99.3, 0-siy brk stores and lofts. Agnes R Albinger to Jakob Fanto. Jan 19, nom Wiiliam st, Nos 67 and 69|cor Cedar st. William st. No Tl | Agreement as to buildings, i&c. Queen Ins Co of Ameri¬ ca wilh Helen L P Stokes, Jan 5. rom 2d st, No 244, n s. 20U w Av 0, 24.3x105.10, 6-sty brk tenem't wiOi scores, Jul us Bachrach to Louis Bachrach. Mcrt ^^28,- 000. Jan 13. 44,600 Same property. Louis Bachrach to Julius Bachrach, Mort 3I2S.OOO, 'Jan 14. 44,600 3d st^ No 300 East, s s. abl 317 w Av D, 22.7x166, 3-siy brk tenem't wiih 2-Ety brk stable on rear, Abraham Amster to Morris Kronovet. Mort .^lO.i^OO. Dec 21. nom k siable on rear. 126th et. No 3t!3, n s. 100 w Slh cv. 5llx 106,11, 1-sty frame buildings and \icant. ur.zii D Lrco;.s, Durllngton. \'t, to Horace jj J Bro.ks, iame piace. U C. Aug 7, l^S-^. l(l,i;00 4th St. No 386. a s, lOO.lO w Lewis st, lox 95x-J7,3x95.9, 3-sly brk tenem't, Ber.ha Simon to Bruno Odroff. Jan 2ll. nam 5th SI, No 110, s s, 150.0 e Av C, 22.6x96, 3-sty brk tenem't. Karolina Reis lo Fred- _ erick Schmidt. Jan 20, See ItSd st. noni 7th st. No 275. n s, 137.5 w Av D ::2.'.x 97.6, 4-Eiy brk lenem'i, Nalhl i. Nat'-an to Herman Hellenstein. 'Mort -YO 006. ,'an i7. c:nsi(i emitted Hh st. No 34, s s, 2I7.S w 'Id av, 24.5x 90.16, 6-Kty brk tenem't wilh stores, Ja¬ cob Klingenstein to Julius B Fox. Morl $12,0011. Jan 20. nom 7th st. No 36, s s, 242.1 w 2d av. 24.5x 90.10, 6-Ety brk itnem'i with Eto es. Same to same. Mort $15,COO. ,lan 20. nom ]2;h St. No 42, s s, 182.2 w Broadway. 25x lCa.3, i-siy brk stores and lofts, Louis Herzog and Louis S Siroock to Aa:on Brummer. Mort S65.000. Jan 14. nam 13ih st. No 213, n s, 200 w 7th av, 20.10x 75, 4-siy brk fiat. Marv Strappers 13 Peter G Strappers. Mort $8,Ct6, Jan IT. nom 14ib st. No 211, n s, 20U e 3d av. 2-Jxl03.3. 5-sty brk flat. Foreclos. Horace Seear, Jr. to Chas H Merrill, Jan 14. 8,250 lOlb St. No 433, n s, 144 w Av A, 25x92, O-sty brk tenem't. John G Bauer and Gott¬ iob Scheuermann to Htnry P Botty. Jan 11- 100 Same properly. Henry P Botty to Geo G Scheuermann. All Uens. 1-3 part, Jan 12. n:na :;amc property. Henry P Botty to John G Bauer. All liens, 2-3 parts. Jan 12. nom ISlh st. No'406. s B, 119 e 1st av, 25x92, 5- aly brk tenem't with stores. Helnilcb C Welssenborn, Cliffside Park, N J lo Marie Lambert, Mort .^19,500. Jan 20. 13,750 20th st, No 261, u s, 95.9 e Sih av, Itic S3.10, 3-Ety brk dweil'g. Meyer L Sire lo Wm K Porter. All ileus. Jan 17 n-m 23d st. No 460, s e, 112 c 10th av, 22x98 8, 5-Ety stone front dweil'g. Cora C Russell to Alter Cuperman. All Ikns. Jan 13, nom 24th st, Nos 149 to loo, n s. I41.S e 7th av, 83,4x98.9, four 4-sty brk dwell gs with 3-sty brk buildings cn rear of Ncs 149 and 151. Edwd J H Tamsen to Mariba M Baroie*, De^tw-koKculkia.. AJX LUJi& Dec ai. iia- I ;.d^si, So SO, s s, 100 w Thompson st, 25 10.3, 4-sty brk lenem't wi.h 2-sty bi 27ih St. Nos 39 and 41, n s, 275 e Oth av. 50x98.9, 7 and S-sty brk and slone flals,, Edwd S Renwick. Milburn, N J, and Au- ■ gusiin Monroe, Larcbmcnt, N Y, to Bever-' wyck Co. Mon $100,6tX). Jan 4. nom 29ib st, No 313, n s. 202 w Slh av. 22x 9S 9, also known as 6 Lamartin pl, 4-Ety brk dweil'g. Jessie Griffin widow lo John Griffln, Mort $8,000. Va part. All title. Jan 14, nom 29th Et, Nos 232 to 23S, begins at centre line block bet 28th and 29th sts, 302.3 e Slh av, runs s 10 x e 74.7 x n 10 x e 24.10 X n — lo 29tb st, x w 99.6 x s 98.9 to be¬ ginning; Nos 232 and 234, two 3-s.ty brk and frame tenem'ts with stores and 1-sty brk boiler house on rear; Nos 236 and 23S, C-sty brk factory. Paul Leavitt :o_Mont- gomery B Cowperthwait. Mort S50,t09. Jan S, lyO 37ih El, No 228, s s. 340.7 w 7th av, 2S.lx 93,9, 5-Ety brk tenem't. Benj F Cohen to Mathilda wife of John Addison. Mort $30,000. Jan 4, See 64th st. nom 37ih st. No 237, n s, 350 e Sth av, 25x98.9, 3-sty frame slore and tenem't with 2-sty frame building on rear. Louisa Weisensee and Annie Bepler two belts John G Weis¬ ensee to George Weisensee another heir. Jan 13. IT.OOO 43d sL, No 307, n s, 100 w Sth av, i^oxlOO.o. Release judgmeni in favor of mort, Gur¬ ney Heater Mfg Co to Cath E S'teera and Estelle Hasberg. Jan 12. 500 Same property. Release judgment in favor of morl, W Edgar Pruden to .same. Jan 12. 100 44lh'st. No 51, n s, 27S.4 e Oth av, 16Sx 100.5, 3-sty brk dweil'g. George Blagden Jr, to Geo S Morison, Chicago, IIL C a G. May 11, 1S95. nam 44th Et, n s, 233.4 w Oth av, 16,8x100.5. Agreement that wall may be taken down aud removed at any time by 2d party. WUliam Rankin wiib Plorine A Evesson. Jan 6, nom 44th st, n s, 250 w Oth av, lOOxlOO.4. Agreement subordinating mort to" party wall. Bank for Savings with William Rankin. Jan 13. com 45th St. Nos ITS to 177. n G cor 7th av, 60x ,^ 75.3. three 5-sty stone front dwell'gSi Lewis Schiele to Anna Schiele. All liens. Jan IS. „nom 4Cih st. No 53, n s, 304 e 6th av. 22xl00.o, 4-sty stone front dweil'g, Foreclos. John H Judge to Emily D Sumner, Albany, N Y. Jan 13. ^^■S>'^ 46(h Et, No 13, n s. 207.2 w Sth av, 21.5x 100,5, 4-sty stone front.dweli'g. WilUamJ Murray indi\id and as trusiee of deed of— trust made by Ghas H Murray to Jessie L Neilson. V^ part. Jan 12-. See 47th st. nom 4Gih st. No ^^r>, n s. 175 w Lexington av, 26x160.5, 3-sty siooe front dweli'g. Geor¬ gia wife or James S Lee. Boston, Mass, to Helen J Le Hon. Jan 10. nom 47th SI, No 12, s s, 207.2 w 5th av. 21.ox 11)0.5, 4-sty stone front dweil'g. Jessie L Neilson widow, Larchmont. N Y. lo W.ll----- iam .Murray, same place. V> part. B & S, Jan 12. See 40ih st, and 54th st. nom ISth st No 12T. n s, 31.6.3 w Oih av, lS.9x 5S.2xl8,10x55.9, 3-siy Etone Iront dweil'g. Francis R and Maria L Emmons to Jamea McG Emmons. All litle. B & S, Oct 27. nom 4Sth st. No 603, n s, 64.6 w lllh av, runa n 16 X w 2 ;< n 14 X w S3.6 x s 30 to 4Sih. st X e 35.6, 4-sty brk tenem't. Louis Wen- del, Jr. lo John Wachter and Margaretha his'wife, joint tenants. B & S. C a Q. Jan IS. "om Same property. Margaretha wife of and John Wachter io Louis Wendei, Jr. B & S. C a G. Jan IS. nonj Slst Et. No 330. 3 s. 361 w Sth av, 30.9s lOO.o. 5-sty brk flat. Foreclos. Geo L Nichols to MeiropolUan Life Ins Co. Jan 19 40 600 o2d Et. No .533, n s, 352 e llth av, 23x 10O.5, o-sty brk lenem't with stores. Edwd ■■ B Gethin to Sigmund Cohn. Mort $18,- OOO, and taxes. Jan 17. nom' 53d Et. No 111, on map No 109. n s, 200 W Oth av. 25x100.5, 5-sty bik tenem't. Rob¬ ert McGill 10 Isma Schreyer. Mori $1S,- SCO, Jan 20. See lS7ih st. ncm Same property, Isma S'chreyer to John K Scbarsmi.h. Mort $25,860. Jan 20. Sea 18Tth El, nom 54th st, s s, 42.0 w Madison av, 20x100.5. Rele^ase dower. Agnea M Rutter former¬ ly Agnes M R Baudouine to Chas A Bau- douine, formerly Jr. Jan 15. nom o4Lh st, No 19, n a, 275 w 5ih av, 25x100,5, 5-Bty ston-e front dweil'g. William Mur¬ ray, to Jessie L Neilson. Sub lo V2 mort $62,500, B & S.. Jan 12. See 4Tth st. nom 5Sth st. No 450, s s, 40 w Av A. runs b 100.5 X w 40 X n 20.5 x e 20 x n SO to Et, X e 20 10 beginning, 3-siy stone front dweil'g with 2-sty brk stable cn rear. Jo¬ seph A Scanlon to Mary E wife of Arihur J Scanlon. Aug o. nom frith St. No 141, n a, 375 w Columbus av, 17.0x100,5, 4-sty sione front dweU'g. Ma- UkU wUs^«C UK) JoHa AdOm* to SaiJ V