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February 26, 1898. Record and Guide 379 Richd V Dolan to Annie E Riplnsky. Morts $7,000. Feb 18. nom 61st Bt, No 240, s s, 225 e Wesl End av. 25x100.5, 5-sty brk tenem't. George Ben¬ jamin to Isaac L Smith, Feb 35, Mort $14,000. _ nom 6lEt st. No 302, s s, 75 e 2d av, 25x100.,.!, O-sly brk building. Andrew B Yeller to John Lar¬ kin. Dec 20, 3897, Sub to morls. nom 62d st. No 237, n s, 525 w Amsterdam av, 25x100,5, o-sty brk tenem't. George Benja¬ min to Isaac L Smith. Morts $14,000. Feb 15. nom (!2d st. No 246 s s ,,150 e llth av, 25x 100.5, ,1-sly brk tenem't, Geo H Burling lo John C Barth. Morts $14,000 and taxes 3897. Feb 38. 20,00(J (Uth st, Nos 127, 329 and 131, n s, 245 w 9th av, 60x100.5, three 1-sty stons froni dwell'gs. Wm V Smith, of New Jersey, to Charles Althof. Feb 21, Mort $60,000, nom flSlh st, No 73, n s, 50 e Columbus av, l,Sx 100.5, 4-sty brk dweil'g. Daniel E Sevbel (trustee of deed of trust made by Edward Kilpatrick and wife to Darius G Crosby) to Hannah Elias, Mort -flS.OOO. Feb 13, 29,500 Same property, Edward Kilpatrick to same, Morts .'i;38,000. Q C. Feb 13, nom Same property. Riverside Bank to same, Morts $18,000. Q C. Feb 11. nom Tlst st, No 41, n s, 466.8 w Slh av, 16,8x 102,2, 4-sty stone front dweil'g, John J Crane to Maris Wilson. Moris .'i;23,0U0. C a G. Feb 18. nom Same property. Maris Wilson to Clara G Crane, Morts $20,500. Feb IS. C a G. consid omitted 72d st, s s, 98 w Av B, 50x102,2, vacant. Timothy Donovan to Adolf Klemt. Peb 19, nom 76tb st. No 344, s s, 275 e 2d av, 2.5x102,2, 4-sly stone front tenem't. Sigmund Kalz to Charles Schwartz and Adolph Rosenberg, Mons $11,000. Feb 23. 14,500 T9lh st. No 205, n s, 116 w Amsterdam av, 16x102,2, 5 and 4-sly brk dweil'g, John C Piatt, Montclair, N J, to Laura Billings, Woodstock. Vt. Feb 17. Morts $22,000. nom 79th st. No 58, s s, 225.6 w Park av. 24,6x 102.2, 3-sty frame dweil'g. Hyman Hein to Lucy E Hoffman. Morts $21,000. Feb 24. nom SOlh st. No 51, n s, 120 e Madison av, 23x 102.2, 4-sty stone front dweli'g. Isaac Blum to Sarah Friedlander, Feb 18. Morts $43,662, nom Slst, No 423, n a, 356,6 e 1st av, 25x302.2, 5-3ty brk tenem't. Juliana wife ot and Ferdinand Knorzer, Fort Ijee, N J, to Will¬ iam and Henrietta F Ennis. Feb 21. Mort $12,000. 25,750 Slst st. No 533, n s, 198 e Av A, 25x302.2, 5-sty brk tenem't. Heinrieh Meissuer to Charles Halbe. Morts $3O..500. Feb 23. nom 85ih st. No 411. n s, 144 e 3st av, 25x102,2. 4-sty stone front tenem't, Fanny Militscher to Sophie Goldstein. Feb 39. B & S. Al! Hens. other consid and 100 S6th st. No 9, n s, lo'2 w Central Park West, 23x100.8, 4-sty ^tone front dweil'g. Re¬ lease mort. David E Oppenheimer and Jo¬ seph Hamershlag to John C Umberfield. Feb 19. nom Same property. John C Umberfield to Ma¬ thilda Doelger. Feb 19. other consid and 300 89th st, Nos 333 and 335, n s, 100 w Ist av, 50x100,8, two a-sty stone front tene¬ ments. John Betheuser to Valentine Haas, Feb 24. Mort $12,000. nom 94th st. No 2, s s, 98.5 e 5th av, runs s 50.4 X e 3.10 X s 50,4 x e 16.8 x n 100.8 x w 20.6, 4-Ety brk dweli'g. John H Gray to Marcus M Marks, Mort $18,000, Feb 21. val consid and IOO 94th at, No 174, s s, 100 e Amsterdam av, 17x92.5 to centre of Apthorps lane or road, xl7.1x91.8, 3-sty stone fr'ont dweil'g. New- York Bible and Common Prayer Book So¬ ciety to Edward Kochkeller: Morts $6,.500, C a G. Feb 19. nom 95lh sl. No 131, n s, 310 w Columbus av, 17 k1U0,8, 3-sty brk dweil'g. Marcus Nalhan to Jennie M Tompkins, Mort $11,000. Feb 21. val consid and 100 97th st. No 130, s s, 502,5 e Amsterdam av, 17.0x100.11, 3-sty stone front dweli'g, Rachel McAuley widow to Chas M Pope, Mort $12,000, Feb 1, nom SSth s.t, Nos 253 and 255, n s, 130 e West| End av, 30x100,31, two 4-sty brk dwell'gs,| 98th st, Nos 247 and 249, n s, 190 e West] End av, 35x100.31, two 4-sty brk dwell'gs.l 99th st, s s, 125 e West End av, 100x100,11,1 vacant. | Dexter B Horton to John Coar Construction Co. All liens. Feb 37, nom 98th st. No 210, s s, 185 e 3d av, 25x100.5, 4-sty brk tenem't, Foreclos. Edwd L Pat¬ terson to Welcome S Jarvis trustee for Frances S Draper under will John Haggerty, Feb 21. 12,000 9Sth St. No 208, s s, 100 e 3d av. 25x300,5. 4-sty bk tenem't. Foreclos. Same to same. Feb 21. 12,000 99th st, Nos 212 andi 214, s s, 210 e .3d av, 50x100.11, 4-sty brk building. William Hyams to Amalia Stepper, All liens, C a G. Peb 7. nom 100th st, Nos 150 to 158, s s, 200 e Amster¬ dam av, lOOxlOO.ll, 1-sty frame buildings. Eugene C Potter to Richard C Voth. Fob 21. nom 100th st, n s, 200 e Sth av, 50x100, vacant. James Saxton to Michael J Naughton, Feb 5, 20,000 Same property, Michael J Naughton to Max Nathan, Isaac Stern and Edward Oppen¬ heimer, joint tenants. Feb 23. , nom 100th st, 8 s, 200 6 Amsterdam av, lOOx 100.11. Richd C Voth to Eugene C Potter. Morts $28,000, Feb 24. nom 101st st, Nos 73 and 75, ii s, 25 w Park av, 50x75.13, two 5-sty brk tenem'ts. Francis J Schnugg to Myer Heilman, Peb 14, Mort $28,000. See 1st av. nom 103d st, n s, 200 e West End av, 40x100,11, vacant, Jacob Lawson, Brcoklyn, to Law¬ rence Buckley. C a G, Feb 10, nom 104th st. No 105, n s, 200 w 3d av, 25x 100.11, 4-sty brk tenem't. Frances Marx to Felice Granieri. Morts $11,500, and taxes 1S97. Feb 23. nom 100th st, No 129, n 8, 75 w Lexington av, 16.8x100.11, 3-sty brk d^ueirg, Theresa wife of Solomon Lewy to James O'Connell. Morts $5,000. Feb 23, 9,400 306th st, No 154, s s, 165 e Amslerdam av, 30x100,11, 5-Bty slone front flat. James Mcintosh to John Paterno. ^ part, Feb 18. ^ morls, $60,200. nom 306th sl. No 356, s s, 135 e Amsterdam av, 30x100.11, 5-sty stcne front llat. John Pa¬ terno to James Mcintosh, i^ part, ^A morts $00,250. Feb 18, nom lOOih st, s s, 385 e Amsterdam av, 3(lx 100.11. Release mort. Frank E Wise to James Mclmtosh. 3,000 Same property. Release mort. Title Guaran¬ tee and Trust Co to same. Feb 21. 12,51X) Same property. Release mort. Same to same, Feb 21. 14,600 107th st. No 55, n s, 264 w 4th av, 18x100.13. 3-sty brk dweil'g. The N Y Life Ins Co to Tobias Silverstone. Feb 18. Kl 107th st. No 222, s s, 288,11 e 3d av, 21.1Ux 100.11, 4-sty brk tenem't, Sampson Ruben¬ stein to Simon Epstein. Morts ,^8,000, Feb 15. 11,500 108th st, s s, 275 w Amsterdam av. Party wall agreement. Jos M Lichtenauer wiih Ernst B W Schneider and Henry Herter, Feb 1. nom 110th Et, Noe 324 and 326, s s. 300 e 2d av, 50 xlOO.ll, 3-Ety frame buildings and vacant, Andrew B Yeller to John Larkin, Dec 20, 1897. Sub to morts, nom Illth st. No 12S. s s, 203.9 w St Nicholas av, 18x100,11, 3-sty stone front dweli'g. Charles Donohue to Geo W Crossman and ano aa trustees will of Wm H Crossman. Foreclos. Feb 16. 10.000 112th Et, n s, 170 w 5th av. 125x300.11, vacant, Francis J Schnugg fo B'abette Blu- menthal, Morts $37,000. Feb 24. 50,000 ll2lh st, n s, 235 e 7lh av, 90x100.11, vacant. ^ Nelson D Stilwell to Herman Schmuck and JC cant. Emily L Felt to Edward Oppenheimer and Isaac Metzger, Mort $7,000. Peb 21, j/ val consid and 100 133d st, n B, 400 w Amslerdam av, .50x99.11, vacant. John W Horner to Hannah M Halpin, Morts $7,000, Feb 23. nom 134th st. No 14, s s, 2.35 w Sth av, 25x99,11. 5-sty stone front flat, Jane P and Geo J McMahon to Louis Mendelson. Moris ■'^17,- 000, Feb 3,8. See 332d st. nom 135th St. No 112, s s, 20O w Lenox av, 25x 99.11, 5-sty stone front flat. Foreclos. Thos C Kinney to Johanna A Schramm, Peb 21, 21,000 137th st. No 55, n s, 300 e 6th av, old line, 25x99,11, 5-sty brk tenem't. Charles Koe¬ nig to Joseph Marx. Feb 23, Morts $19,- 50O. nom 142d st. No 332, s s, 175.3 w Sib av, 25x 99.11. Agreement to postpone lien of Judg¬ ment to lien of mort, Guerny Heater Mtg Co to Oath E Steers and Adelaide C Thom¬ as, -— Same property. Release judgment. W Edgar ■ Pruden to same, Feb 15, 100 156th st, No 540, s s, 425 e Boulevard, 16,8x 99.11, 3-sty brk dweil'g, Wm F Buckley devisee under will Sarah Harris lo Cbarles St Clair. Q C. Feb 23, nom Same property. Jacob and August Dax to same. C a G. Peb 21. nom Same property. Charles St Clair to Adolphus G and Lewis B Austin. _Feb 24, 9,500 366th st. No 466, s s, 32o e Amslerdam av, 25x99x25,3x96.4, 2^fy frame dweil'g. John R Vandervo(m.,i(
)23, n s, 44.11 e Wadsworth av, 20xlOO/3-sty frame dweli'g, Jobu C Keeler, Cabttfn. N Y, to Frank L Liese. Feb 15. Mort_$4,500. 9,000 181st st. No 62;j, n s, 25 e Wadsworth av, 19.11x100, ^-sty^ frame dweil'g. Same to same, Moi(tS'$4,5<;0 and all liens, Feb 14, 9,000 lS3d st, n s, 293 e llth av, 16x74,11, Release mort. Carl Ernst to John B Scbarsmith. Feb 21. nom is:;d St. n s, 293 e lllh av, 16x100.11, Carl Ernst lo John E .Scharsmith. Release mort. Feb 21. " nom Av C, Nos 106 and 108, n e cor 7th st, 48.9x 35.3, 3-sty iron front stores. Fredk J Stone to C J Walton. Morts $37,000. Feb 23, val conjid and 100 Amsterdam av, Nos 1701 to 171o, s e cor lloth st, 199,10 to 144lh st, x30, two 5- sty ,.brtr-flats with stores. / Michael Montag. Moris $35,000 on this and ' ^ to'Bdward'swaum Tebl7. Mort .•Siol'000 other property. C a G. Jan 30, j^^,,, val consid and 300\, Amsterdam^v,-No 430. w e, 44,2 s Slst st, ^ 29xlOO(f^-sly brk tenem't with stores. Morris N-eiman fo Horace M, Robert P and Samuel F Barry, Peb 17. Mort .f35,000. See 16th st. nom 113tb st. No 14. s s, 225 e 5th av, lS,9x| / r 100.13, 5-sty brk flat, 113th st. No 20, E £, 281.3 e Sth av, lS,9x| 100.11, 5-sly brk flat. | Isaac G Van Tassel, Demarest, N J, to Henry 0 Kleinhaus, Morts $33,000. Feb 18. 42,000 113th st, 3 E, 300 w Lenox av, runs s 300,11 X w 80 X n 10.11 X w 20 X n 90 to st, x e 100 to beginning, vacant, Edward Oppen¬ heimer and Isaac Metager to Emily L Pelt, Feb 21, val consid and UK) 135th st. No 415, n s, 145 e 1st av, 25x 100.10, 2-sty brk tenem't. Francesco Mas- iropeiro to Vito lasilla. Morts $5,5tX). Nov 1. nom 119th st. No 69, n s, 2S3 e Lenox av, 18x 100.11, 3-sty stone front dweil'g. William Picken to Caroline Cahen. Morts $13,000. Feb 24. nom 320th st. No 42, s s, 410 w 5th av, 20x 100,11, 4 and 5-sty stone front dweil'g. Bernard McGrann, Brooklyn, to Paul H Keller, Morts $25,000, Feb 15. excb 120th st. No 365, n s, 200 w Manhattan av, 16x100.11, 3-Ety stone front dweil'g. Henry Gerken to Theresa Lewy. Mort $10,000. Feb 24. non 324th st, Nos 222 and 224, s s, 241,8 w 7tb av, 33.4x100.11, two 4-sty brk dwell'gs. Mary C wife of Patrick McKeagney to Adel¬ bert Herwig. Feb 15. Mort .$10,000. 2(1,011(1 129th st. No 113, n s, 165 e 4th av, 25x'.l!l,ll, 4-sly brk lenem't with stores and 2-sly frame building on rear. Stephen H Dolan to Catherine Dolan his wife, Nov 14, 1S96. nom 31st st. No 520, s w s, 175.4 e Bloomiug-1 dale road, runs s w ^ x still s w — x s e| 22 X n e — to 131st st, x n w 20,0 lo be-] ginning, 2-sty frame dweil'g, I Byrd st, n s, 1(30 e Bloomingdale road or| Broadway, runs n — to 131st sl, x e 27 x s — to n s Byrd st, x — to centre Byrd st, X w — X n 33 to beginning, James Carpenter, Brookiyn, to Bills G Pot¬ ter. Morts $3,500. Feb 21, excli lS2d st. No 143, n s, 33 2,6 e 7lh av, 3S-9x 99,33, 3-sly stone front dweil'g, Louis Mendelson to Jane F and Geo J McMahon. Morts $11,000. Feb IS. See 134th st, nom 133d at, n a, 350 w IOth av, 50x99.11, va- , Amsterdam av, No 930, w s, 59.9 s 106th sL, >■ 20.7x100, 4-sty stonef+rmrt.. flat, Albert Brucker to Joseph Bn»«keiv Morts $15,- 000 and morts $12,0(10 on this and adj property. Feb 18. val consid and 100 Audubon av, w s, 24.11 s 189th st, 25x100, vacant. James Cawley to Jacob Hess, New¬ town, L I. Jan 25. nom Same property. Jacob Hess, Newtown, N Y, to Max Marx. Morts $1,SOO. Feb 21. val consid and 10(> Broadway, Nos 396 and 398, s e cor Walker St. Conlracl aud building loan agreement, Louis M Jones with Albert C Squier. Build¬ ing loan $115,000. Feb 7. 285,000 Same propeerty. Assigns all title to certain contract for sale. Albert C Stjuier to Alvah B Phyfe. Feb S. nom Broadway, No 704, e s, 73,9 n 4th at,, 2ox 100. Broadway, No 706, e s. 98.5 n 4th st, 25x, 137,6. 10-sty brk stores and lofts, Adolph Boskowitz to Ignatz Boskowitz, ^ part. C a G. Feb 24, nom Same property. Agreement not to convey or mortgage their respective Vz parts. Adolph Boskowitz with Ignata Boskowitz. Feb 24, nom Same property. Release dower. Carrie wife of Ignata Boskowitz to Aaoiph and Ignalz Boskowitz. Feb 24. nom Boulevard, s w cor 125th st, 100.11x100, uew buildings projected. Alois Gulwillig to Edwd Du F Gait, Morts $34,0(XI, Feb 21. nom Broadway, No 625|begins Broadway, w s, Mercer st. No™ | 363.8 n Houston st, 34x , 200 to Mercer st, 12-sty slone and brk stores and lofts, Bartholomew Jacob to Bmma L Jacob. Moris .$534,093, Sept 11, 1897. nom Columbus av Ibegins Columbus av, s w cor 104lh st I 104th st, runs w 109 x s 100,11 X e 9 X s 100,11 to 103d st, x e 100 to av, X n 201,10 to beginning. Mor¬ gan Marshall to Salomon Rothfeld. Q C. Jan 29 . nom / /