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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 61, no. 1564: March 5, 1898

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«(X2 Record and Guide March 5, 1898. tecting their attention to the only property Mr. Barney is now .oiferins' for sale. Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OP 59TH STREET, ■ West Broadway, No. 507, old building, 25x100; seller, James Ii. Breese; buyer, Max Preund; broker, Julius Friend. The buyer recently took tille to No. 509 West Broadway, adjoining, and has resold the entire plot, 50x100, to a builder for immediate im¬ provement. Burling slip. No. 2, 5-story store and loft building. 28x58; seller, Amanda Basch; buyer, Frederick J. Herzog; broker, Samael ■ Goldsticker; price. $31,000. 47th street; Nos. 245 and 247 West. 5-story brick factory, SOx ■88; seller. Gedney estate; buyers, I. S. & M. S. Korn; brokers, Ames & Co. Washington street, southwest corner of Beach street, and Beach street. No. 72, old buildings, 25x75; seller, Edward H. Buxton; buyers, Sonn Brothers. SSth street. No. 26 West. 4-story dwelling, 25x100; seller, Annie Manheimer; buyer. Alvin W. Krech; brokers, Whitehouse & Por- . . ter and Francis T. Underhill. The seller bought the property in ' 1S83 for $61,250. 49th street. Nos. 150-154 East, three 5-story double fiats, 75x ■ 100.5; seller, William T. Lahey; brokers, C. R. Gregor & Son. 36th st, Nos. 527-531 West, old buildings, 75x98.9; seller. George ■^ ■ 1>. Bogert. The seller bought the property in February for -'■ -$24,750. 54th street. No, 234 East. 5-story double tenement. 25x100; .'..' ^sellers, Lowenfeld & Prager; buyer, David Bley. ■4th avenue. No. 238, 4-story building. lSx5S.9; seller, Jefferson M. Levy; buyer, James O. Halsey; brokers, Ogden & Clarkson. Eldridge street, Nos. 108 and 110. old buildings. 3SxSS; sellers, . Lowenfeld & Prager; buyers, Kidansky & Fine; brokers, H. Rin¬ aldo & Ero. 43d street. No. 310 West, 4-story tenement. 25x100; seller, Frederick Muller; buyer. James Ward; brokers. W. P. Jones & Co.; price. $19,000. 53d st, No. 2 West, 4-story dwelling, 25x50x100; seller, Francis G. Lloyd; buyer, Daniel Lament. The seller bought the property ■ iii January for a reported price of $100,000, brokers, Henry D, ■ WInaus & May. James street. No. 63, 3-story building, 25x100; seller, White es¬ tate; buyers, Mandelbaum & Lewine. 2d street, Nos. 183-187 East, old buildings, 84x100; seller. Stein ■ estate; buyers, Mandelbaum & Lewine. Henry street. No. 231, old building, 23.6x87.6; seller, C. P. Ful- ■-■ ler; buyers, Mandelbaum & Lewine. ■ Sth avenue, northwest corner of 19th street, 4-story dwelling, 27.8x100; seller, Henry Parish; buyer, Henry Morgenthau: brokers, Frederick Southack & Co.; price, $200,000. The seller bought it in 1S59 for $17,000. 2d street, Nos. 195-199, old buildings, 70x106; seller. Miss Meta Neilson; buyers, Schmeidler & Bachrach; brokers, S. B. Goodale & Son; price. $55,000. The buyers wil! improve. Oth avenue. No. 557, near 46th street. 4-story dwelling, 25x60x _, . 100; seller, Noah Green; buyers, Collins & Collins; broker, B. W. -. Williams. Jr. The price asked by the seller was $115,000. .,j ! Eroome street, northeast corner of Chrystie, 75x63, old build¬ ings; buyers, Gordon, Levy & Co.; brokers, Leberwohl & Living- . stcn, . 6th street, Nos. 626 and 628 East, old buildings, 42x97; sellers, Conrad Reinhart and Rosalie Zipser; buyers, Jackson & Stern, who liave resold to Harry Pischel; brokers, Eleiman & Co, Henry street, Nos. 91 and 189, two old buildings, 25.5x100 and , 25x87.6, respectively; sellers, Oppenheimer estate and Anna Rus- ,. sell; buyers, Jackson & Stern. The buyers have resold No. 91 to Polstein & Feinberg for improvement. Stanton street. Nos. 53 and 55, old buildings, 45x75; sellers, Jack&on & Stern; buyers, Rosenberg & Fienberg. The buyers will improve. '■" ' 1st avenue. No. 345. northeast corner of 20th street, 4-story tenement, 20x60; buyer, a Mr. Mink; price, $16,450. ■" Monroe street. No. 144, 6-story tenement. 23.6x100; sellers, "Weil Sl Mayer; buyer, a Mr. Kalber; price, $36,000. Orchard street, No. 177, old building, 22,8x87.0; seller, John Passow; buyer. Abraham Ruth; broker, WiUiam Rosenzweig. "28th st. No. 140 West, 5-story double tenement, 25x98; seller, Ernst Kaufmann; buyer. William B, Ash; broker. A. Manheimer. ; Lexington avenue. No. 82, 3-story dwelling, 19.9x79; seller. J. ■"■-White; buyer, D. B. Preedman; brokers. Firm of Leonard J. Carpenter. 39th street, No. 16 West, 4-story dwelling. 22x100; seller. Hall estate; buyer, a Mr. Jacob; broker, R. M. Fulton. ' 6th street, Nos. 640 and 642 East, old buildings; buyer. Harry ...Fischel; brokers, Bleiman & Co. :. r 3d street, Nos.233 and 235 East, old buildings, 41x90.6; buyers. -- M-andelbaura & Lewine. .i,;;. £,.-■: ■,-: . NORTH QF 59TH STREET. .,. :.132d;Street. Wo. 48 West, 5-story double flat, 25x70x99.11; seller, .,Louis Friess; brokers, W. J. Huston & Co. !. , i73d street. No.-558 West, 4-story American basement dwell- ;, ing, 16.6x40x50; seller, John Ensner; brokers, W. J. Huston & Co. ;- .- 81st street, south side, 9S feet east of Avenue A, 225x102.2, _..r yaca^-nt; seller. Louis Lese, who takes in exchange Nos. 52 and 54 --t.*I?*?,t SSth .^treet; liuyer^ Andrew Brose. . West End avenue, No. 314, near SOth street, 3-story dwelling, 20x50x03; seller, Gardiner Sherman; buyer, Frederick Crowin- shield; broker. Charles Buek, lloth street, south side. 200 east of Amsterdam avenue, lOOx 100, vacant; seller, Jacob Hess; buyer, John Tule; brokers. Duff & Rusher. ' The buyer will improve, as stated elsewhere. This plot has been the subject of several deals of late, one of which was negotiated by W. H. Falconer. S9th street, north side; 90th street, south side. 100 feet west of Columbus avenue. 100x200, vacant. Pierce W Hasbrouck has sold this plot to a builder for improvement. The seller sold to the city in August, 1807, four lots on 89th street for $46,000. Amsterdam av. No. 1710. near 145th street. 5-story double fiat; seller. John Brandt; buyer, Martin Wallace; brokers, John T. Duff & Co.; price. $23,000. Columbus avenue, southwest corner of 99th street, 25.11x75, flat; sellers, Sonn Brothers; buyer, John Branigan; price, about $47,000. SOth street, north side, 110 feet east of 5th avenue, 40x100, va¬ cant; seller, Louis Stern; buyers, W. W. & T. M. Hall; brokers. L. J. Phillips & Co. 5th avenue, northeast corner of 72d street. 37x125. and 72d street, north side. 125 east of Sth avenue, 47x102.2, vacant; seller, C. P. Huntington; buyer, James Stillman, President of City Na¬ tional Banlt; broker, John N. Golding. Sth avenue, 87 feet north of 72d street; 40x130; seller, C. P. Huntington; buyer. Samuel Thorne. President of the Pennsyl¬ vania Coal Co.; broker. John N. Golding. The seller, in October, 1884, bought the plot, 100x200. and a lot 27x100. adjoining on the north. In December. 1897. he sold to Oliver J. Jennings 25x102.2 on 72d street for $75,000; in the sales reported this week price is given at $600,000. Mr. Huntington now has disposed of all of his original purchase, except 50x100, commencing 37 feet north of 72d street. West End avenue. No. 092, near 99th street, 5-story American basement dwelling; seller, G, A. Fisher; buyer. Dr. George T. Jackson; brokers. J. Romaine Brown & Co. SOth street. No. 51 East, 4-story dwelling. 23.6x60x85x100; seller, A. R. Altmayer; buyer, B. J. Ludwig; brokers. T. Scott & Son. 104th street. No, 256 West, 3-story dwelling; seller, Charles W. Griffith; brokers, Slawson & Hobbs. 112th street, north side, 175 east of Lenox avenue, 75x100.11, vacant; seller, M. J. Hirschhein. 7th avenue, southwest corner of 149th street, 99.11x175, vacant; Henry M. Denton, who bought this property at foreclosure this week for $52,000. has resold at an advance to a builder. Morningside avenue, East, Nob, 81 and 82. two 5-story apart¬ ment houses, 60x87x100; seller, Marian E. Moore, taking in part payment plot 50x100, on the south side of 149th street, 32S feet west of Amsterdam avenue; buyers, Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co.; broker, Solomon Marcus; price. $110,000. SOth street. No. 107 Bast, 4-story dwelling, 20x100.5; sellers, Emanuel Alexander and Hugo Joachimson, taking in part pay. ment two lots on the south side of 149th street, 32S feet west of Arasterdam avenue; buyer, George R Schieffelin; broker. David Stewart; price, $32,500. 149th street, south side, 325 feet west uf Amsterdam avenue, 50x100, vacant; seller. George R, Schieffelin; buyers, Emanuel Alexander and Hugo Joachimson. who have resold to Ernest- Marx-Nathan Co.. they in turn having resold to Marian B. Moore, with a loan for improvement. David Stewart was the broker in the trade mentioned above, and Solomon Marcus in the re-sale. See Nos. 81 and S2 Morningside avenue East, Fort Washington avenue, northwest corner of Depot lane (175th street), plot of 27 lots with stable, residence and out¬ houses; seller, Raimund von Horrum Schramm, taking in ex¬ change Nos, 136 and 138 West Illth street, at $125,000. No. 168 West 121st street, at $30,000; buyers. Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co.; broker, Charles Griffith Moses; price, $95,000. Illth street. Nos. 136 and 13S West, two 5-story flats. 75x8Sx 100,11; sellers, Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co.; buyer, Raimund von Horrum Schramm; broker, Charles Griffith Moses; price, $125,- 000, The sellers took the property in trade in January. See Fort Washington avenue, northwest corner of Depot lane. 121st street. No. IGS West, 21x80x100.11. 5-story brick and stone single flat; seller, Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co,; seller, Raimund von Horrum Schramm; broker, Charles Griffith Moses; price, $30,- 000. See Fort Washington avenue, northwest corner of Depot lane. 124th street, north side, 125th street, south side. 200 feet west of Amsterdam avenue. 400x200, vacant; seller, estate of Henry P. De Graaf and estate of James Constable; buyers, Potter & Brother. It is repcrted that a number of the lots have already been re-sold to a btiilder for improvement. 134th street, north side. 135th street, south side, 20 feet west of Madison avenue, 100x200, vacant; sellers, Porter estate; buy¬ ers. Potter & Brother; brokers, Mordecai & Hibbard. 87th street. No. 344 West, 4-story dwelling, 20x60 and exten¬ sion, xlOO; sellers, Terence Farley's Sons; buyer, Thomas J. Shanley, of Shanley Bros.; broker, John P. Kirwan; price, about $38,000. 90th street, north side, 200 feet east of Amsterdam, avenue, two 5-story flats. 54x100; sellers, Jung &. Mohr; brojeers, Jesse C. Bennett & Co. --:.' 123d street. No. 373 West, 3-3tory dwelling, 16.8x70; seUera,