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March $, 189a. Recofd and Guide Bt, No 546, s S, 200 e llth av. 25.4x100.5. Feb 25, due Peb 2S, 1903, 5%. gold, 15,000 Same to same. 46th at. No 544, s s, 225.4 e nth av, 24.Sxl00..5. Feb 25, due Feb 28, 1903, 5%. gold, 15,000 Same to same. 46th st. No 342, s s, 250 e llth av, 25x100.5. Feb 25, due Feb 28, 1903, 5%. gold, 15,000 McConnin, Anthony to Henry W de Forest. Goerck st, e a, 40.7 s Stanton st. P M. Peb 28, 3 years, 5%. 3,500 McElroy, Danl S to BROADWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION. 72d st. No 40, a s, 550 w Central Park West, 25x102.2. Feb 20, 1 year. 4^>%. 60,000 McNiff. Bartley P to Bernheimer & Schmid. Amsterdam av. No 594, cor SOlh st. Saloon lease. Note. March 2, demand. 3,855 Nelson, Chas E lo Susan A Beadleston. SSth ■ st, n s, 142.C e Park av, 18.9x98,9. Sub to mon $32,000. Feb 28, 2 yeara. gold, 2,000 Oppenheimer, David E and Joseph Hamer¬ shlag to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 103d st, s s, 75 w Boulevard, 45x 100.11. Feb 25, due Jan 1, 1901, 5%. 15,000 Pell, Melissa A, Leta P wife of and Bben Wright as trustees under will of Walden Pell, the said Melissa A Pell and Eben Wright as exrs of said will and the said Melissa A Pell individ. To release dower to Charles Remsen and William Manice as exrs of Wiiliam Remsen. Gth av, Nos 38 and 40. 4th st, No 149, being 6th av, n e cor 4th st, runs n 33.2 x e 65.4 x n 39.2 x 6 4 X n 23.10 X e 32.G x s 96.2 to 4ih st, X w 99.10 lo beginning. Feb 24. due March 1, 1903, 4%. gold, 23,000 Piinus, Morris to Henry B Sire. Elm st. No 203. e s, 20.8x47 to Marion st. No 22, x 21.7x53; Elm st. No 205, e s, 20.8x41 to Marion sl. No 24, x21.6x47. Feb 19, 5 months, 5%. 4,460 Pollard, Geo M, Hoboken, N J, and Joseph L Steinam to Martin Melzger. 125Lh st, n s, 175 w Amsterdam av, 50x99.11. Sub to morts $16,700. Jan 11, demand, 20,300 Powell, Ida M wife ot Alex M lo TITLE GUARA.NTEE AND TRUST CO. Sullivan st, Nos 5 to 15, e s, 93.5 n Canal sl, runs e 87 X n 6.9 x e 3 x n 117.7 x w 28 x n 3 X w 62 lo Sullivan st, x s 128,1 to begin¬ ning. Feb 24, due Peb 25, 1901, 4%. (0,000 Paterno, John to Adelaide A Raynolds, Mil- burn, N J. 106th st, s s, 165 e Amsterdam av, 30x100.11. March 3, 3 years, 5"'. 38 500 Putnam, Clifford to NORTH RIVER SAV¬ INGS BANK, 84lh st. n s, 82 e Amslerdam av, 18x102,2. March 3, 3 years, 4%, 13,000 Phillppl, George, Jr, lo Alphonse Hogenauer and Albert E Wesslau, 114th sl. No 114, s s, 227 w Lenox av. P M. Feb 28, due March 1, 1900, 5%. 3,000 Potter. Octave D to Veronica Pannaci. Sea- bright, N J. 125th st, n s, 175 e Boulevard or Public Drive, 25x99,11, March 1, installs. 3,300 Price, Moses to David Bloom. Canal st. No 47, n s. P M. Suh to mort $15,400, Feb 24, installs. 9,G00 Porter, Wm K to R Anna Coats Cary, extrx Alanson Gary. 40th st, No 221, n a, 275 w Tlh av, 25x98.9. P M. Sub to morts. Jan 31, 2 years 5%. 2,125 Same to same, 40lh st. No 219, n s, 250 w Tlh av, 25x98.9. P M. Sub to raorts. Jan 31, 2 years, 5%. 4,497 Same to same. 40th st, No 215, n s, 200 w Tth av, 25x98.9. P M. Sub to mort. Jan 31, 2 years, 5%. 3,377 Same lo Meyer L Sire. 40th st, n s, 2.50 w 7th av, 25x98.9, P M. Sub to morts $25,- 998. March 1, demand, 5%. 4,000 Same to same. 40th st. n s, 225 w Tlh av, 25 x98.9. P M. Sub to raorts $25,000. March 1, deraand, 5%, 5,500 Rauth. Jacob to Pincua Lowenfeld and Will¬ iam Prager. STlh st, n a, 107.9 w 4lh av, 25.7x100.8. P M. March 1, 1 year. 3,750 Reuiher, George to Wilhelraiene Braun, 12th at, n s, 130 w Av B. IT.llxlOS.S. Sub to mort, $8,500. March 1, 5 years, 5%. 2,000 Rose, Frank W to Dederick Bischoff, Morton sl, s s, 273.2 e Hudson st, 18.2x100. Peb 24, 1 year. 2,000 Radford, Geo B to TITLE GUARANl'SE AND TRUST CO. 116th st. No 338, s s, 68,9 w Manhattan av, 18.9x100.11. March 3. 1898, 3 years, 41/2%. 12,000 Rowensky, Johana to Thomas Parley. IGOth at, s s, 21.2 w Prospect av. P M. Marcb I, installs. 1.550 Rueth, Joseph and Emil Bartolicius to The¬ resa Goldsmith. 112th st. No 228, s s, 292 w Tlh av, 16x100.11. March 3, due June 1, 1898. 10,000 Same to Henry Raabe, Jr. 112th st. No 232, s s, 325 w Tth av, 17x100,11. March 3, due March 1, 1899. 1,000 Same lo sarae. 112th st. No 2.34, a a. 342 w 7th av, 16x100.11. March 3, due March 1, 1899. 1,060 Same to same. 112lh st. No 230, s s, 358 w 7lh av, 17x100,11. March 3, due March 1, 1899. 1.000 Rueth, Joseph aud Emil Bartolicius to Wal¬ ter and George Luke exra Andrew Luke. 112th st, a s, SOS w 7th a-v, 17x100,11. Peb 24, due Feb 25, 1903, 5%. 13,1100 Same to Kath L Goodwin. 112th st, a s, 275 w Tth av, 17x100.11. March 1, S years, 5%. ,13,000 Same to Leni Leota Dietz. 112th at. s s, 325 w 7th av, 17x100.11. Peb 24, 3 years, 5%. ' 13,000 Sarae to Amos E Brush as general guard of Andrew L Brush, 112th st, s s, 342 w 7th av, 16x100,11. Feb 24, due Feb 25, 1903. 5%. 12,500 Same lo Ella R Andrews. 112lh st. No 236, E s. 358 w 7lh av, 17x160.11. March 2, 3 years, 5%. 13,000 Rosen. Marcus to John F Halsted et al as trustees under will of Hirara M Forrester. T5lb st, n 3, 287.6 w 3d av. P M. Peb 17. due Peb 24, 1963, 41/2%. 10,600 Rosenbaura, Cbarles to Aaron J Bach exr Jacob E Bach. 1st av, n w cor 74tb st, 26.8x74, P M. Peb 17, 3 years, 4Vz7^- 22,000 Ruhling, Frederick to Adolph Ruhling. 2d av. No 6O7, w s, 39.T n 33d st, 19.7.x75. Jan 27, demand, 5%. 5,000 Remer, Samuel to Harris and Abraham Cohen. East Broadway, s s, 160 e Pike st, 25x75. P M. Feb 28, Installs. 6,400 Reese, Henry and Albert Hendrycy to Wra Holbein. 77lh st, s s, 238 e 1st av, 25x 102.2. Peb 28. inslalls. 5,000 Robertson, Jobn and William Gammie to Christian H Schultheis, Brooklyn. 108th st, s s, 575 w Amsterdam av, 25x201.10 to 107th St. P M. Feb 28, due March 1, 1899. 5%. IS.OflO Rosenstein, Dora to Frederic J Mlddlebrook. Henry st, No 241. n s, G9 w Monlgoraery St. P M. March 1, 1 year, 5%. 11,000 Rothschild. Victor H to THE GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK. Leonard st, Nos 37. 39, 41 and 43; West Broadway, Nos 89, 91 and 93, being Leonard st, n e cor West Broadway, runs e 63.7 x n 100,0 x e 16.7 X n 39,11 X w 80.4 to West Broadway, x s 140.5. Feb 24, due March 1, 1903, 4%. 200,000 Rupprecht, Henry W to Jessie G Tim. Park av. e s, 25.8 n 90th st, 28x88. March 1, 5 years, 41/2%. gold, 20,000 Scbarsmith, John E to Esther Jerkowskl. lS3d st, n s, 309 e llth av, 16x74.11. Mar 2. due March 3, 1901, 5%. 7,000 Schmeckenbecker, Sarah E wife of and Jobn G to Samuel Powel Irustee and Robert J H Powel exr and trustee Sarauel Powel. SOth El, s s. 170 e 2d av, 20x100.5. March 3, 3 years, 5%, gold, 6,000 Schwarz, Sarapson H to Tbe Reserve Fund, District Grand Lodge No 1, Order Kesher She! Barzel, 103d st, n s, 320.8 e Am¬ sterdam av, P M. March 3, 5 years, 4%. 20,000 Selltitz, August to Wm A and Chas G Sppu- cer and Wolcott G Lane trustees Lorillard Spencer for Sarah G_Spencer et al. Mercer st. No 187, w s, 12o n Houston st. P M. Feb 1, 2 years, 5%. 28,000 Spitzka, Katharina wife of Edwd C to Louise C Kinney. 73d st, s s, S3 w Park av. P M. Peb 25, due March 1, 1893, 41/3%. 22,000 Same to Johanna Spitzka. Sarae property, March 1, 5 vears. 0%. 10,300 Scannell, John P lo CLINTON BANK. Canal st. No 392, s s, 63.2 w West Broadway, 21x 82,1x26x05.7; York st, Nos 11 and 13, n s, 54,5 w West Broadway, runs w 42 x n 74.4 X e 21 X n 3.5 X e 21 X s 80. Feh 21, due Jan 18, 1899. 35,600 Schneider, Brnest E W and Heury Herter Lo Albert J Doran._ 108th sL, s s. 225,4 w Amsterdam av, 2oxl00.11. Sub to mort $22,000. Feb 19, due Peb 23, 1900. 3,000 Same to aame. 108th st, s s, 200 w Amster¬ dam av, 25.4x100.11. Sub to raort $22,000. Peb 19, due Feb 23, 1900. 3,000 Schneider, Ernsl E W aud Henry Herter lo Albert J Doran. lOSlh sl, s s, 250.4 w Amsterdam av, 24.8x100.11. Suh to mort $22,000. Feb 19, due Feb 23, 1900. 3,000 Schinkel, Adolphus and Mary his wife to Leonard Denner. G2d st. No 133, n s. 325 e 10th av, 25x100,5. Feb 24, 1 year. 2,000 Schlenker, George to THE INST FOR THE SAVINGS OF MERCHANTS CLERKS, 2d av. No 2014, e s, 50.11 s 104lh st, 2SxTo, Peb 26, 5 years, 4%. 7,000 Seeberger, Emma wife of Cbas D. Chicago, III, to Stuyvesan' LeRoy et al exrs and trustees Stuyvesant LeRoy. South st, n w cor Market slip, runs n 45 x w 46 x n 99 to Water st. x w — x e 109 to beginning, with bulkhead and water rights and land under water. 1-G part. All title. Jan 26. Secures note. 15,000 Schwamberg, Anna to Jacob Muller, Green- vUle, N J. Slst st. No 310, s s, 190 e 2d av, runs s 82 x 3 e S.5 x s 19.3 x e 6.7 x n 102.2 to st, X w 15. Feb 25, 3 years, 5%. 621 Seaman, Egbert B and Emory M Van Tassel to Ada Van T Billington. 4th av, s w cor 76lh st, 102.2x160. Sub to mort $75,000. Dec 24, due Jan 1, 1903. 12,000 Sherman, Mary M wife of and Gardiner to Gardiner Sherman and ano exrs Jessie G Sherman. 72d st. n s, 431 e West Eud av, 23x102.2. Feb 17, due March 1, 1899, 5A. "^~ " 15,000 Elmohson, EmUy K to Pauline tV Sill, Phila¬ delphia, Pa. Sth av, No 346, e s, 6S.8 n 27th st, 19.7x82. Feb 25, 5 years, 4l^%. 16,000 Same to Harold M Sill and ano as trustees of Pauline W Sill Same property. Equal lien wilh last mort, Feb 23, o years, 4Vz7a- 2,000 Stedman, Ernest G exr and trustee Michael Giblin and Caiherine Giblin to THE STATE TRUST CO. G2d sl, n s, SO w Lexington fiv, 23,6x100.5. Peh 21, due Feb 23, 1901, 4V-%. 10.060 Saunders, James H to Williara Rankin. CGlh st. No 48, s s, 430 w Central Park West, 25x106.3; 66th st, s s, 324,7 e Columbus av, runs e 0.4i^ x s 58 x w 7 x n — to be¬ ginning, gore. P M. Peb 19, due March 1, 1903, 5%. 4,750 Schulze. Emilie with James D Eakin exr Thomas Eakin. 116th st, n s. 208 w 3d av, 75x100.11. Agreement that mortgages be subordinated to restriction agreement. Peb 25. nom Schmeidler, Leopold and Irving Bachrach lo Elizabeth, John J, August J and Frank J Hardecker. Willett st. No 88, e s, 175 n Rivington at. P M. March 1, due Jan 2, 1S99, 5%. 10,000 Second Av Railroad Company, City N Y, to GUARANTY TRUST CO, N Y, as trustee with consent of stockholders attached. 2d av, s w cor 12Tth st, 99.11x236; 1st and 2d avs, 96lh and 9Tth sts—block, and all rights, privileges, franchises, &c, Jan 20, 1898. Secures bonds. 7,600.000 Sellilz, Auguat to Julia G Fowler. West Broadway, No 509, e a, 100 a Bleecker st. P M. Sub mon $12,000. Feb 1, due Dec 1, 1899, 41/2%. 12,000 Sharp, J Clarence and Carolina Eichberg et a! exrs and truatees under will Samiel Eichberg with Richard H Adaras. 116th st, n s, 208 w Sd av, 75x100.11. Agreement that mortgagea be subordinated to reatric- tiou agreement. Feb 25. nom Slater, Jobn to EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, 55th at, n s, 338,9 e Oth av, 18.9x106.5, March 1, 1 year, 4%. IS.OOO Staiger, Fritz to Bernheimer & Schmid. Sth av. No 2214. Saloon lease. March 1, note, demand. 1,500 Starr, Walter D to Gustavus L Lawrence. Amsterdam av, n w cor 113th at, P M. March 1, 3 yeara, 5%. 10,000 Steinmetz, Eva to Andrw A Bibby. 14Sth at, s s, 125 w Boulevard, 75x99, Feb 26. 7,560 Steinmetz. Eva wife of Welcome R to J Frederic Kernochan. Same property. Peb 26, due Aug 2S, 1898. 15.600 ■Steinhardt, Lewis lo IRVING SAVINGS INST. 120th st. No 20. s s, 200 w Stb av. 18x114.4x18.8x119.2. March 1, 1 year, 4-^%. 12,000 Stern, Benjamin to UNION TRUST CO. Tlst st. No 341, n s, 369 w West End av, 15x 162.2. Peb 28, due March 1, 1901, 4%. 10,000 Same to same. 71sl st. No 343, n s, 384. w West End av, 16x102.2. Feb 28, due Mar 1, 1901, 4%, 10,000 Stern, Julius to Bthan A Doty and ano exrs and trustees under will Edward McFarlan. 43d st, s s, 312 e 10th av. 19x100.5. Mar 1, 5 years, 5%. 9.o00 Schindler, Elisabeth A widow, to Magdalena ' Briner. S7lh st, No 235, n s, 200 w 2d av, 2-5x100.8. March 1, S years, 4i^%. 15,000 Shady, James H to Wm K Aston. Cth av, e s. 43 n oSd st. 21.6x75. Sub to morts $12,000. Feb 26, 3 years, 4i/.%. 5,000 Shepard, Richard and Annie, mortgagors,with Thos W Cauldwell, as trustee by decree of Surrogate of New York, of Norman Fox, under wili of Jane B Pox. 61st st, s a, 200 e 10th av, 22,8x100.5. Extension of mort at 4%. Aug 11, 1S9C. nom Simon, Louis, wilh Jennie Goldstein, widow, both mortgagees. Delancey st, s w cor Es¬ sex st, 21.11x100. Agreement as to priority of mortgages made by Pauline Bennett. March 1, nom Stone, Max to Emanuel Metzger and Wm H Connelly. Canal st, Nos 195 and 197. SOx 100, Feb 28. Secures note. 1-8 part, 800 The Manhattan Hotel Co to THE GOSHEN SAVINGS BANK of Goshen, N Y. Broad¬ way, w s, extends from Canal st to Lis¬ penard st, 36.0x127.7x55.Gxl25.10. March 1, 1 year, 5%. 20,000 Same to same. Same property. Consent of stockholders to mortgage for 20,000 Thomas, Wm M and Lizzie M individ and exrs Wm H Thoraas and C Eloise and Har¬ riet V Tbomas. all hslrs and devisees un¬ der wUI Wm H Thomas to J Edwd Weld atty for Lazeracde, Forge & Son. Division Et, No 231; Bast Broadway. No 242, 23,10x —. Feb 26. Secures judgment, 9,000 Tunken, Mary A to George E Mott, Brook¬ lyn. Slst St. n s, 175 w Oth av, 25x100.-3. March 1, 5 years. gold, 2,000 Tobias, Minna to Elizabeth M Anderson'. SSth st, n s, 1,30 e 2d av, 25x100.5. Feb 2S, 5 years, 4%. 12,000 Todd, John R and Heiry C Irons to CITI¬ ZENS SAVINGS BANK. Central Park West, n w eor 101st rt. 100,11x225. Jan 17, 1 year. (See Ironsl. 2,30,000 Tompkins, Jennie M to Rachel Mamlock et al exrs Meyer Mamlock. OSth st, No 131,