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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 61, no. 1565: March 12, 1898

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Mafeli U, !8g8. ^g^gi^^fgd^^gmMff^^^ •^OA-W^f^^S^r AiiiiUfdfiiH dV, H W Bop 14!)tll 8l, 26)tlOa, PlU rick Conlon agt Clara E BliSa t.........475.00 St Mcholas av, w s, 29 n Illth st, SOx Irreg. James Grainger agt Frank W Moore .,..uOO.OO Heiiiy st. No 44,-s s. 25x100. Wm P Youngs Sc Bros agt Sarah Smith ..............5o4.80 104ih st, Nos 406 lo 412 Bast. George Behs- n;aun St Ca agl Caroline W C Weinstock and WiUiam Zuch .......................107.UO Hcuiy st. No 44, s s, 25x100, Joseph Tedesco & Co agt Sarah Smith and F Robinson, ,550.75 38th st, .\o lu2, s s. 100 e Park av, 20x100. Allau [ludEon agt Minnie Kuowltou and Win W Graham Co .......................400,21 Webstfr av. s e cor 179lti st, 64x110. Thiinias Reddy agl Samuel H Vanderbeek and Ada- n:ai,t ^l£s Co Lf America ...............62.64 Griai Joule eI, No r, s s, 51,5 e Jones lane, 25 l.\100, Louis Korn agt Leopold R Treu. ...................................303.00 Columbus av. No 60, n w cor 02d st, —.t-. Adam Mitchler agt Catharine Miller and Jacob Simermeyer ...................230.110 Same property. Peter Dooley agt same... .48.79 West Eud av, s w cor 68th st, iuo.5xlUO Charles E Reid agt Fredk A Reeve......2G6.0O 18ih st, Nos 7 and 11 West, a s, 1S5 w Slh av, 511x92, Malcolm & Taylor agt John Larkin aud Wm J Merritt Sc Co ............1,278.80 Pearl st. No 502 |n vi cor. 2i:x63;i26.6x54. Mur- Park st. No 46 | ray & Hill agt Eliza Cun¬ ningham and M Bacci Arcangelo Borrone aud P Integlia ...........................342.40 i7rr?g!^S?^*^?r*y*^?l f'^'y^r^^'^'^^^7^^^^1^% 'Editor Record and Guide: David Fitzgerald, plasterer, filed a lien against the Collins Building and Construction Co. on March 10th. We wish to state that he was paid in full on February 19th, and we have his receipt to that effect. The Collins Building and Construciion Co. BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. Mar. 5, Grand st. No 522, Samuel J Ruth, with Nathan Rubenstein and Heury Rnchemovltz. To erect a 6-sty brk apartment house; 9 payments____ ....................................$12,0(10.00 Boulevard, s w cor 103d sl, 100.11x120. David E Oppenheimer and Joseph Hamershlag with George Daily and John A Carlson. To erect two 6-sty brk apartment houses; 10 payments.. ....................................90,il00.00 Jerome av, n e cor 184th st, present lines 07.6x 100, Eilen Hardy wilh Carrie J Singhl. To erect (does not state); 4 payments......6,500.00 Mar, 9. ISSth st, s s, 242 e from new e line Courtlandt av, 50x98.0. Enoch C Bell with Ellen Mulhol- latid. To erect two houses; 14 payments.... ....................................15,900.00 March 10. Willett st, Nos 55 to 59, 75x100. Morris Gold¬ stein with David Perlman and Abraham J Ronginsky. To erect three 6-sty brk flats; 13 payments .......................30,000.00 SSd st, s e cor Riverside Drive, 81.5x104.Ix irreg. The Metropoiilau Improvement Co with Clar¬ ence P True. To erect six 5-sty pri\at© dweU'gs, brk and stone fronts; 11 paymonLs. , ................................78,000.00 March 11. Columbus av, n w cor SOth st, 51.2x100. Henry C Lytton with Henriette K White. To erect a 10 sty and basement brk apariment with stores; 9 payments ................115,000.00 ORDERS. SATISFIED ORDERS. March 9. 118th st, s s, 210 e Lenox av, William Rankin paid Dora Scheer on order of David Cohen. (Order filed Feb 14, 1898) ...............525.00 61st st, Nos 312 and 314 E. Minuie SehlUuCr paid Rock Plaster Co on order of Peter Gal¬ loway. (Order filed Dec 20, 1897).........650.00 West End av. No 348. n e cor Slst st. 100x100. Boehm Sl Coou paid Wallace Sc Cary on orocr or Hornum & HoUj. (Oidtr filed Nov 16, 1897) ....................................oii.oO March 10. Grand st, No 258, Jacob Korn and ano paid A P Bigelow on order oi McKenzie & Co, (Order filed April 3, 1807)......................400,00 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. March 5. 159;h st, Nos 562 and 564 Bast. Donald and PetiT Morrison agt Heury Muller. (March -i. ISuS) ................................375.00 149ih st, n w cor Amsterdam av, 25x100. Frauk W Shtrman agt Clara B Bliss, (.vlarch 2o, 1897).............................375,00 March 7. 184th st, n s, 450 w llth av, 25.-;—. WiUiam Whelan agt John Anderson. Lieu filed Jau 25. 180S)...............................'i;ia,75 Coiivintav, ^o 121. Irviug H Bower agt Frank S Gray. (Dec S, 189S)..................246.00 3d it, .\u '6o., iiJuaL. Philip Goldsteiu agt Aarou Gootlitb and ano. (Feb 25, 18^8).......340.00 "Bclcam av, w s, 275 s Latting st, 25x—. -Bi.lcom av, e 3. 3(5 s Latting st, 25jl—. ^Ellison av, w a, 373 s Latting st, 25x—. Peter Bandioi agt The Seaton Homestead Lane Co. (June 20, 1895) ...................209,00 -Same property. Achille Yaricci agt same. (June 20, 1895) .........................28.00 'Same property. Antonio Catapono agt same. (Nov 22, 1805) ........................219.90 "Same properly. Luigi Nappa agt same. (Nov 22, 1S95) .............................119.00 ^Lenox av, n w cor 133th st. 125x100. Hugh J Barron agt Frauds Callaghan. (.May 3, 18i)7) ...................................1,122.57 Lexinglon av, a w cor TSth st, 20x80. Jean Gingras agt John J Collins. (Jan 17, 180S) ...................................1,122,00 1808)..................,.............l.WU.Oi ■- :■: March 8. 144th st, Nos ?17 Ca 710 E. C Eggera ast Tbo9 W Smith el al. (Feb 9, 1S9S)..............52.50 Lenox av, Nos 503 to allln w cor. Fannie Scliil- io5ih st. No 101 1 ler agt Patrick Rey¬ nolds & Co. (Oct 16, 1S'.I7) .............1. \i no Same properly. Burton Gliddon agt same. {July 15, 1897).............................35-00 West Eud av. No 348. n e cor Slst st, lOiJxlDO. John A Schroeder agi Boehm & Coon. (Nov 18, 1M07) .............................115.00 Same property. Sylvester A aud Edwd S Mur¬ phy agl same. (Nov 13, 1897) ..........2,75.1.00 Same property. Same agt same. (Nov 16, 181.71 ................................4,o,'i'J Same property. The A P Roberts Co agt same. (Nov 19, 1897) .......................152.15 Sarae property. Wallace Sc Cary agt same. {Nov 18, 1891) ............................347.00 Same property. Edwd P Trayer agt same. (Nov 13, 1897)............................210.00 Same property. Chicago Clothes Dryer Works agt same. (Nov 18, 1807) ..............480,00 Same property. Burion Gliddon agt same. (Nov 13, 1897) ...........................75.09 Same properly, ArchilKctural Metal Works agt same. (Nov 17, 1897)...................560.09 02d sl, s s, 20U e West End av. Harry W Bell agt Morris Mandelstein, (Feb 5, 1808).........90.00 'Davidson av, w s, 150 n 184th sl. D L Delaney agt Carrie J Singhi, (Jan 13, 1898).......133.83 ^DiiVidsou av. w s, 275 n lS4th st, 50x100. Same agt same. (Jan 13, iSuB) ...............l-i,..04 ^Grand av, w s, 16o n 184th st, 50x190. Same agt same. (Jan 13, ISOS) ................133.83 March 9. Amsterdam av, n w cor 125th st, 50x175. Ron¬ alds & Johnson Co agl Thos J Jenkins. (March 8, 1S98) .............................„i.u.jO Columbia st, u e cor Delancey st, 120x100. Na¬ than Rubenstein agt Barney Isaacs and Morris Jacobson. (feb 18, 1SSj8) ..............2.01)2.16 27th st. No 33 W. National Sheet Metal Roofing Co agt Jane Falconer. (Oct 1, 1897)......50.oO March 10. llOlh st, Nos 04 and 63 W. Nalhan Kosovsky agt Harris Fordinsky. (March 8. 1808). ,511,00 lOoih st, u s, 72 e Intervale av. 20x100. Dim¬ ock Sc Fink Co agt Thoa J Frawley, ((Aug 7. 1S97) .....: ...........................10.00 Aivsterdam av, u w cor 125th st, 50x175, The Ronalds & Johnson Co agl Thos J Jenkins. (March 9, 1S9S) .....................UOO.OO Barrow st. No 71. Charles Harrisou & Co agt Louisa Friedline. (Dec 24, 1897)........1,Oju.O0 lOOIh st. No 203 W. John N Dyer & Son agt Charles L Guilleaume. (Feb 14, 1898)......oO.OO =108th at, s s, 2uo w Amsterdam av. 75x100. Antonio Gallo Sl Co agt Schneider & Herter, (Feh 24, 1808) .......................1,278.00 iLewis Et, No 199, s w cor 6th st, 20x62.7. Charles Kock agt Sophia Ha'jJi-niiQ. (Jau 11, 1S9S) ............................a6.97 ^Lewis st, s w cor 6th st, 25x75. Alexander Douglass agt same. (Feb IS, 1898)... .325.00 'Amsterdam av, n w eor 125tb st. .50x175, Henry S Northrup agt Thos J Jenkins. (March 9, 1S9S) ..............................175.00 March 11. 'Broadway, Nos 26 to 30.................... New st, JMos 73 and 75 ...................... Thomas Fitzpatrick Sc Sons agt Standard Oi Co et al. (Feb 4, ISOS) ..............3,392.o0 Jackson av, Nos 1040 lo lOCO, e s, 159 s 100th st, lOOx—. Cleophas and Adolph Rund agt Louis A Schneider. {Jan 26, 1898) ............05.00 Depew pl e s. 00 s 45th st, 40x44,3, John J Lauslirau and Geo W Behrman agt estate at R Sl 0 Goelet et al. (Feb 15, 1898)... .1.192.42 127th St. Nos 28 and 30 W. Thomas O'Brien agt Henry D Bayne. {Jan 28, 1SJ8).......111.27 Same properly. Johu Madden agt same. (Jan 31. 1898) ................................561.7a Same propertv. Wm H Stearns agt same et al. (Jan 24, 1898)........................3 07-m\0 Wales av, Nos 605 to 611, w s. inO s 151st st, lo xl05. Wm H Gray agt Mary M Gent. (Oct 27, 1896) ...............................SOLlo Same property. John Lanzer agt same. (Oct 30, ISOij) ..............................1.064,89 Same property. Same agt same. (Nov 6, 1^96) 'Discharged by deposit. 'Discharged by bond. 'Discharged by order of court. BUILDINCS PROJECTED. The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect, m'n for mason, c'r tor carpenter and b'r for builder. When character of roof is not mentioned it la to be underslood that the roof Is to be of tin. SOUTH OF i4TH ST, 179—5lh st, No 336 B. one 6-sty brk stores and flats, 25xS2.HJ; cost, |27,U0U; J L But¬ tenwieser, '27 Pine st; ar't, G F Pelham, 5^3 Slh av. 1ST—Water st, n w cor Rutgers slip, one ()- sly brk slores and flat, U0x5i;.4; cosl, .'}12G,(J(ll); uw'r, not given; ar'l, Max_Muller. 21 Centre st. 198—Goerck st, Nos lUi and 109, two t'l-sty brk flats, 2'>xS7,lll; cost, .'(;22,1JG0 each; Henry Breunich, 817 Siauton st; .ir't, Chas Rculz, 153 4lh av. 195—Oth st, Nos G2e and G28, one G-a'.y hrk stores and flats. 42x^8-2; cosl. .'H4O.UO0; Hi^rry Fischel, 215 E Broadway; ar'ls, Horenburgc? & Htrauh, 122 Bowery. 1911—tilh st, Nos ()40 and G42. one 6-sty bik slore and flat, 43xS3.2; cost, $4-siy brk stores and flats, 27xS6; cost, -MS.- OOO each; ow'rs and ar't, same as lasl. 194—65th st. No 234 W. one 6-sly nrk store aud Hal. 25-xS4; cosl, ,^23,000" Wm H ,S:earna 156 oth av; ar't, F T Cinip, 220 Broadwiy 201—S2d St. No 329 Wesl, 6-siy hrk llat 25x92.2; cost, ;f30,a00; ow'r and ar'l, John H Duncan, 21 W 24th st. IIUTM TO 125TH STS,, BETWEEN STH AND STH AVS, IS-—Uoth St. s s, 100 w Lenox av four 5- sly hrk flats. 26,S and 2lxSS aud 7j.S; c^st three, ;i;27,UL)0 eacb and one ;^_0,00o; E.nily L Felt, 218 W 4Sth st; ar'ts, Nevi.le & 217 W 12oth St. 197—112th st, u s, 170 w 5th av. five 2-sty brk flats, 25xbo.4; cost. f2o,t^0U each; Bajeite Blumenthal, i,S4U 3d av; ar't, ifudoiph Werner, 1386 Vanderbilt av. NORTH OF 125TH ST. ISO—125th st, n w cor 1st av, one 1-s'y frame office, 20x15; cost, 3;.i50; Yelicw Co, on premises; ar't, R E RogLrs 23 E 127Lh St. ISS—Hamilton terrace, w s, 125 n 141st it fourteen 3-sty and cellar brk dwell'gs, thirteen 16 and oue 17x52; cosl, ,');15,OUO each; G L Lawrence, 17S Frankiin st; ar'ts Neville & Bagge, 217 W 125i.h st. lUO—Lenox av, s e cor I42d sl, four u-aty brk stores aud 25x64 aod 70; cost .>7.ji- 000, total; R J Blake, 515 Ltnox av ar'l Gil¬ bert Robinson, 215 W 12.5th st, IUS—i40ih st, u s, 160 w Amsterdam av two D-sty brk flats, 25xS6.9; cost, ¥30,0110 each- John Davis, 162d st, east of Kingsh,idge road- ar'l, Henri Fouchaux, 162d st aud llth av '