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513 Record and Guide March 19, 1898. 46th st. No 341. n s. 443.G w Sth av, 19.Gx 100,5, 4-sty stoue front dweU £■ Peter ^ Turner to John King. MorLs $/,000. March -(4 nom 47th' St. No 153, s s, 606.3 e 7lh av. IS.Oxl 100.5, 4-sly slone front_^<'^'*'''Sn ^vClS ci All title to strip on e s 0. .5x98.9x0.2x98.9. 1 Maurice S Wormser to Maria E Van Hou- Len March 11 19,dU0 U7Lh'sL, No 3, n s, 125 e 5Lh av, 25x101X5, 4-sly stone front dweil'g. Jane V Chalfin, Westport, Mass, to MarieLla Wilsey. Brook¬ lyn. Mort $35,000. March 11. See 28th^^ 47fh st No 4G3, n s, 125 e lOtb av, 20xl00..5, 4 sty stone front dweU'g. Mayer Michaels to John and Julia M Effinger. jomt tenants. Confirmation deed. Mort $6,000. Mar 1^^^^^^ Same property. John and Julia M Effinger to August Hoffmann. March l:.'. Mort l^b,^^ 4S*Lh*^st No 308, s s, IIG.S w Stb av. lO-Sx 100 5 3-sty stone front dweil'g. Betsey, Jo¬ seph M Anna. Edwd S, Caroline. Arthur Ind Co a Becker and Isabella B Fi^nklin w"dow, children and heirs of Morris Becker to Mary Delaney, Feb 2.^. Mort $8,000 ,^" ■* other consid and 100 V^9th st, Nos 150 to 154, s s 100 w 3d av, •75x100.5, three 3-sLy stone front tenem ts. ■ wm T Lahey to Thos J McLaughlm. Morts $6o!oCO. Feb 28. See Goth st, also 4th *^lBt'st No 305, n s, 74.9 e 2d av.juns n 65 X e 3 3 X k 20 x e 13.6 x s S5 to st, X w 1G9 4-sty slone front dwellg. Sam¬ uel Rosenbaum to Nathan Morris. All liens. »^s't's?No 406, s s, 55 e 1-t -v. 18x100^'' 3-sty brk tenem't. Emilie wife of and Ai¬ thur Bender to Daniel W Burtis. Morts $5,750, March 11. .^ ^'-^^ Same property. Lina Stephaui widow to Emilie wife of Arthur Bender. MorLs $o,- 7^^ Fph ''4 ■ °°™ 52d si. No 537, n s. 300 e lltb av. 20x100.5, 5-sLy brk tenem't. Mary R Sayre and Ed^\-d B Gethin to Katchen Eim. Al! liens. All ytiLle. March 14. „ _, ^. ^^^""^ ^d st. No 2, s s. 100 w oth av, 2uxl0
.o, 3-5ty stone front dweli'g, Leopold Lendorf /lo Emma Lendorf. All liens. Mar 16. nom Vo9th st. No IOT, n E. 65 e Park av, 20xll)0.u, 3-Ety stone front dweli'g. Emanuel Alex¬ ander and Hugo Joachimson to Geo R Schieffelin. Morts $15,000. March 12, nom 60Lh st, Nos 3'23 and 325. n s. 275 w 1st av, 50x100.5, two 5-Ety brk tenem'ts stores in No 325. Rudolph G Hauer sou Sophia Hauer lo Sophia Hauer. Morts $10,000. • March 12. ,_Sift- V^4lh st. No 404, s E, 106 e 1st av, runs s_8(.l X e 5,8 X s S X w 5.10 x s 5.4 x e 2^> x n 100.5 to st, X w 25, 5-sly brk Lenem'L. Geo 1 Miller Lo Herman Friedman. Morl $13,- 500 and all liens, March 10. See Lewis st. 6oth st. No 152. s a, 302 e 10th av, 19xl00.'5, 4-sty stone front dweil'g. John B Cole to Thos E Waring. March 15, C a G. Mort $1G.OOO. nom Sarae property. Thos E Waring to E Walter / Beebe. Mort $21,000. nom r 65lh st, Nos 55 and 57, n s, 50 w Park av, 50x100.5. 7-Bty brk flat. Thoa J McLaugh¬ lin to Wm T Lahey. Morts $90,000, Peb >2S. See 49th st. nom WGlth sL, No 59, n w eor Park av, 20x100.5, 4-sty slone front dweil'g. Emmons Clark lo Emilie B Grigsby. March 9, 35,000 69tl» st, n s, 82 e West End av, 18x100.5, vacant. Release mort. EtjuiLablc Life As¬ surance Soc Lo John T Farley. March 16. /nom 72d at. No 103, n s, 20 e Park av. 20x102.2, 4-sLy stone front dweil'g. Mutual Life Ina /- Co to Emma Goldsmith. C a G. March 10. 28,000 i2d at. No 78, s s, 72 w Park av, 23x102.2, 4-3ty stone front dweU'g. Mary H Law¬ rence and ano exrs and trustees under will Bryan Lawrence and Mary H Lawrence widow. Releasing dower to Newbold Mor- / ris. Mar 15. 00,000 r72d st. No 220, E s, 235 e 3d av, 19x102.2, 3-Ety stone front dweli'g, Samuel Barnett to Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer. Moris / $14,000. March 15. See Clinton at. nom y73d BL. No GO, s E, S3 w Park av, 17.6x102.2, 5-sty brk dweU'g. Release mortgage. Sol¬ omon Mark Lo Jere C Lyons. Feb 21, nom Same properly. Release mortgage. Saute to eame, Feb 21. 20,000 Same properly. Release mortgage. Cbas L TiSany to same. March 14. 10,00O Same property. Jere 0 Lyons to Katherine Elias, March 15, 42.000 73iJ Bt, 9 s, 'm-C> e Madison av, 0.6x102.2, K75t Richd W Buckley to Jere C Lyons. March 10. nom Same property. Release mort. Efiuilable Life Assurance Societv to Richard W Buckley. April 23, 1897. nom 74th Et, No 311, n s, 160 s e-2d av, 20x102,2, 4-sty stone frout tenem'l. Declaration cor¬ recting name in deed. Julius and Dora Avite of Theodore Scott to Simon Schnur- / raach er, March 10. nom 74th Et, No 6, s s, 150 e 5lb av, 22x102,2, 4- sty stone front dweU'g. Leon M Hirsch to John A McKim. March 14. 45,0Oi) '75th st. No 411. n s, 158 e Ist av. 19.1x102.2, 3-sty stone front dweU'g on rear, Margaret McCadden to Cath L Donohue. March 14, / nora Violh St. No 29, n s, 105 e Madisou av, 20x 102.2, 4-sty slone from dweli'g. Henry I Dodge lo Isabella Langston, Brooklyn. Jan 26. Mort $25,500. nom 77Lb sL, No 142, s s. 412.G w Columbus av, 17.6x102.2, 5-sty brk dweli'g. 77th st, Nos_14G aud 148, s s, 447 w Colum¬ bus av, 3axl(i2.2, two 5-sty brk dwell'gs, David E Oppenheiraer and Joseph Ham¬ ershlag to C Fredk Richards, Morts $75,- .500. Marcb 11. nom 78Lh st. No 212, s s, 156.3 w Amsterdam av, 18.9x102.2, 3-sty stone front dweil'g. John H Kearns to John F Schroeder. Moris $17,000. Feb 28. See llSlh st. nom Same property. John F Hanley to John H Kearns, Morts $17,000. Feh 1. val consid and lOU V^2 79th st. No 153 Lexington av. No 1145 SOthst, No 152 St. X e 20.3 X a 204,' u e ccr Lexington av, runs n 102.2 x s 31 X n 102.2 to 80th ,4 to 79lh st, X w 51, G-sly brk flat with stores on av aud two 0- aty brk flats, one on each sl. Jacob Pizer lo Arnold and Michaelis Kaiser. March 8. other consid and lim SOth st |s e cor Lexinglon Lexington av. No 1157 I av, 31x102.2. 6- sty brk flat wilh slores. Isaac Heifer (o Arnold and Michaelis Kaiser, March 1*). Mort $75,0liO. other consid and 10:t SOth st, s s, 125 w West End av, 75x102.2, vacant. Calharine Roche to Chas F Miller. Q C. March 12. noni Same property. Chas F Miller to Anna S Wilson. Q C. March 14. nom Slst st, n B, 175 w 2d av, 0.11x102,2. Joseph Mackey lo WUliam Wessel. Q C. March /11. nom KSlstst, NoS2 Is w cor Park av, .20x102.2, Park av. No 928 I o-sty stone from flat with stores and 2-sty brk slore on av. Heniy Rothschild to Solomon Mehrbach. Moil $30,000. Feb 28. See 7th av, other consid and 10.) Slst St. No 19, n s, 300 w Central Park Wesl, 2.5x102.2, 4-sty brk dweil'g. George H Dunham to Eliza Dunham. March 11. ro.-n S2d st. No 7, n s, 150 w Sth av, 25x102,2, 4-sty slone front dweU'g, Isabel R W;;l- tach to Lydia A Peck. Morts $23,000. Mar 15. 41 50IJ S2d st Ins, 375 w West End av. Riverside Drive I runs n 70 x w 12 x s 15 X w 20,5 to e s Riverside av or Drive, x s G0.5 to S2d sl, X e 13.5 to beginning, va¬ cant. Release raort. Patrick Callaghan, Poughkeepsie, N Y, wilh consent of Tie Meiropolilan Impt Co lo Clarence F Tru?. March S, nom Same property. Clarence F True to Char¬ lotte T Ackermau. March 15. . / val consid and 100 yS2a at, Nos 242 and 244, s s, 101,8 w 2d av, MS.lxlU2.2: No 242, 4-sty and No 244, 3- sly brk dweU'g. Edward Connaughton to John McLaughlin, Morts $12,500. March 14. nom S2d st, s s, lOl.S w 2d av, 19.2x102.2. Release raort, Wm L Flanagan managing director to Edward Connaughlon. March /IO. nom VS2d at. No 424, a s. 20G.6 w Av A, 25x102,2, 2-sty brk building on rear of lot. Jonas Weil and Bernhard Mayer to Charles Naar¬ den. March 10, Mort $5,000. nom S3d st, n s, 150 w Arasterdara av, .50x102.2, vacant. Pasquale Strappone or Streppone to Elias Kempner. Morts $57,000. March 15. nom S4th st. No 343, n s, 517 w W'esL Bnd av, 16 xl02.2, 5-sty front, 4-sty rear brk dweli'g. Franit N Gill to Clarence H Wildes, March --15. Mort $19,000. nom |f^5th st. No 439, n s, 144 w Av A, or Pleasant av, 25x102.2, 4-sty stone front tenem t. Margt T Monaghan to Henry Havemanu. Morta $12,500. March 15. 17,750 STth st. No 345, n s, 197' e Riverside Drive, 20x100.8, 4-sty brk dweil'g. Release mort, Thos R A and Wm H Hall, firm of WiUiam Hall's Sons, to Wm W Hall. Feb 18. nom Same property. Wra W Hall to Benjamin . Stern. March 14. val consid and ICO /SSth sL, No 5.S3, n s, 170.10 w Av B, 24,llx lOO.S, 5-sty brk tenem'r. Caiherine Carl widow individ and survivor of WUliara Carl under deed dated Dec 29, 1S92, to Gustavus C.Wetterhahn. Moris $12,500. March 15, /» OIbL Et, s 3, 176 w 1st av, 74x100.8. vacant, Thomas Brady and William Hauptmann to Caroline W L Weinstock. Morl $1'2,000. March 14. uom 92d st. No 106. s s. 55 e 4th av, 17x80, 3-sly stone front dweil'g. Lena Greenberger to Samuel Feldman. Nov 1, 1S9T. All liens. y r.om KSame property, Samuel Feldman to Wm H Reed. Feb 23. All liens, nora 02d st, s s, 125 w Central Park West. 13Sx 100,8, vacant, Hyman and Henry Sonn to Patk J O'Connell. March 14. Morl )f5S.- OOO. other consid and 100 93d sL. No 178. s s. 133,4 w .^d av, IG.Sx 300.,S. 3-sty slone froni dweU'g. Mary L Collins to Ella C Burns, B & S. Sept 8. gift 93d st, s s, 2.")0 w West End av, 50xl42,5x .50x143.11, vacant. Johu E Duffy lo Robt y A Chesebrough. Q C. June 24, 1805. nom r93d st. No 3, n s. 124.9 e 5ih av. 22x100,8, 4-stv brk dweil'g. Julius Engel lo George jt Ehret. March 15. MorLs 920,IH10. 50,009 riltOih sr, u s, 1511 eoih av, 25x11:0.11, vacaul. Wm H Gebhardt to Isaac Slern. C a G, , Feb 15. uom l^arae property. Jennie M Tompkins to Max Nathan, Isaac Stern and Bdward Oppen- ^eiraer, joint tenants. B £ S. C a G, Mar 9. nom T Sdme property. Isaac Stern to Jennie M / Tompkins. B & S. C a G. March 8. nom ' 101st st, Xo 50. s s, 73 e Madison av, 25x| / 100.11, 5-sty brk flat. } » "101st st. No 54, s s, 125 e Madison av, 2rix| 100.11, 5-sty hrk flat, j Adam Geis to Moser ArndLslein, Mo U $31,000. March 15, nom Same property. Moser Arndtstein to Adam' , Geis. Morts .?34,900. March 15. nom- Irl04tb st. No IGt;, s s, 275 w ."-d av, 25xllJ0.n, 4-siy stone front teuem't. Israel Levine lo .\nuie Levine. Morts $14.0110 and Laxes, . y See. March 14. 17,50'l 'Ml4lii st, Nos -iOO to 412, s a, 113 e 1st av, lOOxlOll.ll; Nos 40(i lo 410, two 4-sty, aud No 412, 1-sty brk buildings. Caroline W L wife of C.Ltou Weinstock lo Thomas Brady and Wiliiam Hauptraann, Morts $18,000. March 15, exch 104th st. No 18, s E, SO e Manhattan av. 2llx 100,U, 5-sty brk flal. Hobsrt Dick to Car¬ rie A Scotl. Mort $18,(100. March 14. 28,000 104th st. No 314, s s, 125 c 2d av. 25x100.11, 4-sty brk lenem't. Sophia Dcebeli legatee t under will John Doebell lo Joseph Ferro and Antonio Caggiano. Q C. March 16. 4O0 ](16th sl. No 73, n s, SO w Park av, 25x75.11, >. 5-sty brk flat. Martin C Wendling Lo Helen SLrause. Moris $13,000. March // 30, 20.500 IflOth Et, No 73. n s. 50 w Park av, 2.w75.11. .I-Elv brk flat, Martin C Wendling to Helen Strauss. Moris $15,(;00, March 10. 21,000 ICfiih st. No 154, s s, 105 e Amsterdam av, 311x100,11, 5-sty slone front liat. John Pa¬ terno lo James Denholm. March 111, MorL $38,500. other consid and lOU 106th sL. No 204, s. s, 125 w Amslerdam av, 25x10(1.11, 2-sly brk .dweU'g. Jamies Den¬ holm lo John Paterno. March 16. Mort y $4,."1I0, 'honi r 107th tt, n s. 1^75 e 2d av, 75x122 to Harlem Creek, xS4x84, vacant. WiUiam Rankin to Cecelia Haft. March 1.5. nora rlOSth st. No ISO, E s. 303 e Lexington av, 17x1110.11, 4-aty stone front flal, Catharine Bryant to Sarab Delahanly. MorLs $8.5011. /March 15. 11,000 lT09lh St. n s, 375 e 2d av. 25xl(!0,ll, va- canl. Henry F Meyer to Fortunato C Lomorile. Dec 8, 1897. 7,250 |/110th st, s s, 70 e Madison av, 75x1IKI.ll, vacant. Janet Rudd sole surviving exr and trustee will George Rudd and Althta S Rudd lo Marx and Moses Ottinger. Mar / 15. 22,S0O r Same properly. Marx and Moses Ottinger to Marv E Dempsey. Mort $12,000. March 16. val cousid and lOO Illth El, Nos 133 lo 139. s s, 250 e 7lii av, 75x100.11, four 4-sty brk dweU'gs. Tbos K Moore to Ernsl-Marx-Nathan Co. B Sc , S. Jan .31. nora /ll2th st. No 206, s s. 115 e 3d av, 20x100,10, 3-sly frame dweil'g, Catharine Melghau widow to Erama R McMahon. Morts $4- 000. March 15. 6,*^o0 112th st. No 126, s s, 200 e 7th av, SOx 100.11, 5-sty brk flat. Walter Reid lo Gei S Hamlin, Ruiherford, N J. Mort $29,000. March 15. nom 112th st. No 128, E E, 260 e 7th av, SOx 100.11. 5-Ety brk flat. Same to Alice P wife of Walter L Leaman. Morts $29,000, Mar 15. nom 113ih st, No 114, s s, 185 e 4th av, 16.Sx 100.8. 3-sLy brk dweU'g. Esther O'Connor to Rose and Esther J O'Connor. B & S. March 11. gift llSih st. No 14, a s. 225 e Sth av, IS.Oxj 100.11, S-sty brk flat. i 113lh St. No 20, s s. 281,3 e 5th av. lS.9x[ 100.11, 5-£ly brk flat. | Henry C Kleinhaus lo Isaac G Van Tassel, DemareBt, N J. Morts $38,000, Feb IS. nom 115ih at. Nos 10 and 18, a s, 245 e 5ih av. 50x100.11, two 5-sty brk flals. John F Schroeder In John H Kearns. MorLs $34,- 000. Feb 28. See 7SLh .-it. exen