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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 61, no. 1568: April 2, 1898

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63& Record and Guide ApTfl 2, iSrjS. 51G—Av L, n s, 75 e East 05th st, 1-sty frame dining room, 20x25; cost. $700: Henry H Meyer, East Hath st; b'r, B B Morrell, Easl ^^^^ St. ^.- „ o . 517—Newell eI, e s, l4o n Norman av. d-sty frame dwell'g. 25x66, 5 families, grave! roof; cost S'S,500; Fred Bogen, 130 Newell st; ar't, John M Baker, 27 Hart st, 518—Av K n s, 100 w East 96th st. 1-sty frame kilchen, 12x15; cost, $150; John F Ford Av K; b'r, E B Morrell, East H4th st, 519—21st av, s w cor S4th st. 2-Ety and at¬ tic frame d^'eH'g, 21x53, 1 family, shingle roof; cost ?7,0flC; ow'r and b'r, Fred W Carlin, ao South Elliott pl; ar't, J P Dinkelberg, 3 Union 520—Dobbins st, e s, 125 s Nassau av. 1-sty frame stable, 25x35, gravel roof; cost. S'3€0; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Daniel O'Connell, on prem¬ ises. 521—India wharf, s e cor North Pier. Atlan¬ tic Dock 3-sty brk store and dwell'g, 33x40. 2 families; cost, .¥6,000; Claus Wilkins, Krisch- ervllle, S I: ar't, M J Cafeiro. 61 President St. 522—Surf av, n w cor West 29th st, , 2-sty frame stable, 25x45, gravel root; cost, $800; James Wyman, on premises. gog—Bergen st, n s, 53 e Utica av, IMi-sty frame stable, 16x16; cost, $250; Cbas H Ratb- myer, 110 North Oxford st; ar't, Geo M Mil¬ ler, 507 6lh av. 504_oid Iron Pier walk, e s of Main walk, 1-sty frame shed, 10x28, gravel roof; cost, $20; James F Nelson, 56 Wall st; b'r, Louis Zpsa, 112 Prince st. ^„ „ 5''5—Surf av, n e cor West 20th st. 3-sty trame hotel, 28x61; cost. $4,500; John Kav¬ anagh, Ocean Parkway and West av; ar't, Thos Chaffen, 477 Van Buren st. 526—Jerome sl, e s, 2C0 s Glenmore a-v, 1- Bty frame shed, 10x10, board roof; cost, $2o: B Goetz, 323 Jerome st. 527—Carroll st, n s, 230 w uti av, cighl 4-Ety hrk flats, 27x66. 8 families; total cost, $80,000: ow'r, ar't and h'r, Jobn J GiHiKan, 50S_Harway av, e s, 100 s Bay 40th st, l-sty frame store, 17x33; cosl, »ot]<)-, E P Ahern, on premises; b'r, N T Case, Harway av and 26lh av. ^ ^ „ 599—Ocean av, e s, 300 s Lincoln road, 1'/^- Ety frame stable, 22xlS. shingle roof; cost, .SoOO' J G Hozer, Ocean Parkway and Canal av; l)'r, Richard Pilkington, Lawrence ..v and 530—Halsey st, n s. 250 e Throop ■•>-''.^^}l- teen '^-sty and basemenl brk dwell'gs, 19x4), 2 families: total cost, $52,0CO; ow'r. ar't and b'r Wilfred Burr, 555 Jefferson av. 531—Shepherd av. No 559, 1-sty frame stable 10x12; cost, ^15; James Wainwright. ?.G Court Bt: b'r, C L Bergman, 557 Shepherd av. AI/TEKATIONS. 444—Lewis av, w s, 25 n Hart tt, repair foundation walls; cost, $100; ar't and ow'r. A Mullen, 91 East Broadway; b'r. John Myer, b^ Lewis av, 445—15th av. s e cor S2d st, raise building lA story; cost. $55; Benicia V Ferguson on premises; b'r, G Blind, 17th av and 82d st. 446—Bowery, n w cor Van Bergens walk, in¬ terior alterations; cost, $150; Nathan Blank, Surf av and Hendersons walk: ar'l, E H Brink¬ erhoff. Bowery, C I. 447„Sleuben st. No 71. Iron beams over doorway: cost, $70; Charles Bull, lin Wil¬ loughby av; ar't, John Fittall, 110 Grand av, 448-Jay st. e s, 50 n Water st. Interior al¬ terations; cost, $160; W H Force Co, 18 Front 6t, NY. 4-19—Harrison av. No 173. repair damage by fire; cosl, $2,350; Mrs L Benedict, 494 Van¬ derbilt av; ar't and b'r, Cbas L Peden, 13o Ver¬ non HV. . , 450—Rogers av. No 103, repair walU, inte¬ rior alterations and substitnle flat roof for peak; cost, $1,060; Patrick Callagan, on prem¬ ises; b'r, Wm Laiid, 673 Linwood sl. 451—3d av. n w cor S6ih st. interior altera¬ tions; cost, $100; ow'r and ar'l, Charles Mol¬ ten, on premises; b'r, J Sley. 3d av and Oving¬ ton av. , 452—Atlantic av, n s, 20 w Hicks st, interior alterations and substilute flat roof for peak; cost, $200; Ida Tuck. 78 Slate st; ar't. W B Wills, 17 Troutman st. 453—Gates av, s s, 61 e Ralph av, repair foundation walls; cost, $50; Anglo Swiss Milk Go, Gales av and Ralph av; b'r. F J Ashfield. 168 Montague st. Jol—Meseiole st, s s, 150 w Lorimer st. new store front; cost, ?30U; Anltiony Miller. 30 SL Marks av; ar't. W B Wills, 17 Troutman st; b'r, J Kleinklaus, 55 Grattan st. 455—East Sth st, e s, 310 n Av D, new foun¬ dation walls; cost, $100; Victor Morel, on premises; b'r, Ed Stenson, W'indsor pl and llth av. 456—Shepherd av, e s, 100 n AtlanUc av, in¬ terior alterations; cost, $4o; Mary Quinn, 35 Bradford st; ar't, Owen Cox, Shepherd av and Fulton st; b'r, Thomas Cox, 35 Bradford st. 457—Kent av. No 90S. new store front and Interior alterations; cost, $150; John C Tracy, 601 Myrtle av; b'r, Joseph Byrnes, 311 Wil¬ loughby av. ■^5S—Hancock st, s s, 41 w Sumner av. l-sty brk exLension, 8.0x12; cosl, $20U; Henry a Fellows, 428a Hancock st; ar't. A L Beasley, 129 Chauncey st; b'r, D S Beasley, 187 Van Buren st. 450—Flushing av, n s, 425 w Lee av. new brk party wall; cost, $£)fl; Wm Staats, 499 Flushing av; b'r, John Fischer, 252 Himrod st, 460—Harrison av, s w cor Wallabout-st. re¬ pair damage by fire; cost, 3:5,000; M J Bur- stein, 179 Henry sl, N Y; ar't. M J Schmall¬ heiser, 789 Flushing av. 461—Myrtle av, n e cor Bridge st, repair foundation walls; cost, $100; Mary J Mason. 117 Myrtle av; ar't and b'r, Wilson & Bailile Mfg Co, 85 Oth St. 462—Surf av, s e cor new iron pier walk, in¬ terior alteraiioEs; cost, $350; Long Island R R Co, L I City; ar't, W F Mangel, Coney Isl¬ and, 403—South 8th st. No 110, 2-sty brk exten¬ sion, 22x38.8: cost, $1,200; Robt H SmUh & Bro, on premises; ar't, E F Gaylor, on prem¬ ises. 464—Park av, s e cor Ryerson st, new sill shore up gable and new weather boarding; cost. $150; Peter Siaiknecht, 156 Willoughby av; b'r, W D Sutphin, 142 Hall st. 465—Sackett st. s w cor Nevina st. cut in window; cost, $50; James Dykman, on prem¬ ises; ar't and h'r, Tliomas Donlon, 294 Baltlo St. 406—Shore road, e s. 200 s 99th st, 2-Ety and - attic frame extension, 24x25; cosl, $1,500; ow'r and b'r, Mrs Albert Johnson, cn premises; ar't, T M Smilh, 26S 23d st, 467—Scholes st. No G2, repair damage by flre; cost, $200; Mrs Louisa Senbert. 743 Mar¬ cy av; ar't, Lewis C Webster, 59 William st. N Y. 468—3d av. e s. 45 s Bay Ridge av. Interior alterations; cost, $70; C H Self, on premises; ar't and b'r, J Sley, Ovington av. 469—Hewes st. No 260, 1-sty brk extension, 12.10x10; cost. $1C0; Louis Weidmann. on premises; ar't, Th Engelhardt, 905 Broadway. 470—14lh Et, n s, 2C0 from 3d av, 1-sty and basement brk exlension, SxO; cost, $100; John McSweeney, 250 Dean st: ar't and b'r, not se¬ lected. 471—Johnson av, n w cor Morgan av. l-sty brk exienslon, 25x30: cost, $1,OUO; S Lieb¬ manns Sons Brewing Co, Bremen & Forrest sts; ar't, Th Engelhardt, 905 Broadway. 472^FluEhing av, e s, 45 w Lee av, interior alterations; cost, $3,000; Joseph _Reeb6r. on premises; ar't, Theo Engelhardt,.SOo Broadway, 473—Elton st, e s, 165 s Fuiton st, new show window; cost, $85; Mrs Mary ParkhlU, on premises: ar't, Wm Richter, 2332 Pitkin av. 4T4—19[h st, s s, 180 w 14th av, new hay window; cost, $70; Cecelle A Purdy, on prem¬ ises; b'r, H Bates, 56th st, bet 14th and loth avs. 475—16th av, n e cor 59th st, interior altera- tlcns; cost, $250; Mrs A Gedlcks, on premises; ar't, W H Albeit, Jr, 17 Broadway, N Y. 476—Graham av. No '230. Interior al'era- tlons; cost, $1,5C6; Mary S Eiseman, on prera¬ ises; ar't, J C Neibel, 5U Court st; b'r, A Simp- eon, _Maspeth, L I, 47(^Lee av, s w cor Hayward st. interior al¬ terations and repair foundation walls: cost, $500; Mrs Mary A Ryan, 14fJ Monroe st; ar't, The^ Engelhardt, 905 Broadway. 4iS—Iron Fier walk, e s, '210 e Surf av, 1- Ely frame exiension, 25x22; cost, $175: Fred Schue, 314 16ih si; ar't. C N Brewster, West 1st st and Neptune av. 479—Vvest Ifllh tt, e s, 250 n Surf av. l-sty frame extensicn. liixlU; ecst, $50; Mrs M E Olive, on premises; b'r, Ed J 01i\e, on prem¬ ises. 480—Graham av. e s, ICO s Seigel st. re¬ pair toundaticn walls; cost, $260; Harris Hors- nitz, 386 Wallabout st; ar'l, Earn Mosksnilz, 15 Varet st. 481—Gates av, s b, 150 w Broadway, interior alleratioDs; cost. $100; Herman S Salt, lUl Crooke av; b'r, D S Salt, Crcoke av. 482—Hudson av, s e cor High st, repair dam-' age by fire; cost, $1,000; C N Moody Sc Co. 189 Montague st; h'r, P G Boulton, 25u Baltic si. 483—Oth av. No 618, new foundation walls; cost, $200; Rosina Wahl, 338 liih st; h'r, J Curtain, 14 Websier pl. 484—Jay st, No 326, iep;lr foundation walls; cost, $250; Abraham M Siein, on premises; br, John -McKeefrey, 1'2'3 Clermoni av, 4So—Stockholm st, n s, 36 e Myrtle av, 2- Ety frame extension, 4,0x2.">: cost, $350; Ru¬ dolph Fuehrer, 123 Stockholm st; b'r, John Wieler, 219 Stagg st. 486—Ralph av. s w cor Halsey st, 1-sly brk extension. 10x22; cost, $l,lO