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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 61, no. 1571: April 23, 1898

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April 23, 1898. Record and Guid^ 757 •aame property. Murtagh McCarthy agt same. (Apri! 12, ISOS)........................134..U ■Same property- The Eastern Agency Co agt same- (April 16, 1898) ................24o.i0 April 18. Green av. s e cor 5th st, 194x155. Church E Gales Sc Co agt Edward Baer. (Dec 9, 1896), ^ -IOth st. No' M EJast. Tlie Oxley & Enos Mfg Co agt Mrs A B Harris and Albert H Heward. (April 7. ISOS) ......................1,500.00 ,Jacksoii av. w s, 272.9 n 165th st. 140x8^1. Jas T Handy and Mauro Yarusso agl Louis Snyder. (Dec 21. 1897) ...............128-00 Woody Crest av, w s, 100 n 164lh st, or Kemp pl, —X—. Clarke & Sherman agl E Ganly. (April 14, 1898) .......................54.00 April 19. 114lh St. n s, 400 e Lenox av, T5x—. Theodore NeiibHUcr agt Emily Haenschel. (Sept 12, 189:5) ...............................21.00 llllh st, Nos 41 to 45, n s, 500 w 5th av, 75x—, Conrad Winterer agt same, (May 19, 18931. ............... . ....................44.00 114th st, n s, 405 w 5th av, 75x—. Theodore Neubauer agt same. (Sept 22, 1893)-----21.00 Trinity av, e s, 100 s 161st sl, 25x100, John Clark agt Wius'.ow E Buzby, March 7, 1898). ....................................68.00 ■Suffolk st, Nos lao and 132. Domenica Cag- liostro agt John Feinberg. (Apri! 13. 1898). April 20. 116th st, s s. 75 e Lenox av. 50x100. Patrick Reddy agt Harris Fordinsky. (April 10, 1S9S) ..............................328.70 lOUb St. s s, 194 e Columbus av. Harry W Bell agt Rosa Weiderman. (April 11, 18981. ...................................319.64 Sarae property. Jobn W Rapp agt sarae, (Feb ;l. 1808) ............................180,00 Same properly, Joseph Cirrito agt same. (Mch 29. 1898) ............................3,550 Sarae property. Orrin D Person agt same, (Mch 20. 1898) ..........................443.15 19lh st, Nos 4:1 and 45 East. Baker, Smith & Co agt Charles H Taylor. (Feb 5, 1898) .1,700.00 Audubon av, s w cor 183d st, 25x104.11. M Ro¬ meo and Pelrizzi & Co agt Wm H Hunt. (Aug 6, 1S97) .........................638.00 Lexington av, n e cor 70th st, exlends to SOth st, 204.4x51.;i. Archileciural Iron Works (Morilz Se Docter) agl I Pizer Sc Bro. (Mch 10, 1898) ...........................329,75 Monroe st, Nos IIS and 120. Joe Fischer agt Betsey B Levy. (Jan 24, 1898) .........100.00 'Lexington av. No 20114, s vr cor 122d st. 20x 100. H B Goldman agent agt Thos F Scully. (April 18) ...........................147.25 April 21. 144th St. .\'os 715 to 719 East. Johu Cabill agt .John Geoghan and John J Benson. (Mareh 22, 1S9S) ...........................102,00 Monlgomery av. No ITT, w s. 235 n ITOth st, —x —. A P Dienst & Co agt Mrs F Del Genovese. (March 30, 189S) ......................14.55 n40tb st, Nos 661 to 681 Easl. Herman Masche agt Williani O'Gorman and Charles Eggers. {Jan 29, 189S) ................250.00 "Same properly. Charles Eggers agl William O'Gorraau. (Dec 3, 1897) ..............22.5.00 "Same properly, Sarae agt same. (Dec 3, 189T) ..............................275.50 '!40th =t, Nos 6T5 to 679 East. Peter Dietz agt WUliara O'Gorman and Charles Eggers. (Dec 14, 1807) ............................18.10 llllh st, n s, 100 w Leno xav, 124x—. Max Ko- warsky agt B Vigno aud M Poiiatschek, (Feb 0, 1898) ........................16.80 Same property. Nathan Sussman agt same. (Feh 9. 1S9S) .........................20.15 Same property. Sarae agt same. (Feb 3, 1893) ....................................20.15 Same property. Max Kowarsky agt same. (Feb 3.1898) ...............................16.80 Henry st. No 44. Wm P Youngs Sc Bros agt Sarah Sraith. (March 10. 1898) ........501.80 ^Henry st. No 44. s s, 333.10 e Catharine st. 25x—. Michael Bunstiue agt Sarah Smith. (March 14. 1898) ......................162.50 April 22. '159th sl, n s, 150 w .Amsterdam av, 75x99.11- | 160th st, s s, 200 w Amsterdam av, 125x99.11,1 Arthur Clarke agt John P Ellis. (April 18. 1S08) ..............................267,77 '114th st, Nos 103 to 109 West, Pittsburg Plate Glass Co agt A B Voorhis Sc Co. (Feb 25, 1808) ...............................66.40 ^S6tb st, n s, 300 e Riverside Drive —x—. J J Deneen agl Edward S Betts. (Feb 2 1898) . ,.-■■ ................................214.00 144th st, s w cor 7th av. —x—. C Hoffman, Jr, agt John Hughes and James J Gannon. (Dec 22. 1897) ...........................\53.e4 ^Clinton av. s s, 50 e Oakland pl, 25x—. Joseph Hahn agt Rosie Weil. (July 1, 1897). .. .86,76 II4th st, n s, 100 w Lenox av.125x100. Dempsey & Smith Co agt Erailio Vigna. (Jan 15. 1898). ..................................1,355.00 hame property. Frederick Brandt agt same. (Jan 15, 1898) ..................,....425 00 S4th st, s s, 2T5 e Amsterdam av, 100x100. Or¬ rin D Person agt Joseph Cirrito, (March 29. 1898) ...........................556.58 lOOtb st, s s, 100 w Columbus av, 50x100. Same . agt Joseph and Vincent Cirrito, (April 1 ,1808) ................................54.00 Uth av. e s, extends from Bloomfleld to Little West 12lh st, 319.11x100x266.2x110, Jas F Fitzgerald agt Francis W Seagrist, Jr. (April 16, 1898) ................... :.....4.698.52 Tth av, s w cor 14Tth st, —x—. Davis Levy agt Rosa Wiedeman. (.March 21, 1898)......600.00 ^Discharged by deposit, 'Discharged by bond. 'Discharged by order of court. BUILDINCS PROJECTED. THE LAWS AFFECTING BUILDING. There hag not been any book on the market containing all the laws and regulations re¬ lating to building in New York City; yet the need of such a volume is plain enough, be¬ cause a building from Us foundation to its flna! demolition is subject not only to the building law, but to special regulations of the building department concerning passenger ele¬ vators, flre-escapes, light ana ventilation and plumbing- There is also a law limiting the height of dwelling hotises and another requir¬ ing temporary flooring. There are the tene¬ ment house and lodging house laws, laws, re¬ lating to the extinction and prevention of flres and explosives, and the storing of com¬ bustible materials in buildings. Moreover, there are very important fire department regu¬ lations which must be observed in the instal¬ lation of electrical apparatus, and tbere are, of course, all the regulations of the depait¬ ment ot public works concerning Croton water rates and the use of water, the opening and refilling of trenches and restoring of street pavements; in addition to ordinances pertain- architect, builder, building material man and real estate owner must be familiar with these laws and regulations; if he is not, be suffers. They are now all gathered together (with a directory of architects) for the flrst time in one volume, illustrated, indexed and supplied is ?2.50. Record and Guide, Publishers, 14 and 16 Vesey Street. _____ The flrsl name Is that of the owner; ar't atanda for arcbitect, m'n tor mason, c'r for carpenter and b'r tor huilder. When character of roof is not mentioned it li to be understood that tbe roof is to be of tin, SOTTTH OF 14TH ST. 3(}2—Catharine st, Nos 7S and SO. two 6-sty brk slores and flats, 2-i.i")xSn.4; cost,. $20,001) each; Fay Sc Stacom, 337 Pleasant av; ar't, Chas Rentz, li33 4th av. 363—West Broadway, Nos .j07 and 50J), G- sty brk slore and lotis, 50x90; cost, $110,000; Tessie Adamo, 310 E 114th st; ar't, Sol D Co- ben, '203 Broadway. 3C7—-Broome st. No 400, s e cor Elm St.. one (i-sty and basemenl brk stores and flats, 22.7^1 xll2.0% and 117.9^; cost, $28,000; Matilda W Bruce, 810 5th av; ar'ts, Jordan & Giller, 10 Park pl, 3GS—Eldridge st, No 200, 6-sty brk stores and flats, 24x77.7; cost, $27,000; Irviug Bach¬ rach, 31 Nassau st; ar't, G F Pelham, 503 Slh av. 1^71—Bedford st, s e cor Commerce st, 5-sty brk store and fiats, 44.8x45; cost, $32,000; A J Foster, 843 St Nicholas av; ar't, Henry An¬ dersen, 1180 Broadway. 375—3d st, No 344 E, u-sty and basement brk lenem't, 20x44.Sy^; cost, $10,000; Lena and Sarah Nichelson, 130 Av D; ar'ts, Horn¬ burger & Straub, 122 Bowery. 3T&—3d St. Nos 340-350 B, two 6-sty and basement brk store aud flats. 2.5x92.6 and 37x 01; cost, $25,000 and $40,000; Lena and Sarah Nichelson. 130 Av D; ar'ts, Hornburger & Straub, 122 Bowery. .377—Washington pl, 102,8 e of 6fh av, 5-sly hrk flats, 22x85; cost, $22,001); Blakslec Barnes, 59 Liberty st; ar"ts, Quinhy & Brome. 09 Nassau st. 379—Bedford st. No 36, S-sty brk store and lofts. 25x71; cost, $8,000; C F Pflzenmayer, 847 Lexington av; ar'ts, Kurtzer & Rohl, 7th st andi 3d av. 380—Attorney st. Nos 13-15, 6-sty brk flats, 37.6x80: cost, $40,000; Abraham Silyerson, SS5 Henry sl; ar'ts, Schneider Sc Herter, 48 Bible House. 381-Clinton st, Nos' 226-22S, two 6-sty hrk buildings, 25x79.6; cost, $25,000; Adelstein & Aventine, 29 Willet st; ar'ts, Schneider & Herter, 48 Bible House, BETWEEN UTH AND 5&TH 3TB. 3.57—16th st. No 214 W, 5-sly brk flals, 25s S7.(i; cost, .f20,000; C M Velbinger, 214 W 16th st, and Emma L Cirche; ar'ts. Boring & Tilton, 32 Broadway. 35!)—2Sth st, n s, 125 e Lexiugton av. 4-sty and basement'brk and stone school, 95.x60: cost, $100,000; St Stephens R C Church, 149 E 20tb st; ar't, Elliott Lynch, 1133 Broadway. 369~32d st, Nos 247 and 249 W, 6-sty ana basement brk stores and flats, -37x93.6; cost, .l!42,0OO; J L Buttenweiser, 27 Pine st; ar't, G F Pelham, 503 5th av. BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STS., EAST OP 6TH AV. 356—.1st av, n w coi'S2d sf, 5-sty brk siore and flats, 39.3x95 and 100; cost, ,$40,000; B C Gerken. 1498 3d av; ar't, Chas Stegmayer, 306 East S2d st, DBTH AND 125TH STREETS, WHST OP CHN- TRAL PARK WEST AND STH AVBNUB. 360—Riverside Drive, u e cor SOth st. 4-sty and hasement brk and stone dTvell'g, 70x71); cost, $1.50,000; Clark estate, 25 West 23d st; ar'l, Ernest Flagg, 35 Wall st. 364—Boulevard, w s, 25.7 n Olst st, 1-sty brk store, 24.8x20; cost, $1,500; P J Dougher¬ ty, 35 W 134th st; ar't, F E Glasser, s w cjr ISljt and Amsterdam av, 370—106th st, s s, 125 w Amsterdam av, o- siy brk flats, 25x86; cost, $22,000; Jno Pater¬ no, 154 W 106tb st; ar't, M V B Ferdon, 04 E 9Ulb st; b'r, Jno Paterno, 154 W lOGth st. .372—S5th st, n s, 200 e Riverside Drive,- 6- sty brk flats, 50x90.2; cost, $85,000; Empire Construction Go, 238 Columhus av; ar't, Henry Andersen, 1180 Broadway. 374—Boulevard, w s. 50,3 n of 9lBt st, 7-sty hrk stores and flats, 50.5x140 and 140.4; cost, $110,000: Thos J McGuire, 908 St Nicholas ay; ar't, H S Howell, 748 E 13Sth st. NORTH OP 125TH ST. 358—Stb av, w s, bet ]49tb and l-50th sts, ten 5-sty hrk stores and flats, 20 and 24.11 and 25x75 and 61-10; cost, $250,000; H F Hoefler. 5-58 West 142d st; ar't, Jno C Burne, 101 W 42d st- 361—Amsterdam av, s w cor 164th st, flve 5- sty brk stores and flats, 27.10y3 aud 28x9J.ll and 80,11; total cost, $135,000; Chas Kervan, 400 W 153d st; ar't, Henry Andersen, 1180 Broadway, 365—120th st, Nos 5S, 60 and 62 East, three 5-sty brk tenem'ls, 72,6x85.6; cost. $12,000 each; Mrs Van Valin, 30 St John pl, Brooklyn; ar't. J O Hamilton, 32 aud 34 Broadway. 366—129th st, s s, 72 e Madison av, 5-sty brk flat, .37-6x86; cost, $40,000; T L Smith, 51) Liberty st; ar't, R R Davis, 247 West 125th st. 373—2d av, s w cor 129th st, one ash pit, £0.6 x-iO; cost, $3,000; Manhattan Elevated R R Co, 195 Broadway; ar't, J Waterhouse, 195 Broad¬ way; agents, Norton & Co, 2o8 Broadway. 378—145th st, a s, 223- e of Boulevard, three 5-sty brk fiats, 33 and 33.6x80.1il; cost, $27,- 000; H Nicholsburg, 134 Lenox av; ar't, Q A Millner. 81 E 125th st. 23d and 24th WARDS. Branch ofEce of Building Department, 2775 3d avenue, junction Courtlandt avenue, where plana for buildings to be erected in 23d and S4th Wards may be flled. 312a—Melrose av, n w cor 157tb st, two 5- sty brk flats, 24.6x9o and 75; total cost, $35,- 000; Mrs Eilen Jane Taylor, 667 Melrose av; ar't, Julius Spindler, 2629 3d av, S13a—Washington av, e s, 150 n lilst st. two 4-sty brk flats. 25x93; cost, $15,000; Louis Lutjens, 312 East l'26th st; ar't, Thos Graham, 1238 Madison av. 2-sty frame dwell'g, 22x50; cost, $4,009; Emil 314a—Unionport road, s s, .50,02 e Grauit av, 2-sty frame dwell'g, 22x50; cost, $4,000; Bmil Hagemann, 3551 3d av; ar't, M J Garvin, 3307 3d av. 313a—Chisholm st, e s, 13.5 s Jennings st, three 3-sty frame dwell'gs, 20x54; cost, $5,- 000; Arthur K and Wm C Butler, 1334 Chis¬ holm st; ar't, Niels Toelberg, Home at and Southeru Boulevard. 316a—Courtlandt av, e s, 49 n 150th st, three 5-sty brk flats, 17x81.6, and 26x86; total cost, $o8.000; Ragetti & Wolf, 2662 3d' av; ar't, Edw Wenz, 1491 3d av and 2577 3d av. 317a—Webster av, s w cor Schuyler pl, 1-sty frame office, 8,4x2o; cost, $200; Cornelius B Schuyler, Schuyler pi and Decatur av; ar't, Edw A Reinisch, 951 Kingsbridge road. 318a—Av C, s e cor 10th st, Unionport, N Y C, 2-sty frame dwell'g and store, 20x40" cost, $2,0CO; Florence S Crosby, Av D and 5th st, Unionport; ar'ts, Lawrence & Ring- rose, 150th st and 3d av. 319a—Gouverneur pl, n s, 99.S e Vanderbilt av, four 4>sty brk fiats, 26x89; cost, $15,000 each; August Jacob, 527 West 149th st; ar'l, John Hauser, 1441 3d av. ■320a—St Lawrence av, e s, 200 Si Mansion st, 2-sty frame dweli'g, 18x28, shingle roof; cost, $2,000; Wm Youug, 1005 Oakland pl; ar't, Chas Knauf, Classon av. Van Nest. 321a—Morris av, e s, 26 n ISlst st, 1-sty frame dwell'g and store, 10.9x30; cost, $200; lessee, Frank Fornahaio; ar't, U Tborburn, 177 Bast 123d st. 322a—Fulton st, w s, 2-50 s Elizabeth st, Wakefleld, 2-sty frame dwell'g, 31.6x45.6, slate roof; cost, $4,-500'; Rev Francis P Moore Matilda st, Wakefleld; ar't, Thos H Poole, 4S7 5tb av. 323a—Commonwealth av, s e cor Mansion st,, 2-sty frame dwell'g, 22x23; cost, $2,500: Jo¬ seph Hartmann, 779 Forest av; ar't,-Bernhard Ebeling, U17 East l-5'.Jlh st. 324a—^Rohbins av, w s, 25 u Terrace pl. 3- sty frame shop, 2ox3&; cost, $1,000; Andrew Oisson, 606 St Anns av; ar't, W C Dickerson 149th st and 3d av, 325a—Union av, n e cor 169lh st, 4-sty brk flat, irregular; cost, $18,000; Mary B Stafford, 1997 Washington av; ar't, same as last. 326a—Union av, s e cor Freem'hu st, 4-sty brk flat, 27,10x82.9; cost, $20,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. 327a—Webster av, e s, 530 s Scrlbner'st, three 2-sty frame d'well'gs and stores, 16,Sx 60; cost. $2,500 each; Aunie Hillebert, 200 East 173d st; ar'ts, Kerby & Go, 722 Tremont av. 32Sa—Undercliff av, w s. 597 n and e s 361 n of 170th St. two 2-sty brk dwell'gs, 20x43- cost, $4,200; E B Levy, 231 Broadway; ar't W C Dickerson, 149th st and 3d av, 329a—Railroad av, e s, 363.6 n 138th st, 1- sly frame sbed, 38x100.6, gravel roof; co&t, .$500; Harry W Bell, 191 Alexander av; ar't W C Dickerson ,149th st and 3d av. 330a—156th' st, u s, 103 w St Anns av. two 4-sly brk flats, 25x72; total cost, $32,000;