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June II, iSgS. Record and Guide 25x100; Gleason >t Drummond, No. 20S East 12Sth streat, owners; Horgan Sc Slattery, No. 1 Madison avenue, architects; Chas. Money, West Farms road and Forest avenue, builder. DWELLINGS, 54th street, Nos. 4 and 6 East. 5-story American basement white brick and stone front residence, on plot 30x100; cost, $11:0.- 000; W, E, D. Stokes. No. 262 West 72d street, owner; McKIm, Mead & White, No. 160 5th avenue, architects. lS4th street, 100 feet east of Jerome avenue. Wm. Hardy and A. J. Purgold will erect a number of cottages here from plans by Cleverdon it Putzel, No. 41 Union square. The cottages, which will lie along the line of the new trolley road, will cost from^.fO,- 000 to $7,000 each, will be in the Colonial style of architecture, and will have hardwood trim, steam heat and open plumbing. 145th street and 8d avenue, 3-story brick stores and dwelling, 50x35; Gleason & Drummond. No. 208 East 12Sth sireet, owners; Horgan & Slattery, No. 1 Madison avenue, architects; Chas. Money, West Farms road and Forest avenue, builder. Willis avenue and 145th street, 3-story biick stcre and dwell¬ ing, 50x80; Gleason & Drummond. No. 20S Bast 128th street, owners; Horgan & Slattery, No. 1 Madison avenue, architects; Chas, Money, West Farms road and Forest avenue, builder. ALTERATIO.X'S. Bond street, No. 10. 1 or 4-story brick addition. 25x40, to store .and loft building; Lehman Brcs., on premises, owners; Rofcen Maynicke, No. 727 Broadway, architect, 67th street, No. 41 East, rear extension for bath and butler's pantry; H. Payson Merrill, owner; Hill & Turner.,No. 44 Proad¬ way, architects. 52d street. No, 73 West, interior alterations to dwelling; cost. $20,000; Horgan & Slattery, No. 1 Madison avenue, architects. West End avenue. No. 532, Milton Schnaier & Co,, plumbers, No. 347 Columbus avenue, have the general contract for lhe al;er- ations to thi.'? building, of which Abraham M. Graaf. No. 260 Church strest, is the owner, 126th street, Nos. 160 to 170 East, brick addition to slore; cost, $50,000; D, M. Williams & Co., No, 2306 3d avenue, corner of 125th street, lessee,'?: Cleverdon & Putzel. No. 41 Union square, architects, 07th street. No, 49 East, extension and alterations to dwfclilng; cost, $10.(1011; J. L, Phillipps, owner; Charles P. H. G.lbert. No. 1123 Broadway, archilect, Columbus avenue, Ncs. 763 and 765. tearing out party wa'l anci making one store out of two; G. A. Schellenger, No. 128 Broad¬ way, architect. S7th street. No. 103 Wast, addition to flat;. Geo. F. Langbein, owner; F. V. B. Ferdon, No. 509 West 28th street, architect. ESTIMATES RECEIVABLE. By the Commissioner of Public Charities, No. 66 3d avenue, until June 20. at ]2 m,, for furnishing and ereclln^ a refrigerator at Almshouse, Blackwell's Island, and for the material and work required for installallon of new gas-making apparatus at the gashouse, Randall's Island, By the Board of Education, No. 585 Broadway, until June 20, at 4 p. m.. for making aUerations, repairs, etc , at Public Schools Nos. 41. 45. 48. 55, 56, S8, 90. 101. V2G, 140, 161 and Mixed High School; Cor improving the sanitary condition of Public Schools Nos, li, 18, 27, 53, 73 and 76; and for altering and repair¬ ing the heating and ventilating apparatus of Public Schools Nos. 10 and 87. Plans and speclfii ations may be seen at the Annex of the Hall of the Board of Education, Eslimating Room, No. 585 Broadway, twelfth floor. BROOKLYN. Borough Park, 49th street and New Utrecht avenue, twelve 2- ■ story frame dwellings; cost. $3,500 each; Wm, H. Reynolds. Me¬ chanics' Bank Building, owner and builder; Ben.i, Dreisler, No. 1452 Flatbush avenue, archilect. Portland avanue, northwest corner of Park avenue, 3-story brick and stone Hat, 28x31); ecst, $7,000; C. Cavagnaro, Tillary and Raymond streets, cwner; Frank S, Lowe, No, 18(i Remsen street, architect. "Verona street, 3-story brick and stone tenement, 25,\j5; cost, ?G.OOO; John H, O'Rourke, No. 76 SUth street, owner and builder; Thos. Bennett, No. 198 53d street, architect. Sth avenue and 12th street, four 4-stury biick and stone flats: cost, $35,000; Thos. J. Holt. No. 335 15tb street, owner and builder; Thoa. Bennett, No. 19S 53d street, architect, SOth street, south side, east of 2d avenue, 2-story frame dwell¬ ing, 27x42; cost. $4,000; Jefferson R. Edwards, 73d street, ner* 4th avenue, owner; Thos. Bennett, No. ISiS 53d street, architeci. ilst street and 3(3 avenue, two 4-story brick and slone flats, 22 xSO; total cost, .f28.0O0; Rose Aldrich. owner; Lewis Aldrich, No. 163 36Lh street, mason and carpenler; Thos. Bennett, No. 19.S 53d street, architect. 27th avenue and Gravesend Bay, 2-story frame "home," 42x 58; cost. $-j,000; The German Home of Recreation for Wom.en and Children, on pramlses, owner; Thos. Bennett, No, 198 53d stiett, architect, OSth and 69th streets, 13th and 14th avenues, three 2i/^-stoi-y frame dwellings, 25x40; cost. $3,000 each; Lung Island Realty Co,, No. 215 Montague street, owner; Hadden ii Abbott. No. 123 East 23d street. N. Y. City, architects. Improvements will b; similar to houses previously erected by the same owner. Bond street. No. 202. hrick basement in 3-story frame dwell¬ ing; cost. $2,000; Mrs. Brennan. ori premises, owner; Thos, BerL- nett. No. 198 3d avenue, architect. Park place, northwest corner of New Tork avenue, 3'A-st6ry frame dwelling (sketches); Francis Quimby, No. 203 Greene ave- , nue, owner; Geo, P. Chappell. No, 24 State street. New Tork City, architect. .METROPOLITAN DISTRICT. Babylon, L.'I,—Several 1 and 2-story frame houses. Carr'agB house, 270x50; coachman's and superintendent's house, 28x28; arbor. 240x1.00x10; greenhouse. 20x100; palm house, 34x34; ice house, 34x22; Edwin Hawley. Vice-President. No. 349 Brcadway, N. Y. City, owner; C. P. H. Gilbert. No. 1123 Broadway, N. Y. City, architect. New Rocheile.—Eastchester turnpike. 2i^-story frame dwelling. 38x424; cost, 0,500; Mrs. J. P. Holler, owner; Chas. A. Lupprian, architect.——Premium Point, 2V2-stoiy stone and frame (stucco) dwelling, 70x100; cost. $75,000; also 2-story frame siable; cost. $10,000; John G. Agar, No. 31 Nassau street, owner; Clinton & Russell, No. 32 Nassau street, N, Y. Ciiy, architects. Princess Bay. S. I.—Alteration and addition to 2i^-story frame dwelling, extension 35x30; bedrooms, dining-room and billiard room; conservatory, 25x20; W. A. Johnson, No. 3 Union square, N, Y. City, owner; W, H. Mersereau. No. 32 Broadway. N. Y. City, architect. Yonkers. N. Y.—Ash street. No. 69. 3-story frame flat. 22x30; C(st. $3,500; Mrs. Glivei" Scott, owner; Oliver Scott, architect.^-^ Orchard street. No. 31. 2-story brick dwelling and store, 22x36; cost, $3,501); Michael Griffin, owner; John Brechting. archtect. —-Warburton avenue, 4-story brick flat. 50x70; W, H, Lake,- owner: Craig McClure (plans only), architect.-----Woodworth ave-- nue, No. '230, 2-story frame two-family dweliing. 22x40; cost. .f3,-' 000; Mrs. Margaret McLellan, No, 358 Dean street. Brooklyn. N. T., owner; E. G. Brown, Pelham, N. Y., architect,------Extension to 4-story brick sugar refinery; cost. $25,000; National Sugar Re¬ finery. No, 109 Wall street. N. Y. City, owner and architect.------ Emil Grewey, No. 1 Madison avenue, N. T. City, and Gearge Starin Cowles, formerly with McKim, Mead & White, have opened an ofn:;e at No. 8 Getty square, under the flrm name of Grewey & Cowles. Snug Harbor, S. l.^One to 4-story brick, stone and terra cotta hospital and sanitarium. 300x300. irregular; Trustees Sailors' Sncg Harbor Fund, No. 31 Nassau street. New Tork City, owner: Horgan & Slattery. No, 1 Madison avenue. New York City, architects, Riverhead. L. I,—Two-story, twelve-room school; cost. $25,- (100; Karr. Poole & Lum. No. 70 oth avenue, New York City, associated with Geo. H. Skidman, of Riverhead. architects. Ardsley.^Alteration of stable to bachelor apartments; cost, $0,000: Ardsley Casino, owner: Trowbridge & Livingston, No. 287 4th avenue, architects. White Plains.—Two 2-story brick schools, 73x52; cost, '$15,- 000 each; K:arr, Poole & Lum. No. 70 5th avenue. New Tork City, architects. NEW JERSEY. Asbury Park.—One 2V^-story stone and brick parish house, new- stone church and chapel to cost $50,000 will be built lat&r on; Fir.st Methodist Episcopal Church, owner; Geo. W. Kramer & Co., No. 1 Madison avenue, N. Y. City, architects. Bast Orange.—Grove street, alteration to 2^^-story brick resi¬ dence; cost, $7,000; Mitchell esiate, owner; F. R. Hasse'mian, architect.-----Hyde Park, four 2'^-story frame dwellings; Watson Whittlesey, Bank Building. Orange, N. J., owner; Geo. B. Krug, same address, architect,-----Dodd street, 2'y^-story.frame dwell¬ ing; cost. .$3,000; Montvllle B. Shephard. Bioomfield, N, j., owner, Benj. F. Mitchell, No, 44 Bay avenue, Bloomfieid, N. J., archi¬ tect. East Orange,—Main street and Mitchell place, 3-story brick and ^tone apartment house, 39x98; J. C. Westervelt, No. 487 Sth ave¬ nue. N. Y. City, architect (new plans). Englewood.—On3 2y2-story frame dwelling. 40x50; cost, $6,- 000; S. S. Huxham, owner; W. A. Kambert, No. 99 Nassau street, N. Y. City, architect. Glen Ridge.—Douglas road, near Lincoln street, 2^-story frame dwelling; cost. .'i;7,000; Mrs, F. B. Hart, owner; C. Wellesley yrnith, No. 621 Broadway, N. T. City, architect. Greenville.—One 2-story frame dwelling, 22x38; cost, $4,000; Mrs. M. Reid, owner; Albert E, Pia. No. 865',^ Montgomery street, Jersey Cily. N. J,, architect, Jersey City.—Boulevard, opposite Bowers street, three 2iA-story frame dwellings; cost, $8.1100; George "Von Arx. owner and archl- li.ot.------Duncan avenue, 3-story fraine fiat, 22x40; cost, $4,000; Gustav Neubolt, owner; Albert E. Pia, architect.------Essex, south- easl side, near Greene street, 2-story frame and galvanizid iron workshop, 20x^0; cost, .$1,000; R. C, Grossman, owner.-----Greene, near Morris street, 2-story brick stable, 26x20; cost, $1,000; Wm, Hoppman, owner; Wm. H, Wolfe, architect for both.------Mon¬ mouth street, l-story frame machine shop; ecst, $3,000; Fagan Iron Works, owner and architect,——Montgomery street. No. £9, 5-story brick store and apartments, 25x27; John Edelstein, uwner: L, H. Broome, architect.------Sip and Garrison avenues, 2- Kloi'y bdck and .stone ,fii'e-.engin^ house, 25x75, and extension 35; cost, $10.(1110; Jersey City Fire Department, Chas. Esterbrook, Clerk. i)wni3r: Detwiller & Melendy, No, 99 Nassau slreet. N. Y. City, architecls.-----Stevens avenue and Hudson County read, 2- stofv frame dwelling, 21x38; cost. .$2,000; Chaa. Weiss, owner: J.