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I V_-« twAiViV-.. 395 15 Jamea H Purte Co—J P Lair......602.59 IS Luminous Priam Co—C W Hulst. .. .105.52 15 'Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum 5n City of Albany; Poor Schools attached to St Patricka Cathedral. S'olio, London, Eng; and Roman Catholic Aged Poor Socie'ty in City of London, Eng-E H Pratt. adhir. &c................costs 103.48 lil The Natural Prepared Plant Co—M L Ernst..............'.........3S7.S5 15 Warman-S'ohub Cycle Mfg Co—C J Camp- heU.......................1,100-74 15 The Alford & Berkeie Co—W F Daven¬ port.......................3,314.02 16 Mogul Mfg Co—F R Kavanagh . .. .381.59 16 The Alford & Berkeie Co—E W Hawley ..........................633.83 16 The First Catholic Slovak Union in the U S of A—A Kolar............322.95 10 W W Allison Thompson Co—'M Mlaze ,„ ..........................137.46 16 F W CuttreU Co—W F Wahrenberger.. ,„ ..........................i;i4.46 16 ar S Hutchinson Co—T D Browning. 146.30 16 Pepp«rell Co—J M LMayer ........2G2.1-5 12 Tadross, Antoni—J Abood.........19S-76 14 Thornton, Araasa—R W Reynolds.. 107.15 14 Tenny, Alice M—Petrie, Schmidt & Berg¬ mann .......................244.72 14 Treu, Leopold R—White Brick and Terra Cotta Co...................2 638 91 15 Tuthill, Charles—T P Maguire.. ..125.22 15 Tenenbaum, Julia—J Katz......192.03 10 Tucker, Wm W—F R Kavanagh , ,. .381.39 16 Treu, Leopold R—National Elevator and Machine Co................6,438.09 12 Von Bernuth, Fredk A and Geo F and Carl Vietor—S Waliach.....costs 134 85 13 Van Horn, Alfred—A Plant......SIO.ST 10 Whyte, Robt J—T Stevenson, Jr____83.17 12 Well, Auguat and Samuel—S Waliach.. „ ....................costs 134.83 13 Woerner, Albert M—H B Bradbury., ...........................564.54 13 Wicks, Jas D—'F Millward.......403.97 14 Waahburn. Henry L—E Fixman,. . .52 SS 14 Walsh, Timothy J—F Vanderbeek. .378.71 14 White, De Villo—C Ahlera.......307.75 14 the same-------tbe same........411.1,> 35 White, Webster—B F Kienle... Sl''2'? 16 White, Webster—W H Gray........85.58 IG the same——the same ........34i).32 16 Weisenbach, Joseph—L V Hengstler 1SG.57 16 Waldman, Henry and Selma—A Lilienthal ,„ ..........................1,246-39 16 Wilbur, Peter L—L Loeb ........ 141.39 ^Wotherspoon, Fr.-incea A et al—E iS Vau Beu-' ren- ISifT............................100.32 ■Same------same. 1807...........,,......2'20.S7 Wacated by order of Court, 'Suspended oa appeal. "Released. 'Reversal. "Satisfied by execution. ■Annulled and void. SATISFIED JUDGMENTS. September 10 to 16—Inclusive. Bronnet, Arthur~S Wolf. 1898.........183.20 'Columbia Bank—H Berolzbeimer. 1807..SIS 47 Cirrito, Joseph—A Larsen. 1898..........70 24 Same------Riverside Bank. 1S98............73.03 Crow, Moses R—J T Williams. 1898......IS0-G2 Dietz, Henry—P D Armour. 1S9S........^20o.41 Dolan, Robert—W F Lawrence. 1838.....123.01 ■Same------same. 1888.......... 12^04 Eagan, Tbos F—J A Shaw. 1S9S......!..524'32 Falkenstein, Jobn—J Kahn. lSi)5........023.35 Gebhard, Julia—Manhattan Beef Co (Lim) 189S............. ..................460.16 Geelan, Bridget— S E Cooke. 189S ......58.80 Greiling, William—D B Conover. 3897 . 204 08 'Same-----Greenpoint Lumber Co. 1897.....269.1(i ISame—^M Bloomberg. 1897..........145 8o Harris, Chas M—M Cullen, ISSO......119 75 Hoffmann, Ernest F—G Hess. 1S82........458.53 Hyman, Rose—P Eberhardt. 1S97.......2 052-02 Jarkovsky, Stanislau3-
Palladino, Joseph—J H Trail. 1.308.- " .V.9 51 Person. Orrin D—C H Willson. 1397......108 04 Prendergast, Danl J and Mary—E T McCoy ^S93................................012-87 Rudolpb. Justus H—G Hess. 1882..... 453 58 'Roll. John and Geo J^L Roescher. IS0S.I,.533;28 Rosenzweig, Seymour—J Kulla. 1897____1,538.00 Riley, Charles—E Diebraan. 1897 23'•0 Smitb, Jarvis B recvr—J B Smith recvr. 1895" ..................................,-157.78 Stokes, Wm E D—P E Hyde. 1397......2 ISO 70 Same-----same. 1893 . ,. 10^'SO Seiter. Philip J—John Scott. 1889........19.<9S 'Sexsmith, Alfred W aud Wm E Spencer-D B Conover. 1S07. ............. "04 GS Same-----Greenpoint Lumber Co. "isoi "o'lG Same-----M Bloomberg. 1S97 . I45'85 Lappine, Cecelia T—H A Lyon. 1398." ..'1277 00 Tekulsky. Nathan—Obermeyer & Liebman 1S93........145.47 1S.98......1.53S.2S 1897.......37fl..39 ...........1,308.25 .-.- I,..,1,538.00 1898.....3..'179.29 1S94. .210.98 '^iloo'*"'^^'"^ Oil Co of N Y-^v'vanMa.'ad"mr. -LoJo................. , , M f . ■* ^flfl ^(\ The N Y and Westchester Water Co—JT^Will-" iams- 1898.............. 141 84 Tariton. John J—J H Hudson'trustee! " iS9s' „.....................................304.07 Tf,f M^ "^^V.V^e g-J A Dempsey. 1898. -199.84 'l^Tolt%\^t^, -^^ - ^af ^eS' same. 1897 ....'.".!! 1. |.' i i.'.' J.'.' ;47L25 Same- MECHANICS' LIENS. Sept. 10. 25th st. No 58, s s, fiO e Gth av, 20x98.9. Thoa W iMullay agt Leon M Hirsch and L H Hen¬ derson ...............................37.''5 St Nicholas av, w s, 23 n 117th st, 70x100." Charles Eggers agt Maud Nesbit.........357.00 lOOtb st, s s, 123 w 1st av, 37.GM100. James MoLaughlin agt Vito A Ciuffl aud A G Pucci. ...... ...............................329 25 West End av, s w cor GSth st, 105x100. .lames [MoLaughiin agt August Jolmson and Carl J Lagesson ............................300.50 Central Park West, n w cor Olst st. 100.SxI20. (IWilUken Bros agt Frances V N Burling. ...................................25,087-20 iSept, 12. Centr.il Park West, n w cor Olst st, inO,SxI20. Albent von Den Driesch agt Frances Van Ness Burl'ing...........................20,275,00 Bame property. Same agt same.......-. .20 000 00 .Same property. Moller & Sloane agt same.1,400.00 4tb ist, Nos A2 to 38, n s, 305 w 4ith av IQOxi 114, 24ith Ward. Louis and Edward Subitzky agt Ida B L'ampliear .............. 20100 llth St. No 58 East, 25sI0O. Daniel Shea agt Frank Brettell .........................3G.30 Eastchester road, s e cor Van Courtlandt av SO x233x 144x220:4. Santo Belfi agt MatUdi j Callaban and Giovanni Belli..... 175 00 St Nicholas av. w s. 25 n 117th st, runs n 75 x w lOO X s 100 to st, X e 25 X n 25 X e T5 to be- . ginning. Geo W Martin agt Maud Nesbit. ................ ..-■■,..............4,009.00 107th st, s e cor Manbattan av, 25x100. Caroline W Rlehl agt Rose McQuade ......... 2'-'5 00 Mott av. Nos .^18 to .322, e s, 500 n 138th. st. i.jxlOO. Badasarc Catalanotte agt Frederick 'Robertson and Johann Wagner and Frank ^ Davis........................... ... .14.50 Samo property. Joseph Cbiofalo agt same.,10.00 Elton av, Nos 723 and 725, n w cor 155th st 50 XlOO. Conrad Fecher agt Bliz C and Jobn iMeyer........................... 238 00 OGth st. No 12, s a, 100 w Central PaVk West 25x100. Daniel 'Neuman agt Feodor and Min¬ nie Von Raitz -----..................1,5SG.54 Sept. 13. 2d av. 3 e cor 21st st, 65x90. Chas E Dorn- buscb agt Goloniou Loeb, Luke A Burke & Co and .McCahill Sc Co ...... no ^ 103d st, n a, 80.2 w Park av, 2.1x100.11. Kircho'f Sc Brown agt Jacob Weiilliopf.......1 124 00 Madisou av, 'Nos 1306 to 13l0|beiag Madison 03d St. Noa 26 and 28 | av, s w cor 03d Gt, 100.8x44.5. EIlz O'Hansburg agt Geo W ^Spitzer ...... ......................jgO.OO Brook av. w s, SS.3 n 3d av, 82.3x118. Jobn J Brady and Peter McGuire agt Petty, Soulard & Walker Realty Co..................800-00 13Gth st, Nos 860 and 302. s s, 325 e St Anus av. oOxlOO. Jacob Rahinowitz agt iSarah G iSobuyler ...........................108 00 Boulevard, w s, 74.11 n 132d st, 50x100. Ameri¬ can Lumber Oo agt Dexter B Horton aud John Coar........................ g^g Q]^ 73d St. s e eor Park av. 25x100." linUed's'tates Heater Co agt Louis R Berg and Mulhern rSteam Heating Co.......... 97 02 2Ist st. No 445, n s, 275 e 10th av, 25x100.'Mary A Howden agt Wm R and Joseph P Gallagher. „.....................................100.00 Kyer av, n w cor Tremont av, —x—. Uoited States Heater Co agrt J Buckhout and Mulhern iSteam H&ating Co............. 117 00 21st St. No 445, n s, 275 e 10th av!'25x100- John W Rapp agt Wm W Gallagher .. 42 00 Rivington st. s s. 24.2 e Goerek st,"37.6x75 ■George Mackenzie agt Mary J and John J iSulIivao ..................•.........124.09 Sept. 14. 8th ay. No 572, e s, 13.2x100- N Y Electric ii-quipment Co agt Hernran Speer, John Doe and Charles Meulenbergh ...... 130 (X) 1st st, s s, 334.9 e White Plains av, 25xl-'5' Charies Downey agt Antonio Russo and M E ■Stevens ...................... o^i r^Q Madison av, n w cor SSth st, lOOxlOO. Union Granite Co agt F W Gilbert and R s Black¬ burn Plumbing Co.............. I'>GS 40 100th st, s s, 125 w Amsterdam av,"25xl(.)(y Wm C Bunting agt Jobn Paterno...... S7 00 i.u ^^' " ^' -'^^ ■" ^"^' ^^' 50x114. Wakefield, Thomas F Doyle agt Johu and Rebecca Nu-- gent................ OS 37 I09th st, 3 s. 109 w 1st av, 30x73.1I."F'rederick Brandt agt Antonio G Pucci - - . 17-) 45 lOiHh Et, n s, 275 w 1st av, 25x87.1. Frederick Brandt agt F C Lamonte____ 15100 Wales av, w s. 200 s Westehester av '75x85' Angelo Sccordino agt Chisling Se Cowen.iso 00 Boulevard, s e cor 97tb st. 100x100. Cody Bros agt James J Wilson ....... ^ 01" 00 112th st, n s, 170 w 5th av, 125xW0.ll. ' Mi¬ chael Clair agt Babette Blumenthal aud An¬ tonio Verdeine and Jacob Kennero .......28,50 'Sept- 15. '".^'^.^.'■.s s, 125 w Central Park West, 138x100. Patrick Iteddy agt P J O'Connell, Frank N Gill and Johu W Stevens.............0 640 30 ^loth St. n s, 100 w Amsterdam av 75xlO0' Church E Gates Sc Co agt Tbos J Jenkins. .-...,-..,.......... O \)lCi o- ''^^."'^i'.' ^^'^^ ^^^'^' " w cor 9UL's't','i6o.'8xI2o'.' ■A W Reynolds & Co agt Prances V N Bur¬ ling .............. |o g^T i\i) lasd St, n s, SO w Park av, 2.5'xldo." Sclinalz &'Massoth agt Jacob Wiedhopf......350 50 2P^ ?'■/ ^' ■'-^' ''■ ^'^ -^""s av, 59x100. John li Sturk & Co agt Sarah G Schuyler.......150 00 RDbblus av, w s, 150 n 14!)th st. 50x100. Jones iSi Fiynn .^st Mary McCormick and Peter Mc- -,»-?,'■'"''^'^ ^ ^° .........................579.35 lOith St. s w eor Manhattan av 25xltX) Ver- moiit Marble Co agt Rose McCJuade.......75 00 llth St. Nos2i21 and 22."l|n s. 225 w 7th nv 50x IStb st, Nos 21G and 21,8| 1S4 to ISth st'xfiO Johu Spence ogt John Glass, Jr.........1'12.1G Sept. 16, Union ov, s w cor 150tb st. 75x80. W II Mc¬ Whirter Co agt Herman WolfC and Michaet _Ch.simg . ........................T.700.00 6'i av. No 11,1, w s. 50 n 13th at, 25x100. B Fitzpstrick Se iSou agt John Doe, Jobn Mc¬ Gurk aud 'Conrad Strebel.............10 Off l.'othi St. Nos .503 to 507, n s, IOO w"Amater- dam av, 7jx100. Jacob Rabinowita agt Thoa J Jenkins............... .iqq qi, Elton av, n e cor 15Sth st, 50x95. j'o'h'n'King¬ ston & Son agt Morit7, Mandelstein, Smith & Co., and Prank Van Pelt......... ''O*'13 109th St. Nos 33« and 340. s b, 123 w" 1st av' 31.0x100. John Laura agt Vito A Oiuhi and ■^ G Pn<;ci.............................180.00 Editor Record and Guide: . ' ' ' " The lion filed against premises on 92d street, west ot Central Park West, by Patrick Reddy. Sept. 15, is entirely unjust. Mr. Roddy's con¬ tract specifies that he is entitled to a payment 011 tbe second tier of beams on production of sur¬ veyors' certificates. The names ot the surveyors are specified. A payment of lt;2,500 was made to him in advance of tbe terms of tbe contract, and at tbe present lime there is not anything what¬ ever duo him, nnd he has failed to produce sur¬ veyors' certificates. Every other contractor on the job has been paid in full according to con¬ tract. -Mr. Reddy's claim wiU bo resisted. mi^ --^m^r-- -Jol^" W. Steven.. , rr —-------*------- ^- . BUILDING LOAN eONTRACTS. Sept. 12, Pitt et. No 125. 25x100. Leopold iSehnreriiler and Irving Ba'chraelr with Isidor Mishkind: ■to erect a O-sty and basement brk aud stone flat; 8 payments ................. S^ 12 000 Gouverneur st, No 28, 23..11x83.6. Isidore Jack¬ son with iSimon Jacobs; to erect a C-sty brk) apartment house; II payments...........0,000 Sept. 13. 1st av, n w cor 105tb at, 100,9x100. Adier & Herrman with Henie LiebeskiTid; to erecB four G-Bty brk apartment houses; 9 payments. lIGth Et, n s, 200 e'Stli av. 2b'0xl'o'o'.ii.' 'Theresa Goldsmith and Ferdinand Kurzman witb Ei William Wagner; to erect five 6-sty brk and ^tone apartment houses; 5 payments .. .130,000 "^Z..... Sept. 14. I 17th st, n s, 200 w Sth av, 25x92. Jacob A Zimmermann with iSarah C QuLnn; to erect a 5-sty brk aud stone flat; 12 payments. 12,0001 Sept. 16- 138th st, n s, .3S1.G e Alexander av. 25x200 toi I39th st, X 25. Simon Adier and Henry Sl Herrman witb Abe Solomon. To erect two 5-sty and basement brick flats; 11 paymejits. ^-----»............................ .22,000.00 -ri-y v- , ' -J*' * ORDERS. Sept. 13. Willis av. No 444, e s, 25 n 145th st, 25x100. Gus P Brudcrlein on A Weber to H G Sil¬ leck, Jr ..............................202.72 ------------* SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. Sept. 2. 'Stanton st, Nos 3G and SGi^, n s 58x110 Joseph Lazarus agt Louis J Levy. (Sept I ISOS.)..............................1.5O.'0Oi 'Sept. 10. 183d st, s a, 250 e lltb av. 75x104.11. Thos P Sou agt Rose Berwin. (Lien flled Sept 2. ^■'■'°J.............................-?l,55O.0O Sept. 12. I3Gth St. n a. 175 e St Anns av 25^:100 Har- llf,?!" ,l!'orrest agt Herman Engelhardt. (Aug 22, l.SOS) ..................., 10 00 50th st, Nos 501 to 507 W. Lovcri'n'g &'Ga'rri'- gues ogt Until A Wallace. (June 30, 1S98). ................................. 1 5'ly 1Q Boulevard No 903. Tommaso Seuajtore a.sb Bryan L KenncHy. (June 0, 1893).......G4 75 5th av, Nos 2212 to 2210, Richard H Abhott ugt Mary Hershfield, (.July 19. ISiiS)........ IKi (Xt 100th st, s s, 175 e Madisou av. 75x100. Chas la nornbusch «gt Louis Lippmann. (Sept 1, 1S9S) ........................ t)(\^ r,(j, 'Boston av, n 3, 115 e Crotona av '25x— Chas ' White agt Jjinet C MoUonald, (March 4 ^■^■''■* ...............................229.81a Sept. 13. 59tb Et, Nos -104 and 400 :Dast- Edward B'arbig- jagt Gcorga Abenscheim. (Sept 1. 1S98) - .170.00'■ =Brook av, e s, 84 n 109th st, 72,';.100. Edward- McCann agt Niels Toelberg. (Aug 20, 1808). ... -.......-..........--..... 1 ''7'T oOt 5th av. n o cor 125tb st, 75x85- Hcii'ry'B'r'oil^i "& iSon agt Jesse W Powers. (April 22, l,Si>7).. ....................... ' .'1 ."ifl 'rjfj Same property- Theodore Dietcrlen ag't'some'. (April 39, 1897) ................. .4 332 23 -ll;iih St. s s. 30O w Amsterdam av, ioOxIO(> John J Brady agt Wm C Turner. (Aug ,S. ^°->°> ................................141.03