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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 62, no. 1593: September 24, 1898

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Record and Guide September 24,1898. Ho,;SE. Elbert D-H Schwarzwalder. 1890.03.64 ho*a, iElfeert-A Larsen. ia!)l. ........ -. - ■ .4«-0b fi3liy; tuas P—FueliE & Laug Mfg Co. -1™%, .......,..-..-... lOb.ol Haukfiii;' t' raucis G—U' E kllim. 1S92....... To.^S 'Jtsttia, -irtliur—S J LuKkings. IH'M. ,,... .Si-.-io 'jamcii. Jas C and Thos Al-J J McBride. 1&^=- Ji,'Jc=V 'JLilii' 'ii'-LeiiVeia' Lumbfet Cb. 18*^1^-^^ KE^u, ■ kuiVn-B "^^iinger " 'I'SitM ".'.'.'.'. '-lyi^A fe^i^6^-----vV Kothscniid. lS9(i .........•>2.k02.o.i—Berglsche .Markische Bank, lbJ«. ■ ^^ ^HM-^fi^^o ^ -co: ■ -isoiig^ R&iby, Robt U aud Josepn—G U Deghorn. l^vS-.^ kii'Vaii' '.viaiilitw' C—L I'Vieseu. ISiiS.....:iiil.0S LbUic^i unueinu 0—E U l-iaaard. 1B'J8. .i:4y-9T u„,_u—111'.- I'enp.c, eee. la'j:;. ..U^-uJ ft;J:.rjJ "■Jlim.^-li y Jones. iSOtJ........3S.3iJ 'xiJciiu^iB, .Vlary A-L Leach. l89o.........^&.OiI !V^u*:>iDei Jaiii^^—'ii; J.Jonnson. 1890-------1^"^'^? McCULc:aeoii, Kobt., H-J Dillon. 1S98. .. .^ 'FM-.e. .v,o.t^-l n.- People, &c:. iS'Jli.......100.00 Hunlc, OlLo-J L Morgan Se Co. ISOS. . ..W-oi Kiiigir, George .fc Co-J A Vance. 180S.:;,| iS.W Ritl, James—C Bolhner. ISJS...... .. .101.01 RoEenfeia, Ifeuatz H-R A Wittmann. l8aS.l.ifa.69 Sayiiisch, Eamuud F—H Rose. 1808......lhO.22 i »,"-u tuiuaiu-t^i .\ehi. 1S.»S.. ,:;dS..ii The Gaiiut;[\.;ut luQemuity Assoc of WaterDury, ijoim-H J Br.xkei-. ISOS...........V„-£,^,^--J Same-----same. ISuT......... ........10,»Ji-ii va:eii:tine, Washington S—J Hemingway, lo^o VeVh'iiii Vito R.'i'h'os A, Pain B aud llaroiQ—B ..OJiehhym ct al. ISOS.....................l^L^^ Woods, i'^tk ll—K A Greacen. ISOa.......:.'f'-^^. ■Kite \V6bater-E: f Kienle. 1S9S.........ol2.22 'tiite, Webster—C D Barkley. 18J8.......112.U7 f ,..V<.t-;u Oj „.oi=i iji coun. -suspenoefi or appeai. sReleased. 'Reversal. 'Satisfied bj- erecntion. 'Annulled and void. MECHANICS' LiiNSi Sept. 17. Eastchfesttr rbad, e B, OU s X^"..'"?"'.^'^,^'^,.^'^' iSxlijO Volignt Bros agt Matilda Callaban and Glovauui Biilh ....................5:iOi.yb iouch St. s s, 100 w Columbus av, aO.vlOO. W?^ a Gill agt Joseph Cerrito............. .oUi.uo lOSa £t, ^os US aud 150, s s, l:il e Amsterdam av 50x100. Samuel ililleili age Joun Rou- iusoii and .\lcoias iiessina..............uj.ijj t.cXiiian.11 av, s i; cor iium st, :)a.i.\ioy.ii. wm OCuuuell and Freak Hadgn agi LuUi-a L, aua Arihnr C .Mauder ....................1,000.00 Sept. is*. met.;k^r st, -Nos 03 to 00, n s. loO e Broad- ivay, b^.o-tibc. -viasoua supplies Co agt Umiea Lua.i ai.a ii.vts.meat Co aud Uohi L Dar- lisiis- bous uo .......................e,JS-4S li„Lo it, .\c.s 600 ana 565, s s, SOp.e Sl Anns a.-v uo^iyjy:. ijbmi;nn:o vlsakgio a^t- Saran u tecnuy.ti, chknus uopetii una Anthony A^-_ &Ci^e pi'upVriy.' 'liuisJiipe Tedesco agt ■list Sl, MO JiO, n s, :iio e luto av, 20X08.8. ^iLrUiuu rnciicr ast William Gaaagtier and Geo H "Simonson ........................lo.UU Rivii-gioii st, .\o.a2.J, s s, lil,S e Goerek st, IS iixTj, Johu Or.aiido ,i:l al agl John Sul.i- vu.., i,u3i:cmi K, JJ..HiiUedeVtO ..-----/;; ■,-,^ :'-;■-■'■ ii,oni st s s iTS.a w Bark av, lOtelOO.ll- ^.o-roiLi Uoutracuug and Gonsirm:iion L'o_asL Luuis i,lppmann ....................6, Bouicvaio, w s, 14.11 u W2i st, 120x100. Pat- litk Conlon agt Uexier B Horton and Jonn I'o'&r .........,,,.,-.........z*UU-VJu riu st u'a,"'a05 w 4th ay, luOxlll^ WakeBeid. ■cMs K Hoyt agt iaa R aud Wm l-l i-amp- hear................................iUU.St> lllh st s s, lijii e waite Plains av, oOxlOO. uinioU Sc fiiLR Co agl Giorge l-eier aQd Annie Troman ........................SS-i-U*} llOth st, s e cor Lexington av, 3^x100.11. Begg & Bates agt Laura Ji .Manatr.. .. ,8:ii.0O i,ei,UA av = e i:or H-ia si, iowxiuu. The Rob¬ insou Sioin; Ware Co am K J Blake and Jo- sian S Lmasay .........^...,...,... ....^00.00 ioTth st, n w cor Melrose av, 6t>x20u. Robert i^^u-o ^^i. i_„.i.:.= iiiyioV and George Jam=i. .......... .,,........--..lo.—O Sept. 20. 4t'ii st h s, ao5 w 4Lh av, loOitlll, 24th Ward. Lawrence Bros agt Ida B aud Wm H Lamp- hear ...........................lS2.ol Jerome iiv, c s, S'J.a s 183d st, —x—. Peter_ Carroll agl Lizzie and C 13 Rudolph......Ui.ol> Uuion av, s w cor 150lh st, 30xio. Morns Ltvin agl Simon Wolff aud .Michael Chis¬ ling .................................22a.OO '(i3d st s s 150 e West End av, lOUxlOD. August Ne'sou agl Bridget and Patrick Cooney.:iOO.OU Same protierty. l-'ilal A Alleu agt same..530.02 Sanie property. M B Houpt & aon agt same. ..................................DtiS.OO Saiil'e "properly. Marx & Jacobson agt same. otii' av', 'u'e VoV i35th st, lOUxlOO. Henry Burge agt Theo G Stein, E Yancey Cohen, Emery Roth and JTrederick Fenz................03.ol) Same property. Xavier Schilling agt same.52.60 Tlh av, No 22ril, e s, HJO n 132d st, 2ox00. i'rauk ludulli agt Brodie Se Hanretty ...857.50 Sl Nicholas av, n w cor 15jth sl, 51.0x82.&x 4S).llx00.a. Louis F Mauta agt Johu Jordan, August B Ackert aud Morris Friedlander. .5.73 West End av, s w cor OSth st. 105x105. Joel M .Evans and Joel Alien agt August Johusou and Carl Laggerson ....................IIO.OO 100th St. s s, i:i3 w 1st av, 37.0x100. Vermont Marble Co agt Autouio G Pucci.........76.2T 0:id St. s s. loU e West End av. 109x100.11. Samuel Sass agt Bridget Cooney ........133.00 Same property. George Colon agt same., .705.71 Same property. Qniu D Person agt Bridget and Patrick Coouey....................201.10 Kossuth av, s Sj 50 e Byron, —xlOO. Jaa "V . .tiawrtucc agl Kobt E Meyernott...,-----.4»J.5r Union av, ^ (v coi- loOth st, TosSO. Richardson , Loyntoh Ch agl Hernian Wolff aud Michael Chisling .....................20a.OU Sl Ahns ac'.'s'w'cor ISOth st„ 25xl00x25:ilO0.8. TUc litrger .vilg Co agt Henry Bosch and Juiiii J tinjiigJn ...-------.■/■■■.........::}'-'', Av B Nos 27. ::0, 31. 33 and 33, s,e eor 3d st, liil]\3 Sept. 21. m 51 ■; » :-;31.y e Vvmie Piuius road, 50x100. liurtDh Bros Se Cb agt Aillouio HiIeso aud .\larK E Stevens.............................'20i,oi lii.n st, 11 t. 4:cK, c nn av, i4XiU0.1i. Lagu __ _,i,s -Ji LO ag: Mary Loiiwuy........ . .l,3cy.lo 02U at E E, 200 e lltn av, luoxiOO. MurraJ' &c uu ugi Munis aud K\a .vianue.stem and Grtater M i Aii.Uciai ttone \^&ritE go...........42.i,0 SiebbiiiE av, w s, .iS u iuoih sc, 3lIsijxo2xoj. jds A Ue..iiug agt Ann ar.a PaiK snfeehan..:ib.OU LLXingiou av, No io20| Htuiy huber. Co agt l-red^i, .NO bi" I "an- anO Ilenry i-;ohel,_^ John vV Crane......................;;,V .,■.'■* 7Litn Et, h e cor West End av, lOUxlliO. Thos C iidiiionds & Co agt wm U Franice aud i^-'za- beth hendtrscn ...............:.....■ ■■,-^y'^,-°^ S2d st, No ■, s E, 200,0 w Av A, 2oxH)2.2, i,riio.Ky ic uuintr uo agl 1-reida and ilax Han aud Charies N'arden ...................ii4(j.l5 Sept. 22. Jerome av, k e, 325 s ife3d tt, 25x100. Thomas jui.Us.Oli agt Liii/ie auu C li kuaoipu.....;jjU.OJ Kiidii-ii at. .NO i^i, w s. SO s GhiiaiOijner si, 20x Tl. ftiicnael ^LaiOlf agi Kosaiind fJ Richmond :iiid IV i_iuger.......................l:;tj.00 nil El, h £, oOJ W 4m av, lOuxlll, 2-lih Ward. Aa^.u^n is iMthoiE agt loa R anu wm H L,impii^-«i-. . .."......................... '•'^■^•^ Vviikihs pi, s e cor Jeuniugs ei, ;;5k1U0. THe Natl bnccc ..jLiai Kuutiug L,o ngt Agues Harl. .:;:;±.S1 PioEpeti at, n s, oOu e J.'OIL to^iiuyier road, liu xiuu. .Vi J bcu-.y agt ualLerini: Luane anu Luai C jiauger and \.iu Rueii;.......... ..l:iu.09 Bio„ii. ay, e a, 2x--j,u s iiuiu st, liiJiiOO. John .McLaueU'm agt Guorge Olo.z............::b.00 Siini; luoptriy. riiomaa BuiKe agl samt . . .:;i.lj toame proptriy. Kobt !■ .Muir age same......1'6.T.> Sept. 23. 1st sl, s s, 334.0 e While Piaius av, 25x125. kbo'ert 'ri.ombson agi .\monio Kusso and ti M Leign...................................-zi.M laVtn Et, s s, .j'20 e St Ann's av, oyxUO. John W Kapp iigl Barau U schuyler..............110,UO aa =L, .^V, ::S8, s s, 20o.S e av C, 2jxiOu. Geoige vogel & Son agt Isaac .Mar.i;............ ..m.oO 15U..U il, s E, ■2i,...-i L- jionia av,. i;.j.\-.,o.....................,--■-.........-^i>-''S Same iJiOjierty. LQifei uOUUO agt sime.....12.00 a^me piopenj. Kanne.e Liberio ngt Eame-.. .u.oJ b^rne i-rui. lU at9lk.DlM