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Leaycraft, J Edgar to Joseph Ullman. Lex¬ ington av, No 192S, w s, 54.6 s 119th st. 27x70. Oct 7. 1 year, 5%. 1,500 Same to Mark Blumenthal. Same property. Oct 7, 3 years, 5%. 16,500 Leaycraft, J Edgar to Lizzie S Stocker, Coop¬ erstown, N Y. Lexington av, w s, 54.6 s 119th St. 27x70. Oct 10, 1 year. 3,000 Levy, Louis J to Emilie J Murray. Stanton st. No 36, n s, 92.6 e Chrystie st, 31x100. Oct 7, 1 year, 5%. 3,000 Levien, Tany to Aaron Goodman and Nathan Silverson. Madison st. No 265, n s, 18.9x 100; Madison st. No 267, n s, 18.9x100. P M. Sub to mort $11,300. 0»t 3, installs. 5.000 Levin, Barnet and Samuel Mandel to Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher Lewine. Orchard st, s w cor Delancey st, 25x87.6. P M. Oct 4, 1 year. 13,500 Lippman, Louis to GERMAN-AMERICAN REAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEB GO. lOOtb st, s s, 123.3 w Park av, 100x100.11. Oct 5, demand. 82,000 Mander, Laura B wife of and Artbur C to Donald B Toucey as trustee. 119th sl, s e cor Lexinglon av, 33.3x100.11. Sept 30, demand. 5,000 Same to John Davis as Irustee of credits of Laura B and Artbur G Mander. Same prop¬ erty. Sept 30, 1 year, a%, 5,000 Same to Lewis S Davis. Same property. Sub to morts $5,000, Sept 30, demand. 1,500 Mansfield, Susan H wife of and Richard to Alonzo B Kight. Riverside Drive, No 310, e s. 22 s 104th st, 21.10x100, right of way over strip 3 ft wide adj cn n s. Oct 10, in¬ stalls. 13,000 Many, Wm T to IRVING SAVINGS INf-T. 44th St. No 440, s s, 310 e lOtb av, 20x 100.4. Oci 13, 1 year, iYiZ- 5.(^00 Marshall, Mary K to Stanley W Dexter, 124th st, Nc 250, s s, 207.10 e Sth av, 16.SxlOO.ll. Oct 10, 1 year, 4=/^%. 3.000 Martin, Kate F lo Moses and Sophie Elkan. SOth st, n 3, 101,8 w 2d av, 25.5x102.2. Oct 12, 3 years, 4Vz%. gold, 11,000 Martin, Robert P, Summit, N J, to MUTUAL LIFE INS CO. 147lh st, n s, IOO w 7lh av, widened, 75x99.11. Oct 7, 1 year, 5%. S,000 Marx, Bva J wife of and Sidney J to Allan Marquand, Princeton, N J, admr, ,&c, of Mabel Marquand. 97th st. No 36, s s, 329 w Central Park West, ISxlOO.ll. Oct 13, due Nov 1, 1903, 5%. ijold, 18,000 Malhushek, Victor H lo THE UNITED STATES LIFE INS CO. 12Tth st, No 230, s s, 258.4 w Tth av, 16.Sx99.ll. Oct 11, Syears. 5%. S.OOO Mayer, Rebecca wife of and Alex J to THE MUTUAL LIFE INS CO of N Y. Boule¬ vard, n e cor 134lh at, runs n 199.10 to 135lh St. X e — 63.4 to former cenlre line of Old Bloomingdaie road, x s e — to 134th st, X w 84 to beginning; Boulevard, n e cor 133d St. 199.10 to 134tb st, x e 92.4 lo for¬ mer centre line of Old Bloomingdaie road, xse — to 133d st, x w 135 to beginning. Oct 6, due Oct 7, 1S99. 50,00( Meyer, Hannah with Alfred Siegman. Lex¬ ington av, e s, 25.11 s 104th st, 25x95. Extension of mortgage. Sept 30. non Miller, Herbert B, Pinos, Mex, to Frederic W Ward, Bast Orange, N J. 3d st, s w s, 80 s e 2d av, 20x50. Yi part. Sept 1. 1 year. 20i Mohrman, John mortgagor with Henry _ .A Lolh as exr estate of Leopold Lehman, aid st. No 315 East. Bxtension of mortgage. Oct T. nof I Moore, Thos K and Eleanor G to Milton Schnaier. lllth st, s s, 150 e Tth av, 100 xlOO.ll. Sub to all liens. Oct 7, due Jan 7, 1899. 6,759 Moore, Thos K to James Rogers. lllth st, s 3, 150 e 7th av, 33,6x100.11. Sub to mort $------. Oct 11, 3 months. 3,000 Same to Claude H Hallett. lllth st, s s. 150 e 7th av, 100x100.11. Sub to mort $------. Oct 11, demand. 2,000 Muhlenfels, Charles to Bmma E wife of Ru¬ dolph Gross. 147th sl, s s, 133.10 w Bou¬ levard, 16.8x99.11. Dec 15, 1894, due Oct 15. 1896,5%. 2,000 McElrath, Percy to Geo W Dayton. Spruce st. No 13, e s, 24.5x99x24.3x104.6, except part taken to widen st, ^4 Part. Aug 31, due Nov 1, 1900, 1,800 McKetrick, Lucy A formerly Browne and for¬ raerly Gould to Caroline M Butterfield. 41st st, n s, 240.4 w Oth av, 20x Y" block. Oct 12, due Nov 1, 1900, 4i/.%. gold, 2,000 McPharland, Eliza, Rutherford, N J, to THE METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO. 79th sl, n s, 200 w Columbus av, 25x102.2. Oct T. 1898, due Dec 1, '1901. 42,500 Same to Eliza A wife of Wm E Diller. Same property. Sub to raorl $42,500. Oct 7, 1 year, 5%. 7,500 Same to THE METROPOLITAN LIFE INS CO. 79th st, n s, 225 w Columbus av, 2.ix 102.2. Oct 7, due Dec 1, 1901. 43,000 Same to Eliza A wife of Wm B Diller. Sarae property. Sub to mort $43,000. Oct 7, 1 year, 5%. 7,000 Same to THB METROPOLITAN LIPB INS CO. 79th St. n s, 250 w Columbus av, 2rix 102.2. Oct 7, due Dec 1, 1901. 42.-500 Same to Eliz A wife of Wm E Diller. Same property. Sub to morta $42,500. Oct 7, 1 year, 5%. 7.500 McShane, William and Mary J tO Andrew Nelson. Vermilyea av, w s, 100 s Isham st, 25x125. Oct 6, 2 years, 5%. 350 Naarden, Charles to Jonas Weil and Bern- hard Mayer. Madison st. No 390, s s, 100 e Jackson st, 24.10x95.8x25x95.8. Sub to mort $11,000. Oct 3, due May 1, 1899. 5,750 Nash, S Bdward to TITLB GUARANTES AND TRUST CO. 20th st. No 34, s s, 350 e 6tb av, 25.3x92. Oct 13, 3 years, 4'/2%- 30,000 Nealis, Maggie wite of and David to James 'Everett. 126th ^t. No 307, n s, 149.6 w Stb av, 25.6x99.11; also, ail grantors interest to land lying 175 w of St Nicholas av, n at centre line block bet 126lh and 127th sts, e by said line ITS w Slh av, and s by l'26th St. Oct 11, due April 11, 1S99. 600 Nevt-man, Sarab C, of Garrisons, N Y, to Bd¬ ward Wanty, of Tompkinsville, S I. 29th st, n s, 121 e 7th av, 23x98.9. Mort $9,- 000. Oct 6, due Oct 31, 1S98. 4.700 Newman, Sarah C to Gouverneur Kortright. 29lh st, n s, 121 e 7lh av, 25x98.9. Oct 6, 2 years, 5%. 9,000 Nosser, August L otherwise Louis to Eleanor M Hall. 72d st. No 1S2, s s, 110 w Sd av, 20x102.2. Oct 7, due July 25, 1901. 5,000 O'Hea, Julia to Mary J Smith. Pike st. No 66, w s, 25x61.10. Oct 11, 3 years, 5%. 8,000 Same to Wm G Clopton. Same property. Sub to mort $8,000. Oct 11, 1 year. 1,500 Paine, Augustus G, Jr, to NBW YORK LIFE INS CO. 74tb st, n s, 200 w West End av, 22x6S.Sx22x67.10. Oct 7, 4 years, 4%%. gold, 25,000 Parrish, James C lo Joha B Miller. S6th st, n s, S7.9 w Madison av, 25.7x102. Oct 11, 3 ye.irs, 41/2%. 12,500 Paterno, John to Geo S Hamlin, of Ruther¬ ford, N J. 106th st, No 204, s s, 125 w Amslerdam av, 25x100.11. Oct 8, 3 years. 28,000 Peetz,. Gustav to Lylia De L Andrews. S9th sl, Jl s, 1T1.6 e Columbus av, 18x100.8. Oct 10, 5 years, 414%. gold, 18,000 Polk, Maurice to Jacob D Butler. St Nicholas av. s w cor 153d st, l-27.9xl34.9xl24.llx 107,10, except part taken for Croton Aque¬ duct. Oct 10. due Oct 1, 1899. 100,000 Samo to same. Same property. P M. Oct 10, due Oct 1, 1899. 40,000 Powoll, H Wheeler to Theodore aud William Kilian, firm of Kilian Brothers. 144th st, n 3, lis e Convent av, 57x99.11. Sub to morts $127,000. Oct 10, 1 year. 6,000 Rabill, James lo Adolph G Hummel. 169th sl, n s, 150 & lllh av, 25x81.7. Oct 10, 5 years, 4Y2%. 3,250 Reid, Jennie wife of Thomas to Jobn P Kane exr Mary T Kane. 72d st. No 14, s s, 250 w Central Park Wesl, 25x102.2. P M. Sub to mort $50,000. Oct 1, 2 years, 5%. 10,000 Rinn, Frank G to James McClenahan, Jas D Smith and Sewanee M Stevenson exrs, fie, will of David Stevenson. Oth av, n w cor 42d st, 20.5x62. Sept 1, 1 year, 5%. 4,072 Roemer, Rudolpb to Jacob Ruppert. 1st av. No 1580. Saloon lease. Sept 19, deraand. 1,467 Roeser, Louis and Christiana to NBWBURG SAVINGS BANK. Oth av. No 117 w s, 52.10 n 17lh st, 26.1x100. Oct 8, 5 years, 41^%. 20,000 Rosenstoclt, Bernhard morlgagor with James Stokes. 117lh st, s s, 150 e Columbus av. Extension of mortgage. Oct 7. rom Sarae with same, 117th st, s s, 125 e Co¬ lumbus av. Extension of mortgage. Oct 7. nom Sadlier, Kath C to James F Raywood, Monti- ceUo, N Y. SSth st. No 260, s s, 154 w Boulevard, ISxlOO.S. Sub to morts $15,- 000. Oct 12, 5 years. 3,500 Same to THB GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK. Same property. Oct 5, due Sept 1,1899,41/2%. 1,500 Scbachne, Louis to TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO. 94th st. No 163. n s, 151.4 e Lexington av, 18.9x100.8. Oct 12, 5 years, 4%. 6,000 Seggerman, Annie T and Frederick K with Mary W Duttenhofer. 70th st, n s, 100 w Amsterdam av, 15.6x100.5. Extension of mortgage. Sept 1. nom Sellew, Timolhy G to Samuel M Cohen. 102d st, s s, 181 w Park av, 101.7x—x123.6x 100.10. Oct 13, 3 years, 5%. 18,000 Sewall, Anna B to Cbarles Sewall. TSth st, s s, 133 w 4th av, 17x102.2. Oct 11, due Oct 15, 1901, 5%. 20,000 Sbaw, Chas R to J Frances Pease. 75th st. No 130, s s, 360 w Columbus av, 20x102.2. Oct 8. 5 years, 5%. 28,000 Shaw, Florence N wife of Daniel A to Wm J Nicklas. S9lh st. No 260, s s, 193 e West End av, 16x100.8. P M. Oct W, due Apr 10, 1900, 5%. 1,523 Siegel, Abraham and Isaac Grossmen to Geo D De Wilt and Jacob K Lockman trustee Sarah Talman. Market st. No 48, e s, 2oxS7.T. Sept 30, 5 years, 5%, 2T,000 Sarae to Jacob Korn. Same property. Sept 30, due Oct 4, 1899. 5,000 Simpson, John P and Chaa H to Julia E Cameron. 129th st, No 58, s s, 110 e Oth av, widened, 25x99.11. July 5, due Nov 1, 1901, 5%. 21,000 Smilh, Peter to Ghas P Emery. Greenwich st. No 622, w s, 50 n Leroy st, 25x90.3x 25x89.6. Sub to mort $25,000. Oct 6, In- staHs. 600 Sraith. Samuel W B lo Moses and Sigmund -Mendekohn. Downing st, s s, 154,2 w iBedford st, 2T. 10x91.1x28.9x98.10. Sub to mort $26,000. Oct 13, due Oct S. 1899. gold, 5,000 Stearns, Gertrude lo Frank Ritter, Jr, 102d st, n s, 266.8 w Columbus av. 25x100.11. Mort $20,000. Oct 7, due April 5, 1901. 1,500 Steinmetz, Eva lo J Frederic Kernochan. 149th st, s s, 175 w Amsterdam av, 7Sx 99.11. Oct 7, demand. 28.000 Struever, Herman and Wiiliam Homeyer to The P & M Schaefer Brewing Go. 22d st. No 58 West. Leasehold. Sept 28, demand. 2,226 Sullivan, Mary J to Bdward Felbel. Riving¬ ton st, a a, 24.2 e Goerek st, 37.6x75. Sub to mort. Oct 6, due Jan 6, 1899. 2,5l>0 Sarae lo William and Adolph Wagner, firm Adam Wagners Sons, Same property. Sub to raort. Oct 7, due Dec 3, 1898. Secures note. 1,80