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Record 10 eonsolidated Ice Co—J Taylor. . .. .-.100.00 4 Thuren, John—A Nelson. .......507.07 5 Terry, George D—W H Ford......94.60 7 Thomas, Emil and-Alfved J—H Abegg et al .___ ........ -^.....-.127,43 -E Bossert et al-------635.46 East ilth st, e s, 300 s Av C, 40x100. Henry J Samuel agt Abraham and Mark B Kaight ................4o2.00 ■7 the same- __....... 7 the same------Aetna Mills......720.SS 7 the same-------WE Iseiin et al..i.97.74 7 the same------G F Vietor et al. .1,287.26 .7 the same-------J C Wilmerding et al. ............................33o.lo 7 Turner,'Howard E—P C Forst. . . .2o5.15 4 Urso, Michael and Mary—H Kittlehodl.. - . .;........,,..........(D) 2,146,20 A Underliter, L E—Armorite Interior Con¬ duit Co.................34,66 7 Von Wilmowski, Paul—Emily F Barrett. .........................132,6.} 9 Van Heiil, WiUiam—A Nelson......26.85 10 Voss, Charles—J V Jewett.........laaAb 4 WhUney, Chas P—J H UnderhUl .■.1.04ii.l* 5 Wigand, Paul P—D P Boehm......119.W 9 Walter, Ernest A—G Siaber........oO,4( 10 Weeks, Chas, Jr—Brooklyn DaUy Eagle. ............................(b6,44 10 Wiison,'Blbert C and Eliz S—Exrs Janet R Spence 1,865.47 10 Wolff, Alfred S—Ida J Milbury......168.48 — ♦--------------- SATISFACTION OF JUDGMENTS, Nov 4 to 10—Inclusive. Crawford,' Helena C-^ Webster 1897. - ..59.25 Connolly, Thos P-B G Hiigbes. 1S94. . . -, l^.o2 Demato, John-F Luck. 1808.. -- .. ■■.v^^.;^^ Bstabrook, Samuel G-W Schweitzer 189S.^lo0 Ferguson, Edmund A-F Luck, 1898,. ■-^^^^-W Hoye, Stephen M-F Luck. 1898.......-^o.OO Jobnson. Helen-G Heiberger. 1898 .......39Lo. Same-----same. 1S98............,,;--A' 'Mendenhall. Carleton and Lorenzo—B Groes¬ Same------P Terwilliger- 1891......... - - ■ ■■*5'^i Same------same. 1897 ........ - ..-■-■.....l'^-93 Mendenhall. Lorenza—G C Case. ISO,......91.17 Same^-----.0 B Mott. 1896................133.3o Same------F Peterkin, 1896.............■^;>-'^> lame------R Groesbeck. 1896..........1W,^4 same------H Pennie. 1898................^^^^ Mendenhall, Sarah-G C Case. 1898,- •- IW-^ Pfizer, Cbarles—Germania Fire Ins Co. 1^^°^-^- ScbroVder',' Fredk ' A-Ge'r'r^ania Fire Ins Co j^ggg.......................i,-llJ.-ll_ ScbarmaVn,''Herman B--same. lS9S.-4.n9--'' Soderbolm, Chas G and Ida—C S Rice. 189^--_. Brooklyn'&'BrighVon"Beaoh'R R Co-Louisa M Beeckman. 1895 ..................-ivuii Same-----same. 1895.. .. -■ -.--_-.....H^'il Same—Marion D McCollum. 189o......61,-U Same-------same, 1S95............- ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i°^-^-^ Brooklyn Heights R R Co-Lottie S Frey., aSJ8^^ Same^^C f'jobnson.' 'isgS.''. :.'■'■' ■ • - • -150.00 Tbe Germauia of tbe City ot Brooklyii--Ger- mania Fire Ins Co. 1S98., . ---. .....4,419.4, Watts, Frank A-Julia Davis- ISUS.- .-, ,0-l.Jo Weissner. Oscar E A-W Wellbrook. 1806. .i>.J,J-J SATISFACTION OF MECB:. LICNS. Nov. 4. East Jth st, e s. 300 s Av C. 40x100. Jobn S Loomis agt Abraham and Mark B Knight (Oct 31) ..........................$1,492.83 East Tth st, e s. 360 s Av M. 20x120.6. Alta R Newman agt Rosa and Charles Miller. (Oct 11) ..................................65.38 Lafayette av. No 554, s s, 3U0 w Nostrand av. —X—. Frauk J Mills agt Mr Augustine and E M Hobby. (June 7) ............*.....45.00 Nov. 9. iGleumore av, n e cor Cbeatnut st. 40x100. Johannes Fagereng agt Cath H and Peter G Kerr. (.May 20) .......................48.T5 4Stb st, u s, 100 e 5th av, —x—. Luigi De¬ maria agt Bridget Furey and Nicolo Tipaldi. (Oct 5)................................63,00 Same property. Gio B Demaria agt same. (Oct 5) ...............................19-90 Same property. Francesco Nati agt same. (Oct 5) ...................................32,10 Same property- Raifaele Gerace agt same, (Oct 5) ....................................32,10 Same property. Giuseppe Nesei agt same. (Oct 5)...................................19.30 Same property. Vincenzo Gulluzzo agt same. (Oct 5) ...............................27.50 Nov. 10. ^Irving av, s e cor Suydam st, 50x100. Annie L Hackett agt Peter Morgan. (Aug 24). .50.00 Elevated R R structure connection from Fulton st, near Tillary st, to Brooklyn Bridge. John¬ son Bros agt James H Frothingham recvr. Sept 9.............................110.25 Same property. Bolton Contracting Co agt same. Sept 9.....................375.00 MISCELLANEOUS. GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS. Nov. 10 Lewis, William A {residing at 254 Franklin av. carrying on business as an undertaker at 404 De Kalb av, under style of A Lewis' Son) to Joho H Rowland. NEW BUILDINGS. Same------same. ZolIer, Franz and Anna M—Margt Eberth. 1398. 00 MECHANICS' LIENS. Nov 4. Greenpoint av, s s, Tl.lO w Manhattan av, —x —, Thomas G Kaigbt agt Conrad Heidelber¬ ger and Charles Kallmann.. .. .- .- .- rt>s..iA>,i East Oth st, e s, 3LlO s Av C, 40x100. John 3 Loomis agt Abraham and Mark B K:"'Sht^-^^ Liberty'a'v','ii'e'cor'Powell St. 25xld(i. ^Robert Pindlay agt James E Hennessey and Joha^H.^^ Edward M Maguire......... -,. o.^ Lee av. s e cor Ross st. i4x8b. ^ „ „ , Doyle agt Matilda Anderson, Edward R GaJ- livan and Princeton Club,. ,.......i^b.-o 56th st, s s, 100 e Sth av. S0xm2........ ■ - 56th st, s E. 220 e 5tb av, 2(1x100 2......... 57th Et, s s. 380 e Sth av. 20x100,2... .. . - , ■! Frank W Bradford agt South East Buildmg^^ Sb^o°rV Vo'a'd.' e' 's." 15' s'fl9tb' st,' '^^^ISO-,' Mary MUler.agt Albert Jobnson and Frank McN^al-^^ Nov 5. Bergen st. s s. 150 e Brooklyn av. 60x100...-.1 -Bergen st. s s, 250 e Brooklyn a^; ,^'^='ip"vd-U Jobn A Hughes agt D Topping Atwood. .^iHi.Orf Nov. T. Bergen-st, s s. 140 e Brooklyu av, 140x100. Curtis Bros agt D T Atwood.. .. .. .. . —oo,-i Bath av. n w cor Bay Uth st, Henry Ott agt Tbos Fyans and Mr Blind.. .. .... --J;?,-*-.-^ Herbert st, s e cor Monitor st, 2^x100. Daniel J Carey agt Cbarles Monahan and Isaac Gos- lln and Joseph Braun..............z-u.uo Nov 9. Willow st, s w cor Poplar st, 24,8x100. Jam^s J Degnan agt Betts Construction Co_._. . .llo.UD Greene av, a e cor Tompkins av, 2oxto Clias H Mayes agt Johu Hurrin and ------ b utter. ._^ Bergen'st,"s"s', 150'e'srookiyn av, ebxio'l) and 250 e Brooklyn av, 40x100, F E Schulze .Lum¬ ber Co .agt D Topping Atwood and B Johnson,^^ Ambr'o's'e"park,"b'o'iinded'by 2d'and 3d' avs and 32d to STth Ets, Alfred C Aims agt Wm J Morgan and National Cyclodrome Co, Buffalo ■Bills Wild West Co and J Archibald Murray,^^ Same'property! 'ch'a's"H'krels agt same-.2T3.00 Nov 10. Henry st. b e cor President st. 25x92 Thomas Silk act Patrick McGinnis and John C. Car¬ lin............................l.iO.lo De Kalb BY. Nos 862 to 866, s s, 2T5 e Tbroop aT, 75^100. John P Mead agt Frederick Weis . (Old Geo R M:ead,.. .......;;.........30.00 The first name Is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; b'r for builder. All roofing material is tin unless otherwise specified. 1900—WoodrufE av, n s, 100 w Flatbush av, 4-Ety brk flat, 44xT(J, S families, galvanized iron cornices; cost, ."fiy.oOO; Mich L Hamilton, on premises; ar't, J J Petit, ISU Remsen st, lyUl—Clarkson st, n s, 520 w Albany av, 3-sty brk home, lOSxSS; cost, $22,000; Dept of Public Charities, N Y; ar't, L H Voes, 65 De Kalb av. 1902—Sterling pl, n s, 400 e Underhill av, eleven 2-sty attic and basement brk dwell'gs, 17.5x45, 1 family, galvanized iron cornices; total cost, $tilj,000; Bessie L Martin, 350 Cum¬ berland st; ar't, A S Hedman, .\rbuckle Build¬ ing. 1803—S2d st, n s, 110 w 3d av, 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g, 34x30. 1 family, shingle roof; cost, .t!3,D0O; Wm Spence & Bro, 3d av and 52d st; ar't, H L Spicer, 326 56th st. 1904—S2d st, n s, 150 w 3d av, similar dweU'g. 28.6x45; cost, $3,500; ow'r and ar't, same as last. 1905—East 26th st, w s, 315 s Newkirk av, 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g. 21x56. 1 family, shingle rooE; cost, .I^S.oOO; ow'r and ar't, Wra J Cohn, 454 East 25th st. 190U—East 26th st, w s, 275 s Newkirk av, similar dwell'g, 24x4^; cost, $3,500; ow'r and ar't, same as last. 1907-Clarkson st, s s, 135 e Nostrand av. 1-sty frame shed. .50x5i0, gravel rool; cost, $3-, 0()O; Baer & Zeiser, cn premises; ar't, G Acker, 148 Grove st, 190S—East River front, Jay fo Adam sts, 1- sty brk sheds, 400x198, galvanized iron roof; cost, $32,000; Arbuckle Bros, Water st and Old Slip. N Y; ar't, Frank Freeman, 132_ Nassau st N Y; b'rs, Berlin Iron Bridge Co, Oa Nassau st, N Y. 1809—Clarkson sf, s s, 135 e Nostrand av, 2-sty frame stable, 50x16, gravel roof; cost, ,'fi400; Baer & Zeiser, on premises; ar't, Geo Acker, 148 Grove st, 1910—Atlantic av, n s, 375 w Grand av. 1- sty brk shop. 40xSO. gravel roof; cost, $8,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Howard J Smith, 256 St James pi. 1911—Classon av. w s, 113 s Prospect pl, two 2-sty brk flats, 27,6x65. 6 families each, gravel roofs; to'tl cost, $13,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Edmund Perkis, 302 Smith st. 1912—Hubbard st, w s. 250 s Harway av, 2- sty frame dwell'g, 22x26, 1 family, shingle roof; cost, $1,000; William Kenney, on prem¬ ises; ar't. W Sbipnann, Hubbard st ana Gravesend Beach. 1913—Slst st, s B, 140 e ISth av, 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g, 24x35, 1 family, shingle roof; cost. $3,400; Anna Selkirk. Argyle Hotel, Bath Beach; ar't, J J Petit, 186 Rerasen st, lS.)14_East 29th st, e s. 340 s Newkirk av. 2- sty and attic frame dwell'g, 23x40. 2 families, shingle roof; cost, $3,500; ow'r and ar't, Bliza Craigen, 95 Butler st. 1915^^New Tort av, e B, 210 s Av F, l-sty frame shed, 25x18, shingle roof; cost, $150; Peter Peaston, 372 Water st, N Y. 1916—Easl 12ih st, w s, 2U0 s Slocum pi, 2- sty and altic frame dwell'g, 26,10x.>4, 2 fam¬ ilies, shingle roof; cost, $5,U0O; Franklin S Holmes, 1446 Flatbush av; ar't, R Von Lehn, New York av and Av J. 1917—Av G, s s, 8D e New York av, three 2-sty and attic frame dwell'gs, 24x45, 1 family, shingle roofs; 'otal cost, $14,400; Bauer & Cor¬ bin, Flatbush av and Av J; ar't, B Driesl^ir, 1432 Flatbush av, 1918—East ISth st, w s, 300 n Av B, 2-sty and attic frame dweU'g, 33x59, 1-family, sbingle roof; cost, $T,000; Frank F Storm, Jr, 624 Kent av; ar't, H R Brewster, 41 Wall 8t, New York. 1919—S4th st, s s, 380 e Soth av, 2.sty and attic frame dweU'g, 22x32, 1-family, shingle roof; cost, $4,000; Young & Meyers, 245 Greenwich st, N Y- 1920—East 19th st, w s, 155 s Av B, similar dwell'g, 27x46; cost, .$4,500; T B Ackerson, Construction Co, 2415 Church av; ar't, J J Petit, 186 Remsen st. 1921—Fort Hamilton av, s s, 60 e East 4th st, four 2-sty and attic frame dwell'gs, 17x34, 1-family; total cost, $10,000; ow'r aud ar't, Alex Muir, Prospect av, near Fort Hamilton av. 1922—Java st, s s, 173 w Provost st, 1-sty frame factory, 25x50; cost, $600; P Danbacher Se Co., 95 Nassau st, N T; ar't, C A Kane. 102 Milton St. 1923—Albany av, n w cor Av J, 2-sty and at¬ tic frame dwell'g, 20x49, 2-familiea, shingle roof; cost, $3,200; T Jackson, 980 Nostrand av; ar't, A W Pierce, 1127 Flatbush av. 1924—East 43d st^ e s, 200 n Av K, 2_-sty frame dwell'g, 20x3o, 1-family; cost, $1,700; Samuel Pfaff, 205 Woodbine st; ar't, A W Pierce, 1127 Flatbush av. 1925—Bast 42d st, e s, 177 n Av I, 2-sty frame dwell'g, 20x47. 2'families; cost, $3,000; W Martin, 122 Ash st; ar't. same as last. 1926—S5th st, n s, 120 e 13th av, 2-sty and attic frame dwell'g, 26x3S, 1-family, shingle roof; cost, $5,500; W L Johnson, S2d st, cor llth av; ar't, C Schubert, Bath av and Bay 19th St. 1927—13tb av, n e cor SSth st, similar dwell¬ ing, 22x47; cost, $6,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. 192S—Montgomery st, n s, 360 e Albany av, 1-sty frame shed, 12.xl2, gravel roof; cost, $100; John Mark, on premises. 1929—Atlantic av, s s, 200 w Nostrand av, 1-sty brk carriage house, 37x44; cost, $1,400; William Seaman, 1325 Pacific st; ar't, 0 H Roberts, SSI Sterling pi. 1930—Harway av, n w cor Bay 47th st, 1-sty frame store and dwell'g,23.6x34, 1-family, shingle roof; cost, $1,000. Isa_ac P Hyde, on premises; ar't, J A McDonald, o6 West 1st et. 1931—Lefferts st, s s. 540 w Brooklyn av, 1-sty frame dweU'g, 11x30, 1-family, gravel roof; cost, $450; Anton Trezza, 420 New York av; ar't, J Pope, 39S Rutland road. 1932—Barren Island, East End, dock front, 1-sty frame station, 30x40, clay roof; cost, $l,o00; N Y Sanitary Co, 30 Burling Slip, N Y; ar't, C Edgerton, Philadelphia, Pa, 1933—Eldert av, w s, 155 s McKinley av, 2- sty frame dwell'g, 18x30, 1-famiIy; cost, $1,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Chas S Forbell, 440 Grant a v. 1934—Bay 25th st. e s. 160 s Bath av, 1-sty and attic frame shed, 17-6x17, shingle roof; cost, $600; Sadie R Adams, 14 7th av. ALTERATIONS. 1S16—Clarkson st. n s. SCO w Albany av, convert altic of hospital to full story; cost, $7,000; Departmeni of Public Charities, N Y; ar'l, L H Voss, 65 De Kalb av. 1817-Clarkson st, n s, 800 w Albany av. 4- sty brk extension, 34x100, and interior alter¬ ations; cost, $60,000; ow'r and ar't, same aa last. 1S18—2d st, n E, 237 w 6th av, brk exten- sion, 17.6x40; cost. $500; Chas A Chesebrough, Northport, L I; ar't, W J Conway, 400 Union St. 1S19—62d st, n s, 380 e 13th av, underpin foundation walls and interior alterations; coat, $190; Mrs Wm McBrath, 1347 62d st; b'r, J Santi, 60th et and 13th av. 1820—Osborne st, e s, 50 n Pitkin av, 1-sty frame extension to brewery, 20x25; cost, $lOO; Sam Greenberg, Osborne st and Sutter av; ar't, L Dananeher, 431 Stone av. 1821—Dikeman st, s s, 450 w Ferris st, re¬ build brk side wall; cost, $1,SOO; Lidgerwood Mfg Co, 96 Liberty st, N Y; b'r, Geo Harri¬ son. Flatbush. 1822-Manhattan av, w s, 77 n Bedford av, underpin foundation walls; cost, $450; Betty Norek, 655 Manhattan av; b'r. L F Schillinger, S53 Blake av. 1S23—Cooper st. No 116. 1-sty frame exten¬ sion, 27x12; cost, $100; John Mauser, on premises; ar't, R Dibbin, 266 Cooper st, 1824-Bushwick av. s e cor Moore st, inte¬ rior alterations; cost, $220; WilUam Diemer, 197 Moore st; ar't, E Schempf. 306 Stockton St. - ' 1S25—Gates av. n a, 20 w Evergreen av, 3- sty frame extension, 9x14; cost, $400; Lizzie Coon, 61 Linden et. ,. 1826—Surt av, n ?, 40 © West 15th Bt. adfl