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January 21, 1899J Record and Guide iqi brought. Mr. Carnegie did not sign his contracts to purchase his which show that he only paid between thirty-two and thirty- two block fronts between 90th and 92d streets until November three thousand dollars for jnside lots, and fifty and fifty-five 23d, It is generally conceded by real estate experts that $90,000 thousand dollars for corners; therefore, if the above sum o( was a full figure for the two 5th avenue lots at the time men- $31,000 is deducted froi-n $717,725, it would leave $686,725, which tioned and' is fully borne out by Mr. Carnegie's purchases, is exactly .$20,725 of the estimate. la. —... _-:.. ~~ " The following are the comparative tables of Manhattan and the ReSi Estste Msrket. Bronx of the Conveyances, Mortgages and Projected Buildings for the corresponding weeks of 1899 and 1898 given: Tbe business of the private sales' market has been very satis- CONVEYANCES factory as regards both quantity and quality. It has been well 'imo. 1898. distributed topographically, and has embraced a fair variety of ^^^^j ^^ ^^^ Manhattan and Bronx J^°-^^ to 19^inc. Jan.l4 to 20. in^. property. At the beginning of the week brokers reported that, Amount involved .................... ?2,'111.021 $2,358,720 in the absence of settled opinion as to whether the owner or the ^umber .omln.l ^^j---;;^^-■^■--^-^ 144 182 tenant w-ouid have to pay the increment in the local tax. in- new annexed district (Act 1805)___ K6 33 vestors were showing a tendency to postpone the consummation Amou^.t ^"^^^-Ived _;■■_;-_■■;•_•■_........ S520.050 5210.910 of purchases. But as the week advanced the conviction ap- Number 23d and 24Vh wards*, liiciuding peared to become general that the tax would eventually be ^^^^.^^^^^J^^]^-:—;--^ ^626.81 - 5235.611 shifted to the consumer, and the inclination to extend negotia- Number nominal .................... 37 39 tions began to wear away. As regards speculative property, Total^ ^to^fate.' .^^'^"Tf r.".*:?.' 801 040 the tax question was said to have exercised little, if any, ad- Total amount of Conveynncea, verse influence on negotiations, the reason being that the price J^^"- 1 «<> ^ate............... ?8,yG8,27a ¥0,221,506 of speculative holdings commonly bear little relation to present MORTQAQES. actual or possible earning capacity. Indeed, the announcement Total No. for Manhattan and Bronx.. 329 872 of tbe augmentation of the tax appears to have had a tendency Amount ^n.olved ^. .^^„............. $6,677,300 ?5.769,408 to bring speculative property into the market for improvement. Amount lavoWea ___'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. ?1.700,3'38 $1,538,073 The transactions in choice vacant land embrace two lots in l^^^t tn,l^^!LT"\:\\::V:\::V.:-. S2.109.7M ?2,582,^i Jith avenue, opposite the park, five m Central Park West, two in Number at lesa than B per cent...... 75 03 tbe Boulevard, and a number in other high-class residence Amount Involved................... $2,867,170 $1,647,500 uie Euuicvaiu, , ^ ^, , .£ il, T^- 1 * !,„ Number of above to Banks, Trust u4 streets. Bight lots purchased at the sale of the King estate have insurance Companies . ...;........ 66 80 been resold to builders. A noticeable feature of the week's ,^^t°al'nnmiic^r "of■'Mor'tgnee;' *3.301.716 $2,360,450 business has been tbe large sales of acre property in Brooklyn. j„„. 1 to dnte..............,' 007 1,U3S Tbe activity in similar property on Staten Island, where Cor- Total ^^^^.^^l^ot Jiort^^^.. fl,»«,l4S,0»3 912,2SG.G3« nelius G. Kolff has sold a large tract, near Huguenot, for a sea- . .
r a «»» and 77 Duane street; the 7-story building. No. 51 West 3d GOSSiP OT the Week- street; the 6-story apartment house. No. 325 West 83d street. SOUTH OF 69TH BTRBBff. The total number of transactions given below is 70, with consid¬ erations given in 23. and amounting to $2,227,700. Correspond- Rutgers slip, east side from South to Water street, 5-story ing figures for last week are 47. 8 and $1,520,300, respectively. warehouses on plot loOxlOO; seller, Thomas Hitchcock; buyer, James F. Maguire; brokers, Ruland & Whiting. -------- Lexington avenue, southeast corner of SSth street, 4-5tory The improved tone of the auction market, which became mani- building, 22x70; seller, A. McW. Oberbeek; buyer. John Smith; ftst at the sales of tbe King and Bathgate estates, found little broker, W. C. Dilger; price, .$40,500. oppoi-tunity for expression this week. The list of offerings was ^^th street. No, 221 East, 4^story double tenement. 25x50x98.9; small, and restricted chiefly to the common run of cheap dwell- ^^ller, John M. Lewis; buyer, Louis Drewes; broker, Henry G. ings fiats and tenements, sold under foreclosure. However, in Cassidy. the executor's sale of leaseholds belonging to the James Muiry Baxter street. No. 22, 6-story tenement, 25x117; seller, Joseph estate conducted bv Richard V. Harnett, the prices obtaineo ^- Buttenweiser; price, .$50,000. were extremely satisfactory. The voluntary offering. No. 30 Thompson street. No. 9, G-story tenement; seller, Joseph L. East Slst street, a 4-story dwelling sold by the same auctioneer, Buttenweiser. See No. 119 Sullivan street. brought $39,500. No. 13 East SOth street, a similar house on a Sullivan street, No. 119, G-story tenement; seller, Joseph L. larger lot and in a more attractive street, was sold at..private Buttenweiser; price for this and No. 9 Thompson street, $73,500. treaty by Mr. Harnett in November for $36,000. The three 7th street, No. 94 East, y-story and basement single flat, 21x91; store and tenement houses on the southwest corner of the Bow- seller, Joseph L. Buttenweiser; price, $30,000. ery and 4th street, sold in partition by Peter P. Meyer, were Peari street, No. 294, 4-story buildmg. 2ox80; seller, Caroline bought by one of the heirs for $106,000. Breier; buyers, Julius Hirsch and Mark Harris; brokers, Ruland The following properties were bid in, withdrawn, or adjourned ^ Whiting, to dates beyond the coming week: No. 118 Wall street, Wilfiam Canal street, No. 214, 3-story building: seller, E. Z. V. Lane. M. Ryan bid in at $42,200; No. 1436 2d avenue, Bryan L. Ken- brokers, Ruland & Whiting. nelly, adjourned to January 30; No. 523 Lenox avenue. Philip Broome street, Nos. 137-139, old buildings. 40x60; sellers. A Smyth, adjourned to February 2; Nos. 403 to 407 East 23d Schmeidler & Bachrach; buyers, J. & M. Wemstem. ._, sfreet, Peter F. Meyer, adjourned to February 2; No. 13 East Madison avenue,No.l27.4-story dwelling, 23.3x90; seller. Eagan 22,1 street, S. Morris Pryor, withdrawn. estate, who take in part payment, at $30,000, the 4-story dwell¬ ing. No. 144 West 45th street; buyer, Woodbury Langdon.; price, $59,000; brokers. Ranald H. Macdonald and B. W. Williams. Jr. Richard V. Harnett & Co. will sell at auction on 31st Inst- the 3d street. No. 51 West, 7-story store and loft building, 25x119; 4-story and basement high-stoop brownstone dwelling. No, 47 seller. Perez Rosenberg, who takes In part payment some prop- W, 35th street. Description will be found In our advertising- erty at Yonkers. pages or can be had of the auctioneer at Noa. 71 and 73 Lib- Rivington street. Nos. 138-140, old buildings. 44.4x100; sellers, erty street j Shardy and Young estates; buyers, Mandelbaum & Lewln*.