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March 18,' 1S99. and Guide 483 Mulberry st. No 73, w s, aht 75 n Bayard st, 25x100, 5-sty brk store and tenem't wilh 4-sty brk tenem't on rear. Giovanni Rossi to Raphael Bove. Mort ,f31,0flO. Mar 10. Mar 13. '99, 3,000 Orchard st, No 31. w s, abt 225 s Grand st, 24.6x88.1x25.x88, 5-sty brk teuem't with stores with 5-sty hrk building on rear. Orchard st, No 33, w s, 20O s Grand st, 25x87.6, 5-sty brk tenem't with stores with 5-sty brii: tenem't on rear. Rivington st. No 25, s a, 75 e Chrystie st, 25x100,,5-sty hrk tenem't with stores. Jennie E Haines, New Rochelle, N Y, to John H Day, Ella D En¬ dicott formerly Day, Charlotte A, Fanny A, Lilian M and Mabel V V Day. B & S. All title. Mar 2, Mar 8, '99. Corrects error in last issue as to Rivington st property. nom Orchard st. No SS, s e cor Broome st, 22.9x00, 3-sty brk tenem't with stores with 2-sty brk extension. Henry W Mittag to Pincus Lowenfeld and Wiiiiam Prager. Morts $18,000. Mar 2, nom Pearl st. No 273, n w s, 74,10 s w FuUon st, 22.2,^91.3x13.8x91.1. 5- sty brk store. FORECLOS, Arihur Smith to Charles H Becker, Morts ,f;31,C<10. Mar 10. Mar 11, ■99_. 1,500 Pike st. No 27, e s, 30 s Henry st, 2oxlll.4, 6-sty brk store and tenem't. Aaron Goodman to Minnie Ellenstein. Moris $28,000. Mar 14, '99. 38,500 Pike st, Nos 70 to 74, w s, 93.G n Cherry st, 60x62x60x63, two 2-siy brk stores, Mary H and Theo IH Calam aud Sarah E Lawrence to Leonard R and Leonard P Kipp and Pannie 'Lane. Q C. Feb 7. Mar — 16. '99. nora Same property. Leonard R and Leonard P Kipp and Fannie Lane lo Isidore Jackaon. Mar 15. Mar 10, '99. nom Pike st. No G8lAgreement that boundary line bet above property is Pikest, No70| 119.9 s Monroe st, Isidore Jackson with Max S A Wilson. Feh 28. Mar 10, '99. nom Riverview terrace. No 2, w s, 17.1 n- 58th st, 16.8x75, 3-3iy stone front dwell'E, AH title to land under water lying bet e s Riverview ter¬ race and East River iu tront above, Fredk C Train TRUSTEE Vir¬ ginia \V Blanchard formerly Juslh to Eliz .\ Hartog. Morts $4,500. Mar 16, '99. 9,287 Sylvan pl, Nos 1 to 7, n s, begins 184.4 n 162d st, and 124 w Jummel pl, ruus w 88.8 to e s St Nicholas av, x s 35.1 to pl, x e 82,3 x n 34.G four 2-sty frame dwell'gs. John F Steeves to Vashti G Eaton and Lucy G Barnard. C a G. Mar 7. Mar 10, '99. nom S'ylvan pi, Nos 12 and 14, s s, begins at point 59 w Jummel Terrace, and 75 n lliOth st, runs u 34,6 to s s pl, x w 39 x s 34.6 x e 39, two 2-sfy frame buildings. Same to same. C a G. Mar 7. Mar 10, '99. nom Water st. No 16o, s s, abt 35 e Fletcher st, 17x92x10x92, 4-sty brk slore, Solomon Schwarz to Geo W Spitzuer. Morts $15,000. Mar 10, '99. nom Weat Broadway. No 533, s e s, abt 125 n e Bleecker st, 23x100, 4- sty brk lodging house, John Walker to Clifford 0 Goodwin. Morts $47,000. Mar 13. Mar 16. '99. exoh Wooster st, No 221, w s. 75 s 3d st, 22x71,3,' 4-Ety brk store and tenem't. 148th st. No nS7, n s. 350 e Boulevard, 16.8x99.11, 3-sty brk dwell'g. 148th st, Nos 531 and 333, n s, 383,4 e Boulevard, 33.4x99.11, two 3-sty brk dweU'gs. Contract. Elise Hyams with Henry C Bryan. Oct 31, 'OS, Mar 11. '99. equal equity and 2,230 Wooster St. 22. e s, abt 125 s Grand st. 1 iWooster st, No 20, e a, abt loO s Grand st. | Party wall agreement. Mary J and Wm H Gray EXRS Wm H Gray with J Searie aud Julian H Barclay. Mar 9, Mar 13, '99. nom 1st st. No 7, s w s. abt 110 e Bowery, 22.4x77.5x22.4xi3.l0, marble yard. Robt M Weed to Edward Herrmann. Mort $6,000. Mar 13, '99. other coneid and 1,000 Same propertv. Edward Herrmann to Davis Karp. Morts $12,000. Mar 13, Mar 16, '99. nom 3d st. No 73. n s, 345 e 2d av, 20x96.2, S-sty brk dwell'g. Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager to Jacob Kassewitz. Morts $11.- 000. Mar 10. '99. nom 3d st, Nos 352 to 356, s w cor Manhattan st, 62x69, three 4-sty brk tenem'ls, to be torn down; two 6-sty brk flats to be erected. Pin¬ cus Lowenfeld and William Prager to Ely Greenblatt. Morts $30,- 000. Mar 6. Mar 10, '99. ncm 3d st. No 195, n e s. luS n w Av B, 24x96.2. 4-Ety brk tenem't with stores with 4-sty brk tenera't on rear. Margaret Duckgeischel to Mary Vetter widow. 50-70 parts. Q C. Mar 15, '99. 5.900 3d St. No 197, n e s, SO n w Av B, 23x96.2, 5-sty brk store and tene¬ ment. Mary Vetter widow to Margaret Duckgeischel, ^/^ part. Q C, Mar 15, '99. 12,000 4th st. No 327 to 331, n s, 316.9 w Av D, 60.9x96, three 3-sty brk tenem'ts. Pincus Lowenfeld and William Prager to Adolf Mandel. Moris $36,000, Mar 1, Mar 10, '99. nom 5th st. No 736, s s, 212 w Av D, 22x96, 3-sty hrk tenem't, Benj F Guion, Eliz A G Smith, Frances C G Knox, Emeline G Purdy, Rachel A Guion, Wm T Guion, Lillian I W Hoyt formerly Willis to Daniel „ Loewenthal. Q C. Jan 19. Mar 14, '99. noni Sth st, Ko 386. s fi, 402.5 e Av C, 24.7x97,6, 4-sty brlc tenem't with Etores. Mary aud Katie Fisher to Adolph Newman. Morts $5,000, Mar 15, '99. nom 10th St. No 30. s s, 410.7 w Sth av, lS.5-x92.3, 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Edward H and Adrian B Herzog to Fanny H von Schmid formerly HerKog. 2-3 part. Mar 11, Mar 13, '99. nom llth st.'No 614, s e s. 205.3 e Av B, 18.9x94.8, 3-sty brk tenem't with 3-sty brk building on rear. Barbara Kappes child and DEVISEE John G Kappes to .Anna Altenberg also child and DEVISEE. 1-3 part, Mort 1-3 of $2,000. Mar 9. Mar 13, '99. nom Same property. Anna E Kappes widow to Anna Altenhgrg and Hattie G Kappes. Al title, B & S. Mar 10. Mar 13, '99, nom llth st. No 32G, s s, 250 w l^t av, 25x94.10, 6-sty brk tenem't wilh stores. Jacob Klingenstein to Henry Mayer. Morts $25,200. Mar 10, '99. nom llth st. No 610, s s, 168 e Av B, 18.9x94.9, 3-sty brk tenem't with stores. Christoph and Conrad Wissemann, Jr, to Pincus Lowen¬ feld and William Prager, Mar 15, '99. nom llth st, No 612, s s, 180.6 e Av B, 18.9x94,9. 3-sty brk tenem't with stores, Julia Emmerich widow to same. Mar 15, '99, nom llth st. No 126, E w s, 300 n w Gth av, 22.6x129.7, 3-sty front and 4-sty rear brk dwell'g. Marietta Coflin widow et al children and HHIRS Geo C Coflin to Paul B Pugh & Co a corporation. Mar 10. Mar 13, '90. 24,250 llth st. No 12S, s w s, 322.G n w Olh av, 22.6x129,7, 3-sty front and 4-sty rear brk dwell'g. Rutus H, Julia H and Wm H Park to same. Mar 15, '99. 24,000- 14th st. No 331, n s, 351 e 2d av, 25x103.3, 4-sty stone front dwell'g, Joseph L Buttenwieser to Theresa Hammer. Morts $30,000. Mar 15, '99. 47,7.50 15th st, No 133, n s, 410 e 7th av, 20x103.3, 3-sty hrk dweil'g. Real Estaie Trust Co EXR Lydia A McGinley to Mariha David. Mar 7. Mar 10, '09. 16,300 16th St. No 225, n s, 287 w 7th av, 26x92x2o.llx92, 5-sty stone front store and flat. Annie Greenberg to Jacob Bloom. Morts $28,000. Mar 10. '99. nom IGth et, No 144, s s, 100 w 3d av, 18.6x103.3, 3-sty brk building, por- Uou aMemhly rooms, Louis D, Keinhardt, Henry, Frederick, An¬ drew and George Schneider to Pauline W Schneider. Mort $6,000. Q C and C a G. Mar 13. Mar 14, '99. nom IGlh st. No 231, n s, 209 e Sth av. 17x80, 3-aty brk dwell'g. Julia Nusbaum to Margaret B King, Morts $7,500. Mar 10, Mar 14, '99. aom 18th st, Nos 7 and 9, n s, 184,4 w 3th av, 30.8x92, 9-sty.-brk Stores and offices. Continental Real Estate Holding and Building Co to Louis Stern. Morts $213,000. Mar 15, '99. nom 20lh st. No 21, n s, 455 w 4th av, 20x74, 4-sty brk store and dweU'g. 21st st. No 20, s s, 98.5 e Broadway, 25x92, 3-sty stone front dwell'g. 21st st, No IS. s s, 73.3 e Broadway, 23x92, 5-Ety slone front building, portion Continental Hotel, ■ -" Broadway, No 910, e s, 72.1 n 20th st, 24x120.9x23x113.10, .5-sty brk building, portion of same. " ' Broadway, Nos 902 to 906|n e cor 20th st, 72.1x114,1x69,1x93.3. 7- 20th st, Nos 17 and 19 [ sly brk building, with two 6-sty brk build¬ ings on st, portion same, . Gustav Herter son Gustav Herter to Anna F Herter widow. ^ part, Feb 10. Mar 6, '09. Corrects error in last issue as to Broad¬ way and 20th et. 200.000 20th at. No 357, n s, 108 e 9th av, 22x74, 3-sty stone front dwell'g. Stephen W Doubleday EXR and TRUSTEE John H H Cushman to Eliz A and Gertrude R Cushman. Feb 25. Mar 14, '99. 16,100 2lEt fit. No 9, n s, 195 w 5th av, 25x98,9, 4-sty stone front dwell'g. T- Annie L W^atson to David Steiner. Morts $25,0o0. Mar 14. Mar ' 15, '99. val consid and 17,500 22d St. No 422, s s, 175 w Oth av, 23x93, 3-sty hrk dweil'g. Wm M Russell to Virginia R wife of Wm M Ernst. Morts $0,000. "Mar 14, '99. .11,500 23d Et, Nos 240 and 242, s s, 337,6 e Sth av, 38.2x98.9, T-ely brk store. 23d st, Nos 236 and 238, s s, 375.8 e Sth av, 49.4x98.9, slone front church. Party wall agreement, Joseph W Cushman witb Third .Reformed Presbyterian Ciiureh in City of New York, Dec 27, '98. Mar 10, '99. . nom Same property. Estoppel as to rise of windows. Joseph W Cushman with Third Reformed Presbyterian Church, Mar 8. Mar 14, '99. . nom 23d st, s s, 375.S e Sth av, runs s 98.9 x w O.S x n 98.9 to st, x e 0.8. Release mort. Bowery Savings Bank to The Third Reformed Pres¬ byterian Church in City of New York. Dec 14, Mar 10, '09, nom Same property. The Third Reformed Presbyterian Church in Oity of New York to Joseph W Cushman. Dec 21, '98. Mar 10, '99. nom 2Gth st. No 4G, s s, 150 w 4th av, 16.S,-:9S.9, 5-sty brk dwell'g, Alfred F Walcott to John Hunter, Jr. Feb 15. Mar 15, '99. 40,000 27th st. No 307 WcstlAssignment of rents for March, April, May and 33lh st, No236 Wesl| June, '99. Eliaabeth Sorensen to N Brigham Hall. Mar lO. Mar 11, '99. 575 29lh st. No 218, s E, 250,9 w 7th av, 24.10x98.9, S-sty hrk tenem't with 4-sty brk tenem't on rear. Eliot Gorton, Morris Plains, N J, to Lucy A McKetrick. Mar 7. Mar 10, '99, See 41st st. exch 29th st, No 500, s s, 125 w lOlh av, 25x98.9, 4-sty brk store and tene¬ ment with 1-sty frame building ou rear. J Blackburn Miller to Charles Mensching, Mar 13, Mar 14, '99, nom SOth st. No 344, s s, 279 e Oth av, 16.6x98.9, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Rich¬ ard M Upjohn to Joseph Alexander. Mar S. Mar 10, '99. nom 32d st. No 334, s s, 242 w Ist av. 18x98.9, 3-sty brk flat. Warren Leslie to Albert J Adaras. FORECLOS. Mar 16, '99. 6,000 32d st, No 557, n s, 130 e lllh av, 25x98.9, 5-sty brk tenem't with stores with 4-sty brk tenem't on rear. John M Schnier to Henry J Scheuber. Morts $7,000, Mar 15, Mar 16, '99. r nom SSd st. No 235, n s, 372 w 7th av, 14x98,9, 4-sty brk dwell'g. Kate V Deane, Stamford, Conn, to John A Deane. Q G. Mar 10. Mar 13, '99. nom Same property. Emma C Deane to same, Q C. Mar 7. Mar"13. '99. nom SSth st. No 310, a 'w E, 450 n w 1st av, 23x98.9, 5-sty brk tenem't wilh stores. 35th st, s s, 200 e 2d av, 0.1x9S.9x—x98.9. Bertha Levy to Jacob Beisel. Morts $'20,000. Mar 10, '99. nom 35th st. No 330, s s, 200 w 1st av, 23x100, -1-sty brk store and tene¬ ment. Thomas Donohue to Herman Hosenblum. Mar 1. Mar 15, '99. nom 40th st, No 525, n s, 400 w 10th av, 25x98,9, 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. Virginia S Mackey-Smith et al EXRS Ellen E Ward to Albert L Thompson and Noah B Shute. Re-recorded. May 1, 1S9S. Mar 10, '99. 6,750 39th et. No 514, s s, 225 n w 10th av, 25x98.9, 5-sty brk tenem't. Patrick H Glannon or Glennon to Herman Rosenblum. Morts $10,- 000. Mar 13, '99, nom 40th st, Nos 327 to 333, n s, 300 e llth av, 100x98.9, four 4-sty hrk tenem'ts, store in No 531, Albert L Thompson and Noah B Shute to Warren L Sawyer. Morts $27,000. Jan 2, '97. Mar 10, '99. nom 41st st, No 12T, n a, 240.4 w Gth av, 20xi^ block, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Lucy A McKetrick formerly Brown to Eliot Gorton. Morts $12,000. Mar 10. Mar 11, '99. See 29th st, nom 45th st. No 139, n s, 340.4 e Broadway, 17.2x100.4, 4-sty brk dwell'g. Edwin Bradbrook to Wm B Finn. iMorts $11,300. Mar 10. Mar 11, '99, nom 45th st. No 144, s s, 466.S w Gth av, 16.8x100.4, 5-sty stone front dwell'g. Woodbury Langdon to Joseph F Egan, Jan 30. Feb 21, '99. Corrects error in Feb 25. 30,000 46th st, No 204, s s, 98 w Broadway, 20x100.5, 5-sty Etone front flat. FORECLOS, Job E Hedges to Jennie W Francke. Morts $15,000. Mar 13. Mar 14, '99, 27,000 Same property. Cornelius Westerfleld to same, St Louis, Mo. Q C. C a G. Mar 13. Mar 14, '99. nom Same property. Eliza A Atkins formerly Cornwell and Harriet L Stan¬ ton formerly Cornwell lo Cornelius Westerfield.'Q G. Feb 28. Mar 14. '99. - nom 51st st. No 251, n s, 70 w 2d av, 18.4x100.4, 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Sallie Greenthal to Bertha Levy, All liens. Mar 10, '99. nom 52d st, No 326, s s, 313 e 2d av, 19x100.5, 4-sty stone front tenem'L Jacob Bier to Esther Lebovitz, Morts $10,500. Mar 13, Mar 14, '99. nom 54th st, n s, 200 w 3th av, 25x100,5, vacant. James A Stillman to Phiiip Lehman. Mar 10. Mar 14, '99, val consid and 1,000 54th st. No 340. s s, 200 w 1st av. 25x100.5, 5-sty hrk tenem't. Chas Gunther lo Hermann Blaesi. Mort $13,000, Dee 15, '98. Mar 16. '99. nom 61st st, Nos 118 to 122, s s, 310 w Oolumbus av, 00x100,5, three 4-sty stone front flats, 'Columbia Mutual Building and Loan Assoc to George Mitchell, All lieus. Mar 1, Mar IS, '99. nom 61st st. No 238, s s, 185 w 2a av, 20x100.5, 3-sty etone front dwell'g. FORECLOS. John B Brodsky to John H Ives and Andres M Com- panioni EXRS Emilio Del Pino, Mar 3. Mar 14, '99. 12,250 OSd st. No 229, n s, 425 w Amsterdam av, 25x100.5, 5-sty brk flat, Pauline wife ot Eugene Brehm to Leopold Gusthal. B & S. Mar 9. Mar 10, '99, nom G4th st. No 204, 8 s, 100 v? Amsterdam av, 25x100.5, 5-sty brk flat. Marietta B Bellows widow to Louisa wife of Henry E Cos. Morts $14,000. Mar 13, Mac 16, '90. . . _ _ E"in