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July I, 189g. RECORD AND GXJTDE. 21,— to Thos C Oakiey as gênerai guardian of Waiter W and Dorothy J Oakiey. SSd st, n s, 2i5 e 7th av, 25x98.9. June 27, '79. June 20. '99. 0,000 Mohiman, Louise C as gênerai guardian of Geo A, Jessie T and Albert J -Mohiman to Louise C Mohiman. 87th si. No 342 East. Dec 13. '97, June 20. '99. IG.OCO Mackenzie, Gtorge to Chas .4 Christman. 104lh st, s s, 100 e Colum¬ bus av, 31,4x100,11, June 28, '99. nom New York Realty Bond, Exchange and Trust Co to City Trust Co of N Y. 29th st. Nos 101 and li.,3 E. June 27, '99. 20,000 Paterne, John lo James W .Noyés. 106;b sl. No 154 West, Mar li. '98. Filed and di=charged Juue 24, '99, l.OOO Peristein, Pine lo Philip Wood. Bowery, No 103, and No 133 Chrys¬ tie st. June 29, '99. 5,000 Pierce, H Gordcn to Edward Fox admr, £0, of Patrick Fox, 209th st, centre line, 333.7 w of land of Isaac Dyckman and heing plot 7 on map cf farm o£ Samuel Thcmpson, Mt Washington, 87,3x—x98.7 xl47. June 20, '99. nom Robinson, Emily P, Philadelphia, Pa, to Henry E Askey, L I City. 98th st, s a, 200 e 2d av, 100x100.9. Nov 22, 1893, Filed and discharged June 29. '99. omitted Reid, Waiter to Martin Melzger. 5th av, s e cor 119th st, 50x110. June 27, '99- nom Steinberg. .Minnie to Siegfried Frank. 62d st. No 345 E. July 12, '92. June 27. '99, nom Silverson, .Abraham to The State Bank. Henry st, s w cor Scammel st, 25.1x77.5x25.3x78,9. June 28, '99. 13,500 Stearns, James S irusiee to Louisa Le Roy trustée, 46th st, n s, 100 w Sd av, 10.8x100.5. June 29, '93. June -28. '99. .nom Same to same. 48th st. n s, 338.9 w 2d av, 13.9x100,5- Dec 17, '94. June 28, '99. nom Schlosseï', Conrad and Louis P Bach exrs Jacques Bach to Sophie M Bach. lOOth st, s s, 120.8 e 3d av, 16.8x100,11, Aug 5, 1805. June 29, '99. nom Same to same, lOOlh st, s s, 143,4 e 3d av, 16.Sxl00.ll. Aug 5, 1895. June 29, '99, nom Schnaier, Milton to Rachel Lippman. lllth at, s s, 150 e 7th av, 33,0x100,11, Dec.12, 1898. June 29, '99. nom Slcan, Benscn E as trustée for Anna W Sloan and others to Cordelia E Yvelin as admrx, &c, of Gardiner G Yvoiin. 114th st, n s, 270 e Ist av, 25x100.11, April 10, 1895. June "29, '99. 7,500 Tatum, Albert H admr, &c. of Joseph S Hibbler to Chas A Tatum exr Maria E Hibbler. SOth st, No 30 West. May S, 1893. June 29. '99. nom Same to same. 117th st, s s. 350 w Lenox av, 25x100.11. Sept 19, 1895. June 29, '99. nom The City Mo:lgage Co to Edward Wiuslow. Assigns 4 morts. 112th at, n s, lOO e Slh av, 125x100.11. June 26, '99. 100 Same to same, .\ssigns 2 morts. 112th st, n s, 225 e Sth av, 75x 100.1L June 20, '1,9. 100 Same to same. Assigns 2 morta. 112th st, n s, 300 e Slh av, 75x 100.11. June 26, '99. 100 Same to same, liSih st, s s, 200 w 7th av, 50x100.11. June 26, '99, 100 The Lawyers Mortgage Insurance Co to Thomas Morrissy, 143d st, n s. 82 e Amsterdam av. 18x99.11. June 27, '99. 10,500 Tbe Lawyers Title Insurance Co of N Y to The Mutual Life Insurance Co oC N Y. Slh av, e s, 80.5 s 47th st, 20x100. June 2S. '99. IJ.OOO T^e Trustées of Columbia Collège in the City of N Y to Thos R A and Wm H Hall of William Halls Sons. Sth av, a e cor 82d st, 27,2x 100. July 11, '98. June 26, '99, nom Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Poughkeepsie Savings Bank. 15'b st. Nos 310 and 312 East. 2S,0(îl> Same to same. 57th st. No 23 East. June 24, '99. 55,000 Same to same, 120th st, a a. 231.6 e 5th av, 34.6xlOO.ll. Jan 23. ■90. June 24, '99. 20,000 Travers, .Maria L exlrx Wm R Travers to Ellin T Duer, Broome st. No 53, July 27, '87, Filed and discharged June 23. '99, 17.1S9 Von .\îechow, Emil exr Dora Scholla to Dora L Speckman and Fredk W Scholtz, 32d st. No 366 West. June 3, '96. Filed and discharged June 28, '99, nom Wade, Belinda M to Rowland A Robbins, 129th st, s s, 235,10 e S h av, 21.8x99.11, June 9, '98, June 28, '99. 1,009 Williams, Harriet P and Fredk H exrs John L Williams who was trus¬ tée under will of Hugh .illen to F Kingsbury Curtis^ trustée will of Hugh Allen. Monroe st, n s, 187.4 e Market at, 2oxlOO. June 3. '85. Filed and discharged June 27. '99. nom Winslow, Edward to Continental Trust Co. llSth st, a s, 150 w 7th av, 50x100,11. June 27, '99. 100 BOROUGH OF BRONX. American Mortgage Co lo Leopold Gusthal and ano as trustes under will of Edward Ridiey. Bathgate av, w s, al s w s 3d av. runs n w 78.11 X s 63.3 X e 69,5 x n 15 S to beginning, June 24. '99. 4,500 Barcalow, Agnes lo Joseph Hofmann. Prospect av, centre line, 90 s Penfold av, runs e 164.2 x s w 210.3 lo middle line o! Prospect av, X n 131,6 to beginning. June 26, '99. 1,500 Beeker, C Adelhert lo Geo W Whitehead. Oakland pl, s s, 125 w Crotona av, 25x100, Dec 16. '98, June 24, '99. 3,«X10 Boehm, Abraham and Lewis Coon to Gibsou Putzel. Washington av, as widened, w s, 285.10 a 180ih st, 100x145, June 24, '99. 11,040 Bussir.g, Amanda widow to Henry E Stevena, Jr. Kingsbridge road. n s, 133,4 w old Croton .\queduct, runs w 158.2 x — 59.7 x n 284 x n 42.11 X — 152.2 x s 190.4 x w 47.9 x s 207.7 to beginning. Nov 25, '96- June 24, '99. 2,000 Caswell. Wm W. Mamaroneck, N Y, to Eugenia W Chapin and Henry Wiener, ISOth st. n s, 75 w Willis av, 25x100, Sept 1, '92. June 28, '90, 13,000 Powler. Geo E to George Stark. Assign S morts. Jackson av, e s. 146 3 s 156,h st, 18.9x87,6; Jackson av, e s. 90 s lôOth st, 18,9k 87.G; Jackson av, e s, 165 s 156th st, 18,9x87.6; Jackson av, e ;, 183,9 s 156th Et, 18.9x87.6; Jackson av, e s, 127.6 s 15G;h st, lS.9x 87.6; Jackfou av, e s, 108 9 s lôlllh st, 18.9x87.6; Jackson av, e s, 202 6 s 156th st, 18.9x87.6; Jackson av, e s, 221.3 s 156tli st, lS-9x 87,6, June 24. '99. ■ nom Hu chinson, John, John A and Chas W to Emilie J Murray, Part lot G5 on map of Village of Morrisania, 50x136. June 26, '99. 3 500 Jacobs, Samuel E lo Richa'd Siegman. Assigns 4 morts. Gral;am sti, e s: Graham sq. n s; Lind av,'w s; Lawrence av, w s, being lots 87, 91, 124, 125 ard 16 map 160 lois 23d Ward property of .Maximilian Moreenibau, June 2-t, '99, 3.265 *Kitchelt, Emma to Ottelia Kitchelt. 7th st, s s, 130 w 4th av, 25x 114, Wakefield. May 20, '97. June 26, '99. nom Levi, Emil S lo Louis Levi. Intervale av, e s. 122,11 s Freeman st, S--'.Sx 101.4x17.3x82. June 26, '97. Filed and dlicharged June 26. '99- 015 Mohiman. Louise C as gênerai guardian of Geo A, Jessie T and Albe-t J Mohiman to Louise G Mohiman. Brook av, e s, 149.8 s lOflh at, 26.6x147x25x156, Oct 22, '97. June 26, '99, 14 090 Middiebrook. Frede-'ic J to Mary E Robert. Sd av, n w cor Sl Pauls pl, 26.5x100.9x26.8x96. Oct 24, '98. June 24, '99. 20,159 Morgen;hau, Maximilian to Johanna Wolf. Lawrence av, e s; Graham sq. e s. bemg lois 150 and 150 map of 160 lois in 23d Ward of .MaA imilian .Morgeuthau. June 28, '99. 81^ Reiner, Emma to Sarah P FabbricottI as guard of Luciano Pabhri- cotti, of New Canaan, Conn. Fordham pl, s s, 150 w Grand av, 75x 12o,lx75.1x120,2, June 7. 1894, June 29. '99. 8131 Smith, Andrew A to Sarah E Rolsion. Brook av, e s, 60 s 149lh st. 2.nxlC0. June 27, '99. 2.500 Stoia. George to J C Julius Langbein. Brook av, e s. 84,3 n IGOlh st. 18.6:(]00.6 to lands ot N Y & Harlem R R, June 27, '99. 425 The City Mortgage Co lo Edward Winslow. Assigns 6 morts. Brook av, s w cor 146th st, 99,11x140. June 26, '99, 100 Vogel, Henry to Adam VogeL llOth si, n s, 506-6 e Alexander av. 21x75. June 28, '99. 2,500 Winslow, Edward to Henry W Ford as trustée under will of Augus¬ tus H Ward for benefît of Emily L Ford and remaindermen. South¬ ern Boulevard, n s, 201.9 e St Anns av, .50x—. June 26, '09. 100 Winslow, Edwai-d ro H Ward Ford. SouLhern Boulevard, n s, 100,4 e St Anns av, 50.7x—. June 27, '99. 1( 100 PROJECTED BUILDINGS. Hâve you tahen space in tbe ne^v Xllustrated Building I.a'n'sT Standard publication for Architects, Engineers, Bnilders, Contractors, Material Dealers, Real Estate Onrn- ers. An office tool, in constant and permanent use, A card in it TFill enable you to talk every day to your cnstomers and to possible cnstomers, Incomparably superior to cir« cnlars, The most efficient form of advertising. Ali the big, urlde-aurake £rms are sect^rïng space. The biggest thing ever îssued. Do you want to get in7 Sent a postal card for partieulars. An nnnsual opportunity. The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; ni'n for mason; c'r for carpenter. and b'r for builder. When character o£ roof is not meutioucd, it is to be understood that tha roof is to be of tiu, BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14TH STREET. "924—Water st. Nos 161 and 163, 5-sty brk warehouse, 35.4x50.7; cost, $14,000; Lichtensiein Bros, 117 Maiden lane; ar'is, israeis & Harder, 194 Broadway. 942—West Broadway, n w cor Worth st, O-sty brk loft and stores, 50.2x50.2; cost, $45,000; Thos Bell, 120 W lù4th si; ar'ts, .Vloore & Landsiedel, 2801 3d av. ust Ruff 52 W 120th st; ar'ts, Kurtzer & RohI, B we.ry. cor Spring st. 956—Division st. No 219, 6-sty brk flat, 23.10x55.11; cost, $18,1.00; R Salensteiu, 2M East Brradway; ar't, M Bernstein, 245 Br adway. 907—6th st. No 609 E, 5-sty brk flat, 25x59,10; cost, .1;18,000; Thos Adelson et al, 625 Broadway; ar't, M Bernstein, 245 Broadway. BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STREETS. 932—53d Et, Nos 209 and 213 E, two 5-sly brk flats. 30x90; cost. $28.- 000 each; Philip E Wolff, 434 Lenox av; ar'ts. Schneider & Herter, 40 Bible House. , ,„ 951—ÔOih st s s, 102 e Madison av, 5-sty brk and stone dwell g. 2i xS7; cost, $20,000; Mrs G S J Grinnell, 34 E 63d st; ar't, H R Marshall, 3 W 29th st. „, ,_ 952—50ih st. s s, 75 e Madison av, 5-sty brk and stone dweli g. 2(X 60.2; cost. $15,000; Annie and E J Slone, 25 E 45th st; ar't. Wm Emerson, 32 Broadway, , , n- on n 961—17th sl, No 13 E, S-sty brk and stone lotis and stores, 2-1x89.9; cost, $70.000; Elizabeth D Kenneson, 137 W 7oth st; ar'ts, James E Ware & Son, 3 W 29th st. BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, BAST OF STH AVENUE. 934—lOSth st, s s, 93 w Pleasant av, 1 and 2-sty hrk ofirces, 40,4x 16; cost. $2,000; Moritz Samisch, 74 W 114th st; ar't, James W Cole, 403 W 51st st. I., ,«- 940—3d av, n w cor SSd st, 6-sty brk and stone flat. SlxlOo; cost, $90,000; B C Wandell estate, 159 E SSd st; ar't, Henry Andersen, 1180 Broadway- „, „.., 941—5th av s e cor S2d st, three o-sty hrk and stone dwell gs. .il, ■572 ■>Sx68 72 8.5,11; total cost, $255,000; W W & T M Hali, 11 B 42d'st; ar'ts, Welch, Smith & Provot, 11 E 42d si, „„,,„„ 945—91sl st. No 162 E, 5-sly brk flat, 33.4x87,0; cost, $30.000; Saml Friedman et al, 353 Grand st; ar't, Geo F Pelham, 503 Slh av. . 958-75th st s s, 100 w Av A. four 5-siy brk flais with stores, 2ox 90; total cost, $100,000; S Gilbert, 87 E 2d sl; ar't, R Werner, 3d aud Wendover avs. 59TH & 125TH STS., WEST OF CENTRAL PARK WEST AND STH AVE. 926—Boulevard, n w cor SOth st, 1-sty frame workshop, 27x18; cost, $25; T W Evans, 548 Sth av; ar't, J A Lavelle, 121 Lexington av. 997_i{)7iii st n s 400 w Amsterdam av, 4-sty brk dwell'g, 24,4x 80; cost, $15,000; Rev N Reinhardt, — W 107th sl; ar'is, Schioke! & Ditmar, 111 5th av. ,, „ ,,,,,, -KO-lOOlh st, s s, 195 e Amsterdam av, i-sty brk flat, 41.9x90.11; est, $7(1,000; Amanda McManon, 151 W lOâth st; ar't, R S Townsend, "'géo-12Jth st Nos 243 lo 249 W. 2-Ety hrk restaurant, 100x100.11; co=t, $-10 COO; Pabst Brewing Co, 376 Washington st; ar't, Oiio Strack, 376'Washington st, IIÛTH TO 125TH STREET, BETWEEN STH AND STH AVENUES. Q'i\]—yn Morris av n w cor 122d st, two 7-sty brk and stone flats, 40.11 60x84, 95; total cost, $215,000; T J McGuire, 708 St Nicholaa av; ar't, H T Howell, 748 E 13S;h st. _ 931—llllh st, n s, 358 w 5th av, seven o-sty brk flats, 30. 31xSa; total cost. $196,000; Burnstein & Reiss, 179 Henry st; ar'ts, Sais & Smallheiser, 23 Park row, 906—Lenox av n w cor llSlh st. four o-sty brk flats and stores, 2.-», 25.11x86,6, 95; total cost, $111,000; Isaac .Mayer, 59 VV IJjih si; ar't. John Hauser, 1441 3d av. NORTH OF 125TH STREET, 96'2—126lh st. No 100 E, 5-sty brk lofts and stores, 24x85.3; coSt, ,$10,000; Théodore Tiedeman, 35 Wooster st; ar'i, Mix MuOer, 12 Cen¬ tre st.