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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 64, no. 1634: July 8, 1899

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july 8, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Bronx] 53 / stores. Henry Rothschild to Gustav and Friederike Wein. 'Morts $22,000. May3L July 6, '99. 6:1601. noHT /-Lexington av, No 51. e s, 79 s 25th st, 19.9xi2, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Swits Conde to Charlotte Lugar. Mort $8,000. June 2b. July 6, '99. 3:S8U, See 72d st; aiso 7Lh av. ,'^™-- L- Jiladison av, n e cor 80th st, 100,8x85-11, portion 4-sty brk St Lukes- r House. Maximilian Morgenthau to Edward and Henry Hirsii _ànd Edward Oppenheimer. Morts $60,000. June 27, July 6. '99, o:lo01- , val consid and 100.,-- Madison av. Nos 1295 to 1303i^, n e cor 92d st, 100.8x62, 1-sty brk stores; aiso ail title to strip adj on e s, 0.2 2-3x100.8. Henijann Strauss lo Wm H Ebling, Jr. Morts $50,000. July 1. July 6, '99, ^ 5-^5()4 val consid and 1>0 ' Madison 'av. Nos 1478 and llSOIs w cor 102d st, lOO.llxiO, 5-sly brk l'''102d st I flat with 5-sty brk flat on st, Rob¬ ert L Knaggs to Samuel Green. Morl $60,000. April 17. June 30, '99- 6:1607. 10™ ^ Madison av. Ncs 1408 to 14141 s w cor OOth st, 100.11x120, four 5- OOth st I sty brk stores and flats on av and va¬ cant lot cn st. Geo F Johnson to Globe Realty Co. Morts .$30,- 000. July 1, '99. 6:1604. val consid and 100 __^Mt Morris Park West, n w eor 122d st, 100.11x100, 2 and 1-sty frame buildings, sheds, &c. Charles Riley lo Thos J McGuire. .Mons $75,000. June 30, '99. 0:1721._ val consid and H)0 l-Riverside Drive, s e cor 88th st, 7oxl00, 3-sly brk dwell'g, Egberl L Viele 10 Isaac L Rice. June 28. June 30, '99. 4:1249. j val consid and 100 I St Nicholas av. No 53, w a, 55.1 s 113lh st, 31-8x107.8x27x91.1, 5-sty f brk fiât. Wm J Nicklas lo Daniel Farrell. AU liens. June 26. ; June 30, '99. 7:1822. val consid and itjO L-St Nicholas av, No 280, n e cor 124th st, 28x100, 5-£ty brk flat, Re¬ lease mort. Alfred M Hoyt to Chas R Hardy. June 27, June 30, I -99. 7:1951. , nom Wesf End av, No 876, e s. 2U.11 s 103d st, 20x80. 3-sty stone front dwell'g. Maria L Cornell to May L Reid, Ail title. Morts $14,- ■ 000. June 28. July 1, 'I)!). 7:1874. .j.OUO Wesl End av. No 310, w s. 82.2 s 75lh st, 20x100, 4-sty brk dwell'g. Minnie C Douglas lo Caroline C Leaycraft. Morts $21,, 4-sty brk store and tenem't, Fanny Schwarz HEIR Adelheid Lyon to Thomas A aad Theresa Nevin. July 5. 'OO. 5:1338. ' 9,600 -lst av. No 1114, n e cor 61st st, 25x95. 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. John H Lange to Henry G Schlewitz. July 5- July 6. '99- 5:1456. 22.825 lst av. No 2353, w s. 83,6 s 121st st, 20.6x66.8. 4-sty stone front store and tenem't. Lena Homburger to Max Homburger. AU liens. July 5, July 6, '9_9, _6:1T97. nom 2d av. No 850, e s, oO.o n 45th st, 25x100, 5-sty hrk slore and tene¬ ment, Jacob Eidt to Henry Weyand, 14 part. Mort $5,OUO. June 30, July 6, '99. 5:1338. See 4oih st, 10.500 V 2d av. No 1804, e s, 50.8 n 93d st. 25x75, 4-sty brk tenem't witb stores. Louisa Samisch to Philipp and Line .Messenkopf. Morts $12,000. July 5, '99. .j:1556. _ 17,500 I 2d av. No 1140, n e cor 60lb st, 20x7o, 4-sty brk tenem't with stores. Isidore Jackson to Samuel J Kopetzky. Morts $20,000. June 28. June 30. '99. 5:1435, nom ^2â av, No 1226. e s, 50.5 n 64th st. 25x100, 4-sty brk store and tene- ' , ment. FORECLOS. Edward E McCall to Tbeodorus Bailey. June 30, -99. 5:14311. 12,000 I ^3d av. No 1761. e s. 50,9 s 9Stb st. 25x83.9. 5-sty brk tenem't with stores. Wm C E Eergmann to Arthur Gorsch, Morts $15,.ïU0. July 6, '99. 0:164i. val consid and 100 /5th av. No 142, n w cor ]9th st, runs n 27,8 x w 100 x n 64,3 x w 70 ^ X s 92 to st, X e 170. 10-sty brk stores aud oflice building. Henry Corn to Wm H Flilner. Morts $350,OilO. July 1. July 6, '99. 3:821, See Wall st; aiso Crosby st, val consid and 100 -^5tb av, No 1389, e s, 75,11 n IHth st, 25x]00'. ô-sty brk sLore and flat, Moses Hochsier to Ignatz and Marie Ullm'ann. Mort $2IHll]0, July 5. July 6. -99. 6:1620. val consid and 100 Sth av. s e cor 95lh st. 75,6x102.2, vacant. John F Carroll to Isaac H Cloihier, Philadelphia. Pa. Morts $76.0(10. June 27, June 30, '99, 5:1506. val consid aud 1,000 „ Oth av, e s, 75.0 s 95th st, K!0..8xl02.2, vacant. James B and John H Ford and Everett Herrick EXRS John R Ford to Isaac H Clothier. Philadelphia, Pa. June 21. June 30. '99. 5:1500. 150.000 ..5th av. No 2168, w s, 105.11 n 132d st. 19x100. 5-sty brk flat. Henry Stein to Nellie D Clayton. Morts $14.000. June 30. '99. 6:1730, ^ nom Oth av, n e cor 102d at. 100.11x100, vacant. Teresa Wallacb and Geo F Johnson to James A Burden. Jr, and John H Hammond. Morta %41Xm. June 5. July 3. '99. 6:1608. -75 000 7th av, Nos 1961 to 19G9, n e cor llSth st, 100.11x100, ihree 5-stv brk flats, store in corner building. Lotta .M Crabtree to Eugène" Gal- loud and Jacob H Loewenstinc. June 30, '99. 7:1903. nom 7th av n e cor 138th si, 199,10 to 139lh st, xl78, vacant. Release ISSth st mort. Tille Guarantee and Trust Co to Gustave L Morgen- 139lh st Ihau. June 30. July 3, '99. 7:2007. 75,000 Same property. Gustave L Morgenihau to Dorotbea Weibel. June 26. July 3, '99, val consid and 100 ,ith av. No 1821, n e cor llllh st, 25.3x100. 5-slv brlt flat. I _96ih si. No 17, n s. 260 w CenlralPark West. 20xHlll.U. l-sty stone| front dwell'g. ■ I Swits Conde to The Union Theologiral Seminary in City ot N Y. Morts S^5(-.-500. June 20. July 6. '99. 7:1821-1832. See 72d st; . aleo Lexington av. nom /Tth av. Nos 2ôi:8 to 25741s w cor 140th st, 99-ll.xl7ô, four 5.siy brk llOth st. Nos 2112 lo'206 1 stores and flais on av and three 5-sty brk flats on st- Release judemenl. James O Millei' to Wm C Bolton July 5. July 0, 'ilO. 7:2034. nom Sth av. No 2081, w s. 50.5 s 113th st, 25.3x100. 5-aty brk store and flat. Hern'an Joveshof to Peter Fendrich. July 6 '99. 7-1847 See IOth av. nom Sth av, w s. 50-8 s 112th st, 25x100, Party wall agreement, soutb wall. Herman Schmuck and Michael Montag with Salvatore P ^ Coniglio and Luciano Maddi- June 22, July 1, '90. 7:l.s4i;. nom lOlh av. ."^o 596, n e cor 43d st, 25.5x100, 5-sty brk store and tenem't. 'lOlh av. No 366. s e cor 31st st, 24.8xl00x24-8x—. 5-sly brk tenem't wilh stores with 2-sty frame stable on st. Peter Fendrich to Her¬ man Joveshof. Mort $7,000. June 30. July 6. '99. 3:728- See Sth av. nom 'lllh av, No 2512, w s, 15.10 n 187th st, 20xSO, 3-sty brk dwell'g. Frank R Adams to John B White. Morts $1,000 and ail liens. Feb 14. Juue 30, '99. 8:2168. nom -Interior lot. begins 178 e Bowery and 125 n Rivington st, runs n 25 x e 10 X s 2o