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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 64, no. 1645: September 23, 1899

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September 23, 1899. RECORD AND GUIDE. [ Manh attan ] 455 Same to Philip Osborn. Washington av. w s, 78 n 6th si, 18x100. Sept 15, -99, _ . 2,060 Same to same. Sedgwick av, e s; Lawrence av, w s; abt 176.11 s 107th st, 75x120. Sept 1-5, '99. 2.1)6(1 The City Mortgage Co to Edward Winslow. Union av, s e cor 160th st, 39.2x105. _ 106 Same to same, lOôth st, s e cor Tinton av, 2.ixl.00 , 100 Same lo same. 153d al, s s, 200 w Courllandt av, 56x160. 106 Vollmer Peler to Mary Hamiilon, Newark, N J. Eagle av, n w cor lOlsi st, 25x100. Sept 38, '99. 3,666 Winslow. Edward to Ernst-Marx-Nathan Co. 3d av, legally opened, n e cor 374lh st, 89,10xl00x—xlOO, 100 Willcox, Fredk W to Julia A R Willcox. 179th st, n s, 141.2 e Web¬ ster av, présent lines, 25,4x117x25x121. Dec 12, '98. Sepi lii, '99. nora PROJECTED buildings! Hâve yon taken space in the neiv lUnstrated Bnilding Xa^rsT Standard publication toi Architects, Engineers, Bnilders, Contractors, Material Dealers, Beal Estate Oira- «rs. An office tool, in constant and permanent nse. A oard ln It nrlll enable you to tait every day to yonr cnstomers and to possible customers. Incomparably snperior to olr- «nlars. The most efficient form of advertising. AU the big, iride-aivake firms are secnring space. The higgest thing ever issned. Do yon want to get inT Sent a postal oard for particnlars. An nnusual opportnnity. Tha first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; m'n to, mason; c'r Ior carpenter, aad b'r for builder, When character of root is not meutioned, it Is to ba understood that th» roof Is to be o( tin, BOBOUGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14TH STREET, 1379—Monroe si, Nos 161 and 103, O-sty brk lenem't an'-, siores, 10-5 xS6.6; cost, ;j!35,000; Rebecca Merya'sh, 96 Monroe st; ar'ts. Horen¬ burger & Straub, 322 Bowery. 13S0—Monrce st. Nos 165 and 167, two 6-sty brk Lenem'ls and Broadway. 1388—13lh st. Nos 006 and 608 E, two 6-sty brk flats, 25x88.6; total cost, $50,600; W Mayer, 36 E 75th st; ar'ts, Schneider & Herter, 46 Bible House, 3389—Sth st. No 397 E, 6-sty brk flat, 25x79.11; cost, $25,060; ow'r and ar'ts, same as lasl. 1396—Broome st. Nos 322 and 124. two 6-sty brk fiats, 25x71.9; totaj cost, .fôO.eOO; J & N Bachrach, 60 Liberty st; ar't, M Bernstein, 24o Broadway. 141(1-Charles sl. Nos 84 and 86, 6-sty brk and stone flats, 37.7x25,3, ^,1: cost, $55.060; P J Herler, 1032 Lexington av; ar'ts, P J Herler & Son same address. 142,8—12tb st, Nos 313 to 321 E, four 6-sty brk flats, 25x88.6; total cost, -lilOO.OOO; Weil & Mayer, 36 E 75th si; ar'ts, Schneider & Herler, 46 Bible House. BETWEEN 14TH AND -ôirPH STREETS 14fll_.^,.-ith sl, n s, 140 e 12lb av, 1-sty brk stable. 24x16, 12; cost, Î;46