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February 3, 1900. RECORD AND GUIDE. 195 Building News. MERCANTILE. llth st, No. 51 East. 10-sty loft building, on lot 25x94,9; Owen Costello, No. 131 East S4th st. owner and builder; R. Moeiler, No. 959 East 165th st, architect. Mr. Costello improved the ad¬ joining lot last year with an 8-sty building; he has obtained a building loan of $40,000 for this operation. Willow av, east side, 134th and 135th sts, 5-sty brick furniture -factory, 200 x 75; Wm. F. Mohr. 41 Elizabeth st, owner; Chappel & Bosworth, 229 Broadway, architects. Eastern Boulevard, near Westchester Creek, 1 and 2-sty brick pottery, cost about $45,000; Edward Robitzek. 13Gth st, near Rider ave, owner; W. C. Dickerson, 149th st and 3d ave, archi- 'tect APARTMENTS, PLATS AND TENEMENTS. 118th st, south side, 225 feet east of Amsterdam av. two G-sty brick and stone flats, 50x100; cost. $00,009; Jas. Brown, care of architect, owner; Henry Aiidarson, 1180 Broadway, architect. ■Broadway, northeast corner of 71st st, 12-sty brick and stone flreproof apartment house, on plot fronting about 100 feet on Broadway and 110.5 on 71st st; Hamilton M. Weed, owner and builder; Janes & Leo. No. 2585 Broadway, architects. The lots were sold at the Eno sale, in February, 1809, for $175,450. 118th st, Nos. S and 10 West, two 5-sty flats, on lot 44x100.11; R. Axelrod, No. 212 West 83d st, will complete these buildings. They were started by F. C. Lamonte and w^ere foreclosed last week. The plastering has been begun. 118th st, Nos. 11 to 17 West, four 5-sty flats, on plot 100x100,11. The liens on this property filed against Sebastian Sander have been satisfied, and three of the houses transferred to Catharine M. Pish and one to S, D. Tomback, who will complete them. The Btanding trim Is in. Tinton ave, northeast corner of ICSth st, 4-sty brick flat and stores, 24x00, cost, $20,000; George W. Flagg, No. 2634 Decatur ave, owner and builder; M. J. Garvin. 3307 3d ave, architect (plans only). DWELLINGS. 84th st, north side, 400 feet west of West End av, three 5-aty American basement dwellings, two 17 and one 10 feet front x57; cost. $22,000 each; Peter Wagner, No. 200 Columbus av, owner and builder; G. F. Pelham, No. 503 5th av, architect. Broadway, southeast corner of 92d st, 7-sty apartment house, on lot 100x100.10; Jacob Axelrod, No. 312 West 93d st, owner; G. F. Pelham, No, 503 5th av, architect. 22d st. No. G2 West, alteration of dwelling to store and apart¬ ment; cost, $3,000; J. Skouguart, No. 1 West 7Gth st, owner; Francis L. Shea, No. 247 Weat 125th st, architect. ALTERATIONS. 4C[h st, northwest corner of Broadway, new front to store; es¬ tate Jane B. Mantell, owner; Brogan & Reid, No. 119 East 23d st, architect. 161st st, southwest corner of Melrose ave, alteration of dwell¬ ing to 2-famIly dwelling and store, cost .$3,000; building will be moved from the southwest comer of l(t3d st and Melrose ave to the above location; will be raised one story and have 3-sty ex¬ tension. 21x12; Stephen Kaser, 821 Courtlandt ave, owner; M, J. Garvin, 3307 3d av, architect. CONTRACTS AWARDED. 2d av, 17th to ISth st, S-sty maternity hoapitai; Society of the Lying-in Hospital, No. 26 East 17th st, owner. R. H. Robertson. No. 160 5th av, architect. The steam heating contract has been awarded to Baker, Smith & Co., No. 83 West Houston st. ESTIMATES RECBIVABLH. 5Dth st, Efjuth side, 100 feet west of 7th av, 7-sty brick and stone aparement house, 75x90; CrDW & Taylor. No. 287 4th av, owners; G. A Schellcnger, No. 130 Fulton st, architect; estimates are being taken on iion and steel. By the Board of Education, until February 13. at 4 P. M., for erecting new Public School 78, at Winfield, Borough of Queens; also for completing Public School 11. Borough of Queens, as per plans and specifications of Charles T. Mott, No. 99 Nassau st, Manhattan; also for completing the work of erecting Public Schools 33 and 34, Borough of Queens; Boring & Tilton. ai'chi- teets. No. 32 Broadway. Manhattan; also for Public School 78, Winfleld; also for completing Public School 11, Woodside, at the office of Charles T. Mott. architect, 09 Nassau st, Manhattan; also for completing the work of erecting Public Schools 33 and 34, Borough of Queens; Boring & Tilton, architects. No. 32 Broadway, Manhattan. Plans and speciflcations may be ob¬ tained at the estimating room of the Board of Education. BROOKLTN. Henry st, corner Pacific. The Long Island College Hospital win build an addition to their building, and have Invited "W. B. Tubby, No. S3 Fulton st, N. T., Lord, Hewlett & Hull. No. 16 East 23d st, N, Y., and two other architects to compete for the plans, Mr, Tubby built an addition to the building in 1807. Charles W, Ide, No. 22 William st, N. Y,, i3 chairman of the Puilding Committee. : "" (For Plans FUed, se&-pp. 214-231.) _ ."^ . 4th av, east side, between 13th and 14th sta, 3-sty brick and stone school; Board of Education, owner; C. B. J. Snyder. SOth st and Park av, architect; Luke A. Burke, No. 401 West 59th st, has the general contract. 3d st and Gowanus Canal. 1 and 2-sty brick ice plant, to con¬ sist of three buildings, freezing house, store house and. engine and boiler house; Leonard Michel, Supt. India "WTiarf Brewing Co., 00 Hamilton av, owner; F. S. Lowe, 186 Remsen et, archi¬ tect (plans, only). 13th St. north side, 207 feet west of Sth av. 4-sty hrick and stone flat. 25x85, ccst $18,000; Thomas L. Clark, 534 Hancock "st, owner and builder; F. S. Lowe, 180 Remsen st, ai'chltect (plans only). Prospect Park South. 2ya-sty frame dwelling, 31x48. cost, $7,500; J. K. Draper, owner; Nitchle & FarweU, 13-21 Pai'k Ro'w. N, Y. City, architects. 71st St. southeast corner of 2d av, 3-3ty brick school, 00x172; City of New York, owner; C. B. J. Snyder, SOth st and Park av, N. Y., architect. The general contract has been awarded to Louia Wechsler, No. 1133 Broadway, N. Y. Estimates on the following will be received by him: Structural and ornamental iron work, concreting, artificial pavements, hardware, sleepers, flooring, etc. COUNTRY WORK OF NEW YORK ARCHITECTS. Far Rockaway. L. L—Two 2y2-sty frame dwellings; Mrs. E. S. Hewlett, 225 West 122d st, owner; J. B. Fitchett. 21G8 7th av. architect. , Baldwins, L. L—Alteration of 2Mi-sty frame dwelling; work consists of adding two wings, 39x24 and 35x35; John Fox, owner; McUvaine & Tucker. 48 Exchange place, architects. Bloomfield, N. J.—Bloomfield av and Berkeley pl. addition and alteration to school; Board of Education, owner; C. G. Jones. 2S0 Broadway, architect, Cedarhurst, L. L—Alteration to 2Vi-sty frame dwelling, coat, $8,000; Talbot J. Taylor, 30 Broadway, N. T. City, owner; Charles A. Rich, 35 Nassau st, architect. Closter, N. J.—Higli and White sts. brick and atone school, cost $10,000; Board of Education (C. A. Eckerson. clerk, Custom House, N. Y. Cityl, owner; Vaux & Emery, Bible House, archi¬ tects. Hackensack, N. J.—One 2Vi-sty frame dwelling, 42x50; cost. .'?5,000; Chas. A. Reese, owner; Rosslter & Wright, 05 Liberty at, architects. Harrington Park, N. J.—One 2-sty frame public school, 50x40; cost, $4,500; Board of Education, owner; Vaux & Emery, Bible House, architects. Madison. N. J,—One 2i/i-sty frame addition to dwelling; Dr. Leslie D. Ward. 141 Eradway, o'.vner; Charles Ailing Glfford, 31 Union Square, architect. Ocean Side, L. I.—Two cr three 3-sty frame and shingle dwell ings, 33x52; R. J. Wright, foot East 105th st, N. T. City, owner and architect. White Plains, N. Y.—One 2i4-sty frame dwelling, 32x41, cost $0,500; L. P. Fish, owner; Nitchic & Farwell. 13-21 Park Row, architects. mbTbopolitan district. Far Rockaway, L L—O'lC 2i^-sty frame dwelling, cost, $7,000; Dr S. S. Guy, owner; alteration and addition to frame hotel, cost, .fS,0OO; Charles S. Schilling, owner; four 2-sty frame dwell¬ ings, 20x90, cost, $20,000; Oliver "Whitson, owner; A. J. Bogart, aichitect for all. Rockaway Park, L. I.—One 3-sty frame hotel, 57x190, cost, $75,0CO; Austin Corbin estate, owner; Irving B. Ellis, Arbuckle Eu.:idirg, Brooklyn, N. Y., architect. NEW JERSEY. Jersey City—Sip, corner Romaine av. 3-sty frame dwelling and store-' Mrs. John F. Christman, owner; John Bachus. architect. Newark—Alteration of 3-sty brick flat; Mr. Spingara, owner: Henry C. Klemm. architect.-----Broad st. near Market st. repairs to church; First Presbyterian Society, owner; Wm. P. Field, architect—-Parker st, near uth av, 3-sty brick dwelling, cost, $7 000- Henry Kocher, owner; Charles P. Baldwin, architect.----- Summer av, 2V3-sty frame dwelling, cost, $5,500; Henry A. Coz- zens, owner; architect same as last. --------•-------- BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. We wish to correct a typographical error in our last number, pa-e 149, 'Where American Portland Cement produced during 1899 reads 5UO.000 Intead of 5,000,000 barrels, while we also wish to emphasize the Rosendale production as being the amount pro¬ duced in Ulster county only. The lumbermen are pleased at the outlook for next season 3 business and expect a slight increase in the price of timber. Tha weather has been admirable for logging and large shipments win soon be made. Linseed oil has taken another advance during the past week, and now the long expected advance in mixed paints has come, prices having advanced an average of 10c. per gallon This has been caused by the continued increase of raw materials, some of which have advanced 75% since last June. In the iron market prices remain firm. There has been a movement on foot among some of the buyers to crowd prices down and, in fact, some have reported purchfWsea at lesa than 1