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February lo, igoo. BECORD AND GUIDE. 243 Brickmakers, by reference to our business pages, will find description of a large brick yard, at Little Perry, N. J., -which is now offered for rent by D. A. Pell, Hackensack, N. J, Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OF o9TH STREET. Bowery, Nos. 376 and 378, old buildings, 41,11x103x38,8x176,2, with joint ownership to alley and court adjoining; W. Rosenz¬ weig and B. Klingenstein, who purchased this property at the Contoit sale on Tuesday for $47,000, have resold the property at an advance to a builder, who will improve. The sellers have, however, offered .'^2,o00 to be released from their contract. llth st. No. 322 East, old building, 25x94,10; buyers, Nieberg Brothers, who will improve. 13th st, north side, 170 feet east of Av A, 5-sty tenement, 27x 93x103. This property has been sold by H. Sokolski & Son, 40th st, No. 337 West, 4-sty brick tenement with ^tore, on lot 20x98,9; seller, Francis A. McKeown; buyer, John Wick; broker, Thos. P. Fitzsimons. 4Sth st, No. 511 West, 5-sty tenement, 25x82x100; seller, Mor¬ ton R. Peck; brokers, Frank L, Fisher & Co.; price, about $24,000. 39th st. No. 30G West, 5-sty tenement, on lot 25x100; buyer, Herman Moses; seller, William J. Roome; price, about $20,000. llth st, Nos. 233 to 239 East, plot 107x100; sellers, Mandelbaum & Lewine; buyer, August Ruff, who will build flats; brokers, Hiram Rinaldo & Bro. 16th st, No. 13 East, old building, on lot 25x92; William H. Jackson has sold this property, with a loan, to a builder for Im¬ provement. He acquired it last June from William Rosenzweig, giving in trade No. 30 West 132d st, 10th st. No. 34 East, vacant lot, 25x92.3; seller, Samuel Hahn; buyer, Philip Braender, ■who will build; broker, Julius Friend. 8th av, southeast corner of 25th st, 4-sty brick building, on lot 27,3x62; seller, George W. Hertzel; buyer, M, L. Fraser; broker, Frederick Zittel, Mott st, No. 200, lot 25x95; seller, Harris Schwartz; buyer, Rocco M. Morasco; price, $18,750. iNORTH OF OOTH STREET. SSd st, No, 262 West, 6-sty apartment house, 55x102.2; Herbert Dongan is reported to have sold this property for $140,000, Judge Andrews, of the Supreme Court, has appointed the New York Security and Trust Company receiver of the rents of the prop¬ erty in a suit brought by J. Ledlie Hees, to foreclose a fourth mortgage of $5,000 on the property, which was made by Mr. Dongan to George F. Moore, who transferred it to Mr. Hees, There are prior mortgages amounting to $118,750, and the total encumbrances, with interest and taxes Up to May 1 next, are estimated at $131,200. Sth av, northeast corner of 105th st, 100.11x100, vacant; sellers, Rogers estate. 112th st, south side, 200 feet east of 8th av, 200x100,11, vacant; sellers, M. L. & C. Ernst; buyer, Nelson D, Stillwell; brokers. Hall J. How & Co.; lots on the north side of this street sold at the King sale in January, 1S90, for $9,000 each. 90th st. No. 265 West, 3-sty dwelling, ISxlOO; sellers, James A. Frame & Son; brokers, L. J. Phillips & Co. 137th st, No. 226 West, 3-sty dwelling; seller, James C. Picken; buyer, Geo. W. Grote. This is the last of Mr. Picken's group of new houses in this block. 122d st, south side, between 7th and Sth avs, 5-sty flat; sellers, Zimmermann & Valente, 118th st, No, 31 West, 5-sty double flat, 25x100; seller, Mary Caspe. Madison av, west side, 75 feet north of 117th st, 5-sty double flat with stores, 25x85; sellers, Julius Fleischmann & Son; bro¬ ker, M. Bargebubr; price, about $27,000. io6th st. No. 557 West, 3-sty Queen Anne dwelling, on lot 23.4x 100; seller, Daniel B. Freedman; buyer, Henry Smith, who will occupy the house. 118th st, south side, about 240 feet west of 5th av, plot 44x100; seller, John W. Pierson; buyer, William Rankin. Av A,—The Hammond Typewriter Co has bought, through John F. Doyle & Sons, the remaining lots belonging to the Na¬ thaniel P, Rogers estate, in the block bounded by GOth and TOth sts, Av A and Exterior st. The company now owns the easterly half of the block, on which it intends to erect a factory. lllth st, Nos, 23 and 25 West, two 5-sty flats, on plot 50x100.11. Pred. B, Wemple, of Detroit, Mich., has contracted to exchange this property with Joseph R. Megrue, at $60,000, for propei-ty at Buffalo, N. Y., valued at $18,000. Brokers, M. E. Hewitt & Co. Sth av, block front from 106th to 107th st, 201,10x100; seller, the New York Realty Co. (Flake & Dowling), who last month took this plot, with other lots, from James McCreery, in exchange for the Nevada apartment house; brokers, Whitehouse & Porter. 99th st. No. 136 West, 5-sty double flat, 25xS5::100; seller, C. J. Diody; brokers, Frank L. Fisher Co, l.'?3d st, north side, 150 feet west of Amsterdam av,„pIot 125x 9i>.ll; seller, the Winslow estate; price, $40,000. The buyer is a builder. 1st av, southeast t.-orner of T4th st, ,50x113, vacant; sellers, Lo¬ wenfeld & Prager; buyer, Leon Sobel, The sellers bought this property last week for $30,000, and have resold at an advance of $8,000. The buyer will build two 6-sty tenements. 139th st, north side, 140th st, south side, 75 feet west of Bqu1«- vard, vacant plot, 125x200; seller, John A. Donald. Sth av, southwest corner of 120th st, plot lllxl23x irregular; buyers, Julius Fleischman & Sons, who will build a 7-sty flat; brokers, I^. J. Phillips & Co. The asking price was $85,000, but the buyers have to excavate the lots, which will make them cost about $95,000. Madison av. No. 751, 4-sty dwelling; buyer, Dr, August Cartle; sellers, Henry D. Winans & May. IGlst st. No, 577 West, 3-sty dwelling, on lot 18x100; seller, A, E, Smith; brokers, Sturges & Co. Gist st, No. 159 East, 4-sty dwelling, on lot 21x100; seller, a Mrs. Stein; brokers, Montgomery & ,Seitz, who were also the brokers in the sale of the northeast corner of Park av and 61st st, which was incorrectly reported last week as the northwest corner. 112th st, north side, 175 feet west of Amsterdam av, plot 34x 100,11; seller, N. A. McBride; buyers, J. Paterno's Sons, build¬ ers; brokers, Slawson & Hobbs. SOth st, north side, 100 feet east of Riverside Drive, plot 50x 100; seller, Schuyler Quackenbush; brokers, L. J. Phillips & Co, TGth st. No. 16 East, 4-sty dwelling, on a lot 19.4x100; seller, Henry Goodkind; buyer, Mrs. M. Hirshfleld; brokers, Douglas Robinson Se Co, Mr. Goodkind bought the property from M, L. Sire in December, 1898. Madison av, No. 776, between 66th and 67th sts, 4-sty high- stoop dwelling, on lot 19x80; fully furnished, including furniture and flttings; seller, Mrs. Norman L. Munro; buyer, Daniel B. Freedman; brokers, Geo. A. White & Co. The house waa re¬ cently remodeled and decorated. THE BRONX. J. T, Barry, the builder, has bought through W. L. McLaugh¬ lin the plot, 75x146, adjoining his residence on the northwest correr of 167th st and Boston road. This purchase, including his present holding, makes a plot 150x149. He has also bought through John Byrnes the northwest corner of 165th st and Trin¬ ity av, a plot 75x100, at $15,500, which will become the site of a building operation by his son, Edward A., whom he is starting in the building business. LEASES. H. L, Haight, with Ogden & Ciarlison, leased to the Detmer Woolen Co., of Chicago, 111,, 15,000 square feet in the flreproof building now being erected at the southeast corner of ith av and 10th st, for flve years. Oliver Bryan has leased No. 2138 Tth av, southwest corner of 127th st, for John Mott to Henry Becher, for flve years, at $10,- liOO; No. 2285 Sth av, for Emeline Pinkney to Thomas & Crom¬ well, for flve years, at $6,700; No. 221 West 127th st, for Sarah E, Wilson to Frances E. Nye, for three years, at $2,700. The Gilsey estate has leased the Gilsey House, on the northeast corner of Broadway and 29th st, for eleven years, to Elwood O. Roessle, formerly proprietor of the Deievan Hotel, at Albany, for an annual rental of about $75,000 a year. Tha estate will mod¬ ernize the hotel. The lease was negotiated by Matt. J. Ward. REAi ESTATE NOTES. Charles F, Ayer, of Boston, was the ptirchaser of the Victoria Annex, sold last week by the Ritchie estate through Daniel Bird¬ sall & Co. The Dock Departpient has decided to lay out as a park the piece of ground to be made between East 23d and 24th sts, Av A -and the East Rivei*. Charles A. Peabody, Jr,, representing W. W. Astor, was the buyer of the stable premises, 75x98.9, Nos. IS to 22 East 34th st. Mr. Astor owns abutting property. William Salomon was the buyer, from the Arnold estate, of the plot 52x100, on 5th av, 50 feet north of SSd st, adjoining the Ar¬ nold residence, which he bought from Daniel E. Seybel. According to the Conveyances, William Salomon paid $275,000 for the 4-sty Arnold residence, on a plot 50.2x100, at the north corner ot 5th av and SSd st, which he bought for Daniel E. Seybel. Mrs. Fiske, wife of Lieut,-Commander Fiske, U, S. Navy, was the buyer of the new American basement dwelling. No. 309 West i06th st, between Riverside Drive and West End av, reported sold by Joseph A. Farley two weeks ago. L. J. Phillips & Co, were the brokers, Jt is the second house sold of a group of eight. George A. White & Co, is the name of a new flrm of expe¬ rienced real estate workers, with offices at No, 100 Broadway, Besides the sale'of realty and the placing of mortgage loans, the flrm will make a specialty of exchanging property for which they have excellent facilities. Messrs. White have sold the Munro house, on Madison av, as noted in our "Gossip." Their telephone call is 709 Cortlandt. Jeremiah C, Lyons acquired title from the Central Realty, Bond and Trust Co.. to the plot 50x100, Nos. 520 and 522 Broadway. :ilr, Lyons made over two mortgages to the seller, one for $225,- CKJO far 3 years, and another for $150,000 to run for a similar