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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 65, no. 1665: February 10, 1900

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February lO, 1900. RECORD AND GUIDE. 245 1 BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. The Brick and Cement markets are very quiet. Lumber is at a standstill. .i-l-.. Iron has been reasonably active for the season, with prices firm, and a-looking forward to another advance in price. Tin has seen a steady week, with prices firm, as have also Spelter and Solder. Paints and Oils are in steady demand for this season, and an advance in prices is looked for. Building News. MERCANTILE, 135th st, north side, 150 feet west of 3d av, 2-sty stable, 50x70; cost, $3,000; Furlong & Furlong, No. 465 East 134th st, owners; Charles Stegmeyer, No. 306 East S2d st, architect, is ready for estimates. Wall St. northwest corner of William st, and William st, Nos, 3" and .39, plot fronting 5S feet on Wall st by 140 feet on William st, being irregular on the westerly line; The Atlantic Mutual In¬ surance Co. have decided to build a 20-sty building on this site at a cost of about $1,000,000. Clinton & Russell, No. 32 Nassau st, architects. 10th st. No. 34 East, lot 25x92.3; Philip Braender, No, 47 West 125th st, who has just purchased this property, will probably build a 10-sty mercantile building thereon; F. K. Browne, No. 143 West 125th st, architect. Broadway, Nos. 520 and 522, 11-sty brick and stone stoi'e and loft building, on lot 50x100; J. C. Lyons, northeast corner of 125th st and Park av, owner and builder; Buchman & Fox, No. 11 East 59th st, drew plans for the former owners and will probably be the architects, Mr, Lyons has obtained a building loan of $150,000. The property adjoins the southeast corner of Broad¬ way and Spring st, owned by Frederick Ayer, and on which he will erect a 12-sty building from plans by A. J. Manning. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. West End av, northwest corner of 100th st, two 7-sty briclt and stone apartments, corner 56x95; inside 49x90; cost, $200,000; Elias Kempner, owner; George Fred Pelham, No. 503 Sth av, architect. Slst st, north side, 175 feet west of 3a av, 5-sty flat, 24.8x86; Charles D, Picken, No. 56 West 113th st, owner and builder; Jolm Hauser, No, 1441 3d av, architect. llth st. No. 322 East, 6-sty brick and stone tenement, on lot 25x94,10; Nieberg Bros., ownere; M. Bernstein, No. 245 Broad¬ way, architect. Sth av, southwest corner of 120th st, 7-sty brick and stone ele¬ vator apartment house, on plot fronting 100 feet on 5th av by 123 feet on 120th st, and being irregular indepth; the apartments will be arranged in suites of 5, 6 and 7 rooms, and will have elec¬ tric light and stsam heat; Julius Fleischmann & Son, owners and builders; George F. Pelham, No. 503 5th av, architect. llth st, Nos. 233 to 239 East, plot 107x100; August Ruff, No. 29 East 3d st, who has just purchased this property, will probably build 7-sty elevator apartments; L. F. Heinecke, No. G2 Bowery, has been his architect in previous operations. 112th st, north side, 200 feet west of Amsterdam av, 6-3ty brick and atone flat, 34x100,11; Charles and Joseph Paterno and V. Crobone, No. .507 West 112th st, owners and builders; they have obtained a building loan of $22,000. Amsterdam av, southwest of 131st st, 5-sty brk flat and stores, 29x95; cost, $30,000; Tbos, H. Bell, 120 West 134th st, owner; Moore & Lansiedel, 3d av and 14Sth st, architects. Rivington. st, Nos, 42 and 44, brick and stone flats, plot 44x100; John Kafka, 231 East 72d st, owner; M. Bernstein, 245 Broad¬ way, architect (plans only). ALTERATIONS. 125th st, Nos. 4 and 6 West, alteration of residences to stones arid offices; Francis Rogers, 123d st and 3d av, owner; :^uch- man & Pox, No. 11 East 59th st, architects. Vesey st, Nos. 31 and 33, corner of Church st, alteration to store; cost, $1,500; Great American Tea Co., on premises, owner; W. E. Bloodgood, 64 Cedar st, architect. ESTIM.4TES RECEIVABLE. Louis Wechsler, No. 1133 Broadway, will receive estimates from sub-contractors on Public School No. 78, Queens, until February 12th, and on School No. 127, Brooklyn, until February 17th. By the Department of Docks, at Pier "A," North River, until February 16th, at 2 p. m„, for building a new wooden pier at Rut¬ gers slip. East River. By the Department of Sewers, Nos. 13 to 21 Park row, until February 14th, at 12 m,, for sewers in I49th, 150th, 151st and 152d sts, between Sth and Bradhurst avs; Edgecombe road, be¬ tween 155th and 162d sts; 155th st, between Sth av and St, Nicho¬ las pl; and Bradhurst av, between 151st and 155th sts; and in Timpson pl, from 149th to 147th st; also until February 2Sth, at 12 m., for sewers in Fort Hamilton av, from 62d st to GOth st; to COth st, from Fort Hamilton av to 14th av; and in llth av, from 60th to 41st st, Brooklyn, Gth av, west side, 21st to 22d st, 6-sty brick and stone store, 197.6x200; cost, ■$750,000; Adams & Co., owners; De Lemos & Cordes,-No, 130"Fulton st, architects, are taking estimates on the mason-work,, ^ The contract will be let in about two weeks. Mercer st, southeast corner of Spring st, 8-sty brick and stone building, 01x100; Mercer Building Co., 160 Sth av, owners; Clin¬ ton & Russell,'No, 32 Nassau st, architects. The old buildings on this property are now being removed, and Geo. A. Fuller Co., No, 160 3th. av, general contractors, are taking estimates. By the Department of Docks, at Pier "A," until 2 p. m., Febru¬ ary 16, for 10,000 barrels of Portland cement. By the Board of Education, at the southwest corner of Parkav and 59th st, until February 19, at 4 p. m., for supplying heating and ventilating apparatus and electric lighting plants for Public School 5, Manhattan, also for Public School 53, Brooklyn; also for furniture for additional story to Public School 138, Bronx, and furniture for addition to Public School 11, Richmond; also for erecting new Public School 127,, on 7th av, bet 7Sth and 79th sts, Brooklyn, Plans and specifications may be obtained at the Estimating Room, eighth floor, HaU of the Board of EducatiQn, corner of Park av and 59ht st, Manhattan. By Treasury Department, until 2 p. m., March 5th, for the extension of the heating and ventilating apparatus of the addi¬ tion to the U. S, Post-Oflice building, at Canton, Ohio. Drawings and specification may be had at Canton, Ohio, or of James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect, Washington, D. C. »■ BROOKLYN. Union av and Withers st, 2-Bty brick plate-glass factory; Vo- geley & Lackman, 47G Broadway, N. Y. City, owners; John T. Wachter, Bedford av, architect. East 2d st, east side, 184 feet north of Pranklin av, 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $4,200; Morris Building Co., 26 and 150 Broadway, N, Y. City; W. B. Tubby, 81 Fulton st, N. Y. City, architect. METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, South'ampton, L, I.—One 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $6,000; W. T, Doming, owner; "W. B. Brady, architect. Far Rockaway, L, I.^One 3-9ty and basement frame dwelling, cost, $4,000; Mrs. Tailey, 105 West 3Sth st, N. Y. City, owner; Merrell Smith, architect. Mastic, L. L—Alteration to 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $7,000; Augustus Floyd, Moriches, L. I., owner; Geo. H. Skidmore, Riv¬ erhead, L. L, architect. Riverhead, L. I.—One 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $4,500; N. O. Petty, owner; Geo. Skidmore, architect. Water Mill, L. I.—Addition to 2-sty frame mill, 35x30; cost, $8,- 000; Geo. A. GritRn, Shelter Island, owner; Geo.,H. Skidmore, Riverhead, L. L, architect. White Plains, N. Y.—One 2-sty frame truck house, 20x40; cost, $2,000; Village of White Plains, N. Y., owner; J-rank Horton Brown, architect. COUNTRY WORK OP NEW YORK ARCHITECTS, Montclalr, N. J.—Prospect st, 2-sty frame private stable; Jas. TL'rner, 71 Water st, owner; Frank Freeman, 132 Nassau st, architect. Southampton, L. I.—Alteration to the Town Hall; to be entirely remc deled and prcbably changed to an opera house; Samuel Pirish, owner; Grosvenor Atterbury, IS West 34th st, architect. Larchmont, N. Y.—Alteration to '2Mi-&ty frame dwelling; W. J. McCreery, 06 West 23d st, N. Y. City, owner; Frank A. Moore. 123 East 23d st, architect.------3-sty brick and frame store and flats, 33x71; ccst, $10,000; Lucas Bean, owner; architect, same as last, NEW JERSEY. Jersey City,—Germania av, near North st, three 3-sty frame dwellings; cost, $3,000 each; Anthony W. Crone, owner; Emit Gtihi, architect (plans only).------Harrison st. No. 40, 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $4,500; Edward Ducommun, owner and architect. ------Sherman av, near South st, 2-sty frame dwelling; cost, $800; M. Echres, owner; Emil Guhl, architect;------Stuyvesant av-and Van W"agenen av, five 2~sty frame dwellings, 20x42; Johni-E. Robertson, owner; architect, same as last. ■ .■^- . i, Newark,—Broad st. No. 472, alteration to 3-sty brick, stone and iron stores, offices and lodge-rooms, 30x84; Jos.. Goetz, owner; Henry Baechlin, architect.------Halsey, southwest corner of Acad¬ emy st, brick stores and apartments; J. Weiss, owner.------High st, 2Mi-sty frame dwelling; Jos. Goetz, owner; architect, same as last.-----Warren st, Nos, 387 and 3S9, 3-sty frame stores and apartments; Wm. Toner, owner; J. J. O'Neill, architect (plans only).------Market st. No. 90, alteration to store and apartments; cost, $4,400; Agnes B. Fairchild, East Orange, N. J., owner; H. Edward Reeve, architect.------Broom st,. No. 248, alteration and addition to store and apartments; cost, $3,200; Emanuel Heyman, owner; Nathan Myers, architect. ■ 00<><>00<><><><><><>0<><>C>0<><>000<><>0<><> THE RAPID TRANSIT ROUTE, Large maps showing the new underground rapid transit routes and giving all stations may be obtained by order from the Record and Guide, 14 and IG Vesey St, Price, ten cents each; on bond paper, ■ 25 cents. Indispensable to real estate brokers and owners, <><>0<><>0<><>0<>0<><><><><>0<><><>0<>00000 1