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March 31' iQOO- RECORD AND GUIDE. S39 losing his suit, as the owner and the contractor who employed the mechanic are "hand in glove" with one another, and divide profits. Where does the mechanic come in, even if he has a chance of winning his suit? Every day he attends the court he loses that day's pay. By all means agitate this matter and let us have a fair and-just Mechanics' Lien Law. JOHN H. BEHRMANN. A BOOK ABOUT REAL ESTATE.—Written for the owner, the broker, the speculator. Geo. W. Van Siclen's "Guide to Buyers and Sellers of Real Estate," An interesting book, full of valuable points. $1 a copy, cloth. Record and Guide, Publish¬ ers, 14 and IG Vesey street. A LADIES' DAY. The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen gave their first "Ladies' Reception" on Wednesday, at their new building, for the purpose of giving the wives, daughters and other female relatives and friends of the members an opportunity of acquaint¬ ing themselves with the important and practical work that they are doing. There was a very large attendance. The galleries sur¬ rounding the library and reading-room were decorated with flags, and the executive offices on the gallery fioor with tulips of various hues. The visitors inspected the building, which con- tajins a library, offices, and school-rooms. A review of the history of the Society was given by President Wright. 0) 0 222 S36 sza ,236 236 240 Z44 246 2S0 2S4 ELventli Ward Park Awards. p/ T r a s.T ^ J-J- .i-a s.T ■fS 33 s.T s.T S.T s.T P?.^ Hzo .r-r '9-e s.T. 7S~ J-J- * S.T •S^^?.' S.T AS /se r Z3.<, tb ^27. ft) Ol^ 1^ ZZ.6 /Si 7sr Ol 0, a.s " <0 (^ 38^ •si O ■■a.9 ■S'4.3 ,"1* hi re,9 ■S.S Ol-fc. u a,f ^1 (- H to % 2S' Situ '.OOO .To 3 a s.r. S.T 48. S.r. *r- /oo ,9/9,s'oo S.T, ST. < s.r. $£/. OOO >i zs 2'^ a' ST. ^£ 2'3.B S.T , ^ Wl LLETT \ M J- B ».T. ijfJf.Soo •rs f ^3t.
•,?/, 6 o * ^ ST. ^f^f '6^ 4B s.r %.. S.r. :«> Si V ■'^1 M* ao Zo S.S Ul w 5- N^. zs o t « Mtb o 0 '3 «\ "a 0 0 K, 6 l: w(6 #37. •t ^*'^ N ». AS- >,to >» I S.S- ^t.6 -*»= >t<*i -Qr- S.T. \i»y^ ^^ ■4^8 K JB i7. i-a -fB I S.r. I t£.1, o BD .S'B W J^' " 63 60 J^ JW ST 6t, S.T. Q I SHERirr 3S9 361 363 36S 367 369 371 373 37S, ■377 • 0 c: 383 36? 389 391 393 3Qir 399 ■M>f The Eleventh Ward, or Hamilton Fish Park, occupies two blocks, and not one as previously stated. It is bounded by Pitt, Sheriff, Stanton and East Houston sts. The dimensions of these blocks were 200x400 each, and the total awards of $1,679,455 are at the average rate of about .flO a square foot of land taken, in¬ cluding buildings. Bone alley was in the centre of one of these blocks. It was owned in one parcel consisting of an entrance on Willett st, 18,9x75, and a plot 50x150 in the middle of the biock, occupied by flve tenements and a narrow passageway along their fronts. The award for this parcel was $47,000. It was stated in the course of the hearings to condemn that a portion of the entrance on Willett st was leased for $200 a year, and that the lessee made mopey out of it by renting It out for the storage of push-'carts. With this is given a diagram showing the property taken and the awards for lands and buildings ot the several par¬ cels into which it was divided. The more than nominal awards for lease-interests were the following: No. 226 Stanton st. .$050; No, 119% Willett St. the entrance to Bone alley, $3,000; No. 127 Willett s't, $7,500; No. 129 Willett st, $14,000; No. 136 Pitt st. $8,400; same, sub-lessee, $1,GOO; No, 134 Pitt st, $500; No. 113 Sheriff st, $250; No. 115 Pitt st. $2,000; No. 117 Sheriff at, $2,500; No, 118 Willett st, $400. Objections to these awards, as an¬ nounced in our "Notice to Property Owners" column recently, may be filed at any time before April 5th; hearings thereon will begin April 12th, and application will be made to the Supreme Court for confirmation of the awards April 26th.