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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 66, no. 1689: July 28, 1900

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132 [MaiiliattauJ RECOKD AAD GUIDE. July 28, 1900. iam Ebling loans William Manz; to complete two buildings now erecting;. 3 payments...... ................ ...... .16,000.00 SSd's't'.'s's, 340 w West End av. —x—. The City Mortgage Co loans Herbert H True; to erect a 6-sty brick apartment house; installs- ...................................75,000.00 July 26. 129th st, s s. 80 e Park av, 100x90.11. Title Guarantee & Trust Co loans Adelbert S Nich¬ ols; to erect a 6-sty mercantile building with elevators; 6 payments................30,O09.Oti 112th st No 508 West. Geo W Kidd loans Chas and Joseph Paterno and Vita and Celestina P Cerabone; to erect a 6-sly and basement brick apartment house with store; 2 payment^s.... July 27. Brook av w s, 195.3 s Wendover av, 100x39.1. The Borough Realty Co loans Frank Mezger; to erect a 4-sty brick and stone apartment house; 9 payments...................8,000.00 —----------«---------------- July 21. 62d st. No 340 to 350, s s, 152 w Ist av, 151x 100.5. Tremel ft Fuchs on Isaac Goodstein to pay Cosgrove Bros .................1.630.00 July 23. 62d st Nos 340 fo 330, East, 135x100. Tremel ft Puchs on Isaac Goodstein to pay Williain Buess...............................2,125.00 July 26. Bronx Park Botanical Gardens. Armstrong & Bolton Co on John H Parker Co lo pay lhe_ Crane Co............................2,31o..S -----------•—----^---- SATISriED ORDERS. July 26. East Broadway, Nos 267 to 273. H and A Cohen paid Candee ft 'Smith ou order of H Hafker. (Filed Feb 20, 1990.)...............$0,000.00 ,--------------♦-------------- SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. July 21. Norfolk st.Nos 135 and 137. Lanrowitz Sc Storoh agt B M Whitlock and Henry Arlt. (July 13. jgOO ) ........................lilO.OO 84th st, 'No 312 to 318 East. David Salzberg agt George and Emanuel Doctor et al. (May 18, 19U0.)...................■■ -^Y'---}, 1st st, s s. 123 e White Plains av. -IskIIo. Chas Downey agt Antonio Russo and M E Stevens. (Septs, 1898.)..................... . .2O.n0 nst St. s s, 334.9 e of White Plains road. 2ox—. Mark E Stevens agt Antonio Russo. (Oct 29, 1S98.)...............................1.600.00 July 23. Amsterdam av, w s. runs trom 148th to 149th st, 200x100. Edward Mamelsdorf agt Niels Hansen. (July 14. 1990.) ...............169.68 =14lh st n s. 473 w Stb av, 75x125. Gilbert A Schellenger agt John Glass Jr. (Dec 29, IS^O.) 156t'h s't, s s.'extends from Westchester to Beach av. Chas Eggers agt Chas M Simonds. (July 19 1990.)...........................1,249.09 156th st, north corner Hewitt pl. 28.7x89.6. The Long Island Sand Go agt Chas M Simonds et al. (July 5. 1900.) .....................^58.83 49th st n s, 75 e Madisou av, -50x100.5. Baker, Smith ft Co agt John S White. (May 22. 11^90.) Same'properly. W ft W F Crockett agt same. (May 3. 1900.) ......................A,-'^-,--^^ Prospect st, u s, 75 n 150th st. —x—. Flush¬ ing Lumber Co agt .Mabel Meres. (July 14. 1900.)...............................3.214.70 -Goerck st, Nori 5 and 7. Michele Briglia and ano agt Samuel Brasoh. (July 14, 1900.). .715.25 July 24. Prospect av, w s, 75 n 150th st, 100x200. East River Iron Works agt Mabel Meres. (Juiy 12, 1900,).................................329.90 149th st, Nos 511 and 513 E. Henry G Silleck Jr agt Raphael Availone. (June 7, 1900.) .959.47 ^lOOth sl, Nos 196 to 112 West. Pelham Hod Elevating Co agl Edward Margolies. (Feb 20. 1900.) .............................^10.00 Madison av. n e cor 49ih st, —x—. Chas C Haight agt John 3 White. (March 10, 1900.). ......... .:......................1,934.56 74th st. No 45 East. John V Schaefer Jr agt S W Korn et al. (July 13, 1990.)........325.09 =Abingdon sq (Sth av), Nos 13 to 19. Samuel Slohar agt Louis Sroka, (July 3, 1990.). .334.00 ^Same property. Charles Bloom aud ano agt sarae. (June 14. 1900.)................285.00 Sth st. No 315 East. Henry Rochmovitz agt Chone Jaffe. (July 11, 1990.)............1.50.00 '85th st. No 106 East. Hugh M Reynolds agt Mrs. M McGowan. (June 15, 1909.)......10.36 July 25. 7th av, n w cor 120th st, 100.11x125. Arnold Pfenning agt Wm G Webber. (June 5. lilOO.) .....................................940.64 Same property. Mulhern Steam Heating Co agt same. (June 14, 1900.)................1,250.00 Same propertv. Thos F McLaughlin agt same. (March 21, 1900.) ......................344.09 Same properly. Walter H Starraft and auo agt same. (June 15, 1990.) ................997.32 Sarae property. Bradley & Currier Co. agt same. (June 4. 1900.)...............20,334.96 Same property. Benjamin Gillespie agt same. (June 6, 1900.).......................1,638.42 Same property. Reynolds ft McMabon agt same. (June 5, 1900.).......................9.18S.18 ■Same property. Schnatz Sc Massoth agt same. (June 5, 1900.)........................2,543.40 Same property. Richard J Cullen agt same. (June 5. 1900.) .........................481.25 Same properly. Carl Buehler agt same. (June 5, 1900.) ............................2,163.00 156th st, s w cor Beach av, 23x100. Church-B Gafes & Co agt Aaron Abrams and Louis Reiter. (July 16, 1909.) .................309.27 West Broadway. No 217. J C Hankinson agt E ■N Little Sons. (July 19. 1900.)........3,233.95 20th sl. No 23 East. I David H Darrln agt Caro- 20th st. No 43 East. line Briuley. (Peb 7, 1909.) ...............................5,020.00 Westchester av. s e cor Brook av, 100x125. Wm T Hookey agt Aaron Abrams and M Bozza. {.May 15. 1900.) ........................24S.S5 July 26. 105th at. No 71 East. Jacob Singer agt Norton ft Fraukiin. (April 5. 1909.).............14.00 Southern Boulevard, n s. 125 w Webster av, 41 xlUO. Owen Toher agt M Meyles and F P Lockwood. (July 16, 1900.)..............94.00 Elm st, No 12. Archer & Higginson agt Thos W Byrnes. (June 11. 1900.) ..........6.584-02 '2d st. No 20 East. Louis F Manes agt Sam Levy. (July 23, 1900.) ...................2.07 July 27. Bergen av, n e cor 148th st, 72.8x115.6. Harris Bartelstoue agt Albert Rothermel. (Juue 8, 1900).................................580.00 Same properly. Zirauiermaun &, Flood agt same. (May 29, 1900) ................LOOO.09 Same property. Albert Blechner agt same. (June 12, 190O.) .............................131.00 Same property. J A Toscani ft Co agt same. (June 18, 1900-)........................200.00 Same property. Wm L Dale agt same. (June 13. 1900.) ..............................962.75 Same property. John H Sturk & Co agt same. (June 19, 1990) ........................200.00 Same property. Adam Happel agt same. (June 13. 1900.) ............................1,355.00 Same property. John W Rapp agt same. (June 14, 1900.) ..............................809.00 Sarae property. N Y Metal Ceiling Co agt same. (June 27. 1900.)........................150.99 20th St. No 43 East. Powhatan Clay Mfg Co agt Ervin G Gollner. (Peb. 27. 1900.)-----162.09 134th st. No 1010 East. Mas Walther agt James and Mary Wittenham and Charles Seita. (June 19, 1900.) ..................36.80 111th st, n s, 109 w 7th av. 50x100.11. Henry Raabe ft Sons agt Ida E Moore. (June 18, 1900.) ..............................8.396.00 E Broadway, No 203. Philip Steinman agt Simon Henderson and Louis Oransky. (July 14, 1900.)...............................65.74 -63d st, s w cor 2d av, —x—. Trettler Sc Stolz agt John J Houlahan. (July 21, 1900.).5,283.00 20th st. No 103 East. Geo M Smith agt James M Burke et al. (Feb. 23, 1900.).........299.60 "Same property. Michael Reilly agt same. (Feb, 24, 1900.) ..............................634.00 "Same property. T J Duify agt same. (March 5. 1900.) ...............................17.80 ^Same property. J Gallagher agt same. (March 5, 1900.) .........................■;......24.90 ^Same property. F Tuffer agt same. (March 22, 1900.) .................................55.00 ^Same property. Lorenzo Toba agt same. (April 10, 1900.) ..............................14.00 ^Sarae property. J Ross agt same. (April 10. 1900.) ..........................'.......11.38 ^Same property. J Bell agt same. (April 10, 1900.) .................................10.00 ^Same property. J Bartell agt same. (April 10, 1900.) ...............................11.38 ^Same property. C Tuffer agt same. (April 10, 1900.) .................................20.00 "Same property. F Denti .agl same. (April 10. 1900.) .................................19.25 ■DiBcharged by deposit. 'Discharged by bond. 'Diaeharped by order of Court. MISCELLANEOUS. GENERAL ASSIGNMENTS. July 25 Bachem, Charles and Guatave Manz (compos¬ ing firm of Charles Bacbem ft Co., jewelers at Nos 41-43 Maiden Lane), to Frank C Kretz, for benefit of creditors, with prefer¬ ences to John C Miller for -¥3.7.50, aud .?4,220 to Franz Dantzenberg; att'y, H L Herzog, S7 Nassau st. 2i The Seeger & Guernsey Co. (exporters and commission merchants at No 24 States st), to Walter T Rosen; with preferences. ATTACHMENTS. July 21. American Railwav Co; H Abeel Bros; ^81.55; C T Terry. Herwilz. Isidore; Adam Gareis; $382.00; F D Colton. Noyes, Geo S; Wm M Lyons; 8.5i001.30; Weil. W ft K. Power, Phillip C P; Paul SheFdon; $2,000.00; J B Tanner. July 23. Reed, Chas M: M J Ward; S6.250.0O; Gannon ft Cannon. July 26. Altonwood Park Realty Sc Improvement Co; Rose K Ringwald; .?665.00; R M Parries. J W Aspell ft Co; Abraham L Lowenlhal; §308; Shafer ft Levin. Marx. Marie; Bass Paint Co; $194.53; L Lewin. Tiedemann, Mari; Seeman Bros.; $1,498.10; Ep¬ stein Bros. July 27. Guarantors' Finance Co of Philadelphia; Jared Darlington; $1,000.00; H Y Cummins. Turner. James K; Peter M Wise et al; $2,500; G C Austin. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. NOTE.—The flrst name,alphabetically arranged, is that of the Mortgagor, or party who gives the Mortgage. "R" means Renewal of Mortgage. July 20, 21, 23- 24, 25 and 26. MISCELLANEOUS. Ault. E W. 65th st and 2d av..G E Hayenga. Drug Fixtures. 1,200 Anil. B W. 1238 2d av. .W Wisenberge. Drug Fixtures. 150 Arva. C. 115 Bowery. .A Gaelic. Barber Fix- cures. ....... 1,515 Ariewitz, H. 1474 Madison av..M Myerson.^ tiutcner Pixtures. 50 Abelman, AOram. 13Sth st and St Ana's av. . J L Mott. Ranges, &o. 425 Auerbach ft Gemarel. 27'A Chrystie..3 Bern¬ stein. Syphons. ■ 395 ■ Alexander. L ft E. 216 2d. .1 Alexander. Printer Fixtures. ^0 Alexander, V-. 430 E Ilth. .G Fraucaviglia. _ .viuthinery. lla Aboruscapo. G. 110 7th av..C Zuccaro. Bar¬ ber Fixtures. 240 Availone. G. '299 B 73d. .A Schwaab, Jr ft Co. Barber Fixtures. (R) 21 .\ionson Sc Goldman. 308 E 4th. .J Sierodzky. Horse, &e. 50 Alleiri. A. .Wolff Bros. Plorses. ■iHl Brautigam, P A. 1016 Westchester av. .Hall¬ wood C R Co. Register. 1.35 Bernavas, J. 106 6th av. .T J Collins. Barber Fixtures. CR) 10 Braunstein, Julius. 100 Mulberry..C Goldstein. Soda Fixtures. (R) 340 Bl=idner ft Chambers. 793 Westchester av..F Elflein. Drug Fixtures. 775 Boylan, M J. .N Marsh. (R) 280 Berger, H L. .L W Lippincott. (R) 1,050 Bain. Burns ft Berkley. 67 aad 69 Parii pl. . G -U Fisher, Jr. Presses, &c. (R) 330 Bartelstone & Goodman. 55 Columbia and 47 Lewis..M Garlick. Butcher Fixtures, ftc. :i00 Barbagallo, John. 1958 ith av..L Bleiberg. Barber Pixtures. 250 Basner, Hyman. 40i Broome. .J F Gillen. Ma¬ chinery. 113 Becker, Andrew. .J GoUa admr of. Horse. &c. 51 Bergmann, John. 46lh st and Ilth av. .Sen- dei-ling Mfg Co. Truck. 135 Bonauno, F ft S. 165 Attorney. .J Souvay. Bar¬ ber Pixtures. 436 Braatz, A F. 135 W 125lh. .Margt Braatz. (R) 2,000 Bleidner ft Chamhers. .J Matthews. (R) 472 Berkmau & Gutterman. 49 Orchard. .Hincks & J. Coach. , 700 Brownson, J M..G A Moss. (R) 3.736 Same. .same. 3.736 Brill, G C. 1339 Bdway. .Nat C R Co. Register. (R) 140 Barbier, Pasquale. 627 9th av and 401 W 48th ..R Tito. Baiber Fixtures. 100 Belinge. Theresa. 320 Pearl..C Clundt. Press. 2,056 Bambaci ft SaracL.C Savarese. (R) 260 Bernstein. Hy. 316 Madison. .A Gemrico. Soda Fixtures. 230 Bough ft Bauer. 411 E SSd. .Nat C R Co. Reg¬ ister. . 100 Curry. Bd. 471 Washington. .Post ft Kaudel Horses. Carts. &c. 130 Columbia Pub Co. .Mergenthaler L Co. Ma¬ chines, lease Calcatena. A. 39 Monroe. .G Maccarrone. Bar¬ ber Fixtures. 47 Gandelora, N. 776 9th av..P Westphal. Barber Pixtures. (R) 14 Caplan, Paul. 1815 Madison av. . S Lipshitz. Drug Pixtures. 711 Contino, G. 20 E 132d..G Restive. Barber Fixtures. 50 Considine, Eliz. 114th st and Lexington av. . I Albert, Gas Fixtures. 103 Cohoii, Harris. 25 Howard and storage. .J Le¬ vine. Machines. 566 Collins. J. 144 W 18th. .Hincks ft J. Cab. (R) 425 Chilli ft Passatierie. .A Schwaab. (R) 383 Dunn, J. 229 W 58th. .Hincks ft J. Cab. (B) 250 Dahlen, C. St Ann's av. w s, 105 n 156th st -.1 A Sheppard ft Co. Ranges, ftc. 606 DeCesare, V. .A Schwaab. (R) 285 Diamoucl, Vera. 101 E 86th..F ElfiiE. Drug Fixtures. .500 Dunne, M--J Matthews. (E) 24 Duffy, P J. 1641 Bdway.. W H Botjer. Fur¬ niture and Bar. 1,000 Darcy ft Gibney. .55th st and Sth a.v. .Nat C R Co. Register. 100 Detering, H P. 182d st and Amsterdam av. . Nat C R Co. Register. 325 Doyle. J F ft A T. Ilth st, near Washington.. I Albert- Gas Fixtures. 219 Eyferth, A. 2388 2d av. .C H Hinck. Grocery Fixtures. 45 Ewald. Max. 813 Bdway. Brooklyn..M Horr. (R) 1,500 Englert, Wm. . J Rocbschild Son. Horses. .310 Fagerson, A..A Schwaab. (R) 40 Farbsteru, .M. 305 E 72d. .T J Collins. Bar- be- Fixtures. (Rl 193 Fleischer. Harris. 319 5th. .Phil Fleischer. Ma¬ chinery. 75 Fioidalisi. G. 306 W 00th. .F Brainin. Reg¬ ister. 40 Fuerstenberg, S. 1052 Park av. .Nat C R Co. Register. 200 Francis ft Pilling. 26 West..Ternes ft Lesse. Machinerv. 400 Faatz, Chas. 1027 5th av..Nat C R Co. Reg¬ ister. 100 Purauiti, G. 23 Mulberry. Register. 30 Firro. C. 53 N Chambers. .G Lordi. Fixtures. 35 " Graveman. H. 58th st and Oth av. . Nat C R Co. Register. 250 Giacoppe. A. .G Salem. (R) 76 Guhls. A & Co. 2470 3d av..Nat C R Co. _ Register. 65 Gurnee, M. .Ameri'-an Soda Co. Soda Fixtures. 165 Gullotto, S..J Souvay. (R) 256 Goldberg ft Perl. 155 23 av..Goldberg ft Ep¬ stein. Syphons. 130 Goldman, Mary. .H Wundoche. (R) 2,009 Galione, F- 825 3d av. .L Edelstein. Tailor Fixtures. 100 Guttilla, A. 211 W lOlh av. . F D'Schafani. Barber Fixtures. 275 Gunrino, G. 440 E llth..C Zuccaro, Barber Fixtures. 90 Germando, G ft F. 110 9th av and 289 1st av.. C Zuccaro. Barber Fixtures. 120 Geisert, Karl. 1322 5th av. .Smith ft Sills. Grocery Fixtures. 600 Gans, J ft €0. 133 W 33d. .Nat G R Co. Reg¬ ister. 200 Grieme, D- 34 Amsterdam av. .Nat C R Co. Register. 600 GiRleo, J. 311 E 48th..T J Collins. Barber Fixtures. (R) 25