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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 66, no. 1702: October 27, 1900

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534 RECORD AND GUIDE. October 27, 1900. There was no change in the general character of the deahngs in the real estate market this week. Except in the case of pri¬ vate houses, which continue to be in fair demand, the dealing Is almost entirely professional. The purchase of Nos 31 to 35 Eaat 47th st by the New York Central R. P. Co., the purchase of the 7-sty flat at the southwest corner of Broadway and 107th st by Bernheimer & Schmid, and the purchase of Nos. 119 and 121 East S5th st as the site for a synagogue, are conspicuous ex¬ amples which rather confirm the rule of the restrictiveness of the market. Builders seem to be coming into the market for lots somewhat more freely, particularly in the tenement sections. The sale by William M. Ryan for Edwin Johnson of 117 feet of water front at 12th av, and 49th st affects a kind of real es¬ tate that seldcm now flgures in the brokerage news. Of the 36 miles of water front on Manhattan, the city owns 25. and the amount held at private ownership is being materially reduced, by the proceedings in progress for condemning water front for various public purposes. The buyer of the Johnson property is not announced, but the city will no doubt soon acquire it. The sale by the Equitable Assurance Society of the block front of flats on the east side of Sth av, from 137th to ISSth st. is but a step in the process of liquidation, through which a large share of speculative building must always go. Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OF 59TH STREBT, Pearl st, southeast corner of Beekman st, 7-sty office building, 40x53; seller, A. B. Kight, Ridge st, Nos. 29 and 31, two 3-sty tenements, 40x75; seller, American Mortgage Co.; broker, Charles Wolinsky; price $26,500, 47th st, Nos. 31 to 35 East, three stables on lot 50x100.5; seller, Henry M, Day; buyer. New York Central Railroad; broker, John N. Golding, No, 31, sold for $16,000 in 1881, and No. 35 for $20 - 000 in 1S83. SOth st. No. 50 West, 4-sty brownstone dwelling, 20x50x102.2; Columbia College; leasehold; seller, James Timpson; buyers, Martin & Bro. 1st st, Nos. 80 and S2, old building, on lot 44x112x32.9x107.4; buyers, Janpole & Werner. 52d st, south side, ISO feet east of Sth av, plot 60x100,5: sel¬ lers, Henry G, Trevor and George R. Schieffelin; buyers. Flake &, Dowling. These lots are part of the old Roman Cathiloc Or¬ phan Asylum property, which was purchased by the Barney- Sheldon syndicate, which has resold all of it except the southeast corner of oth av and 52d st. The present sellers paid $110,(X>0 for the plot and were having plans drawn for two private dwell¬ ings for their own occupancy. 12th av, northwest corner of 49th st, water front, 117x688, to the permanent exterior line; seller, Edwin Johnson; broker, Will¬ iam M. Ryan. The property adjoins the pier which is leased hy the Erie Railroad Co. from the city at a rental after May next of $12,000 per annum. The seller is a brother of Bradish Johnson, whose estate sold at auction three weeks ago. 32d st. No. 325 West, 4-sty dwelling, 16.8x98.9; seller, William Killean estate. 15th st, Nos, 227 and 229 West, two 3-sty flats on plot 51x103,3; seller, The Busch Company; buyers, Mandelbaum & Lewine; brokers, J. N. Kailey & Son. 39th st, No, 419 West, 5-sty double tenement, 25x98.9, has been sold, SOth St. No, 328 East, 6-sty tenement, 26,4x100: seller, Sarah Baum; buyers, Lowenfeld & Prager. 41st st, ^o. 460 West, 4-sty brick tenement with store on lot 16.8x100.0; seller, Henry Blitz; broker, John P, Kirwan. 15th st, Nos. 34S and 350 East, old dwelling, 41.4x103,3; sell¬ ers, Lowenfeld & Prager; buyer, Nathan Silverson, who will erect a flat. 48th St., No, 311 East, 5-sty double tenement 25x75x100; sell¬ er, Philip Steuernagel; buyer, Herbert B. Rexer; brokers, Fol¬ som Brothers. Rivington st, Nos. 94 and 96, 50x75, with L 25 X 9 to No, 135 Ludlow st; seller, Arthur C. Owens; buyers, Mandelbaum &. Le¬ wine; broker, Blakeslee Barnes; price, about $40,000. Grand st, northwest corner of Clinton st, old buildings on plot 50x80: sellers, Lowenfeld & Prager. NORTH OP 59TH STREET. Sth av, east side, 137th to 13Sth sts, eight 5-sty brick flats with Stores on plot 199.10x80; seller. Equitable Life Assurance Soci¬ ety; buyer, Morris H. Hayman; broker, M. Kamak. Mr. Hay¬ man bought the block front from 130th to 137th st, in Septem¬ ber and has since resold five of the houses, Mr. Kamak being tie broker in all of the transactions. 128th st, No. 26 East, old building, 25x100; seller, the Douglas estate; broker, W. P. Mangam. The buyer is a builder who will improve. 71st st. No. 254 West, 3-sty dwelling, 20x65x100; buyer L H Best. 64th st, No. 2S Bast, 4-sty high-stoop dwelling, 24,8x100,5: sel¬ ler, George Henry Warren; brokers, Henry D. Winans & May. 115th st, south side, 100 feet east of Lenox av. 100x100. vacant; seller, Clinton Ogilvie; buyer, M. J. Bernstein, Lexington av, east side, IOOth to 101st st, plot 201.10x95; sel¬ lers, Leith & Glenn; buyers. Union Settlement and East Side In¬ stitution; hroker, John N. Golding. OOth st. No. 16 East, S^^-sty dwelling, 20x100.5. Martin & Brother have purchased this property, the asking price for which was $50,000; it sold in 18S1 for $35,000. The asking price for No. 18, which sold in 1874 for $37,000 is $90,000. Amsterdam av, No. 2100, northwest corner of 164th st, S-sty flat, 27.11x100; seller, The German Savings Bank. This is one of a block front started by the late James M. Darragh and bought by the seller as plaintiff in a foreclosure for $37,009. 118th st. No. 59 East, 5-sty three-family tenement, on lot 30s: 100.11; seller, Louis Lese; hroker, David Davis. 5th av, northeast corner of SOth st, 50.4x102.2, vacant; seller, former Mayor William R. Grace; buyer, Gustavus L. Lawrence; brokers, L, J. Phillips & Co. The buyer has resold the corner, 25.2iAxl02.2 to Dr. J, J, Lawrence, of St. Louis, who it is said will erect a handsome dwelling. Mr. Grace bought the corner. 50.5x102,2 and SlxlOO.Si^ on the street in ISSS for $72,500. The price given in the resale of the corner 25.21/2x102.2 is $140,000. The southeast corner of S4th st, a lot 25.8x100 was sold by the Kemp estate in May last for $110,000. Lexington av, northeast corner of 77th st. 5-sty flat and store; seller, Gideon Pountain; buyer. Milton Pemhelton. 92d st, No. 50 East, 3-sty dwelling, 20x100.8; seller, Otelia W. J. Scbwenker; buyer. M. Levy. 71st st, No. 139 West, 4-sty dwelling; seller, T. J. McLaughlin; buyer, a Mr, Farrell. 117th st, south side, 200 feet west of Lenox av. 100x100.11, va¬ cant; seller, Isaac Untermeyer; buyer, I. M. Bernstein; broker, Peter Axelrad. 71st st, No. 22 West, 4-sty dwellings, 18x60x100; seller, C. H. Clark: brokers, L. J. Phillips & Co. Madison av, southwest corner of 120th st. 5-sty flat with store on lot 26x100; sellers, J. Fleischmann & Sons; buyer, W^llliam Vogel. SOth st, No. 113 West, 4-sty and basement dwelling; seller, John C. Barth: buyer, Richard S. Kaufmann; brokers, J. T. Stockdale & Co. 76th st, No. Ill West. 4-sty dwelling, 19x102.2; seller, Ellen A. Haulenbeek; brokers, William Cruikshank's Sons. The buyer is the owner of No. 113 adj'oining. 9Sth st, Nos, 52 and 54 West, two 5-sty flats, on plot 50x100; seller, Carl Mayhoff, who takes In exchange the 4-sty dwelling. No. 26 West 47th st. 127th st, Nos. 156 and 15S West, 3-sty stables on plot 60x100; seller, William C. Schmidt; buyer, Michael Friedsam. Madison av, southeast corner of 133d st, 3-sty dwelling, 20x SO; seller, William S. Patton. 3d av, No. 203t, old building 25x100; sellers. Lowenfeld & Prager; buyer, Jacob Cohen. 117th st. No. 4.38 East, dwelling 18.6x100; sellers, Lowenfeld & Prager; buyer, Israel M. Cohen. SSth st. No, 445 Bast, 3-sty dwelling on lot 20x100; buyer, Louis Lese. 101st st, east of 2d av, 225x100, vacant; seller, Jacoh Schapp- man; buyer, Edward Eden; brokers, Aldhous & Son. Broadway, southwest corner of 101st st, 7-sty apartment house on plot 60x100; sellers, Smith & Roffler; buyers, Bern¬ heimer & Schimid; broker, Paul Mayer; price, about $240,000. 106th st. No. .303 West, S-sty American basement dwelling 19x100.11; sellers, Terence Farley's Sons; hrokers, Charles E. Schuyler & Co, 70th st. No. 61 West, 4-sty and basement dwelling 20 X 100.5;, seller, Emily B. Strong; brokers, L. J. Phillips & Co. SSth st, Nos. 119 and 121 Bast, two 3-sty dwelling on lot 51.1 X 101.2; the Jewish Congregation Kehilath Jeshurum has pur¬ chased this property and will erect a synagogue. They have been worshipping at No. 127 Bast 82d st. 86th st. No. 313 West, 5-sty American basement dwelling 17.6 X 100.8; seller, A, B, Kight; buyer, George C. Comstock; brokers, Huston & Havemeyer. 2d av. No. 2132, 4-sty teneiment with stores, 2Sx75; seller. Ed¬ ward Rohowsky; buyer, William Oes; broker. Bmanuel Perls. THE BRONX. Elsmere pl, No. 1043, 2-sty and cellar frame detached dwelling; seller, G. Glorioux; broker, R. H. Jones. Valentine av, northeast corner of 180th at. 3-sty huilding, 18.9 x85,S: seller, Nathan B, Levin. Riverdale av. southwest corner of 259th st, plot 74 x 100; seller, Max Marx; buyer, Daniel S. Morrison, LEIASES, Chas. E. Duross has leased the following dwellings: No. 145 West 14th st, to Mr. Flanagan, for 5 years, at $1,600 per year; No. 142 West 15th st, for Jay & Candler, for 3 years, at $1,000 per year; No. 241 West 17th st, for Mr. Jos. Enrich, for 5 yeara. at $900 iper year; No. 176 Waverly pl, for the Keane estate; also tbe building No. 8 Carmine st, for A. P. Vollmer, and two lofts in the Herring Building, corner 14th st. and 9th av, to the Gem Paper Box Co. Charles R. Faruolo & Co. have leased for Cornelia K. Averlll the 5-sty double tenements, Nos. 7 and 9 Carmine st, for a terni of ten years at .$4,100 per annum, to Michele di Stefano. 3 I