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912 RECORD AND GUIDE. December 29, 1900. Trust Company; L. J. Phillips & Co. were the brokers. It was bought by the seller in 1SS5. Orchard st, northwest corner of Stanton st, G-sty tenement, on lot 43.6x52, has been sold. 50th st, Nos. 227 to 231 East, three 3-sty dwellings, on plot 50x100.5; buyer, Abraham Bachrach. Jefferson st, northwest corner of Henry st, lot 22x100, has been sold by C. F. Bascbin, and a Mrs. Murray has sold No. 16 Jef¬ ferson St. adjoining, lot 20x52. Gouverneur st, No. 44, 6-sty tenement, 24x102; seller, William Prager; buyer, Samuel Padwee; broker, Peter Axelrad; price, $39,250. 24th st, No. 121 West, 25x115.7. vacant; seller, J. W. Dimiek, Jr.; brokers, S. B. Goodale & Son; price, ^^27,000. Madison av. No. 958. 4-sty dwelling, on lot 25x100; seller, Schieffelin estate. 41st st. No. 11 East, 4-sty dwelling, 22x98.9; seller, Walter B, Chambers; buyer, Thomas Hastings. 52d St. south side. 150 feet east of 5th av, 30x100, vaeant; seiler, Lansdale Boardman; buyer, Edward H. Holbrook, who owns the 50 feet adjoining cn the west, and for which he paid $110,000. His present purchase cost him $70,000. The seller bought in June last for $60,000. 35th st, No. 49 West, 4-sty dwelling, 21,5x100; seller, a Mrs. Whiting; broker, Herbert A. Sherman, 2d st. No. 223 East, 5-sty double tenement with stores, on lot 24.9x88; buyer, Moritz Koppe. NORTH OF 59TH STREET, 121st s-t. No. 328 West, 3-sty dwelling; seller. Rachel Axelrod; brokers. Slawson & Hobbs. 76th st, Nos. 252 and 254 West, two 3-sty dwellings, on plot 55x102.2; sellers, Sarah C. Curry and John Shea; brokers, Clar¬ ence F. James and M. E. Curry. IOOth st. No. 251 West, 5-sty single flat, on lot 25x100; selier, Frank E. Wise; broker, Clarence F. James. 92d st. No, 1G4 West, 3-sty 15-foot dwelling; seller, Rachel Axelrod; brokers, Slawson & Hobbs, Columbus av, southeast corner of 84th st 5-sty apartment house with store, on plot 46.2x100; sellers. Steers & Menke; bro¬ kers, R. Pehlemann & Son; price, $160,000. 63d st, Nos. 244 and 246 West, two 5-sty flats, on plot SOx 100.5; seller, S. H. Stone. SOth st. No. 310 West. 7-sty brick and stone apartment house, 50x92.2x100; seller, Michael Tully; broker, Francis B. Robert. Broadway southwest corner of OSth st, 84.9x103.7xl00.5s25x 25x117.4, vacant; seller. The Schieffelin estate; broker, John N, Golding. 90th st, Nos. 102 and 104 West, two 5-sty double fiats, on plot 70x100.8^4; seller, N. Sondheim; brokers. Frank L. Fisher Co. llith st. No. 30 West, 3-sty dwelling, 18x50x100; seller, Mrs. Josephine Frankel; brokers, Barnett & Co. Broadway, northwest corner of 62d st, plot adjoining the Hotel Empire, and fronting 116 feet on Broadway, 145 feet on the street, 100.5 on the westerly line, and 86,6 on the northerly line; seller, James L. Barelay; buyers. Flake & Dowling, 99th st, No, 65 East, 5-sty fiat, 25x100.11; buyers, Ruth & Hoff¬ man. Columbus av, No. 586, 5-sty flat with store, on lot 27,8x100; seller, John F. Cordes; brokers. Charles Gahren and Bdward Stein, 84th st, No, 341 West, 4-sty American basement dwelling, 17x 102.2; "seller, Peter Wagner. 134th st. No. 304 West, 5-sty double tenement, 25x09.11; seller, Ellen Dreher, as executrix; brokers. Porter & Co. 93d St. No, 308 East, 5-sty tenement, on lot 25xl00.Sy2; seller, Frederick Weber; buyer, Carrie Gill; broker, John Peters; price. about $18,500. 115th st, No. 113 West, 5-sty flat, on lot 25x100; seller, Pardee estate; buyer, Josephine Preidman; brokers, Bly & Hersbfield. 117th st, Nos. 53 to 61 East, one single and four double 5-sty flats, No. 53 being 20x100.11, the others 33x100.11; seller, Will¬ iam H. Jackson; buyers, Elias Gussaroff. Marie Steindler and Herman Gampert; broker, Peter Axelrad. 92d st. No. 305 West. 5-sty American basement 25-foot front dwelling; seller, Clarence True; brokers, Frank L. Pisher Co. T2d st. No. 115 East, 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x 102.2; seller. Walter B. Chambers. 77th st. No, 231 East, 3-sty dwelling, on lot 25x102.2; seller. Woodcock estate; buyer, Louis Lese, 1st av, northeast corner of 78th st, 54x64. vaeant; buyers, So¬ bel & Kean. 84th st, Nos. 220 and 222 East, two 5-sty double tenements, on plot 50.10x102,2, have been sold. West End av, northwest corner of 71st st. 25x100, vacant: seller, ex-ijayor Hugh J, Grant, Amsterdam av, west side, 73 feet north of looth st, 3-sty build¬ ing, on lo: 50x100; seller, Cunningham estate. 81st st. No. 131 West, 4-sty brick and stone dwelling, 17.5x55x 100; sculler. Mrs. M. M, Mott; buyer, Mrs. M, Miller. 83d st. No. 43 East, 4-sty dwelling, on lot 30x100; seller, a Mrs. Aub; buyer, Edmund J. Curry; broker, Jobn J. Kavanagh, who was also tbe broker in the sale of No, llA East 83d st re¬ ported in our last issue. THE BRONX. Lafontaine av, east side, 50 feet north of ISlst st, 50x100, va^ cant; seller, William C. Schwarz; brokers, Gahmes & Losere. LEASES. George W. Sweeney, of "Rochester, has purchased for $125,000 cash the stock of the Victoria Hotel Co. The company owns the lease and iixtures of the Victoria Hotel, at Broadway and 26th St. The lease has nine years to run. The building and ground are owned by the Paren Stevens esiate. The building was ex¬ tensively altered last year by Plunger Walton at an expense of $150,000. The new owner will spend about $50,000 in altera¬ tions. Ogdeu & Clarkson have leased to John Proctor for Mrs. A. A. Edgar the building. No. 144 5th av, for ten years. Brooklyn. The following are the comparative tables for the Brooklyn Con¬ veyances, Mortgages and Projected Buildings for the correspond¬ ing weeks of 1899 and 1900: CONVEYANCES. • Total number................... Amount involved.................... Number nominal..................... Total nnmbeiT of Conveyances, Jan. 1 to (late............. Total amount of CoDTeyauces, Jan. 1 to date............. 1900. Dec. 21 to 27, inc. 191 $136,724 140 15,S14 Total number.......... Amount involved...... Number over 5%...... Amount Involved...... Number at 5% or leai . Amount involved...... Totnl number ot Jan. 1 to date. . Total atiiouiit o( Jau, 1 to date. . Number of New Buildings............ Estimated cost....................... Totaj Ao. of Neiv Uuildinj^'s, Jan. 1 to date............. Total Amt. ot" Se-»v Baildiiif^K, Jan, 1 to date............. Total amoant of Alterations, Jan. 1 to date............. ¥35,101,230 MORTGAGES, .............. 173 .............. $566,430 .............. 75 .............. .$232,800 .............. 98 .............. $333,630 Mortf^'Ui^'es. ........... 12,534 Moi-tgascs, ........... iii33,05O,7SO PROJECTED BUILDINGS. 24 $96,405 2,9S2 ii;it;,274,lS9 .>P2,0SO,7jS 1899 Dec, 22 to 28. inc. 212 $431,959 136 15,51& $37,581,032 191 $1,329,076 8T $631,505 104 $697,571 13,034 $13S,313,1S4 314 $1,841,550 4,485 $34,097,838 $2,943,020 Stuyvesant av. No. 230, 2-sty and basement brick house. 19.6x 43x100; seller, Joseph P. Butler; buyer, Edwin R, Powles; broker, Edward P. Walters; price, $6,500. Macon st, No. 85, 3-sty and basement brownstone house, 20x 45x100; seller, Caleb W. Shepherd; buyer, John R. Ryan; brokers, George E. Lovett & Co.; price, $8,500. De Kalb av, south side, between Marcy and Tompkins avs, large frame house, on plot 150x100; sellers, estate of Theodore Frost; buyer, Florence Clark; brokers, George E. Lovett & Co.; price, $25,000. Wade & Cullingford have purchased the plot of ground on the corner of Hillside and Central avs, Richmond Hill, on whioh they will build flve cottages to cost $6,000 each. REAL ESTATE NOTES. Sidney Nordlinger is the buyer of the plot, 100x100.11, on the south side of 117th st, 200 feet west of Lenox av. After January 1. 1901. Mr. Louis V. Bright will be connected with the Lawyers' Title Insurance Company, as 3d Vice-Prest- dei. t. M. Lindheim & Co., of No. 149 Broadway, negotiated the sale of the 6-sty flat, Nos. 38 and 40 West 128th st, recently sold by Isaac L. Smith. The Board of Estimate has approved the condemnation of the site, 200x210, on Lenox av, between 136th and 137th sts, for a new Harlem Hospital. The well-known office of Jesse C. Bennett & Co., at No. 338 Columbus av, corner of 76th st, has been overhauled and re¬ fitted in a first-class manner, to better accommodate their largely increased business. An entirely new price list for ail kinds of real estate signs, with a few hints about erecting and wording signs, has been printed for H. Johns, of No. 471 6th av, by the Record and Guide Press. All persons using signs should get Mr. Johns' list and accompanying advice. Schrag & Richtberg, of No. 124 West 23d st, are experienced and careful brokers and agents. Their specialty is desirable business property on 6th av, Broadway, 5th, 7th and Sth ava, and 23d, 34th and 42d sts. It goes without saying that they sell and rent property on the intermediate streets. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Knickerbocker Trust Company, held on Wednesday, tbe action of the directors in pur¬ chasing the A, T. Stewart property, at 34th st and 5th av, was unanimously ratified. Tbe purchaser of this corne upset a scheme for the improvement of the entire plot with a magnifi¬ cent hotel, similar to the Waldorf.