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.Jaimary 12, igoi. RECORD AND GUIDE. 49 5th, av., Madison av., 100th to 101st St., hospital; Mt. Sinai Hospital, owner; Arnold W. Brunner, No, 3G Union Square, architect. Sth av., northeast corner of SOth St., dwelling; Dr. J. J. Law¬ rence, St. Louis, Mo., owner. 5th av., northwest corner of 34th st., otfice building: Knicker¬ bocker Trust Co., owners; McKIm, Mead & White, architects. Sth av., southeast corner of 55th st., 16-story apartment house; John Jacob Astor, owner; Trowbridge & Livingston, architects, Sth av., southeast corner 73d St., dwelling; Howard Gou:d, owner; C. P. H. Gilbert, architect. Cith av.. east side, 43d to 44th sts., 7-story building; General Carriage Co., owners. No. 135 Broadway; Trowbridge & Living¬ ston, No. 287 4th av., architects. Sth av., southwest corner of 84th St., dwelling; Jonathan Thorne, owner; C. P. H. Gilbert, architect. Sth ay., northeast corner of 87th st., dwelling; Henry Phlpps, owner. 73d St., Nos. 7 to 15 East, dwelling; Joseph Pulitzer, owner; McKIm, Mead & White, No. 160 Sth av.. architects, 79th St., south side, 90 feet west of Madison av., dwelling; S. D. Ripley, owner; Warren & Wetmore, No. 3 E. SSd st., archs. The following are the comparative tables of Manhattan and the Bronx of the Conveyances, Mortgages and Projected Buildings for the corresponding weeks of 1000 and 1901. ( CONVEYANCES. 1901. inoo. Jau. 4 to ItJ, inc. Jau. ij to II, inc. Tota.1 No. for Manhattan 231 Total No. for ManliatUn 253 Amount involved.......Ij;3,042,9:^0 Amount involved....... .?l,82G.«il!) Number nominal ....... lUT Number nominal....... 125 1901. 1900. Total No., Manbattan, Jan. 1 to Sate.. 3G6 415 Total Amt,. Manbattan, Jan. 1 fo date. $4,396,045 .?3,196,7(i6 1901. ]900. Jan. 4 to 10, inc. Jau. 5 to 11, ino. Total No. for The Uroax 76 Total No. for The Bronx 105 Amount involved....... :i;539,137 Amount involved....... $547,083 Numbed nominal ....... 50 .N'umber nominal ....... 55 1901. 1900. Total No., The Bronx, Jan, 1 to date... 108 103 Total Amt., The Bronx, Jan. 1 to dale. 5637,914 $663,333 lOoi. lyoo. Total No., Maiilinttan and Tlie Bronx, Jan. 1 to date....... 474 STS Total Aint-.Manliattan and The Bronx, Jan. 1 to date....... lf!.-.0»»,05f> !|!3,SG(;,O!»0 MORTGAGES. 1901, 1900. ,-----Jan. 4 to 10, ins.—, ,-----Jan, 5 to 11, inc.-----, Manhattan. Bronx. Manhattan. Bronx. Total number............ 2S0 87 293 100 Amount involved......... $4,332,386 $698,411 $3,T26,S01 $1,150,4S1 Number over 5%.......... 106 33 120 47 Amount lovolved......... $1,120,866 $S2,32U $1,026,969 $206,781 Number at 5%............ 91 43 83 44 Amount involved......... $1,660,509 $490,735 $1,218,450 $434,000 Numbei-at less tlian 5%... 83 11 90 18 Amount involved......... $1,551,011 ?12&,350 $1,4S1,3S2 $509,700 No. above to Banks, Trust and Insurance Co.'b..... 60 9 57 13 Amount involved......... $1,721,300 $469,000 $1,271,500 $152,200 1901. lyOO. Total No., Manbattan, Jan. 1 to date,. 403 495 Total Amt., Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date. $6,092,777 $6,956,070 Total No., Tbe Bronx, Jan. 1 to date.. . 109 163 Total Amt., The Bronx, Jan, 1 to date. $700,446 $1,444,561 1001. 1900. Total No.. Itlanhnttan and The Bronx, Jan. 1 to date....... 514 658 Total Amt.,Manbattan and Tlie Bronx, Jan. 1 to date....... !pT,353,223 $S,400,4;31 •PROJECTED BUILDI.NGS. 1901. 1900. Total No. New Buildings: Jan. 4 to 10, inc. Jan. 5 to 11, Inc Manhattan........................ 19 g The Bronx........................ 20 3 Grand total.................... 39 9 Total Amount: Manbattan........................ $1,888,400 $l,045,.i0ii The Bronx........................ 212.965 3,000 Grand total.................... $2,101,365 $1,048,500 . Total Amt. Alterations: Manhattan........................ $55,980 $40,625 The Bronx........................ 9,200 6,000 Grand total.................... $65,180 $46,625 Total No. New Buildings: Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date.......... 40 I3 The Bronx, Jan. 1 to date.......... 35 -j ■Manhattan-Bronx, Jan. 1 to date... 75 Zq Total Amt, New Buildings: Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date.......... $2,000,750 $1 375 500 The Bronx, Jan. 1 to date.......... 3t-3,265 36,020 Manhattan-Bronx, Jan. 1 to date... $2,984,015 $1,411,520 Total Amt. Alterations: ■Manhattan-Bronx, Jan. 1 to date... $115,930 $89,900 Satisfactory evidence of a return to that long looked for con¬ dition of activity can be found in the private sales' market this week. The transactions reported are mostly such as are effected by the small investor, namely, flats and tenements, and while this has been a condition which has prevailed before this season, the speculative element were then very much in evidence, while they now appear to have almost abandoned that class of prop¬ erty, the majority of the buyers being apparently investors. Fifth avenue, fronting the park, again furnished the most con¬ spicuous transaction of the week, in the sale of the northeast corner of 87th st. to Henry Phlpps for almost $500,000. In ad¬ dition to this there are a number of other transactions of almost equal importance which will probably be closed within a week. The elevator apartment house figured somewhat in the week's business, and although the El Nido, at St, Nicholas avenue and llGth St., and the "Harold," on Manhattan av. and 118th st., were both trades, their transfer is a distinct advantage to the market. Besides, they give the sellers some unimproved prop¬ erty, which is a promise of further development, and some prop¬ erties which they doubtless can easily dispose of, with cash besides. Broadway, in the fifties, again figures in the week's business, and unless all signs fail, will continue to do so for some weeks to come. Although there are many denials in circulation in relation to the Chamber of Commerce site, we are informed upon reliable authority that the old Real Estate Exchange build¬ ing has been definitely determined upon as the site; Morris K. Jesup, as president of the Chamber of Commerce, having verb¬ ally agreed to buy It for $700,000, The only properties offered in the auction room 'this week were in foreclosure, parties in interest being the buyers in almost every instance. In the coming week, almost similar conditions as to offerings prevail, with the exception of Tuesday, for which day several voluntary offerings are scheduled. Bryan L. Kennelly announces in our business pages the auction sale on Tuesday next of No. 587 Grand st., Nos. 2113 and 2115 Lexington av.. No. 143 Bast 127th St., Nos. 15 and 17 Manhattan av,, and No. 62 Washington sq. south. Dimensions of lots, char¬ acter of improvements and .other particulars may he found on another page, and the auctioneer will supply maps, etc., at No. 7 Pine st. Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OF 59TH STREET. 31st st. No. 22 East, 7-sty apartment on lot 25x98.9; seller, Elizabeth A. "Wilcox, who takes ifi part payment the 4-sty dwell- mg. No. 231 East 12th st, on lot 25x103.3; buyer, Theodore H. Mead; brokers, Eloodgood & Playes, Ranald H. Macdonald & Co. a'ld Collins & Collins. Delancey st, No. 125, old building 20x60; seller, Eichler estate; buyers, Mandelbaum &. Lewine. 42d st, No. 446 West, 4-Ety tenement, with store, on lot 25x Q6.Q; seller, estate of Charles Kerrigan; broker, Thomas P.- Fitz- simons; price, $17,000. 55th St. No. 46 West, 4-sty dwelling 20x100; seller, John H. Ycung; buyer, Edward Van Ness. 4yth st. No. 38 East, 4-sty dwelling 21.6x75; seller, Mrs. T. B. Lee. Avenue B, No. GO, old building on lot 24.10x100; seller, M. Oppenheimer; buyer, Irving Bachrach; price, $22,000. The same buyers have also bought No. 62 a.djoining, which gives him a plot 48x100. Jefferson st.. No, 10, old building; seller, Murray estate; brokers, Levy Bros. 47th St., No. 70 West, 4-story brownstone dwelling 19x60x100, seller, James Doyle; buyer, J. C Clark, 55th St., south side, 105.10% feet west of Broadway, 40x100.5, vacant; seller, Predericli A. Snow; buyer, Robert Ferguson; brokers, Slawson & Hobbs. The buyer will erect a 7-story apart¬ ment house. Houston St., No. 20B East, 5-story tenement; seller, estate of John H. Dinkel; brokers. Parsons & Singer. 4th st, No. 166 West, 4-&tory flat 20.4x48; seller. Max Marx. Cherry st.. Nos. 216 to 222, old building on plot 100.4xlG0.1x 55,6x42x44x117.3; seller, Charles Wolinsky, who takes In ex¬ change two new 6-story tenements on plot 50x100, Nos. 87 and 89 Columbia st.; buyers, Jackson & Stern. Orchard St., No. 24, old building 25x100; buyers, Gordon, Levy & Co.