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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 67, no. 1713: January 12, 1901

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56 [Manhattan] RECORD AND GUIDE. January 12, 1901. ref. (Amt due $7,680.35; sub to taxes, Sec, $330.9j.j Mort recorded Feb 2, 1900. By Wm M Ryan, Convent av. No 71, s e cor 144lh st, 20x100, 4- sty brk aweilmg, Henry A C Taylor agt Jacob D Builcr et al; Strong H. C, att'ys, 40 vVall st; B Browne, lei. (Amt due $26,016.62; sub lo taxfcs, iS:c, $2,'^aU4.47.) MorC recorded Apl 19, 1^99, By P F Meyer. Home st, Nos 1056 aud 105S|s e cor Stebbins av, Stebbins av, iNo 1182 | 53x94x102.9x33, three 3-siy frame nats with store on cor, Frederick Erusting agt Alfi-ed Ericson et al; Wm T Mat- thies, att'y, 320 Bdway; M S Guiterman, ref. (Amt due $13,410,71; sub to taxes, &c, $861.04.) Mort recorded Aug 10, 1899. By R V Harnett. Jan. IS. 46th st. No 232, s s, 35o e Sth av, 18.9x100.5, 4-sty s:one from dwelling, leasehold. Sale of all title, rights. Sec, of .ninnie E or Mary E Williams, which she had on Dec 6, 1&99 or thereaiier; Jas L Wiggins, att'y, Middletown, N Y; Wm F Grell, Sheriif, By P F Meyer. 128th st, Nos 2S and 30, s s, 310 w Oih av, 75x 99.11, two 7 and 8-sly bik flats. Bertha Barth agt John C Brady el al; Lippmau & Ruck, at¬ t'ys, 137 Nassau st; James M Ward, ref. (Amt due $8,182,38; sub to taxes, &c, $2,883.53.) Mort recorded Oct 4, 189S, By C A Berrian. 3d av, No 2332, w s, 75 n 126th st, 24,10x90, 5- sty brlv store; See. The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bauk agl Chas F Rime el al; R & E J O'Gorman, att'ys, 49 Chambers st; Arthur D Truax, ref. (Ami due $22,689.97; suh to taxes, &c, $2,714.53.) Mori recorded Oct 23, 1896.) By D P Ingraham. Courtlandt av, Nos 816 to 820, s e oor 139th st, 9S,llx;;j, both widened, two 4-sty brk flats with stores _ud 2-sty frame dwelling. Courtlandt av, Nos 794 and 796, s e cor 158th st, 48.6x91.11, both widened, two 4-sty brk flats with stores. 158th st. No 606, s s, 91,11 e Courtlandt av, 25.1 x98.6, both widened, 3-sty brk Sal, 158th st, s s, 117 e Courtlandt av, 25x98.6, both widened, vacant. Ellen Ehmann and ano agt William H Wolfrath et al; G W Minor, ait'y, 206 Bdway; F B De- lahanly, ref. (Courtlandt av, Nos 794 and 796, sub to mort for $9,000.) Partition. By P A Smyth. Prospect av, s e cor 165th st, 37x85, 4-sty brk flat and store. 165th st, s s, 18.11 w Stebbins av, 54.9x91, three 2-sty frame dwellings. Moses Mendelsohn and ano agt Lou'her S Home et al; Sondheim & 'Sondheim, att'ys; C W West, ref. (Amt due $29,902.24; sub to taxes, &c, $750.00. Mort recorded Aug 16, 1899.) By Wm M Ryan, Jan, 21. nth st, Nos 327 to 331, n s, 225.4 w 1st av, runs n 40 X n e 25.2 x n 3.8 x s e 6.0 s n e 39.6 x n 26.1 X w 43.S x w 8.8 x s 6.3 x s w 19.5 s s w 52,10 X s 34.7 to sl X e 71.3 to beginning, 3-sty brk stores and tenements with three 4-sty brk tenements on rear. 2d av, No 213, n w cor 13th st, 26xTT.3, S-sty stone front tenement with stores. 2d av. No 176, e s, 25.9 n lllh st, 25.10x100, 4- sty stone front dwelling. Jacob Kunzenmann agt Joseph Kunzenmann et al; Charles Brandt, Jr, att'y, 189 2d av; Elbert Crandall, ref. (Parcel 1 sub to mort $13,000; parcel 2, mort $20,000; parcel 3, mort $16,700; all sub to taxes, water rates, &c, for $4,500.) Partition. By P F Meyer. 78th st, Nos 226 and 228, on map Nos 220 and 222, s s, 223 w Amsterdam av, 50x100, 6-sty stone front flat. Bradley Se Currier Co agt Wm G Horgan et al; Otis & P, att'ys. 111 B'way; J M R Long. ref. (Amt due $19,156.47; sub to prior morts. See, $77,500, and to taxes. Sec, $1,309.00.) Mort recorded Oct 26, 1899. By P A Smyth. 138th st, Nos 105 lo 117, n s, 438 e 7th av, lS7x 199-10 to 139th st (Nos 104 to 116). seven 5- sly brk and slone front flats. Title Guarantee & Trust Co and ano agt Dorothea Weibel et al; Wm H Stockwell, att'y, 146 B'way; Leopold Wallach. ref. (Amt due $74,736.10; sub lo taxes. Sec, $1,303.53.) Mort recorded April ?0, 1900. By Samuel Goldsticker. 145th st, No .531, n s, 258.6 e Broadway, 33x99,11, 5-sly brk flat. Jette Heller extrx, &e, and I Albert Englehart exr, Scc, will ot Jonas Heller agt Henry Nicholsburg et al; I Albert Engel- hart, att'y. 201 Bdway; Chas D Olendorf, ref. (Amt due $31,601,37; suh to taxes, &c. $575.81.) Mort recorded Feb 24, 1899, By Wm M Ryan. ----------•---------- JUDGMENTS IN FORECI.OStJRE SUITS. Jan. 6, Anthony av, w s, 75 n Minerva pl, 50x100. Mar¬ garet Cooper agt Isabella M Curran et al; M P Stevens, att'y; Joseph 'Steiner, ref. (Amt due $801.00.) Jan. 7. Morningside av East, n e cor 120th st, 40x100, The German 'Savings Bank City of N Y agt Elizabeth Moore et al (No 1); E B & W J Amend, att'ys; Thos B Odell ref. (Amt due $69,513.89.) 'Morningside av East, e s. 40 n 120th st, 37.nx 100. Same agt same (No 2); same att'ys and ref. (Amt due $46,687.00,) 'Morningside av East, e s, 77,11 n 120th st, 23x 100. Same agt same (No 3); same att'ya and ret. (Amt due $29,050,22.) Ilth av, s e cor Gist st, 50.2x39.11. The Mutual Life Ins Co ot N Y agt Mary Cheevers et al; Townsend & McClelland, att'ys; Chas D Olen¬ dorf, ret. (Amt due $11,465,97.) 7th av, e s. 50,11 n 120th st, 16,11x77. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Assn agt Nathan Murdough et al; G Burnbam, Jr, att'y; A Kling, ref. (Amt due $15,576.76.) Highland pl, c 1, 800.3 n e land of Abraham Schermerhorn, runs w 459.8 to c I Palisade av X E w — X e 461.9 to Highland pl c I, x n e 100 lo beginning; also Highland pl, c I, 900.6 n e of said land, runs w 209 X s .50,1 X e 200 to c I Highland pl x n e 50.1 lo beginning. Louis Dannhauser agl Jennie Weiss et al; Kurz¬ man & F, att'ys; Richard P Lydon, ret. (Amt due $3,667.00.) Highland pl, c 1, 800.3 n e land of Abraham! Schermerhorn, runs n e 50.1 x w 200 x s 30.1 X e 2U0 to Highland pl and beginning; also Highland pi, c I, 700.3 n e of said laud, runs w 461.9 to c 1 of Palisade av x s — x e 450,3 to Highland pl, c I x n 100 to beginning. Louis Dannhauser agt Michaelis Simonson ad¬ mr et al; Kurzman & F, atfys; Mitchell L Erianger, ref. (Amt due .*3,699.00.) 96th st. No 226, s s, 369 e 3d av, 32x100,8. Harris Solomon agt Arthur C Searles et al; M S & I 3 Isaacs, att'y; John S Wise, Jr, ref. (Amt due $4,875.97.) Jan. S. Manhattan av,n w cor 119th st. 17.7x82. Wm E Thorn agt Catharine McLean et al; A McLaugh¬ lin, att'y; David Steckler, ref. (Amt due $13,- 13o.42.) 103th st. No 148, s s, 325 e Amsterdam av, 25x 100.11. Catherine A Stevens agl Arthur C Searles et al; W C Orr, att'y; Chas H Strong, i-et. (Amt due $20,805.56.) 113th St. s s. 75 e 6th av, 50x100.10. Fannie L Strouse agt Israel Lebowitz et al; Darlington Se J, atfj's; John Delahanty, ref. (Amt due $19,659.72.) ^ Uth st. No 58, s s, 252 e University pl, 2L4x94.9 x21.5x94.9. Thomas Crawford agt Frank Bret- tell et al; P B Wightmau, att'y; P A Brown, ref. (Amt due .$2,758.37.) 105th st. No 146, s s, 350 e Amsterdam av, 25x 100.11. Mary G Richardson agt Arthur C Searles et ai; W C Orr, att'y; Charles H Strong, ref. (Amt due $20,805.56.) Jan. 9. St Nicholas av, s tv cor 149th st, 20.5x101.2x20x 90.10. The Germania Life Ins Co agt William Broadbelt et al (No 1); Shipman. L, Se C, at¬ tys; Thos J Rush, ref. (Amt due $26,166.47.) St Nicholas av, w s, 20,5 s 149th st, 20.5xl03,6x 20x101.2. Same agt same (No 2); same att'ys and ref. (Amt due $18,839.10.) 144th st, n E, 175 e Convent av, 20x99,11. The Germania Life Ins Co agt Daniel Dillon et ai (No 1); Shipman, L & C, att'ys; Thos J Rush, ref. (Ami due $16,729.17.) 144th St. n s, 195 e Convent av. 19x99.11. Same agt same (No 2); same att'ys and ref. (Amt due $16,203.96.) ^ 144th st, n s, 214 e Convent av, 18x99.1L Same agt same (No 3); same att'ys; John P Clarke, ref, (Amt due $15,666.67.) 144th st, n s, 232 e Convent av. 13x99.11. Same agt same (No 4); same att'ys; Thos J Rush, ref. (Amt due $13,681,25,) 144th st, s w cor Hamilton Terrace. 20x80. Same agt same (No 5); sams att'ys; John P Clarke. ref. (Amt due $18,824.30.) I02d sl,n s,129,6 w 3d av,27xl00.11: United States Life Ins Co City of N Y agt Francis J Schnugg et al; D B Toucey, att'y; Edwd J Kenney, Jr. ref. (Amt due $17,550.14.) 83d st, s s, 90 w 4!h av, 18x102,2. Emanuel Katz agt Max Berrick indiv and admr et al- A H Parkhurst. att'y; Chas S Si'mpkins, ref. (Amt due $4,99L99.) Jan. 10. Fordham or Highbridge road, widened, n s, 129.11 e Valentine av, 120x135.1x133.11, triangular plot. Helen S D Fcote agt John C Briggs et al; H M Baird, Jr, att'y; Leo Levy, ref. (Amt due $5,188.89.) Leroy st. No 62, s s, 225.5 w Bedford st, 25x90. Thomas G Field exr, Sec, agt M S Korn el al; Strong Se Cadwalader, alfvs; Clifford W Hart- ridge, ref, (Ami due $16,0.39,58.) Leroy st. No 64, s s, 230.5 w Bedford st, 23x93.3 x49.11x90. Same agt same; same att'ys and ref. (Amt due $18,178.19.) Jan. 11, Brook av, s w cor 147th st. 25x90. John Caswell agl Abraham Kaufman et al; G C Blanke, att'y; John E Duffy, ref. (Amt due $21,484.16 } 137th st, No 322, s s, 244 w Sth av, llix99.ll. Chalmers Wood et al, trustees, agl Prances Levysouetal; J W Treadwell, att'y; Abraham A Joseph, ref. (Amt due $10,449.94 ) Av A, s e cor Ilth st, 20x75.6. John M Bowers, exr, &e, agt Sarah J Burby et al; F J Middle- brook, atl'y; Robt W Thompson, Jr, ref. (Amt due $17,916.11. US PENDENS. Jan. o. Jennings st, s s, 54 e Wilkins pl, 42x—. Build¬ ing Dept agt George L Moffalt; violations ot building laws; att'y. E Otterbourg, Wilkens pl, s e cor Jennings st. 2ix—, Same agt same; violations, &c; same att'y. 20th st. No 9. n s, 245 w 5th av, 28.6x—. Same agt Jennie B Gasper and ano indiv and exrs. Sec; violations. Sec; same att'y. Same property. Same agt saoae and ano; viola¬ tions. &c; same att'y. Mulberry st. No 288, e s, 72.10 s Houston st. 20s —. Same agt Wilhelmina Rehwinkel; violations, &c; same att'y. Same property. Same agt same and Leopold Kaufman; violations, &e; same att'y Mulberry st, No 286, e s, 92.10 s Houston st, 20x —. Same agt Leopold Kaufman; violations Sec same att'y. Ludlow st. No 157, w s, 75 s Stanton st, 18.2x —. Same agt Stuyvesant Fish et al; violations See; same att'y. Jan. 7. TOth st, No 64, s s, 70.8 e Columbus av IS 2x 209.10 to 69th st. No 63. Thomas A Crockett agt John A Dempsey and aao; to declare deed void, Sec; atl'y, J Murphy. Vesey st, Nos 74 to 78, a s, 82.7 w Greenwich St. 41,5x49. Same agt same; similar action- same att'y. Ilth av. e s. 19,4 s 32d st. 56x75. 52a St. s s, 64 e Uth av, 36x75,4x Irreg. Forest av, e s, 71 s lS5th sl, 19x60. 165th sl, s s, 22.5 e Forest av, 18,7x71. 165th sl, s s, 41 e Forest av, 19x71. Michael J Garvin agl Dora Maas and ano- t( recover amount, &c; att'y, J J O'Brien 35th st. No 358, s s, 100 w Ist av, 25x100. Jacob Goldstein agt Terence McDonald et al; tore-' close deed adjudged to he a mort, &c; att'y E Bittiner. ' 59th st, No 333, n s, 225 w 1st av, 26x100,5 59lh st. No 33L n s, 251 w 1st av, 26.3x100 5 60th Bt, No 334, a s, 226 w 1st av, 25x100.5. Dennis J O'Brien agt Ellen Burke et al; par¬ tition; att'y, D H Taylor. Jan. 8. Division st. No 219, n e cor Clinton st, 23.10x—. Building Dept agt Reuben Se Betsey Sattenstein; violations of building laws. Sec; att'y S Otter¬ bourg. 122d st, s 3, 130.11 TV 1st. av, 169xl00x—x—. 1st av, w s, 25.2 s 122d st, 83.5x108.7x109. lOx 11.4. llSth st, s s. 277.4 w Pleasant av. 16.8x100.10, 3d av, s e s, 50 n Grove st, 3.5x35, John S Chadwick agt Matilda Sc Walter L Hutchinson; action to declare deed void, &c- alfy, E G Stevens, Haven av, w s, 50 n from s s 170th st if pro¬ duced, runs w 103.4 x s 100 x e 103.4 to av x n 100 to beginning. Edward Wandenhove agt Arnold H E Schram and ano; action to compel reconveyance. See; att'y, E J Welch, Soth st, n s, 275 e Uth av, 50x98.9, Margaret Fitzgerald agt William Fitzgerald et al; to sub¬ rogate mortgage, Scc: att'y, I N Williams 35th st, n s, 275 e Ilth av, 50.";9S.9. Agnes Fitz¬ gerald agt same; partition; att'y, same, 3d av, e s. at c I block between lllth and U2th ■sts. runs s 25 x e 100x25x100. Samuel Green- man agt Jacob 'Sommer and ano; to impress lien, fic; att'y, J Rosenzweig, Jan, 10. 14th st. No 304, s s, 52.6 e 2d av, 19.6x51.6. Ed¬ ward Randolph agt Philip and Eva Boyer; to establish lien, &c; atfys. Bowers & Sands. Main st, w s, lots 648 to 651 map property Elial R B King, City Island, lOOxlOO to waters of Pelham Bay. Minneford av, w s, adjoining land of Wm H Bur- nap. 100x200 to Main st, being lots 359 to 362 and 369 to 372 same map. Fordham av. e s, at line between lots 127 and 128 map Village of Morrisania, runs n 30,6 s e 121x30.6x121, being part of lot 127. Fordham av, s e cor Sth st, runs e 322 x s w 120 X s w 30 X n w 109.2 x n e 50 x n w 209 to av, X n 89 to beginaing. 6th st, s w s, 124 s e Fordham av, runs s vr 58 X s e 74.8 to Pulton av, nws, xsw74xnw 196 X n e 133 to Oth st and beginning. Fulton av, s w cor Sth st. 26.6x—xl7-6x100, ex¬ cept from above parts taken opening or widen¬ ing streets. Wm and Louis P Zeltner agt Caroline Zeltner et al; partition; att'ys. Forster Se S. Thompson st. Nos 76 and 78, e s, 87.3 s Spring st, 50x.S0, Wra A Queripel agt Henry Queripel et al; partition: atty. J S Van Wyck. Westchester Railroad st, n e s, 153 n w Tinton av, 100x125. 21st st, s w s, 350 s e Sth av, 25.\91.11. Elizabeth RinteUn agt William Rintelen et al partition; att'y, H A Bolte. FORECLOSURE SUITS. Jan. o. Brook av, e s. 24.6 s 170th st, 4S.10.xlOO, 2 ac¬ tions. Andrew M Clute trustee, &c, agt Joseph Kinzig et al; att'y. E deP Livingston Boulevard, e s, 25 s 131st st, 25x100. Mary W Rogers agt James Kilpatriek et al; att'vs. Kenneson, C, E & R. Ditmars st, s s, between Lafayetie av and Long Island Sound, City Island, being lots 26 to 30, map Eliz R B King. Annie C King et al agt Elizabeth Smith et al; att'y, J B Miller. Jan. 7. Highbridge road, s w cor 5th av, —x— beln" lots 21, 22 and 23, map prop ot Emma Thomp¬ son. 24th Ward. Alfred Marsich agt Geo H Muskat et al; foreclose lien; att'y, B J Kelly 120th sl. No 305, n s. 123 w Sth av, 25x100. ■Charles Liehmann agt Joshua F Howes et al; att'ys, HofC & Jacoby, Bleecker st. s e.cor Jones st, 27.1x80x28.9x80.1. Nathan Hutkoff agt Amelia Glass et al; att'y. M Clark. 64th sl, s s, 25 w 9th av, 2 lots each. 19x100.5, John C and James C Brown trustees, fee, agt Henry H Caha et al (2 aclions); att'ys, Har¬ rison & Byrd. Central Park Wesl, n w cor SOth st, 50.8x100. The Baron De Hirsch Fund agt James D Mat¬ thews et al; atl'y, I S Isaacs. Sth av. No 2037. w s. 75 s 112!h st 25x100 I 125ih st, Nos 530 to 536, s s, 279 e Bdway 107x1 lOO.U. I Jacob Saron agt Stefano Greco et al; foreclose lien; atl'y, L S Ginsburg. Madison st. No .390, s s, 100 e Jackson st 24 lOs 95x25x95.8. Wra A Perry agt Frieda Sc Max Hart; att'y, J B Pine. Park av, e s, 80 s 92d st, lSxS9. L Bayard Smitli trustee agt Benjamin ■Gainsborg et al; att'ys. Brownell & P. Broadway, n e cor 45th st, 75.3x40. Chas W Becker and ano agt Anna Schiete and ano- fnredr.00 i;?.-- att'v, B J Kelly Greenwich st, No 622, w s, 50 n Leroy st 2.5x90 3 x25xS9.6. Anna Smith agt Stephen McCormick, Jr, and ano; att'y, M J Earley. 4th av, s e cor ISth st, .53xl25x— to st x 1T5.2 to beginning. Pierre Aguado agt John D Quincy et al; foreclose lien; att'y, H A Vieu, Bowery. Nos 85 and S5V2. e s, 101 s Hester st 2.5s 112.9x2x111,3, leasehold. Georgie H Buckbee agt Barney Isaacs et al; att'ys, James. S & E. 6th av. e s. trom 43d to 44th st. 200.10x240 Sixth Ave R R Co agt The General Carriage Co: at¬ t'ys, Zabriskie, B & M. ^ . Wales av. e s, 125 n 149th st, 25x100. Anthony McOwen agt John F Normoyle et al- att'ys Carpenter & P. 100th St. s s, 22.'5.3 w Park av. 40x100,11, Isidore Kashare and ano agt Henrv Kaufman and ano: foreclose lien; atl'y. J Rosenzweig. 122d st, s s, 423 e Sth av. 102.2x100.11, Wolf Glass agt Gabriel Valenle et al; att'y N H Prager. Jan. S, 6th St. s s 405 e White Plains rd, 100x114, Wakefield. Slh av, n s, 455 e White Plains rd, 50xU4. John A Steurer, exr, and ano extrx agt Mary , and Wm T Welsh; att'y, atfy, A P Gescheidt, J Fi West End av. No 603, w s, 24 n 89lh sl, 20x90. Henry B Auchincloss exr. &c. agl Chas H & Eliz B Doremus; att'ys, Vamum Se Harrison m