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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 67, no. 1727: April 20, 1901

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696 RECORD AND (lUlDK. April 20. 1901. the west side of Broadway, has been bought by the Realty company for R. H. Macy & Co. A new 10-sty store will be erected here by the George A, Fuller Co. De Lemos &. Cordes, No, 130 Fulton st, will probably be the architects. The plot is owned by the Aycraigg. Hegeman and Grinnell estates. It fronts 211.3 on Broadway, 374.4 on 34th st and 267.7 on SSth st. It extends back on both of these streets to Koster & Biai's Theatre. Besides the purchase of the Tivoli and the Pekin, on SSth st, and No 140 West 36th st, the same company are said to have secured options on all of the property on Broadway from 35th to SOth st and extending back to the last mentioned purchases on these streets. «--------------- The following are the comparative tables of Manhattan and tbe Bronx of the Conveyances, Mortgages and Projected Buildings for the corresponding weeks of 1900 and 1901: CONVEYANCES. IWL 1900, Apr, 12 to IS, IQC. Apr. 13 to 19, inc. Total No. for Mauhattan :ii'l Total Xo. for Manhattan 'I'di Amount involved.......$3,9G2,9S1 Amount involved.......$1,357,4911 Number nominal ....... 183 Number nominal....... 1.^4 1901, 1900. ToUl No., UftQliatUD. Jan. 1 to dat«.. S.SUT 3 3ij3 ToUl Ajnt, llanbatUn, Jan. 1 to date. $44,41)4,644 .S32.00T.272 1901. 1900. Apr. 12 to 18, inc. Apr. 13 to 19, inc. Tota! No. for The 'Bronx SU Total No. for TUe Broux NS Amount involved....... $104,765 Amount involved....... §158.07(1 Numher nominal....... 51 Number nominal....... 47 1901. 1900. Tetel No., The Broni, Jan. 1 lo date., . 1,253 I,3:i:; Total Amt., Tho Bronx, Jan. 1 to date. .$3,194,377 $3,540,(IT.S leoii ittuo. Tot»l Ho., HanhMtt*!) «nd Tb« BroHx, Jan. 1 to date....... .'.ISO 4.G9G Total A>iit.,Hanbat4an and Tb* Bronx, Jaa. 1 to date....... ¥47.(i.~!>,021 ^:iS,6:iT.95il MORTGAGES. 1901. 1900. ,—Apr. 12 to 18,lne.—, ,-----Apr. 13 to 19,liic.-----, Manhattan, Bronx. Manliattan. Bronx. Total number............ 27ii 70 ■'''ii .s;i Amount involved......... .ss.u'iLi.sij:; $370,937 $3.9117055 S480,54i; Nuraber ovar 6%.......... MR 33 12tl :^.s Amount Involved......... .$L',:i5:i,ll75 $147,220 $1,292,397 $L'-9 31.') Number at S%............ Sl 35 f)3 43 Amount involved......... $2,439,000 $198,280 $1,150,158 .$229,531 Number at lese than 5%... 71 2 61 S Amount Involved......... $;{,;-f(H,7S7 $25,437 $1,468,500 $fn,7liO No. above to Bauka, Trust and InBurnnce Co.'s..... 61 10 51 7 Amount Involved......... .S4.ii7I,2.-|0 *t52,(j37 $1,582,500 $116,51111 1901. 1900. Total No., Manbattan. Jan. 1 to date. . 3.720 :i 54T Total Amt.. Manhattan. Jan. 1 Co date. $83,3(i0,llS $94,012 S41I Total No., The Broni, Jan. 1 lo dale . . 1,1117 1 '>K< Total Amt.. The Broni, Jau. 1 to dale. $(5,670,888 $S,57S.93'i 1001. 1800. Total No., Haafaattan and Tbe Brons. Jnn, 1 to date....... 4,893 4,773 Total Amt.,Manbattan and Tbe Bronx. Jan. 1 to date....... !t«!H).031 .OOG $1C».^,1»1 ,TSS PROJECTED BUILDINGS. 1901. 1900. Total No. New Buildings: Apr. 12 to 18, inc. Apr. 13 to 19, Inc. Manhaltan........................ 31 34 Tho Broni........................ 27 3ii Grand total.................... 5S (i.1 Total Amount: Manliattan........................ $2,810,100 S1,777,4SO The Broni........................ 2liii.075 $]73,5(;o Grand toUl.................... $3,075,175 .$l,y51,04f> Total Amt. Alterations: Manhattan........................ $2.^3.9.30 $119 97'i Tht Broni........................ 27,SOO 9.650 Grand total.................... .'<2M,730 .$129,622 Total No. New Bnlldlngs: Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date.......... 1,059 288 The Broni, J«n 1 to date.......... 533 206 Manhattan-Broni, Jan. 1 to date. .. 1,592 494 Total Amt. New Buildlnns: Manhattan. Jan. 1 to date.......... $.18,592,520 $14,969,40ri Tho Broni, Jan. 1 to date.......... 5,494,S05 1,794.020 Manhattan-Broni, Jan. 1 to date. .. $i:4,