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July 20, 1901. RECORD AND GUIDE. [ Manbattan ] 95 PROJECTED BUILDINGS. The first name is that of the owner; ar't, stands for architect; m'n for mason; c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builder. When character of roof ia not mentioned, it is to be understood that the roof ia to be of tin. BOBOU&H OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14TH STREET. 1301—Sth st, No 45 E, 6-sty brk loft building, 25x89.11; cost, $25,- 000; trustees Sailors Snug Harbor, 31 Nassau st; lessee, Leonhard Hanger, 143 E Sth st; ar't, Frank E Albinger. 41 E Sth st. 1303—Oth av. No 199, 3-sty brk lofts and stores, 19.6x56; cost, 812,000; S J W Bent, 1773 Washington av; ar't, Austin L Gillespie, 1021 E 169th St. 1306—Ilth st, No 309 E, l-sty frame shed, 18.9x15.0; cost, $230; estate James Mullry, 309 E Ilth st; ar't, Fred Ebeling, 97 7th st. 1315—Pitt st. No 53, 6-sty brk factory, 22x97; cost, $12,000; Max Goldberg, 140 Stanton st; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery, BETWEEN 14TH AND 59TH STREETS. 1289—15th st, Nos 60 and 62 W. s s, SO e Oth av, 6-sty brk and stone lofts and stores, 33.8x103 and 86; cost, $70,000; Chas Witte- nauer, 36 W 15th st; ar't, F A Minuth, 289 4th av; b'rs, N Campbell & Sons, 146 W 23d st. 1292—54th st, s s, 42.6 w Madison av, 4-sty and basement brk and stone dwelling, 20x74.2, tUe and slate roof; cost, $30,000; Cecelia F Barrows, 667 5th av; ar't, C P H Gilbert, 1123 Broadway. 1299—7th av, s e cor 16th st, G-sty brk factory, 77,0x150, tar and gravel roof; cost, $60,000; James L Van Alen, Newport, R I; ar'ts, Clinton & Russell, 32 Liberty st; lessees, Oxley & Bnos, 292 Av B. 1304—Broadway, w s, 34th st to 35th st, 9-sty brk store, 179.0x 403.2 and 380.1; cost, $------; H R Macy & Co, 14th st and Oth av; ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes, 130 Fulton st. 1305—o2d st, s s, 75 w Madison av, 5-sty brk and stone dwelling, 25x—; cost, $40,000; Henry D Babcoek, 21 W 49th st; ar'ts, CImton & Russell, 32 Nassau st; m'n, Richard Deeves, 309 Broadway. BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF STH AVENUE. 1291—95th st, s B, 350 e 2d av, l-sty brk dry-room, 16x35; cost, $800; ow'r and ar't, Jno W Rapp, 311 B 94th st. 1307—1st av, e s, 95th to 96th st, l-sty frame shed, 21.3x47; erst, $250; Metropolitan St Railway Co, 621 Broadway; ar't, A V Porter, 621 Broadway. 1309—103d st, n s, 75 w Ist av, 2-Bty hrk aud stone store, 25x95; cost, $6,000; Anna Maria Simon, 533 E 161st st; ar't, Gustav Schwarz, 554 E 158th st. BETWEEN SOTH AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OP STH AVENUE. 1300—67th Bt, n s, 325 e Columbus av, 7-sty brk and stone studio building, 75x85, slate and brk roof; cost, $150,000; William J Taylor, 495 Sth av; ar'ts, Sturgis & Simonson, 102 E 17th st. IIOTH TO 125TH STREETS, BETWEEN STH AND STH AVS. ' 1297—120th st, Nos 246 and 248 W. 6-sty brk flat, 50x86; cost, $110,000; Ida J Walker, Irvington, N Y; ar't, 0 Abbott French, 406 W 42d St. NORTH OF 12STH STREET. 1313—Audubon av, w s, 178 s 178th st, l-sty brk toilet, 30x8.5; cost, $300; N Y Juvenile Asylum, 177th at and Amsterdam av; ar't, Wm A Gorman, 1059 Ogden av. BOBOVGH OF BRONX. 1290—3d av, w s, 31 n 181st st, 2-sty brk office and store, 25x75; cost, $8,000; Otto Weber, 88 6th av; ar't, John E Kirby, 722 Tre¬ mont av. 1293—ISth st, n s, 180 e Sth av, Wakefield, 2-sty frame dwelling, 18x27; cost, $1,200; Mrs Bodwin, 851 Morris av; ar't, F Le Meier, on premises. 1294^Elton av. No 683, l-sty frame shed, 7,10x10.3; cost, $25; Mrs Pussimann, 683 Elton av; ar't, M J Garvin, 3307 3d av. 1295—149th st, n s, 170.3 e Morris av, 3-sty brk lodge rooms and store, 25x79; cost. $7,000; Raphael Avallone, 513 B 149th st; ar'ts, Moore & Landsiedel, 148th st and 3d av. 1296—Saxe av, w s, 25 n Cornell av, 2-sty frame dweUing, 22x45; cost, $3,000; Franz Vesata, 426 B 71st st; ar't, John De Hart, 1039 Fox st; b'rs, M & J Herdlicka, 133S 1st av. 1298—Kingsbridge road, s s, 160 e Belmont av, two 2-sty frame dwellings, 20x45; total cost, $7,000; Ephraim B Levy, 231 Broadway; ar't, W 0 Dickerson, 149th st and 3d av! b'r, Thos Scott, Van Nest. 1302—233d Bt, n e cor Verio av, l-sty frame shop, 64x38; cost, $2,000; Robt Caterson, Woodlawn; ar't, J C Babcoek, on premises. 1308—Spuyten Duyvil Parkway, e s, 225 s Sidney st, 2-3ty frame stable, 25x20, shingle roof; cost, $700; A Caraccioli, on premises; ar'ts, Ahneman & Younkheere, Nathalie av, Kingsbridge. 1310—161st st, n s, 83 w Elton av, four S-sty brk flats and ttores, 37.6x23; total cost, $48,000; William Foster, 207 E 54th st; ar't, Louis Paik, 2785 3d av. 1311—Sth st, n s, 305 w White Plains av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x 63, slate roof; cost, $5,000; Ann Jane Gordon, 84 oth st, t.'illi.i.ms- bridge; ar't, Chris F Lohse, 631 Eagle av. 1312—Intervale av. No 1225, l-sty frame shed, 25x65. gravel rcof; cost. $300; John Gass, Bergen av and 149th st; ar't, Chris P Ichse, 631 Eagle av. 1314^3d av. e s, bet 181st and lS3d sts, l-sty frame passageway, 185x8; cost, $3,000; Home for Incurables, 182d st and 3d av; ar't, Robt E Rogers, 150 Broadway. 1316—238th st, s s, 150 e Martha av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 25x40, slate roof; cost, $4,000; Carolina Schwarz, 614 E loSth st; ar't, L Falk, 2785 3d av. 1317—144th st, n s. 16.8 e Spencer pl, l-sty frame shed, 60x8; cost, not given; Edwards & Co, 405 E 144th st; ar't, R. Warren, Lawrence, 600 E 140th St. ALTERATIONS. BOROUGH OF ICAHHATTAIT. 1671—33d st. No 8 B, 5-sty extension, 9.6x93.7; cost. $15,000; Wm W Astor, 21 W 26th st; ar't, Clarence L Sefert, 233 W 120th st; b'r, John Downey, 410 W 34th st. 1672—SSth st. No 102 E, new window; cost, $100; J Harsen ^^°?^^^ if'^^^ Madison av; ar'ts, Tracy & Swartwout, 156 Sth av. *i nnn ^I: ^^' ^1 ■l^'^'''^.^^'^ window, stairs and plumbing; cost, Ssth st '^^^ Schiffer, 301 W 133d st; ar't, Edwin Wilburf 217 W rj,\^'^R~u^''l, ^^' ^° J^ E 3-sty extension, 14.1x13; cost, $2,500; 34th s^ ^^^^^^^o^' 27 E 6Sth st; ar't, Grosvenor Atterbury; IS W nnn''^^^^ ^\- ^°^ ^^ ^"^^ ^* ^' °«^ beams, girders, &c; cost, $5.- 000; lessee, John Wanamaker, Broadway and 10th st; ar't Thos Butcher. Zi W lltb st. «t=r''"^7^T^^^;.^° ^'^^ ^' ""^'^^ building 2 ft; cost, $250; Nathan i^--b 1, ^^- ^^^^' Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery, rotf'«?nnf? n' ^,^^' }^1 ^ ^^ ^' running to loth st, new stalls; cost, .t.2,000; Dry Dock & Bast Broadway Railway Co, 621 Broad¬ way; ar t, A V Porter, G21 Broadway. 1679—5th av. No 511, new elevator; cost, $2,500; R T Wilson, 33 WaU st; art, Marshall R Grimes, 621 Broadway; b'rs, Peter Mc¬ Cormack & Sons. S3 E 52d st. 1680-Olst st, No 257 W, new partition; cost, .$200; Harriet A Rich on premises; ar't, Chas A Rich. 35 Nassau st. 1681—Amsterdam av. s w cor 157th st, new window; cost, $50: Geo R Schieffelln, 11 William st; ar't, John E Scharsmitb. 477 West 144th St. T.-■'■=^^^":;§?'™^^^' ^° ^^2, new stairs and partitions; cost, $200; John Kafka 231 E (2d st; ar't, Chas B Meyers, 1 Union sq W. 168.:!—Broadway, n e cor Liberty st, new show window; cost, $850; Williamsburgh City Fire Ins Co, on premises; lessee, John S Huy- ler, Irvmg pl and 18th st; ar'ts, Zimmerman & Voight, Leonard and Devoe sts, Brooklyn. 168^^14th St. No 24 W, 2-sty extension. 25x20; cost, $1,500; es¬ tate John D Wright, 2 Wall st; ar'ts, Jno B Snook & Sons, 261 B'way, lObo—Suffolk st, w s, 73.6 n Hester st, enlarge window; cost, $250; City N Y; ar't, C B J Snyder, Park av and o9th st. (.. I nn,?~^^'^ ^^' ^ ^' -*'** ® Amsterdam av, build retaining wall;' cost, 44,(JtlO; ow'r and ar't, same as last. 1688-Monroe st, s s, 160 w Pike st, enlarge window; cost, $250: ow'r and ar't, same as last, 1089—Washington sq S, No 72, new store front; cost, $750;- Jeremiah W Dimick, Jr, 140 Sth av; ar't, Predk C Zobel, 41 W 24th st 1690—126th st. No 174 W, 2-sty extension, 10.6x15; cost. $1 OOO' ^^^^}!i^ R Wilson, 222_W 23d st; ar't, Richd R Davis, 247 W 125th st. 1691—SOth st. No o9 B, new bay window; cost. $1,000; Dr Louis Riser, 59 E SOth st; ar't, J G Robinson, 2133 Bathgate av 1692—12th av, n w cor 130th st, erect sign; cost, $300; Mrs Susan Burke, on premises. 1693—3d av. No 336, new store front; cost, $123; Rebecca M Greve 56 W lOoth st; ar't, J B Wilson, 11 E 10th st. «A'^^*~^^*'^ ^t- ^'^ 1**^ ^' f^'se roof 6 ft; cost, $8,000; Gilbert estate 229 Broa_dway; ar't, H J Hardenbergh. 10 W 23d st. ^^-^^^^'^^^ ^^- ^'^^ 4^ ^^'^ *5 W. 2-sty extension, 15.4x27; cost, $40,000 W W & T M Hall, 11 E 42d st; ar'ts, Welch. Smith & Provot, 11 E 42d st. 1696—22d st. No 343 W, 3 dormers added; cost, $200- A C & E S Melson, 55 W 127th st; ar'ts, PolJard & Steinam, 3 E 14th st. 1697—Rivington st. No 347, new entrance, &g; cost, $1,000- Will¬ iam Materson, 38 Willett st; ar'ts, J Bockell & Son, 54 Broad st. 1698—Spring st. No 83, new skylight; cost, $200; estate Julius Hirsch, 1140 Madison av; ar't, J W Stevens, 156 Sth av. 1699—39th st. No 25 W, new bay window; cost, $1,000; Ella See¬ ley, on premises; ar't, Louis Brown, 41 Union sq. 1700—Broadway, Nos 1456 to 1460, new stairs, beams, &c; cost $1,000; Ottinger & Korn, 31 Nassau st; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel, 41 Union sq, 1701—Chambers st. No 87, new entrance, &c; cost, $230; estate J L Bremmer, Boston, Mass, care C S Brown, 160 Broadway; b'rs Jas C Hoes Sons, 10 Liberty pl, 1702—West st, Nos 400 and 401, cut opening; cost, $25; Benjamin Bernard, on premises; ar't, Geo M McCabe, 102 E 17th st , 1703—Lexington av. No 316, new partitions; cost, SlOO; James Daly, Ridgefield, Conn; ar_^ts, John B Snook & Sons, 261 r.rcadway. 1704^Canal st, Nos ISo and 187, new steel beams and gliders, enclose coal vault and boiler room with brk walls; cost, .iil.OOO; Schrenkeisen estate, 23 Blizabeth st; ar'ts, De Lemos & Cordes ISO Pulton st; b'r, C F Hart, 50 New st, 1705—Broadway, Nos 78 to 82, build chases; cost, $10,000; Union Trust Co, 80 Broadway; ar't, Geo B Post, 33 E 17th st. 1706—71st st. No 167 W, 2-Bty extension, 12x16; cost, $2,000; Martha E Magie, 86 Convent av; ar't, Bli Benedict, S6 Convent av. 1707—Ludlow St. No 73. raise extension; cost, $425; Philip Cchn, on premises; ar't, Fred Ebeling, 97 7th st. 1709—116th st, No 2 B, new show windows; cost, $750; Peter McGinn, 2 E 116th st; ar't, Richard Rohl. 48 7th st. 1710—William st, n e cor Ann st, build elevator shaft, new stairs and strengthen column and girders; cost, $10,000; N Y & Boston Dye- wood Co, 55 Beekman st; ar't, Wm B Tubby & Bro, 81 Fulton st. 1711—Broadway, No 603, new store front; cost, $300; Daniel Birds- all, 319 Broadway; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Broadway. 1713—Greene st, Nos 41 and 43, new tank on roof; cost, $1,050; Jul¬ ius Kayser, 461 Broadway; ar't and b'r, Th© Rusling Co, 26 Cort¬ landt St. 1714^S4th st. No 27 W, 2-sty extension, 11,6x4.9; cost. $4,500; Chauncey M Depew, 27 W 54lh st; ar'ts, Ludlow & Valentine, 100 Broadway; b'rs, Wakeham & Miller, 1133 Broadway, 1715—63d st. No 14 E. new elevator shaft, stairs and partitions; cost, $20,000; W W & T M Hall, 11 B 42d st; ar'ts, Welch, Smith & Provot, 11 E 42d st. 1716—Pearl st, Nos 409 to 41S, build pent house on roof; coat, $3,- 000; S W Bowne, Plaza Hotel; ar't, Chas H Fox, 369 W Ilth st; b'r, Geo Hayes, 71 Sth av, 1717—Sth av, No 222, new store front; cost, $200; Estate Geo C Taylor, care of agent, Jas F Bragg, 358 W Slst st; ar't.Hy Davidson, 240 W 20th St. BOXtOITGH OF BRONX. 1673—Boston road ] the block, new tank on roof; cost, $391; Don- Jackson av I aid B Toucey, 24 B 62d st; b'r, A J Cor- Home st | coran, 11 John st. 1687—Mott av, w s, bet 144th and 146th sts, reinforce chimney; cost, $2,000; City N Y; ar't. C B J Snyder, Park av and 59th st. 1708^Qrand Boulevard and Concourse, w s. 188 s Van Courtlandt av. move building; cost, $700; Jas F Farrell, on premises; ar't, Chaa S Clark. 709 E 177th st. 1712—Jerome st, n s. 225 e White Plains road, move bldg; coat, $500; John Di Mattia, 33 Jerome st. Williamsbridge; ar't, Robt Glenn, 873 Brook av.