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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 68, no. 1747: September 7, 1901

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September y, 1901. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Manliattan] 295 ADVERTISED I^EGAI. SALES. Referee's Sales to be held at 12 o'clock noon at the New York Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broad¬ way, except where otherwise stated. Sept. 7. 'No Sales Advertised Jor tills day, Sept. 9. Broadway, No 1989, w s, 112.10 s 68tli st, 28,lx 117.4x25x130.2, 4-sty frame flat and store, Broadway, Nos 19S3 to 19ST, "w s. 28.7 n 6Tth st, 06.2x93x50x118.8. three 4-sty 'brk flats with s teres. Broadway, No 1981. n w cor 67th at, 28xll8.8x 25x131.8, 4-sty brk flat and store, 'Sheriff's sale ot all right, title, &c, which Robt H Arkenburgh bad on July 30, 1891 or since; "Wm F Grell, sheriff. By Peter F Meyer. Slh av, e s, 25,5 s 120th st, 25x100, vacant. Wil¬ liam P Douglas as surviving exr agt Bmmons H 'Sanford et ai; Bowers Se Sands, att'ys, 31 Nas¬ sau st; Lewis H Freedman, reL (Amt due $10,- 671,80; suh to taxes. See, $134,86.) iVIort re¬ corded Jan 4, 1901.) By William M Ryan. Sept. 10. SSd st, Nos 319 and 321, n s, 215 e 2d av, 40x 100.5, 5-sty hrk stable, Cordelia Friedman agt Herman H Bohlmann et al; Wm H Stockwell, att'y, 146 Bdway; Augustine R McMahon ref, (Amt due $22,413.32; sub to taxes. See, $1,- 160.51.) Mort recorded Feb 21, 1899, By Wil¬ liam M Ryan, 109th st, Nos 213 to 217, on map Nos 215 and 217, ■a s, :iOO w Amsterdam av, 50x100.11, three 2 and l-sty frame bldgs, Samuel H Stone et al agt Francis J Schnugg; Wolf, Kohn Se Ullman, at¬ t'ys, 203 iBdway; James P C Blaekhurst, ref, (Amt due J6,T31,13: sub 10 taxes, &c ?41-00; ■prior morts $12,000.) Mort recorded Sept 18, 1900.) By Peter F Meyer. 145th st. No 456, on map No 454, s s, 142 w Con¬ vent av. 15x99.11, 3-sty stone front dwell'g Austin B Fletcher agt Francis J Schnugg et al; Austin B Fletcher, att'y, 32 Liberty- Wal¬ ter H Wood, ref, (Amt due $11,320.43; sub to taxes, &c, $626.36.) By William M Ryan. 14oth st, No 460, on map No 458, s s 172 w ■Convent av, 16x99.11, 3-sty stone front'dwell'g, Cornelia W Slade agt Francis J Schnugg et ai- Seth B Robinson, att'y, 203 Broadway; Camp¬ bell E Locke, ref. (Amt due $12,643,64; aub to taxes, Sec. $26T,07.) Mort recorded Dec 15, 1895. By L J Phillips & Co. 162d st, 'No 548, s s, 22i e Boulevard, 18x09,11, 3-sty brk dwell'g (action No 1). Einar Cbrystie agt James J Hagerty et al; Townsend Sc Mc- Ilvame, att'ys, 45 Cedar st; Chase Mellen, ret (Amt due $12,ST3.75: sub to taxes Sue. S^IO 65 ) Mort recorded June 6. 1899. By John M Thomp¬ son, ^ 162d St. No .5S0, s s, 200 e Boulevard 18x9911 3-sty brk dwell'g (action No 2), Same agt same; same atfys and ref. (Amt due $12- 8<; sub to taxes, Sec, $219,65,) Mort re¬ corded June 6, 1.S99, By John M Thompson. Sept. 11. Mottst, No 5 I w s 64 6 n W^nrtli Worth st, Nos 197% and 190 | s^, runs w TT™s J-' ''' '^ es Worth st X n w 28.8 x n 9.11 x e yi,& X s i> to begmning, 2-sty brk tenem't and store on Mott st, l-sty hrk tenem't and store on WoLth st, iHenry De Forest Weekes -asX Louis Sdverstone et al; Weekes Bros, atfys 45 Wil¬ liam st; Arthur Knox, ref, (Amt due $11 ^"Al 41- suh to taxes. Sec. $4,267-11; prior mort $5,000,) Mort recorded June 15, 1807. By William M Ryan. 5th st, s s, 405 w Av D, 100x210 to 4th st Union- port, Emma G Townsend agt John J Coogan- Johu Townshend, att'y, 05 Nassau sf B Lew- l'?.^,"-.^ '■^^- '-*"'' '^"^ .P10-T5: su'b to taxes. Sec, V -, j-,P'?.?,^'■„™°'■'^^S*■ ■*^-''0.) Mort renorded April 11, 1900, .By William M 'Ryan. .dhth st. No 444, s s, 220.6 e 10th av 25x98 9 3- sty frame tenem't with 2-sty frame tenem't' on rear ■ Albert Hugo et al agt 'Mary Hatelflnger et al; Lewinson. Kohler Se Schattman. att'ys- ihomas McAdam, ref. (Amt due .$-----; sub to taxes. &c, $135.68; prior mortgage, $3,000,) Partition, By William M, Ryan t^^^K'^^ ^^' ^ ^' 310 w Amsterdam av 15x 99.11, 3-sty stone tront dweU'g, The American i-„ TL, o ------------------.-.-.2, 1899, By Wil¬ liam M Ryan. ■^^^-^ ,%. ^ ^' ^**^'^ ^ ^^^^ ^^' late Railroad av, 2.1x100 vacant. The John Eichler Brew Co agt Chas J 'Mclntyre et al; John .McMahon att'y ^n/*Tlol'i/'"'"K-^ McCauley, Jr., ref. (Amt due .?1,.322.21; sub to taxes. Sec. $130.5.S.) Mort recorded Dee 12, LSOS, By Peter F Meyer. Broadway, No 2081, w s. extends from 108th to lOflthst 201,10x100, two 8-sty brk flats. Ameri¬ can Mortgage Co agt John W Noble Jr et al- Bowers & Sands, att'ys, 3] Nassau st; Wm H *,! l-QG-ii ^hT \T ^^^'^■S-^-^ 69; suh to taxes, B ■T^*''5;?^^■'*^■' ^'"'■'^ recorded May 1, 1900. By D Phoenix Ingraham, Sept, 12, Hester st, .No 103. n s, 50.8 e Eldridge st, runs n 100 X e 73 X s oO X w 36.2 x s 50 x w 36.10 to beginning, two 5-3ty 'brk tenem'ts with atores, with four 4-sty brk tenem'ts on rear. Joseph C Levi as trustee agt Wm R Wilson et al; iHarry H Simpson, att'y; Peter Schmuck, ref. {Amt due .i;5,501,83; sub to taxes, fie, $467.75; prior mort $45,000.) Mort recorded May 19, 1899. By Peter F Meyer. STth at. No 26, s s, 350 e Oth av, 25x08,9, 7-sty tork tenem't. Walter R Com'forc agt Reba E Weiher; John D Beals, att'y, 203 Bdway; Ar¬ thur D Truax, ret, (Amt due $8,841.57; sub to taxes, &c, $111,T5; prior morts, $80,000,) Mort recorded July 18, 1901, By D Phoenix In¬ graham, 96lh St. No 20, s s, 185 w Central Park West, 20 xlOO.S, 4-sty stone front dwell'g. Linda M Allen agt Edw W Kilpatrick et al; Briesen &. Kuauth, att'ys, 49 Wall st; James W Ridgway, ref. (Amt due .ii26,711,98; sub to taxes, &c, $1,005.T7,) Mort recorded July 22, 1898. By Saml Goldsticker, 105th st. No 342, s s, 150 w Ist av, 25x100,11 3- sty frame flat aud store, John G Gillig and John Ochs as exrs agt Charles Se Margaretha Huppert; Ashbe! P Fitch, att'y, 32 Nassau st; Daniel P Ingraham, ref, (Amt due $7,743.41; sub to taxes, Sec, ,^108,95,) By D Phoenix In¬ graham, 125th at, No 79, n s, 00,1 w 4th av, 27.11x99 li¬ aise all right, title, Sec. to strip adj above on e s, ,01x99,11. 5-sty brk tenem't and store. Mary E Gerety agt Mary E Gerety individ and as admrx et al; Edw W Fox, atfy, 335 Broadway; Edw Jacobs, ref. (Amt due $-----; prior mort $39,000,) Partition. By .Peter F Meyer, Sept. 13. William st, No 131, n w s, 203,3 n e John st, 26.6 96,10x24.4x97,6, 6-sty brk loft bldg, Helen S & Grace L Merritt agt John Merritt as exr. Sec; Geo M Brooks, att'y; H W Bookstaver, ret. (Amt due $35,128,52; sub to taxes, &c, ,$25,00,) Mort recorded May 2T, 1891,) By Wm M Ryan. Sept. 14. 'No Sales Advertised 'for this day. Sept, 16, No Sales Advertised (or this day. JUDGMENTS IN FOBECI1OSITH.E SUITS. Aug. 30. Ryer av, e s, 40T,4 n Burnside av, 25x99.4, Sarah Oakley agt Winslow E Bushy et al; Larned & M, att'ys; Henry A Gumbleton, ret, (Amt due $3,703,10,) Ryer av, w a, 320.1 n Burnside av, 25x159.5, Wm Z Larned trustee agt Charles Bjorkegren et al; J Marks, atfy; Chaa G F Wahle, ref. (Amt due .$4,232.20.) -Aug. 31. ISSth at, n s, 285 w Boulevard, 15x99.11. Pen¬ nington Whitehead trustee agt Patrick H Lynch et al; A 'P Whitehead, atfy; Joseph L Hance, ref. (Amt due $9,4T1.25.) 142d st, n s. 305 w Broadway. 15.-(99.11. Wm Keuffel agt Peter O'Rourke et al; Smith & Bowman, atfys; Joseph P McDonough, ref. (Amt due $2,T36.50,) 165th st, n w cor Trinity av, 73,5x100, Mary R ■McAvoy agt Sarah McLaughlin et al; M J Earley, att'y; Bela D Eisler, ref, (Amt due $13,273,06.) Sept, 3. Morris av, e s, 98.8 s 140th st, 31,10xlll.llx 25,llx—, Lawyers 'Mortgage Ins Co agt Michl Schmuck et al: Hoppin &. Berard atfys; Moaes J Sneudaira, ret, (Amt due $19,967,85,) North 3d av. n e cor Southern Boulevard, 26x 41,4x irreg, Chas P Peirce exr agt Henrv E Evans et al; J E Kelly, atfy; Thos F Don¬ nelly, ref, (Amt due $21,199.90.) 28th st, n a, 200 e lOtb av, 25x98,9, leasehold. Chas Barth agt Andrew Krieg et al; M Alt¬ mayer, atfy; Arthur D Truax, ref, (Amt due .$0,.STS,T5-) Sept, 4, No Judgments in Foreclosure filed this day. Sept, 5. 18th St. No, 249 West, Benjamin A Jackson agt Eliza -McKernan; 'Norman W Kerngood. atfy; Alfred L Curtiss. ref, (Amt due $1,048,) Lexington av, w s, 21,5 n 31st st, 21,5x47.10. Benjamin Jackson agt Eliza McKernan; Nor¬ man W Kerngood, atfy: Alfred L Curtiss, ref, (Amt due $1,009.52,) OOth st, n s, 80 w .\msterdam av, 22.6x100.5 (action No 1). Ella M Southwick agt August Roehsner et al: A B Fletcher, atfy: Reginald H Williams, ret, (Amt due $12,838.54.) OOth st, n s, 102,6 w Amsterdam av, 22.6x100.5 (action No 2), Same agt same; A B Fletcher, att'y; Reginald H Williams, ref, ( due $12,8:18,54,) US PENDENS. Aug, 31. 131st st, No 2T3, n e cor Sth av, 25x75, John W Cooney agt Owen Branigan et al; to foreclose mechanics lien; 'Moore, B & W, atfys. 37th st, s s, 550 e Oth av, 25x98.9; partition. Pleasant av. No 405, ■w s, 50.5 n 121st st, 25.2x 100. Ella Henry agt Abbie B Franklin et al; Archi¬ bald C Shenstone, atfy. Same property. Same agt same; same atfy. Oth st. No 612, s B, 193 a Av B, 20x93.11. Morris Berkowitz agt Emii Elias et al; to foreclose mechanics lien; Paul Hellinger, att'y. Sept, 3, No iLis Pendens flled this day, Sept. 4. 1.55th st, No 685, n s, 120 w Elton av, 18x28. The Dept of Buildings agt Moses Bachman; vio¬ lation of building laws; Chas J McCafferty, atfy. Bowery, Nos 247 and 249 1 begins Bowery, n Stanton st, Nos 2, 4, 6 and 8 j e cor Stanton st, 100x61.lOx irreg, Henry Hollman agt Frances D Alvord as extrx; specific performance; John E Brodsky, atfy. Sept. 5. Union av, e s, 76,5 s Home st, 150x100, R Louia Steiner Mtg Co agt Katrina Masche et al; to foreclose mechanics iien; Phillips & Avery, atty's, lllth st, s s, 105 e 'Park av, 33.4x100.11. 1 lllth st, s s, 155 e Park av, 33,4x100,11. 1 Excelsior Terra Cotta Co agt Moses Piermont et al; to foreclose mechanics lien. Sept. 6. Riverside Drive, s e cor 84th st, 102.2x126x80,2x 112,3, Excelsior Terra Cotta Co agt Dudley S Se Herbert S Harde; to foreclose mechanics lien; C C Miller, atfy. FOBECLOSTTRE SUITS. Aug. 3L 127th st. No 219, n s, 205 e 3d av, 25x99.U. -August Schieck agt Mary Schafer et al; Peter Cook, atfy. Lota 110. Ill, 138 and 505 to 507. map Arden property, Annie V Taylor agt John L Eccles; James C J)e La Mare, att'y. Lots 139, li2, -508 and 509, aame map. Same agt same; same att'y, ■Sept. 3. 127th st, s s, 165 w 4th av, 25x99.11, Jeannette 'Gunther agt Gertrude V C de Grattenreid; Theo¬ dore Sattler, atfy, 58th st, No 421, n s, 358,1 w Av A, 18,4x100.4, Minna Knoch agt -Max Bowsky et al; Hefder- mann & H, atfys, Sept. 4, Audubon av, n w cor l.S4th st. 18x60. Carl Ernst agt Jacob Hess et al: Lewia S Marx, att'y. (6th st, s s, 3T5 w Av A, 25x102,2. Elizabeth Wiesen et al as exrs agt John Donohue et al; Fernando Solinger, atfy. Eagle av, e s, 265 s 156th st, 20x115. Louis fi; John Brandt agt Simon K Simpson et al; Fet¬ tretch, S & S, att'ys, 134th st, s s, 438 w Sth av, 22x09.11. Randolph W Townsend agt Adolph Altman et al; Town- send. D & L, atfys. Amsterdam av. n e cor 150th at. 50.x68. Maurice Rosenswaike agt Fredk Brandt et al; Geo H Hyde, atfy. Sept. 5. 128th st, No 137, n a, 229 e 7th av, 29x99.11, John Cyriacks et al agt Lawrence Reynolds et al: Arthur Mayer, atfy, Broadway, w s, 26,10 n 100th st. 55x100. Jessie E Koewing agt Le Grand K Pettit et al; Archi¬ bald C Shenstone, atfy, 3d av, Xo 3,551, Solomon B Kraus agt Elwood Banfleld et al: Eli S Schrier, atfy. 188th st, s s, 225 e Ilth av, 50x04.10, 183'd st. n s, 154.1 e Kingsbridge road, 25x74.11. Lots 19, 20, map Anthony Estate, 24th Ward. 14th st, u e cor 2d av, 105x114, Wakefield. Richard Webber agt Florence W Kehoe et al; M J Barley, atfy. Sept. 6. Washington av, e s, 25 s ITIth st, 75x100. Sarah W Thorp agt Bdw W C Cunningham et al; Gantz, N fi; McK, atfys. Daly av. s e cor ITSth st, runs e 80,6 x s 20.9 x w 80 X e 19,5 x n 19,5 to beginning, Chas P Hallock agt Henry Burge et al; Chas P 'Hal¬ lock, atfy, Lexington av, e s, 41.11 n 44th st, 19.6x75. A Alonzo Teets agt Augustina Kennelly et al; Townsend Wandell. att'y. lllth st, n s. 300 e 2d av. 25x100.10, John C Wilmerding as admr agt Susan -Hennessy et al; Nash fi Jones, atfys, 28th st, s s, 56,11 e Tth av, runs s 78,2 x e 18.4 X n 0,11 X e ,03 X n 71,3 x w 18,7 to beginning, .Mildred E Jacobs agt John J Buckley et al; Bustic & F, atfys, 159th St. n s, extends 'trom Amsterdara av to St Nicholas av, ^x— (2 actions). Citizens Savings Bank agt Fredk Brandt et al; Pirsson & B, att'ys. CONVEYANCES. Wbenever the letters Q, C, C, a. G, and B. & S. occur, preceded by the name of the grantee they mean as follows: Isl,—Q. c, is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, I. e., a deed wherein al! the right, title and Interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warranty. -.d,—C, a, G, means a deed containing a Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed can be impeached, charged or encumbered. 3d.—B, & S, is ac abbreviation tor Bargain and Sale deed, wherein, although the seller makss no express covenants, he really grants or conveys the property for a valuable consideration, and thus impliedly claims to be the owner of it. The street and avenue numbers given in these lists are, in all cases, taken from the Insurance maps when they are not mentioned in the deeds. The numbers, it will occasionally be found, do not correspond with the existing ones, owing to there having been no official designation made of them by the Department ot Public Works. 4th.—The flrst date is the date the deed was drawn. The second date is the date of filing same. When both dates are the aame, only one is given, 5th.—The flgtrres In each conveyance, thus, 2;4S2, denote that the property is in section 2 block 482, Gth.—It should also be noted in section and block numbers, the in¬ strument as flled is strictly followed. 7th,—The letters R, S, mean Revenue Stamp, as R. S, 9IS.OO means Revenue Stamp .?8,00. Tax on Conveyances executed prior to July 1st, 1901, on $100 to .f.'OO, 50c,, and for each additional $500 or fraction thereof, 50c.; on