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September 28, 1901 ORD AND GUIDE. 373 1 In making the alterations the owner will lose ten rooms in each house which will mean a loss of $000 a year. Mr. Christman also gave the amounts ol rent derived from the houses and the taxes paid In 1873, and the amounts received at the present day; also taxes paid this year, which showed a decrease in rent of one-third In 27 years ago, and au increase In taxes of nearly 50 per cent, for the same period, -----------•----------- Real Estate Market. The following are the comparative tables ol Manhattan and the Bronx of the Conveyances, Mortgages and Projected Buildings for the corresponding weeks of 1000 and 1901; CONVEYANCES. I'lOl. !»«>■. Sept. 20 to 26. inc. Sept. 21 to 2,, mc. Total No. for Manbattan 145 Total No. for Manliattan 111 Amount involved....... $882,793 Amoimt Involved....... $i,i;>,(iO|-. Number nominal ....... 81 Number nominal....... lil 1901. isno. Total No.. Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date.. 8,963 ,„„„_3'5^? Total Amt., Mauhaltan, Jan. 1 to date. $310,831,602 $i9.2d7,8o1 1901. IWiO. Sept. 20 to 26. Inc. Sept. 21 to 27. inr. Total No. for Tile Bronx 79 Total No. tor The Bronx „,„„ ,^67 Amount involved....... $185,300 Amouut involved....... .t,li(0,5.1« Number nominal ....... 47 Number nominal....... 85 1901. 1900. Total No.. The Bronx, Jan. 1 to date,.. 3,116 3,4G3 Total Amt.. Tbe Bronx, Jan. 1 to date. $8,710,000 ?8,863.21i 1001. 190(>. Total No., nfnahnttnii and Tbe Bronx. Jiiii. 1 to date....... ]3,070 11,133 Total Amf..niuii1iuttuii and Tlie .. , „ , Bronx, Jan. 1 to date....... .r.13l..-43,.'SOa SSS, 121,008 MORTGAGES. lyOl. 1900. r-Sept. 20 fo 26, Inc.--, ,--Sept. 21 to 27, inc.--, Manhattan. Bronx. Manhattan. Bronx. Total number............ 122 72 121 oV) Amount Involved......... .*2,076,4G9 $387,329 $1,817,713 $S33,92r. Number over 5%........ 62 25 56 10 Amouni involved.....____ S71O,4l'0 $101,808 $150,710 .$07,1.^5 Number at 5%............ 21 34 . 32 :r. Amount involved......... ,*544,000 $153,316 $539,703 $402,7411 Numberat leas than 5%... 39 13 33 5 Aroouni involved......... .i;S22.000 $132,205 $827,300 $34,000 No. above to Banks, Trust and Insurance Co.'s..... 27 21 29 S: Amo.uo.t involved......... $717,000 $158,500 $051,753 $::!i;4.50u 1901. 1900. Total No.. Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date.. 8,565 8.2Bi Total Amt., Manbattan. Jan. 1 to dale. $217,069,103 $192,925,295 Total No., The Bronx. Jaa. 1 to date.. . 2,036 3.208 Total Amt., The Bronx, Jan. 1 to dale. $15,902,901 .^21.406,975 1901. 1000. Total No., Manhattan and TUe Bron>;, Jan, 1 to dnte....... ] 1,501 11,502 Total Amt..Mauliattan and Tlie Bronx, Jan. 1 to date....... ¥2.'t2.072,0(>4 .
,7S5 $90,820 Total No. New Buildings: Manhallan, Jan, 1 to date.......... 1,.?36 713 Tlie Bronx, Jan. 1 to date.......... 854 687 Manhattan-Bronx, Jan. 1 to date____ 2.190 1,400 Total Ami. New euildings: MaubaLtau, Jan. 1 to date.......... $87,334,210 $37,392,470 The Broux, Jac. 1 to date.......... 7,726.615 5,733,970 Manbattan-Bronx, Jan. 1 to date____ $0o,0b0.S25 $43,126,740 Total Ami. Alterations: Manhattan-Bronx, Jau. 1 to date____ $6,581,187 $5,652,29(5 REVIEW OF THE WEEK. The real estate market during the past week has not been remarkalDJe, either for activity or for the occurrence of the usual number of large saies. Trading has been rauch restricted both as to the nature ol the property sold and its location. At least four out of every flve items published have had to do with residences situated on side streets near 5th av. and north of oClth st—the region which has been the seat of such a large amount of trading during the past year. None of these items are, however, worthy of special note. They merely illustrate the fact that the prevailing deraand for dwelling houses is con¬ fined largely to the centra! district and the East Side; and there are many indications that this demand is not yet by any mears diminishing. The one transaction of the week which assumes any special prominence is the purchase by the Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company of a parcel of land, 800x20'). at the foot of West 59th st, as the location of the main power-house of the new system. The meaning of this purchase is so obvious that it is scarcely necessary to comment on it from a purely real estate point of view. It need only he remarked that the location of the power-house in that vicinity will beneflt the neighborhood, hoth by creating a large dt-mand for labor, and by the tendency to improvement which an important public work always bestows upon its surroundings. It is stated that the building to he erected will not only be a useful, but an or¬ namental structure—as is provided for in the fui.owing clause la the Rapid Transit contract: "The railway and it,:i equiiimeni aa contemplated by the contract constitute a great puOliu work. All parts of the structure, where expust'd to public sight, shall, therefore, be designed,constructed and maintained with a vii w to the beauty of their appearance, as well as to their efiiclency." This is certainly a salutary provision, and what a difference It would have made to the good looks of New York had a similar condition been imposed upon the designers of the siructure and stations of the elevated roads. New York is certainly, on the whole, keeping house better than it did twenty, or even ten years ago. One other piece of newa deserves some comn-.ent. It is stated that the Philadelphia firm of Snellenberg & Co. are not going to continue the lease of the IMcCreery store, on Broadway and Ilth st, which they secured last year, which does not speat well for retail trade in that vicinity. For the following copies of the Record and Guide, delivered at our office in good condition, we will pay 10c. per copy: loSl, 1713 and 1721. We will also pay SOc. for Index to Volume 41. Record and Guide, 14 Vesey St. Gossip of the Week. SOUTH OF oUTH STREET. 49th st. No. 39 West, 4-sty dwelling. 23x90x100.5; Columbia College leasehold; seller, John F. Plummer; brokers, W. E. & P. B. Taylor. Mulberry st. No. 3, 5-sty 30-foot-£ront tenement with two stores, has been sold by Henry Wise. 58th and 59th sts, Ilth to 12th av; John B. McDonald, of the Rapid Transit Subway Construction Co., has purchased this block as a site for a power-house, from which power will be sup¬ plied to the entire rapid transit system. The bloik is 200x800 feet and is owned by the Eastman Company, who have been asking $1,000,000 for it. It was transferred in 1885 to Joseph Eastman by the Union Stock Tard and Market Co., for ^300,000. Swift & Co. are at present occupying the block. 37th st. No. 138 East. 4-sty brownstone dweliing. 20x50x100; seller, Edward E. Beddail; brokers, Voorhees & Floyd. 41st st, No. 321 East, 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x 100; seller, Edward J. McGuire; buyers. D. Dorsogna and L. Gan- tore. 54th st. No. 50 Bast, 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20xlOO.o; seller, Mrs. F. A. Norris; buyer, A. C. Tower, The seller bought the property In March and did not take title. Bowery. No. 28, southwest corner of Bayard st, 4-sty building, 42.7x75x49.10x75.3; sellers, Simon Herrman and Adler & Herr¬ man; buyer. Max Mandel; broker, Jacob Finkelstein. 10th st. No 181 West, 3-sty dwelling, 20.exS0.4; seller, Thomas E. Donohue; buyer, William V. Burke; broker, Charles E. Du¬ ross. Thompson st. Nos. 110 and 112, 6-sty tenement, 38x71; sellers, Rosenberg & Feinberg. 55th St. No. 74 East, 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot IG.Sx 100.5; sellers. Henry and George W. Seligman, trustees for the estate of David J. Seligman; brokers, Collins & Collins. Mr. Henry Seligman, who has been occupying the house, wil! soon move into his new 20-foot building in West 5Gth st. James Arm¬ strong is the buyer. 50th st, No. 150 West, 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x 100.4; seller, William Rau; buyer. Stephen B, Bragne. 57th St. No. 33 West, 5-sty dwelling, on lot 25x100.5; seller, Mrs, Clara Wolff Wertheim; brokers, Henry D. Winans & May. This house was reported sold in July by the same brokers, but title has never passed. NORTH OF 59TH STREET. 61st st. No. 33 East, 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot, 19x 100; seller, James Baird; buyer, Bolton Hall; price, ;f35,0UO. Mr. Hall recently sold No. 20 East 05th st. 114th st, south side, 133.0 east of Riverside Drive. 100x100.11, vacant; seller, Tisch estate; buyers, Janpole & Werner. This Is the only unrestricted plot on the block. ()2d st, No. 154 East. S-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x 100.5; seller, August Marschall; brokers, Monlgomeiy & S--iiz. 137th St. between 7th and Sth avs; Charies E Pi-ken has sild tn a Mr. Guild another of his recently-completed 3-sty and liase- ment dwellings; Picken & Lilly, brokers. 123d st, No. 403 West. 5-sty double flat, on lot 29 11x04; seller, Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.; brokers, Breltell & Jackraan. The sellers, as plaintiffs, recently bought the house at foreclosure for .f30,0n0. 64th st. No. 22 East, 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 25x 100,5; seller, William C, Tefft, of Tefft, Weiler & Co.; huyer. Ster¬ ling Realty Co.; brokers. Henry D. Winans & May. No 24. a 21- foot 4-sty dwelling, was recently purchased by Judge Henry W. Bookstaver Eor $(;7,o00. 80th st, No, 33 West, 4-sry and basement dwelling, on lot 23x100; seller, John C. Umberfieid; buyer, H. D. Reid; broker, Frederick Zittel; price, $63,000. 100th st. No. 314 West, 5-sty American basement dwe'Tng, on lot 22x100.11; seller, Peter Wagner; buyer, a Mr. Gifford.