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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 68, no. 1750: September 28, 1901

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September 28, 1901. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Manhattan] 381 Society of the U S. Mort $10,000. Sept 24, 1901. Sept 25, 1901. R S $4,75. 7:1941. 11,500 138ih st n E, 438 e 7th av, 187x99.11. 2-sty frame dwelling and vacant. John J Curry to Jane E Schuyler, All liens. Peb 25, 1901. Sept 23, 1001. R S $5. 7:2007. nom Same property. Jane E Schuyler to John J Curry. B & S. All liens. Sept 23 1901. R S $6,25. nom llOth st n s, 150 w Amsterdam av, 75x99.11, vacant Carrie M Butler to Thomas J Brady. Mort $14,000. Sept IS. Sept 20, lyUl. R S $0,75. 7f2072. other consid and 100 Av B, No 287, e s, 42 s 17th st 20x6S, 5-sty brk tenement and store, Joseph M Stone tc Johanna Born. Mort $7,000. Sept 24 Sept 25. ISJOl. R S $5. 3:084. nom Audubon av, e s, 20 s 17_lst st 75x95, vacant. AudubLn av, s e cor lOith st 80x95, vacant; valued at $47,000. CONTRACT to exchange for 105th st, Nos 10* aud 109, n s, abt 12a w Columbus av, 50x100, two 5-sty stone front flats; valued at $66,OU0. Thaddeus Moriarty with Ferdinand Forsch. Aug 2. Sept 20, 1901. 8:2133 and 2127. exch Audubon av, w s, 100 s 181st st, 19.0x100, vacant Ella M Sraith to Theo W Meyers. Mort $1,000. July 15. Sept 23, 1901. R S 75 cts. 8:2153- nom Columbus av. No SOI, n e cor 99th st, 25.11x75, 5-sty brk store and flat. Peter Doelger, Jr, to Frederick J Feuerbacb. Mort $35,- 000. July 31, Sept 24, 1901. R S $10. 7:1835. 57,500 Edgecombe road, centre line, w s, from 150th st to centre line 160th st, deed reads 139th st, n s, 284 e St Nichoias av, runs n ^ to cen¬ tre jine 160lh st x e — to centre line Edgecombe road x a — to n s loOth st X w — to beginning, vacant Maxwell Stevenson to Richard P Messiter. B & S. All title. Sept 16. Sept 23, 1901. R S none. 8:2109. nom Kingsbridge road, e s, at s w eor of land of John Burns, runs along s s of said land 100 x — 25 x — 100 to road x — 25 to beginning, except parcel 25x21x26x24, with eity awards. 1-6 part. Thomas Wiison to Peter J Kaster. Sept 21. Sept 23 ,1901. R S none. 13:3402, 200 Kingsbridge road, Nos 29 to 37, s e cor 164th st, 106.7x112.3x99.11 xl49.6, three 2-sty brk dwellings with 1-sty frame building on rear No 29. Carrie M wife and Jacob D Butler to Thomas J Brady. Mort $35,000. Sept. 18. Sept 20, 1901. R S $13.75. 8:2121. other conaid and 100 Lexington av. No 1712, s w cor 107th st, 17.7x75, 4-sty stone front store and flat. Solomon Weisbecker to Wm T Keogh Amusement Co. Mort $17,000. Sept 14. Sept 20, 1901. R S $14, fi:1634. nom Lexington av. No 98, s w cor 27th st. 10.9x51, 5-sty brk flat and store. Chas P Murphy to Edwin C Ray. Mort $18,000, Sept 26, 1901, R S none. 3:882. nom Madison av. No 1795, s e cor 118th st, 25.2x60, o-sty brk flat aud store. Francis J Schnugg to Joseph Toch. Mort $26,000. Sept 25, 1901. R S $2. 6:1623. other consid and 100 Manhattan av, Nos 508 to 512, n e cor 121st st 100.11x95, three- 5-sty brk flats, store in cor building, Walter W Law, Sr, to Paula M Arnold. Sept 25, 1901. R S $50. 7:1948. nom Same praperty. Paula M Arnold to Louise Schwegler. Morts $S5,- 000. Sept 25, 1901. R S_$15..50 other consid and 100 Madison av, No 235, e s. 2o n 37th st, 24x100, 4-sty stone frout dwelling. Marion C Grimshaw to Joseph R De Lamar. B & S. All title. July 17. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts. 3:867. nom Same property, Geo A Howe to same, B & S. Ail title. July 8. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts, nom Same prcperty. Cornelia Scott and Helen M Wilson to same, B Se S. All title. July 6. Sept 21, 1901, R S $2.50. nom Same property. Lewis B Howe to same. B & S. All title. July 8. B & S. All title. E & S. All B & S. nom Juiy nom title, July nom All title. July 8. nom B & S. Ail title. nom All title. July 11. noni B & S. All inter- nom Sept 21, 190L R S 75 cts. Same property. Edwin A Pord to same. 8. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 ets. Same prcperty. James B Howe to same. 5. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts. Same property. Wm L Howe to same. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts. Same property. Lucretia E Polhemus to same, July 8. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts. Same property. Bdw B Miller to same. B & S. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts- Same property. Nancy O Howe widow to same, est July 20. Sept 21, 1901. R S $7.50. Same property. Annie E Howe. Laura H Willis. George Howe to same. B & S. Ail title. July 8. Sept 21, 1901. R S $4,50. nom -Same property. Jonah T Howe to same. B & S. All interest July 10. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts. nom Same property, Cholett and James B Cady and Wm Pettengil to same. B & S. All interest July 17. Sept 21, 1901. R S $4.50. nom Same property. Jane A Burton and Chas H Howe, Helen M Wilcox and Amy A Newman to same. B & S. All interest Juiy 9, Sept 21, 1901. R S .$8.25. nom Same property. Ermine H .\rmstrong to same. B & S. Ail interest July 11. Sept 21, 1901. R S 75 cts. nom Madispn av, Ncs 167S and 16S0. w s, 60,11 n lllth st, 39.11x30, two 4-Ety brk dwellings. Walter G and James E SchuyleT firm of G L Schuyler & Co io Helen S Morse. B & S. Sept 17. Sept 21. 1901. R S 73 cts. 6:1617. nom Madison av, Nos 1682 and 1684, w s, 60.11 s 112th st. 39.11x50, two 4-sty brk dwellings. Waiter G and James E Schuyler firm of G L Schuyler & Co to Marion S Allen. B & S. Sept 17. Sept 21. 190L R S 75 cts. 6:1617. nom Madison av, Nos 1686 and 16S8. w s, 21 s 112th st, 39.11x50, tw.i 4-sty brk dwellings. Same to Minnie S Pearl. B & S. Sept 17. Sept 21, 1901, R S 75 cts. nom Madison av. No 1690, s w eor 112th st, 21x50, two 4-sty brk dwell¬ ings. Same to Jennie B Schuyler. B & S. Sept 17. Sept 21, 1901. R S $1.75. nom Park av. No 34. w s, 33 s 30th st. 18x105. 4-sty brk. dwelling. Edward Sturges to Frederick Sturges. Sept o. Sept 23, 1901, R S $21.25. 3:865, nom St Nicholas av. No 486, n e cor 134th st, 101.3x37.11x99.11x21,1. 5-sty brk flat, FORECLOS. Edmund J Tinsdale referee to Chas H Mead and Thomas Taft, Sept 16. Sept 26, 1901, R S none. 7:1959. 2,400 "West End av. No 734, e s. 42.9 s 96th st, 10,3x95, 3-sty brk dwell¬ ing. David Christie to Hannah Maher. Mort $12,000. Aug 23, Sept 23, 190L R S lfo.75. 4:1243. other consid and 100 West End av. No 307, w s, 62.2 n 74th st 20x100. 3-sty brk dwell¬ ing. Kittle E Allen to Alvoni R Allen. Mort $25,000. Sepi 10. Sept 20, 1901. R S none. 4:1184. nom West End av. No 401. n w cor 79th st 102.2x100. 9-sty brk flat . Wm B Pranke to Josephine Franke. 7-50 parts. Mort $275,000. Peb 28. Sept 24, 1901. R S none. 4:1244. other consid and 100 West End av. No 814, e s, 30.11 s lOUth st, 5UxiU2.7x5U. lxlU5.2, 7-sty hrk flat. James H Havens to Ferdinand Hecht, Mort $90,- 000, Sept 25. Sept 26, 1901. R S $30. 7:1871. nom 1st av. No 2279. w s, 25,2 n 117th st, 25.2x100, 5-sty brk tenement and store. Bessie Rulh to Margaret McCabe. Morts $22,000. Aug 12, Sept 25, 1001. R fe none. 6:1689. nom 1st av. Nos 2159 and 2161. w s, 50.10 s 112th st. 50x100, walls up to 1st tier of beams for two 6-sty brk tenements. Pincus Lowen¬ feld and William Prager to Jacob Cohen. Morts $19,000. Sept 13. Sept 20, 1901. R S none. 6:1683. nom 1st av, No 629, n w cor 36th st, 24,SxS0, 5-sty brk atore and tene¬ ment George Hinck to Peter Doelger. Morts $19,000. Aug 15. Sept 24, 1901. R S $1.25. 3:942. other consid and 100 2d av. Nos 2108 and 2110, e s, 68 s 109th st, 32.11x100, 5-sty stone front tenement witb stores. Lillie E Graeaer et al HEIRS, &e, Lcuisa Vogel to Theresa, Michael and Dsra F Rosenberg, Sept 17, Sept 20, 1901. R S $9.75. 6:1680. other consid and 100 3d av. No 1598, w s. 12.5 n SOth st, 25.6x100, o-sty brk tenement with stores. Edward D Jrnes to Eda A wife Henry P Carrington. B & S. Sept 20, 1901, R S none. 5:1518. _ nom Sth av. No 85 |n e cor 10th st, runs e_141.10 x n 92 x w 2o x s 16thst, Nosl and 3| 43 x w 116.10 to e s oth av x s 49 to beginning, 10-sty brk store and office building. Frederick Luciierath to Jacob D Butler. Morts $767,500. Sept 18. Sept 20, 1001, R S none. 3:S44. nom Same property. An option to purchase for $779,410. Suh to mort $500,000, Jacob D Butler to Franklyn M Wise. Sept 18. Sept 21, 1901. 3:844, nom 5th av, Ncs 2049 and 2051, e s, 49.11 s 127th st' 50x100, 7-sty hrk flat. Thomas P Sinnott to Amelia Ockier. All liens. Sept 18. Sept 20, 1901. R S none. 6:1751. nom 5th av, e s, abt 100.5 n 96th st, 25,2x100, vacant. Continental Trust Co TRUSTEE Nathaniel F Miller to Wm G Park. B & S. Mar 28, 1901, Sept 24. 1901. R S $18,73. 6:1602. 40,000 10th av, e s, 74,11 s 207th at 25x100, vacant. Jackson Bell to Bertha L Deane. Sept 17. Sept 20, 1901. R S none. 8:2203. nom lltb av In w cor Pairview av, deed reads w s, 145 n Wadsworth Fairview av| av, on curve, being also 10,209.11" n from a s 153th st, runs w 153 x again w on curve toward s 88,8 xsw 33.4 xnw 59.6 X e 301.1 to Ilth av X s 14.5, vacant. Release mort. Title Guar¬ antee and Trust Co to City Real Estate Co. Sept 16. Sept 20, 1901. 8:2170. 2,000 MISCELLANEOUS. I General release, Pbilip Horowitz Sept 26, 1901. to Jane Fagan, Nov 22, 1900. nom BOROUGH OP BBONX. Under this head the * denotes that the property is located in the new Annexed District (Act of 1895). Adams pi. e s, 100 s lS3d st 25x100, vacant. Filomena Tesoro to Emil Wabst. 'Mort $3,500. Sept 20. Sept 24, 1901. R S none. 11:3071. 5,300 Bronx st, No 2059, w s, abt 100 n 179th st 50x60. 2-sty frame dwell¬ ing. Ophelia Purdy to Earl G Pier. Sept 23. Sept 24, 1901. R S 75 cts. 11:3140. other consid and 100 *Eastcheater Landing road, upland and salt meadow, adj lands of Codling, Guion, Pell, Stanton and Le Roy, runs to Eastchester road and Eastchester creek, contains 3Vz acres, Eastchester, *Eastchester Landing road, upland and salt meadow, adj lands Le Roy aud Swain, contains 87-100 acres. '-Landing road, adj lauds Le Roy, Toumine, contains 1 11-100 acres. David Swits to Michael J Mack. Mort $1,500. Aug 23. Sept 26, 1901. R S $2.50. 4,500 Ford st, n s, 175 w Webster av, 50x100, vacant, Richard O'Gorman to Thomas F Costello. Morts $1,134. Sept 23, 1901. R S none. 11:3143. nom Home st, No 975, n s, old line. 138 w Union av, old line, 20xl23.4x 20.1x122.2, except part taken for opening Home st, 2-sty frame dwelling. William Rcbitzek to Frank X Kane. Mort $3,o00. Sept I Sept 24, 1901, R S SO cts. 10:2672. 6,500 Kelly st, e s, abt 400.3 n 165th st, 60x100, vacant. Joseph E But¬ terworth to Richard A Reinisch. Mort $1,300. Sept 11. Sept 20, 1901. R S none. 10:2716. See 179th st. nom Lyman pi. No 1370, e s. 143 s Freeman st. runs e 100 x n 20 x e 23,10 X s 52-4 X w 123,10 to pi x n 32,3 to beginning, 2-sty frame dwelling wilh 1-sty frame buildiug on rear. Joseph Pinchbeek to Henry Von Lehe, Mort $4,500. Sept 20. Sept 21, 1901. R S $1. 11:2970. exch and 100 '■''New White Plains road, plot bounded as follows: W by e a said road 60.2, e by lands parties 2d part 61,11, n by lands conveyed by Heilman to Schittler & Knabe 5.6, and s by lands conveyed by Heilman to Piatt'0 6, Westchester. Geo R Schroeder to Theo H Ailers and Wm T Heintz. Se'pt 23. Sept 26, 1901, R S none, nom ^■New White Plains road, the gore or strip bounded as follows: W by e s said road 6.11. e by lands parties 2d part 6.4, and n by land conveyed hy Heilman to Schroeder 0,6, Westchester. Jamea F Donnelly to Theo H Ailers and Wm T Heintz. Sept 23, Sept 26, 1901. R S none. nom *PeihRm road, s e cor Sands av, 101.3x100-9x,80.3x100, West¬ chester, Release raort. Philip Paul to The Warranty Realty Co. Sept 26. 1901. 1,000 Same property. The Warranty Realty Co to Anton Lampel. Sept 23. Sept 26. 1901. R S none. nom Union st. No 130, s w s, het Nelson and Ogden avs, deed reads 100 n w Bremer av, 25x100. Wm H and James E Corbett, Delia wife James McLaughlin children Miles Corhett, dec'd, to Bridget Cor¬ bett widow of Corbett and mother of said children. Sept 20. Sept 23, 1901. R S ncne. 9:2314. nom *lst St. n w s, 100 from Washington av, lots 20 and 21 map central part of the Village of Westchester, runs s w along 1st st 100 xnw parallel with Washington av 150 xne 100 xse 150 to beginning. Fredk A Gore and Josephine A Weinheimer HEIRS Prederick Gore dec'd to Mary E Gore heir Frederick Gore. B & S. All title. Sept 20. Sept 23. 1901. R S none. nom *lst st e s, abt 763 n Sth av. 165x150x165x145, Wakefleid. Mary D Kilborn to Cath E Stewart, Philadelphia, Pa. Sept 20. Sept 24, 1901. R S none, nom *12th St. s s. abt 305 w White Plains road, 50x114, Wakefleid. Mar¬ tin Ritz to Frank Gass. Mort $2,500. Sept IS. Sept 25 1901. R S none. nom 135th st, 5 s, 250 e Lincoln av, 25x100, vacant. Wm P H Herrman to Joseph Clemens and Otto Grell. AH liens. Sept 23, Sept 25, 1901. R S $1,25. 9:2310. 5,000