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GEO, R. RE.ID W. J. VAM CELT QEO. R. READ Real Estate Branch. 1 MadisoD Avenue, cor. 23d Street HEAD OFFICE. 60 CEDAB ST. |-|_ H. CAMMANN & CO. Real Estate 51 LIBERTY STREET, NEV^ YORK. Telephone. 2260 John. piRM OF LEONARD J.CARPENTER Agents, Brokers, Appraisers No. 41 LIBERTY STREET Brancli. 1181 30 Av. Entire cbareu of property. D- T. Swainson. A. H. Carpenter C. L. Carpenter. JACOB APPELL Real Estate Broker and Appraiser 271 WEST TWENTY-THIRD ST. Telephone Call. 043 Ifith St. £ A. CRUIKSHANK & CO. EST AE LI SHED ,1704 Managers of Estates 141 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. ALFRED SETON, JR. ■ Real Estate, Broker, Appraiser 111 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Telephone, 1230 Cortlandt. HORACE S. ELY & CO. Real Estate Agents No. 64 CEDAR STEEET. Branch Office. No. 27 West 30th Street HORACE S. ELY ALFRED E. MARLINO p DE R. WISSMANN, Real Estate, Agent, Broker, Appraiser, 65 LIBERTY ST.. COR- NASSAU ST. Telephone; 1634 Cortlandt, JOHN H. SHIPWAY & BRO. Architectural Marble Workers and Importers, Office, Mills and Wliarf Locust Av., l.^iiili St. and East River, .'^ew Yoric, Telephones, 9 and 10 Harlem. \A/M. CRUIKSHANK'S SONS * ^ Real Estate 51 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK. General Management of Real Estate, Wm. M. Ornikshapk Edward A. Cniikshank JOHN B. STREETON CO. Real Estate, 14 Church St., S. W. Cor. Cortlandt St., Agents for Renting and Care of Property. Telephone Call. 848 Cortlandt. JAMES KYLE & SONS Real Estate, Insurance 610 Third Ave., near 40th St., N. Y. Telephone. 296 38th Street. \A/ILLIAM H.JACKSON COMPANY 29 EAST 17th STREET, N. Y. Mantels and Open Fireplaces, Metal Gates. Grilles. Bank Railings, Etc. Ealaljllhlied Over 70 Years S. F. JAYNE & CO. Managers of Estates APPKAISERS AND BEOEEER 254 WEST 23d and 55 LIBERTY STS. S, F. Jayne A. II, Cudner WM. J. ROOME Real Estate AGENT. BKOKEE. APPaAISEB. No. 11 WEST 34th STREET, NEW YORK. Opposite the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. HALL J. HOW d CO., Brokers, Agents and Appraisers. ITl Broadway, Tel. l-IHG CorLlnndt. Branch. 240 W, llUth SL., Tel. 002 Harlem A. W, McIjaUEhlin, HoTrard Walton. A W. MCLAUGHLIN & CO. oZi'fsfn MORTGAGES. 128 Broadway, Cor. Cedar St.. New York. Wm. P Redmond Louis Mesier ADRIAN H. MULLER & SON Auctioneers EEAL E9TATE. STOCKS AND BONDS. No. 24 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. L. J. rniLurs i>. L. I'Hillij'S L PHlLLIi'S n.F.. .SIMON |_ J. PHILLIPS & CO. ADCTioNEEKS ^gs/ Estatc Brokers AND AFFRAISEliS 15H BROADWAY- Uptown Office, 261 Columbus Ave., cor. 72d St. JROMAINE BROWN & CO. Manager of Estates, Brokers, Appraisers, J3 WEST 33D ST., NEAR BROADWAY. J. Romaine Browo. A. P W. Kinnan. V\/M. R. WARE West Side Real Estate Beokkb and Appkaisbb, Entire charge of property a specialty. 451 COLUMBUS AV., near 81st St., N. Y. rjAVIS, REID & ALEXANDER CIRCULAB CEEAMIC MOSAIC FLOOES. OPEN PIEEPI^CES. MANTELS AND TLLES. 127 EAST 23D STREET, NEW YORK. JESSE C. BENNETT & Co". Real Estate and Mortgage Brokers No. 338 COLUMBUS AVE., COR, 76TH ST. Telephone Connectiona. HERBERT A. SHERMAN, Real Estate, Broker, Auctioneer. Agent and Appraiser, ASTOR BUILDING, Ground Floor. 9 Pine and 10 Wall Sts., New York. Telephone Connections. Branch Odlce, 't^2'
! E-t;itos. 35 W. SOth St.. New York, Wallack's Theatre Bldg. Wm. JI. Tlionia-i. Jliu, C. B, Ki;kerson, Cumiiiisbii'^er for Ihe Slatps. Notary Public. pORTER & CO. Real Estate 159 WEST 120TH STBEET. NEW YOBK Telephone. Gl Harlem. J EDGAR LEAYCRAFT & CO., Real Estate, 10 WEST 42D STREET. NEAR GTH AVEXUE. Renting and Collecting a Specially. CYRILLE CARREAU Manager of Estates Appbaisek and BnoKEii. Grand St. and Bower?. Under Oriental Bank. JOHN P. KIRWAN, Real Estate and Mortgage Loans, IGOu BROADWAY, S, W. Cor. 4JtIl St. TelGDlionp, 951—3Stli St, H.W.JIcViclvar. W.E.G. Gaillard. E.D..VIcGL(;al |\/|CVICKAR & COMPANY, Real Estate, Main Office. 2-1 Nassau St. 037 FiftU Ave. 4nO Columbus Ave. 242 East Houston St. P C. ECKHARDT ' ■ Real Estate 693 NINTH AV., Bet. 47th and 48th Sts. Benting and Colleetice a Specialty. Established 1858.________Telephone 1050 38tli St. S GOLDSTICKER, Real Estate, Broker. Appraiser and Auctioneer. Ill Broadway, Front Office. TelephonB, 1215 Cortlandt. p_ S. TREACY Manager of Estates 1929 BEOADWAY. NEAE 65th STEEET. Tolonhone, 441 Columbns. E_ S. WILLARD, Real Estate, 44 PINE STREET. 489 FifK;e..°n^^42d 3t Tel., S246 John. Tel.. 2749—SSth St. W.'iNTED, "■ 5% NET INVESTMENT PROPERTIES FOR CASH BUYERS. We have the Clients! Have you the Properties? LOVEJOY & NOYES, Tel,. 50 John. 62 CEDAR STREET. \A/ILCOX & SHELTON "'' Managers of Property 245 West 125th St. Telephnpp. R7 Hnrlem. I CLARENCE DAVIES & CO. O ■ Propeett Above the Haelesi A Specialty. 149th St, & 5d Ave. Branch Offlca. Ill BroadTmy, ALVAN W. PERRY, Tel,. 800 John ** Real Estate Agent and Broker, 20 NASSAU ST.. NEW YORK. Loans on Bond and Mortgage a Specialty. LJ U MOXLEY ' ' ■ Real Estate SaOHiro^DWAYlOpntral Bank Bnildine', c R OLWELL LEAD CO. Plumbers' Supplies 63 CENTRE ST., NEW YORK, OBERT C. FISHER & CO. Marble, Qranlte, Etc 97 to 103 EAST HOUSTON STREET.