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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 69, no. 1767]: January 25, 1902

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[^lary 'a^,' 1902. RECORD AND GUIDE. [Brookiynj DYCKERHOFF PORTLAND CEMENT On application, E. Thiele, 99 John Street, New York, will mall to you a letter explaining the defect most frequently occurring In Portland Cement, and stating good reasons why for Important work tho DyckerhofT brand should be selected, notwithstanding its higher prfo«. to nom Charlotte 9.550 2,0 ID iu.ao2 12.G03 T O'Donohue 9,350 3,500 l.OOU 2,000 Per- 4,000 2,500 5,399 Newcomhe, Sarah E to Metropolitan Life Ins Co. O'Donohue. John B and ano exrs Peter J O'Donohue O'Donohue. 'Same to same. ■Same to Mary T O'Donobue. Same to same. O'Donobue, John B and Charles exrs and trustees Mary , and Peler J O'Donobue to taylvester M O'Donohue. ;Peopies iruEt Co to Eunice A Trelvar admrx Kicnard T Smith. nom Same as exr Altred T Wilier to Annie J Gilbert and Kath tt Croweil. 3,o00 ^Petrie, James H to Josephine Fleming. 1,500 .Pearsall, Geo W to Anna K Hunburi trustee will Valentine Everit_ lor Denent Anna R Huriburt. 7o0 -Reeve. Benj H guard Abigail Suydam et al to H Howard Huntting ; guard Nellie T Wyckoff et al. Assigns 2 raorts, each $;^,50l>. 5,ijO0 ' Same to same. Sarae to same, ■ Keed, Ksteiie J, N Y, to Matilda McLean, , ; ■ Rauuel, H-enry, N Y, to Henry Kaudei as trustee will Isaac C rine. "Schwartz, Benjamin to Nassau Trust Co. _ - Scbarmann,- Herman F lo Herman B Scbarmann. ". bcnencK. Marcus M and ano aumrs aarah Bergen to Marcus M ■ ■ Schenck trustee for Wm K Bergen, Assigns 2 morts, eacn $i.OoO. 3,000 ; Starr, Wm W trustee of Abraham Lockwocd to Wm W Starr and ano ' trusiees of Abrahara Lockwood. Assigns 7 morts, each 113,000. 21.bO0 Same to same, consid, omitted ■ Schwab, Emilie to Caspar Huwer, 3,500 ''1 uihul^: Susan iM to Vvarren W Foster and ano truelees will Chas S ■ Loper. ■ ■ 1 yyO , Tayior, Josepb C to William and Babette Meyn, West Hoboken. N J.. nora Triiiien,-Christian to Daniel Weirich. 2,000 Title Guarantee and Trusl Co to Bertha G Brooks. 7,000 Same lo Maria A Thwing. 2,7o0 Same to Fanny Hull. 3,350 Same to John H Dirkes. 7,500 ■ Same to, Pr;.nell P Gilkey. 2,750 Same to Amos Nichola. 2,230 ■ Same to Mary Woods. - , . . . 2,750 -. Same to Chas E and Lottie E Pollard. 4,250 . Same to Annie E Johnson. 1.000 ' Same lo Waller E Duryea et al trusiees Edgar E Duryea. 13,50U ■ Same to Bertha G and Estelle Fridenberg. 3,250 Same to Anna R E Edsall, 1,300 Same to Thecdorus B Hascall, Newark, N J. 2,500 Same to Kathleen K Greenidge. 3,500 Same to Henry N Kuesel, 4,500 Same to same. 3,500 Same to Henry C Ficbe. 4,000 Same to James Wood as exr. 3,000 Same to Alice A Hallock extrx Geo G Hallock. 4,000 Same to Eliza A Babcock. 2,250 Same to Henry Wood. 2,250 Same to South Brooklyn Savings Institution. 3,500 Sarae to Bowery Savings Bank, Assigns 3 morts, each $6,000. 18.000 Same to Rector, ftc. Christ Church, uth Ward, 2,000 Same to Franklin Trust Co. 10,000 Same lo Emily Relley, 2,800 Same to Lucy M Noyea, 7,000 Same to Louise Toedteberg. 1.000 Same to Laura D Beach. 2,000 Same to Mary L Gernon. 2,000 Same to Julia Lichtenstein. 5,500 Same to Geo J Wardenburg guardian of Lillie M Wardenburg. 050 Same to Henry Wood, 12,600 Same to same, 14,500 Same to sarae. 4,500 Same to Minnie L Stevens. 1,200 Same to Abel Huntington. 10,000 Same to Caroline H Bowie. 2,000 Same to Lyman B Carhart et al trustees G Merle D'Aubigne. 9,000 Same to same, 5,000 Same lo Ellen Brackett, 3,000 Same to Emma F Vanderboof. _ 2,000 Same to same. * 4,000 Same to Chas S Baylis. 6,000 Sarae lo Jason R S Boardman. Assigns 2 morts. each $5,000. lO.OOO Same to Morris Strouse guard Elsie and Milton Muhlfelder. 3,500 Same to Louise Walter. 3,250 Same to Jobn Thornton, Jr, trustee John Thornton. 3,000 Same to Reese B G Willim and ano exrs Daniel H Dougliss. 2,000 Same lo Christopher Betjemann. 2,250 Same to Margt B Burr. 2,500 Same to Emma A Brockway, , 1,800 Same to Lawrence E Ellis. ' 3.500 Same to Mary P Burtis. 2,750 Same to Mary D Hooker. 2.750 Same lo Geo J Wardenburg guardian Lillie M R Wardenburg. 1,300 Same to Margaret Mazzini. 2,500 Same to Adolphus Gload. 1,500 Same to Julia Lichtenstein. 5,500 Same to Wm J Hart. 5.000 Same to Junius B Remensnyder. 1,800 TiUe Guarantee & Truat Co lo Emma J Stephenson. 1,750 Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Cath A Durkin. 6,000 Same to same. Assigns 2 morts, each $5,000, 10,000 A'anderveer, John L lo Peter W Kouwenhoven, 3,000 Same to Andrew Hageman, N Y. 2,000 Van Iderstine, Ethel S, N Y, to Alice VaU Iderstine. 2,000 Withey, Calvin W to Catharine Manning. 375 Weinberger, Alex S and Josepb firm Weinberger Bros to Ida E Scbulze, 100 Same to same. QQ Wolf, William, Sr, to Emilie Miller. 1500 Williams, William to David Williams, N Y, nom Wilson, John to Wm L Newton. 1,250 PROJECTED BUILDINGS. The first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect; tor builder. All roofing material ia tin, unless otherwise specified. 68—West 17lh st; w s, 300 s Surf av, brk aereo cycle building 38x 1SS.6; cost, $o,0U0; Geo G Tilyou, Surf av and Wesl luih st; ar't W T Kennedy, Surf av and West loih st. 69—Mofl:atl sl, s s, 125 e Haraburg av, frame shed, 16x30, tar paper roof; cosl, $10; F Netchert, 230 Moffatl at, 70--East 23d st. e s. 320 n Av P. 2-s,y and attic frame dwelling 32 xdo, 1 family, shingle rcof; cost. $4,500; D Sauer, lU2ti New Yorit av ar't, B Driesler, 1432 Flalbush av, 71--East 27th 6t, w s, 125 n Voorhies av. 3-sty frame dwelling and bathhouse, 24x33; cost, $4,000; Adolph Bush, on premises; ar't sarae as last. 72—Cottage pi. w s. GO n Highland View av. 2-sty frame dweliing 37 xlb; cosl, $90U; Jaue McMahon, un premises; ar't M P Walsh ' '.J4 Willoughby st. ' *■ -,l^^t^f"^^-\^ ^\-^ ^' ^^■^■^ ^ ^^ ^' 2-sty and attic frame dwelling ?^fb ^t .T^' '^'"^'f '■''°^' ''°^'-' '^'^'^^^- ^ J ^ Koster, S55 Eaf ^oih sl; ar I. same as last. y±J~^t^tr^- ° ^' ^^? "^ ^^^^'^^ ^^' ^o"^ 3-aty brick dwellings, 20 x4S, 2 tamilies. gravel roof; total cosl, $20,000- ow'r ar't and b'r Henry B Hill, 438 Bainbridge st. ' tolirllT^^HUmn ' '' ^'"^^^ ^'"^"^y ^^' ^°"^ ^'^"ar dwellings; total coat, $20,000; ow'r and ar't, same aa last. ■ili^^P^^^'n^K^'' -^ ^'^^^ "^ Bennett st, frame wagon shed, 80x14; cost, ^■Jou, C b Debevoise. lol Greene av, in^**^S ''^'t%^'--" \^^-^ = ^'°^'«'- ", 2-sty and attic frame dwell- n^V::? ., nl?'^^^ shingle roof; cost, $0,5U0; -Margaret Morin, 141 Lott et; ar t, B Driesler. 1432 Flatbush av. , ,^1-Jf ejfon/V ^ ■^'- ^-**-^ ^ •^^''''^ ^^' 3-sty and attic brick dwell- r,^'^ ■^^' "^ families, steam heat; cost. $8,000; H J Gans Bushwick av; ar't, B Finkensieper, 134 Broadway. Oii^^^TT^,^™'"^'"^^ ^''' '^ ^' ^^'^ ™ ^^^^ 3d st, frarae chicken house, 20x10, tar paper roof; cost, $50; C Hollingsworth. on premises. I 517 fcc. ^ S3—Clinton pl, n s, 280 w Crescent st. two 2-sty frame dwellings do, 1 family, gravel roof; tolal cosl, $2,400; Ernst Sutterlin 13 1 sell pl; ar't, C Infanger, 2590 Atlantic av. 19x Rus- .,'pirSoi'H 2d st, s s, 130 w Wythe av, 2-sty slorage and work room. SOxiO, gravel roof; coat, $6,000; A Gottlieb. 353 East 3d Neuberger & Straub, 122 Bowery, N Y. 85—Willoughby sl, n w cor Pearl st, brick theatre, 45,8x100 gravel roof, steam heal; cosl, $00,000; Henrietta Levey Gl Debevoise ar t, J B McElfatrick, 1402 Broadway, N Y. SG-East 26lh sl, e s, 180 s Av Z, 1-sty frame dwelling. 30x28 1 family, shingle root; cost, $4,000; P F Nestel, 258 Broadway n'y- ar't, B Driesler, 1432 Flatbush av, j. . 87—Eaet 26th st, e s, 140 a ,Av $4,000; ow'r and ar't same as last. 8S—East 26tb st, e s, 240 s Av $4,000; ow'r and ar't same as last, sh?n'T^''"''f^ ^''/i-o'-''™;'^ ^ Buckingham road, frame stable, 05.6x35, shmgle roof; cost. $3,o00; W A Engeman, 215 Montague sf ar't P H tjuimby, 99 Nassau st, NY'. 90—Lorimer st, s w cor Driggs av, two l-sly frame sheds 7x70 pa¬ per roof; total cost. $100; American Rattan & Reed Mfg Co 18 Guernsey st; ar't. P Tillion, 121 Meserole st; ar'ts, vel st; :2S, iway, Z, similar dwelling, 22x40; cosl, Z, similar dwelling, 22x40; cost. e dwell- on prem- • ^V- ?>- ^«^ York av, a s, 2o4 w Kingston av, 1-sty fram ng, lix2o, 1 family, gravel roof; cost, $500; Nicholo Divcto o ises^; a_r;t, A McLean, 833 East 35th st, 340 w Cth av, three 2-sty brk dwellings, 20x50, 2 . $12,000; C Harailton, 420 52d al; ar't, H Pohl- ; *?>^r,^^^f. ^-^ ^^' ''^^^ ^""^"^^ bedrooms, 17x115, t,_$A0yO; Eliza R Vermilyea, cn premises; ar't J A 2lth at and Surf av. 92—55th sl, E s, families; total cost man. 19S o3d st. 93—Sea pl, s s, shingle roof; cost McDonald, West ALTERATIONS. „f^-Marcy av, s w cor Rodney st. 3-aty brk extension, 20x20; cost, $4,82o; Helena Baumann, 217 South Oth sl; ar't, B F Gavlor 74 Broadway. ' ^J"Jlu., ,-c 47—Sandford st, e s, 100 s Flushing av, 2-aty frame extension 9^vR- cost. $200; W White, 11 Sandford It. extension, .0x6, ,/^^£"?."^ ^'■•^c^ *''"" Fulton st, repair damage by fire; coat, SSOO- Mary McNeeley. 284 Dean st; ar't. Gibbons Construction Co 318 Col¬ umbia St. c^^n^^T'i^'"' ^o' ^ 1'-/^ "" ^"'V" ^'' ^^P^^"" "^araage by fire; cost. •t-d.tJOtl; J Ross, Bay Ridge av and Shore road; h'r J J Flynn 326 Gales av, ' 50—Metropolitan av, s e cor Gardner av, move building new pile foundation; cost, $300; M Seitz, 256 Maujer st; ar't, G Her'agbty 115 Roebling st. 51—Bay 13th at, w s, 235 a S6lb st. repairs; cost, $15- W Qufglev on premises. ■» *. j. 52—Lorimer st, a e cor Boerum st, interior alterations- cost $1 600' Charles Koehler, liS Irving av; ar'ts, L Berger & Co, 300 s't Nicho¬ las av. S3—Boerum st, a s^25 e Lorimer st, interior alterations and stone foundation; cost, $l,om); ow r and ar't, aame as last.