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March 8, IQ02. RECORD AND GUIDE. 421 Gundlach & Koch have sold to Arthur R. Parsons No. 6 East 115th St. a 5-sty flat, 25x90x100. The National Butchers' and Drovers' Bank have sold No. 22 West 90th st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20x100, Joseph Beith is the buyer. The City Real Property Investing Co. has sold to Charles A. Moran Nos, 101 and 103 East 62d st, northeast corner of Park av, 4-sty and basement dwellings, on plot 40x60.1; W, E. & F. B. Taylor were the brokers. James Walsh has sold through Charles Grifflth Moses & Brother. No. 1721 Amsterdam av. northeast corner of 146th st, a 5-sty flat with stores, 25x95x100. Louis P. Mahler has sold to the Societe Co-operative Cor- leonese Francesco Bentivegna, Nos. 320 and 322 Bast 113th st, two 5-sty flats, on plot 62.6x100.11. Pescia & Coined ■were the brokers. The seller bought the houses last year when the con¬ sideration was given as $60,000; they are now reported sold at something less than $56,000. J. Clarence Davies & Co. have sold for Enoch H. Bell No. 225 East 126th st. a 5-sty single fiat, 17x85x99.11. The three S-sty dwellings, Nos. 73 to 77 West 132d st. have been sold by Henry L. Ryer, Carrie Manwaring and Judith A. Crook; they make a plot 56.3x99.11, and are said to have been acquired as a site for a sub-power station of the underground railroad by the Rapid Transit Subway Construction Co, Porter & Co, have sold for Gustav H. Schwab No. 228 West 121st st, a 5-sty single flat, on lot 17x100.11, No. 226 sold in July, 1901, for $12,150. The Stuyvesant Insurance Co, have sold through Porter & Co., No. 53 West 130th st, a 4-sty brownstone dwelling, on lot 20x99.11. Sherman W. Ford has sold to F. H. Nichols, through Porter & Co., No. 273 West lS2d sf, a S-sty brownstone dwelling, on lot 15x99,11, Erasmus D. Garnsey has sold through Porter & Co., No. 50 East 133d st, a 5-sty three-family flat, on lot 25x99,11. The Francis McMulkin estate has sold the 6-sty apartment house, on lot 60x51,10. at No, 215 West 100th st. Estelle L, Strauss has traded with Carl F. Hansen, for twenty lots at Lakewood, N. J., the 4-sty dwelling. No. 798 West End av. John Livingston has sold No. 134 East 71st st, a 4-sty brown¬ stone dwelling, 23x53x100.5. The West Side Construction Co. (Jacob Axelrod) has sold No. 115 West flOth st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 31.3x100.11. Arnold Uhlfelder has sold No, 102 West 94th st, a 5-sty flat, 35x90x102.2. Mary F. Betts has bought a number of small dwellings, on East 73d st, from Thomas B. Briggs. She bought Nos. 115 and 117, and from J. Duggon, No. 119. They occupy a plot 51.9x 102.2; $20,000 each was paid for the houses, and a similar offer was made for No. 113. but it has been sold for $21,000 to an¬ other buyer. In addition to the above, Daniel B. Freedman has sold Nos. 123 to 131. a plot 85x102.2, which he bought last year for an average of about $16,000 each to the same buyer. The houses just sold were in the market up to two weeks ago at .$17,900 each, and are now being offered for sale at $1,500 a foot front, Mrs. Betts has been quite active in the realty market re¬ cently, having bought and resold Nos. 40 and 42 West 45th st, and cnly this week' she took title to the southeast corner of Park av and 71st st, a plot 96.5x63, for which she paid $129,500. Aaron M. Meyers sold to Irving I. Kempner No. 135 East Tlst st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 17x100,5. G. Nicholas sold for Ellen W. Watson, No. 239 West 76th st, a 4-sty dwelling. 18x50x100, and for I. Olcott Rhines, No. 237 West 76th st, a similar dwelling, on lot 19x100. James C. Crawford has sold No. 125 West 118fh st to Max Mendelson; he has also sold to Isaac Meyer No. 117 "West llSth st; they are 3-Ety and basement dwellings. Frank Moyan has sold to William R, Rose No. 301 West 76th st, northwest corner of West End av, a 4-sty dwelling, fronting 28.4 feet on the avenue and 63 feet on the street. Arthur S. Cox & Co. and Warren & Sldllen have sold to a Mr. O'Connell No. 35 West 65th st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 31.3x100.5. H, Macklin has sold No. 51 West 91st st, a 4-sty dwelling, 18x 55x100.8. Bolton Hall was the buyer. John R. Davidson has sold for Mrs. J. W. Smith No. 56 West 104th st, a 5-sty double flat, on lot 33.4x100.11. Rachel Loeb has sold No. 153 East 73d st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 17x102,2, lo D. B. Freedman. The New Tork Investment and Improvement Co. have soid to John G. Dabour the plot, 36,10x125, on the east side of Broad¬ way, 35 feet north of 109th st. Slawson & Hobbs were the brokers. THE BRONX. J. Clarence Davies & Co, have sold for Catherine Muller Nos. 2923 to 2927 3d av, a plot 60x130, with 2-sty brick buildings, lo¬ cated 60 feet north of 151st st. Nos. 2939 to 2943 3d av, north¬ west corner of 152d st, a plot 78,7x92.7x73,9x61,11, with frame buildings, sold at auction on Wednesday for $51,075. J. Clarence Davies & Co. have sold for William H. Bell, Jr., the lot. 25x100, at the southeast corner of 170th st and Prospect av. John T. Perkins has sold to Adam Boecher Nos. 804 and 806 East ISSth st, two 5-sty flats, each on lot 29x100. M. F, Kerby has sold for R. C. Buliard two brick 2-family houses, on the south side of 184th st, near Webster av; for John V. McEvily, the 3-family dwelling, No. 2068 Crotona av; and for C. C. Strubel four lots on the south side of 207th st. 405 feet east of Perry av. Sharrott & Thom have sold for Nathan Wise No. 758 Wendover av, a 4-sty flat, 25.3x105x194; they have also sold No. 1453 Longfellow av, southwest corner of Jennings st, a 2^-sty frame dwelling, 25x48, on lot 50x100. Barry & McLaughlin have sold for Simon Salz to Anna T. Bragg the plot, 75x100, on the east side of Bryant st, 175 feet south of Jennings st. LEASES. The Lichtenstein Millinery Co. has leased from the New Torte Realty Corporation the plot, 50x100, on the west side of 5th av, 50 feet south of 45th st. The lease is for ten years at a rental of $25,000 a year net, and includes a 4-sty building which the company is to erect. The cost of the projected building is esti¬ mated at $100,000. The site was bought not long ago for $325,- 000. The lessees were reported to have leased No. 414 Sth av several weeks ago. S, Osgood Pell & Co, were the brokers. Slawson & Hobbs have leased for William Gunn and Andrew Grant to Edward J, Solomons the 9-sty flreproof hotel at Nos. 206 to 210 West 56th st, to be known as Hotel Quentin, for a term of ten years, at an average rental of $22,500 per annum, or an aggregate for the lease of $225,000, The building is not yet finished, but is under contract to be fully finished in every re¬ spect hy April 15th, when the building is to be delivered ready for occupancy. The lessee has already rented several suites. Mr. Solomon's success heretofore as a hotel man insures him similar results in his 56th st enterprise. The property No. 139 Broadway has been leased by the Wash¬ ington Life Insurance Co. to the Liberty National Bank, through John N. Golding and E. Cruikshank & Co., the former represent¬ ing the bank. Under the terms of the lease, which covers a term of forty years, the insurance company wiil erect on the lot a 2-sty building for occupancy solely by the bank, and to be specially constru:::ted with this end in view. The lot has a frontage of 23,3 feet and a depth of 110 feet. It is now covered by an old 5-sty building, which is flanked on either side by the tall structure of the North American Trust Company, at the northwest corner of Broadway and Cedar st, and that of the Washington Life Insurance Company, at the southwest corner of Brcadway and Liberty st. The latter corporation bought No. 13S Broadway for $.303,000 in March, 1000, to insure light and air along the southerly side of its own big building. The Liberty Natioiial Bank at present occupies part of the ground fioor in the Central puilding, at Liberty and West sts. OUT OF TOWN. E. H. Irving has sold to George W. Lockwood a plot, 75x100, on Glover av, near McLean av. Tonkers, The buyer will erect three cottages. 1 Real Estate Notes. James V. Geraghty states that he has not sold No. 103 East 7Sth St. Francis C. Cohn states that No. 131 East Olst st has not been sold. Albert Stake, reai estate and loan broker, has removed to No, ISO Broadway, Mr. Stake has money to loan at from 4% to 6% on east side, Brooklyn, and Staten Island properties. At this week's auction sale of securities by Adrian H, Muller & Son, 125 shares of Geo, A. Fuller preferred sold at 92^4 @92%, and 50 shares of Alliance Realty at 90Vi-100. The property sold by J. Clarence Davies & Co. last week was Nos. 109 and 171 West 78th st, and not No. 173, as stated in our last issue. "^''illiain E, Finn states that he has not sold the Colonnade Hotel and "Old London Street" property on Broadway, but that he Vi'ill improve the property himself. Fred. S. Godfrey, of Scranton, Pa., took title on Thursday to the southeast corner of 7th av and 49th st, upon which he wil! erect a 12-sty hotel. The property at Nos. 36 to 42 Broadway, sold last week by E. A, Cruiksliank &, Co.. will be transferred directly by the sellers and not by J. M. Hoen. The firm of Polstein & Cohen, real estate brokers, of 1187 Lex¬ ington av, has been dissolved. Mr, Polstein has formed a part¬ nership with his brother and opened ofHces in the Bible House, Astor place and 4th av. The Whitlock Realty Co. was incorporated at Albany, with a capital of $500,000. Sturgis Whitlock, of Shelton, Conn,; E. D. Alvord, of South Norwalk, Conn.; and Abraham Quaekenbush, of this city, are tbe directors. Col. Oliver H. Payne is the buyer of the Cook plot on 5th av, 102 ft. north of 78th st, a plot 70x115, with an L to 78th st, 15x 102, He will erect thereon a residence for his nephew, Payne Whitney. The long-established real estate agency and brokerage office of James R, Waterlow continues at the old stand. No. 81 West .50th st, corner Gth av. The firm's specialty is the collection of