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RECORD AND GUIDE. March 29, 1902. 9STH ST.—Gustave E, Beyer has sold for George Wagner to F, T. Huber Nos. 129 and 131 West 9Sth st, two 5-sty double flats, each 25x85x100. 66TH ST.—James J. Etchlngham has sold for Samuel Green to James L, Brokaw No. 162 West 66th st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 21x 100.5. Tbe same broker recently sold him No. 160. adjoining. 95th ST.—Helen J. Erickson has sold to a Mr. Painter, through tbe Frank L. Fisher Co., No 122 West 95th St, a 3-sty dwelling, 20x55x100,8. 103D ST.—John R. Davidson has sold for L. L. Barney to a Mr, Harper, No. 131 West 103d st, a 5-sty single flat, STH AV,—Henry Marks has sold No. 2051 Sth av, a 5-sty fiat with store, 25x80x100, and has bought No. 2653, adjoining, a similar building, 25x80x100. GOTH ST.—Stuyvesant Walnwright has sold, through Mont¬ gomery & Seitz, No. 126 East 60th st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x100.5. SHERMAN AV.-M, Lindheim & Co. have soid for the Hud¬ son Realty Co. the block front on the east side of Sherman av, between 163d and 164th sts, 442x105. T6TH ST.—The City Real Property Investing Co. has sold No. 16 East TGth st, a 4-sty dwelling. T9TH ST.—G. Willett Van Nest has sold No. IOT East, TOth st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x102,2. It recently sold for $21,500. WEST END AV.—Collins & Collins have sold No. 490 West End av, a i^i-sty American basement dwelling, on lot 15.4x100. eOTH ST.—Sender Jarmulowsky has sold No, 102 East GOth st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x100,5. 65TH ST.—Post & Reese have sold for Mrs. Edward Renshaw. No. Ill East 65th st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x 100,5. This is the third time this house bas been reported sold this year. The title is in the name of Wilhelmina Lohr. 63D ST.—Mayer S. Auerbach has sold No. IOT West 63d st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 19x100.5. IOSth ST.—Alexander F, Martin has sold No. 1T6 East 108th st, a 5-sty flat, on iot ITxlOO. 71ST ST.—The Sterling Realty Co. has purchased No, 112 East Tlst st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 25x100.5. Douglas Robinson last week took title to Nos, 106 to 110, a plot 62x96.5. for which the stated consideration was $95,000. SOTH ST.—Leon Kamaiky has sold to I. I. Kempner No. 126 East SOth st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 18.4x102, T4TH ST.—Miss Lizzette Schoonmaker has sold to William L. Sutphin, through Montgomery & Seitz, No. 135 East T4th st, a 3-sty and basement dwelbng, on lot 17xT2. 94TH ST.—B. C. Millet has sold to C. J. Rose No. 5T West 94th st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, 20x55x100. 88th ST.—Doval & Thiery have sold for C. Henry Mattlage No. 325 West SSth st, a 4-sty dweliing, 20x60x100.8, between Riv¬ erside Drive and West End av. 96th ST.-R. Pehlemann & Son and Jesse C. Bennett & Co. bave sold No. 19 West 96th st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20x100.11. Alexander McDowell, the seller, acquired it in a trade with Judge J. H. Bischoff, Jr., for the northwest corner of Tth av and 112th St. 79th ST.—John J. Kavanagh has sold for Klein & Jackson to Jeremiah C. Lyons No. 44 East 79th st, a 6-sty apartment house, on lot 21x80, at the southeast corner of TOth st and Madison av. Mr. Lyons owns tbe opposite corner of Madison av, which he will improve witb high-class dwellings. He bought this property so as to be able to control the tenant of the store. 91ST ST.-David H. Hyman has sold No. 71 East 91st st, a 4-sty and basement dweliing, on lot 18x100.8. He bought the bouse from Simon Haas three weeks ago and has not yet taken title. No. 69, a similar house, 19x100,8, sold for $24,500 in 1901. 92D ST.—William Walker has sold to Agnes A. GrifBths No. 66 East 92d st. a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 16x100.8. LEXINGTON AV.—S. L, Phillips, of Washington,'D, C, bas sold to Elizabeth S. Dorothy, No. llll Lexington av, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 17x70. TOTH ST.—Edward PI. Bennett has sold to a Mrs. Aida Tag- havia Tanini No. 18 West TOth st, a 4-sty brownstone dwelling, on lot 20x102,2, 64TH ST,—S; Woolf has sold No. 120 East 64th st. 3-sty dwell¬ ing, on lot 20x100, Beekman leasehold. SOTH ST.—Albert Peiser has bought Nos. 240 and 242 East SOth st, two 4-sty tenements, on plot 40x100. SOth ST.-Tbe estate of Mary Augusta Benedict has sold No, 43 East SOth st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 23x83, adjoining the northeast corner of Madison av, Edward Haight is the buyer and John N. Golding the broker. Jl4TH ST.—Elias Kempner has sold to Siegfried Biumenthal, wno bas resold to Frederick Ruter, No. 24 East 114th st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 25x100.11. Sth av.—Leo Berg and Maria Burns have sold to Arthur Fishmann and Max Wolper, for $33,000, No. 2057 Sth av. a 5-sty flat with store, on lot 25x100. between lllth and 112th sts, 121ST ST.—WilHam E, Addicks has sold, through Arnold &. Byrne, No. G6 East 121st st, a 5-sty double flat, 132D ST.—Arnold & Byrne have sold for George Robinson No. 552 West 132d st, a 5-sty three-family tenement. LENOX AV.—John P. Feist has sold for B. Regel to Charles Hess, No. 385 Lenox av, near 129th st, a 5-sty double fiat, on lot 25xT5. LEXINGTON AV.-M, & L. Hess and John H, Loscarn bave sold for a Mrs. Zeimer to August Collet No. 868 Lexington av, southwest corner of 65th st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20.5x80. The buyer has resold the property to the Mela Realty Co. LEXINGTON AV.—Mrs. James Millward has sold No. &48 Lexington av. a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20xT8, about 40 feet north of G9th st. AMSTERDAM AV.—Louis Becker Co. and S, B. Goodale & Son have sold for Ferdinand Stabel No, 2104 Amsterdam av, e. 5-sty three family fiat, on lot 30x100. 96TH ST.—Francis K. Pendleton has sold, through Post & Reese, a iot 25xl00,Sy2 on the south side of 96th st, ISO feet eaat of 5th av. S6TH ST.—Minnie Mason has sold to Minnie A Hoellerer, at $21,000. No. 218 East S6th st. a 4-sty fiat, on lot 22x100. WEST END AV., No, 615. See ITth st. No 11 East. HAMILTON TERRACE.—Gustavus L, Lawrence has sold to Mrs, Mary Hubbs No. 22 Hamilton Terrace, a 3-sty and base¬ ment dwelling, on lot 16x100. S2D ST.—Margaret Gage bas sold to I. I. Kempner No, 44 East S2d st, a 5-sty Am, basement dwelling, on lot 17x102.2. 79TH ST.—Laura L. T, Richardson has sold to Sigmund Meyer No. 138 East TOth st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot lSxl02,2. 65th ST.—Geo. R. Read bas sold for Martin & Bro. to Fred¬ erick M. Heath Nos. 30 and 32 West 65th st, two 5-sty fiats, on plot 41,8x100.5. BROADWAT.-Stabler, Smith & Dreyer have sold for Joseph Hamershlag to J, & J. A. Pinchbeck the southwest corner of Broadway and 103d st. a plot 100,8x125, on which the buyers will erect a 9-sty apartment hotel. There is a subway station at this corner. T2D ST.—M. J. Wohlgemuth has sold No. 151 East 72d st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 18.9x102.2. 73d ST.—Two members of the Pinchott family have each pur¬ chased a lot 25x100 on the north side of 73d st. between Park and Lexington avs, on which they will erect 5-sty American basement dwellings. Charles Dana Gibson has also purchased a 25-foot lot in this block. STH AV.—The Equitable Life Assurance Society has sold, through A. L. Mordecai & Son. the plot 100x99.11. at the south¬ east corner of Sth av and 140th st, Henry L. Felt, the buyer, has resold the plot to Howell A. Webster, who will erect a 6-sty apartment house thereon. 64TH ST.—Stephen H. P. Pell has bought from the Real Estate Security Co., No. 16 East 64th st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20x 100.5. He gives in exchange the plot, 30x100.5, on the south side of 52d st, 225 feet east of Madison av. Mr. Pell is one of the di¬ rectors of the Real Estate Security Co. 66TH ST.—Mrs. Elizabeth H, Stanton has sold Nos. Tl and 73 East 66th st, two 4-sty dwellings, on plot 36x80, adjoining the northwest corner of Park av. 1ST AV.-E, A. Cruikshank & Co, have sold for tbe Rhine¬ lander estate a plot, 100x94, on the east side of lat av, 50.8^ south of 90th st, 152D ST.—A. C. & H. M. Hall have sold No. 149 West 152d st, a 5-sty flat, 27x86x100. TOTH ST.—Jacob Uhlman has sold No. 19 West 76th st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, 25x65x102.2. L. J. Pbillips & Co. were the brokers. LENOX AV.—Henry B. Auchincloss has sold No. 268 Lenox av, a 3-sty dwelling, near 124th st. BROADWAT.—The Dorilton apartment house, a 12-sty build¬ ing, at the northeast corner of Broadway and Tlst st, has been sold by Hamilton M, Weed to a syndicate of Buffalo and Provi¬ dence capitalists, the latter being represented by D, L. D. Gran¬ ger. Mayor of Providence. F. R. Wood &■ Co. were the'brokers. The property has been held at $1,250,000, and it is said that very near that figure was paid. Tbe plot sold at the Eno auction in February, 1S99. for $175,500; at fronts 105.5 feet on Broad¬ way, 110.5 feet on 71st st, bas an easterly line of 102.2, and is 150 feet on tbe northerly line. Mr. Weed bought the lots for $275,000, with a building loan of $350,000, and erected the pres¬ ent building, which was estimated to cost $750,000. The build¬ ing, which is fully rented, has a gross income of $110,000, and a net income of $4S,000; the apartments are of from flve to ten rooms, and rent from $1,250 to $3,500. The Granger family, of Providence, own considerable Buffalo property, and some of it may figure in this transaction. SOth ST.-Heilner &. Wolf have resold to James G. Zachry No. lis East SOth st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 18.4x100.5, which they purchased last week. 93d ST.—Tbe Citizens' Savings Bank has sold to George B. McEntyre No. 159 West 93d st. a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 15.6x86. The sellers bought the property at auction for $10,000. IIITH ST.—Janpole Se Werner have sold Nos. 112 and 114 and lis and 120 East lllth st, two 6-sty tenements, each 33.4x100, The buildings are unflnished, and the property was recently foreclosed, tbe sellers buying them at something over $19,000 each. Jacob Cohen is the buyer, TSD ST.-M, & L. Hess have sold for D. B. Freedman No, 136 East 73d st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 15x102,2, Dr. Edward Bor- reschein is the buyer.