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March 29, 1902, RECORD AND GUIDE. [Manhattan] 577 and 76.5, aaphaltic alaie roof; cost, $25,000; Clara M Gilbert, 2 E 15th st; ar't, Wm H Birkmire. 39G Broadway. 147—47th st, Nos 129 and 131 W, 9-sLy brk and stone hotel, 40x90.5, plastic slate roof; cost, $200,000; Erza R Champion, 132 W 47th st; ar't, Hy Andersen, 11S3 Broadway. 130—45th st, Nos ISU to 144 W I 6-sty and basement brk and stone 44th st. No 130 W | theatre and offlces, 20 ft on 44tb st and S3,4 on 45th at xlOO.S, asphalt and gravel roof; coal, $175,000; George G Heye, 2 B 45th st: ar'ts, J B McElfatrick & Son, 1402 B'way. ISl^Stb st, a s, 210 w 6lh av, 9-sty brk and slone hotel, 40x87,8, plastic slate roof; cost, $140,000; Rosa Brown, 31 W 99tb st; ar't, Geo P Pelham, 503 Sth av. 152—Broadway, No 1420, 3-sty brk and atone dwelling and restau¬ rant, 25.7x84 and 77.2, asphalt and slag roof; cost, $2G,000; Herbert C Pell, Tuxedo, N Y; ar'ts. Hill & Stout, 1123 Broadway; m'ns, Peter Schaeffer & Son, Bible House, 154—SOth st, Nos 628 to 634 W, l-sty frame sheds, 6x12; coat, $800; W W Aslor, 21 W 26th et. 158—49lh st, Nos 536 and 538 W, 2-sty brk stable, 55x50, plastic slate roof; cost, $4,000; Cusick & Ryan, 033 W 47tb st; ar't, G Harry Madigan, 158 W 23d st, BETWEEN SOTH AND 125TH STREETS. BAST OP oTH AVENUa 148—75th st, n s. 08 e Av A. 1 and 2-sty brk bakery and slable, 7Sx 102, tar and gravel roof; cost. $20,000; Berent C Gerken, 501 E 73th st; ar't, Chaa Stegmayer, 306 E S2d st, 149—SOth sl, s s, 98,6 e 3d av, 1-aty brk dwelling and store, 11x70; cost, $1,500; William Rhinelander. 27 William st; ar't, Henry A Koelble, 67 W 12Stb st, 159—OOth st, s s. 108 w Madison av, 12-5ty brk and stone hotel, 62x88.5, tar and gravel roof; cost, $175,000; Alpha Realty Co, 29 Broadway; ar't, Raleigh C Gildersleeve, 150 Slh av, IGO—Park av. w s, 50.6 s llSth st, two 6-sty brk and stone tene¬ ments and stores. 50.5x76,6. plastic slate roof; total cost. $90,000; Bdw Muller, 58 E OSth st; ar't, John Hauser, 1961 7th av, 162—S9th st, Nos 7 and 0 East, two o-sty and hasement brk and stone dwellings, 2S and 23,1x00,8 and 100.8. plastic slate roof; total cost, $15o,000; Cbas. Glenn, 1S54 7lh av; ar't, Oacar Blueraner, 160 Sth av. BETWEEN SOTH AND 125TH STREETS. WEST OP 8TH AVENUE, 135—112lb sl, n s, 234 w Amsterdam av, G-sty brk and stone flat, 66x87.11; cost, $95,000; Michael Tully, 200 W 107th at; ar'ta, S B Ogden & Co, 954 Lexington av. 163-West End av. w s|l-sly frame building, 150x11; c-:st, $100; GOth Bt I Equitable Life Insurance Co, 120 Broad- G7th sl I way. NORTH OP 125TH STREET, 137—Sth av, a e cor 153tb sl, 1 and 3-sty hrk hotel and cafe, 315 x25 and 89.11, plastic slate roof; cost, $40,060; Louis Waldron. 216 W llOtb st; ar'ts, John P Kelly & Co, 1125 Broadway. BOROUGH OF BRONX. 121—Grace av. e s. 150 n Lyon av, 2-Bty frame dwelling, 21x50; cost, $4,000; Henry W Thiel, 979 E 163d st; ar't, W C Dickerson, 3d av and 149th st. 122—Bonner pl, n s, 175 e Morris av, 2-sly brk club houae, 27x75; cosl. $6,000; West Morrisania Club, College av and 163d st; ar't, Hugh A Kapp, 514 B 162d st. 123—Clausson Point road, s w s, and Long Island Sound, Clausson Point, 1-sty frame bath house. 16 and 26x100; cost, $600; leasee, Thos W Higgs, on premises; ar't. B Ebeling, St Lawrence av, Van Nest. 124—Valentine av, w s, 180 s Garfleld st, 2-sty frame shop, 20x30; cost, $900; Louis P Mohr, 28GO Briggs av; ar't, James Harrison. 2857 Briggs av, 125—Andrews av, e s, 400 s Hampden st, 2V^-sty frame dweiling. 41 x37, sbingle roof; cost, $6,000; ow'r and ar't, Collina P Bliss, on premises; _h'r, W L Polin, Webster a v. and lS2d st, 126—Kiolh st, s s. 75 e Gerard av. 3-sty brk dwelling. 21x48; cost, $7,000; Anna Molwitz, 2707 Sth av; ar't. Edwin R Will, 1362 Ful¬ ton av. 121—Pelham av, s s, 61 w Hoffman st, 1-sty frame photo gallery, 1-1 x25; cost, $100; ow'r and ar't, John Miles. Bedford Park. 128-River av, w s, 100 n lG7th st, 2-sty brk dwelling, 25x20.11; cost, $0,060; Annie Malcolm, 2180 7th av; ar't, Harry T Howell, 3d av and ISSth st. 129-Buckhout st, s s, 100 w Anthony av, two 2-sty frame dwellings, 21x100; total cost, $5,000; Rosalie Dohm. 1854 Anthony av; ar'l, J J Vreeland, lOliS Websier av; b'r, Wm B Schorer, 1854 Anthony av. 130—Morris av, w s, 46 s ISllb st, ■2-sty frame dweliing, 21.6x55; cost, $4,300; Mrs Jane Murphy, 1281 Washinglon av; ar't, J J Vree¬ land. 1065 Webster av. 131—149th st, s s. 245 e Morris av, 3-aty hrk dwelling and wagon room, 25x44,8; cost, $5,000; Nicolas Biondi, 520 E 149tb st; ar't, Louis Falk. 2785 3d av. 132—Prospect av. s e cor Longwood av, rear, 1-aty frame shed, 20x 10, tar paper roof; cost, $25; Macy eatate, on premises; ar't, Theo M Macy. SOO Prospect av. 133—Crctona av. w a, 132 n 181st st. four 2i^-sty frame dwellings, IS.G. 34 and 37.10x34 and 37.10, shingle roof; total cost, $11,000; Hugh C Munday, care architect, Predk Jaeger, 177o Weekes av. ALTERATIONS. BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. 324—10th sl. No 204 E, new steel beams; cost, $800; Morris God¬ dard, 78 Irving pl; ar't, Chas E Reid, 105 E 14tb sl; b'r, Jos Rothberg, 1S5 Chrystie st. 325—Chambers st, s w cor West Broadway, new stairs, partitions, entrance, &c; cost, ,$G,000; Fre-dk Gerken, 90 West Broadway; ar'ts, Horgan & Slattery, 1 Madison av. 326—Ann st, No 37, repair damage by flre; cost, $900; estate Fredk Heimroih, 726 St Nicholas av; ar'ts, J E Kirby and H C De Baud, 1432 Broadway; b'rs, Malhesius Bros, 717 Gth av. 327—34tb st, Nos 152 and 154 W, 6-aty extension, —x27.9, and raise huilding; cost, $25,060; Henry Brown, Eaglesmere, Pa; ar't, Alfred H Taylor, 53 W 33d st, 32S—116lh_st, No 173 E, new steel beams, staircase, windows, floora, £c; cost, $3.oO0; Mrs John A Hagameyer, on premises; ar'ts. B & J P Walther. 147 E 125lb st. 320—45th st. No 77 W. new store front; coat. $500; Catharine Van Buren, on premises; ar't, P P Brogan, ll9 E 23d st. 330—135th St. No 202 W, new steel beams; coat, $500; Miss Minnie Harris, 500 West End av; ar't. Edw Ovens, 114 W 135th st. 331—Porsyth st, Nos 79 and 81, new brk wal! and stairs; cost, $2,- 000; Friedman & Brody. 79 Greene st; ar't. M Bernstein, 111 B'way. 332—Slst st. No G E, new piers; cost, $160; Marshall Field, Chicago, 111; m'n, Christopher Campbell, 1133 Broadway. 333—Exchange pl, n w cor William st, new -nundow. stairs and par¬ titions; cost, $1,200; Atlantic Mutual Ins Co, 51 Wall at; ar't, Ralph E Dusinberre, Port Washington, N Y. 334-Olst st. No 108 W, 2-sly extension, —xl7; cost, $500; Jobn M estate. 55 ., — ,, ___,___,, _____., , .,____„ McMurray, 005 W 24th St. 336—83th at. No 159 E. 3-sty extension, 23.6x16,10; cosl, $13,000; City_N Y; ar't, Alex Stevena, 157 E 67th st. 33i—64th st. No 133 E, 1-sty and basemeni extension, —xl7 (rear); cost, $0,000; Anson B Moran. 54 Wiiliam st; ar't, Benjamin W Morris Jr,^ 24 E 23d st. 338—Oth av, No 728, erect sign; coat, $75; P Caasidy, on premises. 3.iO—70lh at, No 120 W, new windows; cost, $1,000; Chas C Edey 70 W 49th sl; ar't and b'r, Arthur A Hodges. 3 W 29th st, .340—Broadway, No 025. new elevator shaft; cost, $3,000; Richard M C Livingston, truatee. care Parsona, Shepherd & Ogden, 111 Broad¬ way; ar't, J Acker Hays, 1123 Broadway. 341—Beach st, No Go, new flcors and stairs; coat, $1,500; John H Judge, 29 Broadway; ar't. Wm S Boyd, 361 Hudaon st. 342—Ann st. Nos 1 and 3, build pent bouae on roof; cost, $1,000; Joseph Pulitzer, 171 Brcadway; ar't, Geo Palliser, 32 Park pi. 34;:;—Sth av, n w cor llSlb st, 1-sty extension, —x3.6 (front); coat, $2,o00; John P Nagle, 163 W 126tb st; ar't, Frank A Rooke, 489 oth av. 344—Little W^est a2th st, n s. 96 w Washington st, new partitions; cost, .'S200; William Ellis, 51 Little West 12th st; ar't, Chas B Reid, lOo B 14th St. 345—East Broadway, No 256. 3-sty extension, 23x10,2 (rear); coat, $2,500; Dr Harry Lessem, on premises; ar'ts, Sass & Smallheiser 23 Park row. 346—Eaat Broadway, 'No 288, new bath rooma; cost, $700; Abraham E Isaacs, 240 East Broadway; ar't. M Bernstein, 111 .Broadway. 347—Grand st. No 250. raise extension; cost, $150; C H Clark, 42 E GOth st; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub, 122 Bowery. 348-Slh av, No OOS, 1-sty extension, 24.4x36, rear; cost, $2,000; Isaac Harlem, 336 W 45th st; ar'ts, aame aa last; b'r, 'M Glassberg, 117 Bowery. 349—107lh st, Nos 170 and 172 E, new store front; cost, $4,000; Lazar Shulman, 136 Canal st; ar'ts, Sasa & Smallheiser, 23 Park row. 3.30—lOtb av, s w cor 39th st. 1-aly extension, 10.3x6.8, rear; cost. $2,000; Jas McClenahan, Port Chester, N Y; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson 111 Sth av. 331—Hudson st. n w cor llth st, new girders; cosl. $360; Gwynne 6 Richardson, on premiaes; ar't, John H Goetschins, 539 Hudson st. 352—SSth Et, No 229 E. alter roof and raise building; cost. $9,000; St Thomas Parish. 1 W 33d st; ar't, Robt W Gibson. 76 William st. 353—78th st. No 3 B, raise building 1 sty; cost, $4,000; Mrs Jessie M Converse, 3 E 7Sth st; ar't, C P H Gilbert, 1123 Broadway; b'r C T Wills, 136 Sth av. 35-1—Irving pl. No 7, new windows and partilious; cost, $230; Mrs H Hanf, 32 Union sq; ar'ts, Horenburger & Straub. 122 B-.wery. 355—Essex sl. No 89, new store front; cost, $1,000; H Hoffspiegel. 103 Essex st; ar't, 0 Reissmann, 32 1st st. 356-7th st, 'No 142 B, new vault*; cost. $5,000; Mrs Maria Stark, on premises; ar't, Hy Regeimann, 133 7th st. 337—Broadway, No 18 ! new partitions, toilets, new stairs and gen- Beaver st.No 5 I eral interior alterations; cost, ,$10,000; es¬ tate Isabella P Hunnewell. Boston. Mass, and care Jas Stikeman, IS Broadway: ar't. Hy M Congdon, IS Broadway; b'rs. Jeans & Taylor. 453 West Broadway. BOROUGH OF BRONX. 79^—Boston road, e s, 210,9 n Union av, 1-sty exlension, 8.6x11; cost, $1.00; August Ganzenmuller, 68 E 93d st; ar't, Chaa W Miller, 971 E 169tb st, .■^O-149th st. No o24 E, 2-sty and basement extension, 25x11; cost, $450; Michael Del Guidice, on premiaea; ar't, Chas M Montgomery, 704 E 136lh sl. 81—Brcok av, a w cor 142d st, 1-sly extension. 38x13: coat. $250; PIccirilli Bros, 717 E 142d st; ar't and b'r, R Warren Lawrence, 600 E 140th St. 82—Railroad pl, a w cor Mechanic st, Wakefield, 1-sty and basement extension, 50x30; cost, $3,000; Lorillard Refrigerator Co, on prem¬ ises, and 1168 Broadway; ar't, Wm Tbos Mapes, Wakefield. 83—Prospect av, Nos 2131 to 2157, move shed; cost, $50; Schweizer & Traber, on premiaea; ar't. Franz Wolfgang, 787 E 177th st, 84—Cromwell av. No 1414, raise building 4 fl; cosl, $1,000; Maurice Hannon, 125 W 63d at; ar't, Arthur Arctander, 520 Willis av. 85—Broadway, n e cor 2Slst st. move birilding: cost, $1,000; Joha Halpin. on premises; ar'ts. Ahneman & Younkheere, Kingsbridge, 86—Webster av. w s, 108 n Southern Boulevard, 1-sty extension, 13x20; coal, $250; Robt N Quinn, 113 W 130th at; ar't. Geo H Bud- long, 734 Summit st. 87—Travers at, s a, 100 e Jerome av, 1-sty extension, 8x8; coat, $300; Juliua F Toussaint, Bainbridge av and Southern Boulevard; ar't, Louis Falk, 2783 3d av. 88-Bostnn road. No 2027, raise building 4 ft; cost, $500; Hy C Hendrickson, on premises; ar't, B Ebeling, St Lawrence av. Van Nest. 89—Daly av. e s, 11 s 179th sl. move building: cosl, $150; Gretchen Kremser, 2022 Daly av; ar't, Chris F Lohse, 627 Eagle av, 90—Boston road, n e cor 179th st, move huilding and 3-sty extension, 38.3x2; cost, $2,000; ow'r and ar't. same as last, 91—177lh st, n s, 250 e Sedgnick av, 1-sly exlension, 12x3, rear; cost, .$40; Fredk E Camp, 55 Liberty st; ar't, Wm Crawford Webster av and lS2d st. 92—151st St. No 532 E, move building; cost, $500; Mary A Fitz¬ gerald, 532 E 151st sl; ar't, J Wm Limer, 2557 3d av. ' 93-151st st, s s. 325 w Courtlandt av, move buildiag and new foun¬ dation; cost, $2,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last, 94^Broadway, No 2954, move building; cost, $600; Mary J O'Leary, on premises; ar't, Bronx Architectural Co, 3307 3d av. 95—Broadway, e s, 324 n 23lst st, raise building; cost, $1,000; Mary Hummel, on preraises; ar'ts, Ahneman & Younkheere, Kings- bridge, 06—1st st, s 3, 300 6 White Plains av, 3-sty extension, 6x4.6 .rear; cost, $1,200; Antonio Russo, 177th st and Webster av; ar't, Wm M Rouzee, 728 Tremonl av.