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1144 RECORD AND GLIDE. June 21, 1902 is also to be erected in the rear of the building, which will be one story high, with tin roofing. Michel Santangelo &Co., No. 61 Oliver st, is the owner. Cost, about $3,000. 113TH ST.—Sass & Smallheiser, No. 23 Park Row, are com¬ pleting plans for an extensive alteration to the synagogue building Nos. 63 and 65 East 113th st. A brick and stone ex¬ tension, 12x12.3, is to be erected also. New plumbing, plaster¬ ing, painting, leaded glass work, carpentering, etc., will be re¬ quired. The Mount Zion Congregation are the owners. The cost is to be about $10,000. 58TH ST.—Joseph Wolf, No. 1123 Broadway, has completed plans for alterations and new toilets to be installed in the Circle Hotel, corner of 58th st and Sth av. The specifications require tile, mosaic, marble, iron and glass work, mirrors, electric light¬ ing, etc. John Reisenweber is the owner. The cost is to be about $4,000. ESTIMATES RECEIVABLE. 5TH AV.—Oscar Lowinson, No. 39 Cortlandt st, is open for estimates on terra cotta, front brick, galvanized iron, tile roof¬ ing, elevator, carpenter work, trim and steam heating for the new club-house of the Columbia Club, to be erected at the southwest corner of 5th av and 127th st, on plot 50x110. The building will he four stories, basement and cellar, and the work of tearing down the old buildings will begin next week. 103D ST.—Plans are completed by Harry Allan Jacobs, No. 1135 Broadway, for a 9-sty fireproof apartment hotel to be erected on the site fronting 100.11 feet on Broadway and 120 feet on 103d st, southwest corner. Brick and stone, electric elevators, separate telephones, electric light, steam heat, mosaic, tile, marble and stucco work, mahogany cabinet work, steel frame construction, tile roofing, etc., are specified. The cost is to be $750,000. J. Arthur Pinchbeck, No. 674 Columbus av, i's the owner. Bids are now receivable for the iron work. NEWARK, N. J.—Heyne & Von Leister, No. 810 Broad st, Newark, and No. 489 5th av, New York city, have completed the plans and are ready to receive estimates on a 4-sty brick store and apartment house, 44x23, to be erected for George Busch on the southeast corner of High st and Springfleld av. All contracts will be made through the Newark offlee. Estimated cost, $15,000. ',,; By the President of tbe Borough of Brooklyn, at the Municipal Building, Brooklyn, until July 2, at 11 a. m., for regulating and repaving with asphalt block pavement on a concrete foundation the roadway of 22d st, from 3d to 6th av; of Rush st, from Kent av to Division av; of Maujer st, from Florence st to Morgan av; of Herkimer st, from Nostrand av to Albany av; of Lefferts pl, from St. James pl to Pranklin av; of Sd av, from Atlantic av to Flatbush av; of Wolcott st, from Conover st to Richards st; of Howard av, from Broadway to Madison st, and Madison st, from Howard av to 150 feet west; of Monroe st, from Classon av to Franklin av, and from Bedford av to Nostrand av; of 4th av, from 40th st to 60th st; of Nelson st, from Smith st to Co¬ lumbia st; of Seigel st, from Broadway to Bushwick av; of Marcy av, from Macon st to Pulton st; of Hart st, from Broad¬ way to Central av, and Central av, from Hart st to Suydam st; of Willoughby av, from Grand av to Bedford av; of New York av. from Park pl to Eastern Parkway; of Nostrand av, from Plushing av to Willoughby av; of Pacific st, from Albany av to Schenectady av; also for furnishing all the labor and materials required for constructing sewers in Dahlgren pl, between 92d' st and Fort Hill pl; Battery pl, between 92d st and Cropsey av, and outlet sewers in Fort Hill pi, between Dahlgren pl and Bat¬ tery pl; Battery pl, between Cropsey av and 106th st; 106th st, between Battery pi and 7th av, and 7th av, between 106th st and 92d st, in the Borough of Brooklyn. By the Departraent of Bridges, Room 1203, Nos, 13 to 21 Park Row, until June 19, at 12 m., for furnishing all the labor and materials required for the removal of piers or abutments of the old bridge formerly connecting Pelham Bay Park with City Island. By the President of the Borough of Manhattan. City Hall, New Tork, until June 30, at 2 p. m., for regulating and paving with asphalt block pavement on a concrete foundation the road- ■way of 94th st, from West End av to Riverside Drive; of 139th st, from Lenox av to 7th av; of Broadway (formerly KingsbridgS road), from a point 688 feet, more or less, north of 187th st to the northerly line of Dyckman st, and of Audubon av, from the intersection of Kingsbridge road and 165th st to 173d st. By the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Nos. 13 to 21 Park Row. until July 10, at 2 p. m., for furnishing, delivering and setting a 48-in. stop-cock on a 48-in, water main in Amsterdam av, between 61st st and 62d st. Borough of Man¬ battan, and for furnishing, constructing and erecting a pumping plant, with all appliances complete, at the Millburn Engine House, Baldwins, L, I. By the Department of Education, Borough of Manhattan, until June 30. at 12 m., for alterations, repairs, etc., to the hall of the' Board of Education, Park av and 59th st. Borough of Manhattan, and for alterations, repairs, etc.. Public Schools 5, 12, 39, 43, 46, 48, 52, 58, 68, 79, 120, 124, 137, 147, 151, 157, 158, 166, 169, 172, De Witt Clinton High School. Borough of Manhattan; until July 1, at 12 m., for furnishing and delivering and placing in position new furniture at Public School 140, on northerly side of 60th st^ west of 4th av; until July 3, at 12 m., for the general construction of new Public School 142, on southerly corner of Henry and Rapelyea sts. Borough of Brooklyn, and until June 27, at 12 m., for erection of three new staircases and outside alterations to front and rear of No. 21 Red Hook lane (M. T. H. S. A.), No. 131 Livingston st; for improving the sanitary conditions in and al¬ terations to Public Schools 16, 33. 37, 42, 85, Commercial High and Teachers' Training Schools; for new furniture Public School 129, on southerly side of Quincy st, between Stuyvesant av and Lewis av, and new furniture for Public School 132, on easterly side of Manhattan av, between Metropolitan av and Conselyea st, Brooklyn. By the Fire Departraent, Nos. 157 and 159 East 67th st, until June 26, at 10 a. m.. for furnishing all the labor and materials for making and completing the general repairs and alterations to the quarters of Engine Company No. 9. located at No. 55 East Broadway, Manhattan. By the Department of Parks, Arsenal Building, Central Park, until June 26. at 3 p. m., for furnishing and erecting wrought- iron picket fence around Coney Island Park^ Brooklyn. CONTRACTS AWARDED. John Weber & Son, No. 12 East 23d st, have been awarded tbe general contract for the $150,000 addition whicb the German Savings Bank will make to its building, at the southeast eorner of 4th av and 14th st. Schickel & Ditmars, No. Ill Sth av, are the architects. PELHAM MANOR, N. T.—The general contract for erecting a 2%-sty frame residence, with shingle rooflng, to contain hot-air heating and electric lighting, dimensions 34x34 feet, has heen awarded to M. J, Wood, of Pelham, Cost to be $6,000. Arthur G. C. Fletcher, No. 1135 Broadway, is the architect. The Witherbee Real Estate & Improvement Co., Pelham, are the owners. BLOOMFIELD, N. J.—John W. Ferguson, No. 253 Broadway, has been awarded the general contract for erecting the 4-sty and basement factory building, of brick and stone, 60x152 feet, to contain power elevators, steam heat, electric lighting, sprink¬ ler system, etc., and be roofed with tin. The Combination Rub¬ ber & Belting Co.. Bloomfleld, N. J., are the owners. Joseph Wolf, No. 1123 Broadway, is the architect. The contract for erecting Public School No. 31, at the south¬ west corner of Monroe & Gouverneur sts, has been awarded td Alfred Nugent & Son, at $222,500. The following were the other bids submitted: Thomas Cockerill & Son. $244,000; Charles H. Peckworth, $222,875; P. J. Brennan, $230,1X10. 29TH ST.—Robert Christie, No. 122 West 29th st, has been awarded the general contract for the erection of a 4-sty brick and stone laundry huilding, 20x98.9 feet, to be erected at No, 114 West 29th St. The building is to have three-ply patent roofing, electric freight elevator, steam heat, electric light, etc. George Keister, No. 1135 Broadway, is the architect, Mrs. Robert Stafford, Hotel Imperial, is the owner, and the cost is to be ahout $21,000. MISCELLANEOUS. MANHATTAN AV.-A theatre building, of brick, stone and terra cotta. Is to he erected on an "L" shaped lot which cuts off the corner of Manhattan av and Calyer st. J. B. McElfatrick & Son, No. 1402 Broadway, are preparing the preliminary sketches, Percy G. Williams, manager of the Orpheum Theatre, is the owner. The cost will be about $125,000. 39TH ST.—B. F. Keith, who has just purchased the plot lOOx 98.9 at Nos. 107 to 113 West 39th st, will erect thereon a theatre, which, it is said, will be one of the handsomest in the eity, POINTERS, RICHMOND, VA.—A modern 7-sty brick, sandstone and terra cotta apartment building is to be erected on the plot corner of Franklin and Shafer sts, from plans by Cramp & Co., Philadel¬ phia. Electric elevators, tile roofing, fireproofing, etc., are speci¬ fied. The Chesterfield Apartment House Co., Richmond, Va., are the owners. RICHMOND, VA.—A modern 7-sty hotel building, of brick, Btone and terra cotta, is to be erected here from plans by Har¬ rison & Albright, Charleston, W. Va. It is to contain 250 rooms and 100 bath rooms. Mrs. A. D. Atkinson, Richmond, Va., Ia the owner. LONG ISLAND CITY.—Edward Smith & Co., No. 45 Broad¬ way, New Tork, have purchased a plot adjoining their present varnish works, on the eorner of West and Sth sts. Long Island City, and will probably erect an addition in the near future. Alexander Maitland is the president of the corapany. No archi¬ tect has been selected as yet. AUSABLE FORKS. N. Y.—The general contract for erecting two large brick, stone and concrete paper mills has been awarded to N. J. Calanam & Bros., Keysville, N. Y. The speciflcations include skylights, ventilators, composition roofing, etc. J, J. Rogers Co., Ausable Forks, N. T., are the owners. The cost will he ahout $200,000. Plans are by Joseph H, Wallace, No. 5 Beekman st. JOHNSTOWN, PA.—George Wild is preparing plans for five modern double frame dwellings to be erected on Wood st, for the Andrew Foster estate. The total cost will be about $25,000.