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53° RECORD AND GUIDE. October ii, 1902, Building News. MERCANTILE. 26th ST.—Chas. B. Meyers, No. 1 Union square W., is the ar¬ chitect for the 7-sty stable to be erected at Nos. 319-321 W. 26th st, by Louis J, Marx. No. 302 Broadway, who recently pur¬ chased the site. The building is to be of brick, on a plot 50x98.9. It is to have 300 stalls and two fioors for wagon-room. The building will have elevator service and steam heat. It is to be similar to that built at Baxter and Hester sts for Fred. Ochse. The property has been leased for 10 years, at $10,000 a year. DIVISION ST.—Charles Klein, 343 East Sth st, contemplates the erection of a 6-sty shop at the northeast corner of Division and Attorney sts. to have elevator, electric lighting and steam heat. APARTMENTS, FLATS AND TENEMENTS. 131ST ST.—Clementine M. Silvermann is about to erect a 6-sty apartment house on the south side of 131st st, about 300 feet west of 5th av. Neville & Bagge, No 217 West 125th st. are the architects. CENTRAL PARK WEST.—Neville & Bagge, No 217 West 125th st, will draw the plans for the 9-sty fireproof apartment house which Daily & Carlson will erect at the southwest corner of Central Park West and 66th st, on a plot 100x125. The build¬ ing will cost about $500,000. Joserh Hamershlag makes the building loan. IIOTH ST.—A. Schlesinger will erect two 6-sty four-family tenements with stores, on plot 82x100.11, at Nos. 82 to 86 East 110th St. to cost $80,000; Bernstein & Bernstein, 111 Broad¬ way, drew the plans for the former owner for the Improvement of this site. The house will have hot water supply and steam heat. 3D AV.—Christian Blinn will erect four 5-sty brick fiats with stores at the northeast corner of 3d av and 174th st, on a plot 100x100, from plans by F. W. Herter, No. 503 Manhattan av. 3D AV.—R. Moeller, No. 959 East 165th st, has drawn plans for two 4-sty brick fiats with stores, which Christian Blinn will erect on the west side of 3d av, 100 feet north of 175th st. 3D ST.—Selig Falk and Joseph Fine will erect a 6-3ty tene¬ ment at Nos. 66 and 68 East 3d st, on plot 37.6x101. Mandelbaum & Lewine make them a building loan of $15,000. DWELLINGS. JACKSON AV.—Catherine A. Lavelle will erect flve 2-famlly dwellings on a plot, 100x87.5. on the east side of Jackson av, 100 feet north of 166th st. 51ST ST.—William K. Vanderbilt, Jr., will erect a 4 or 5-Bty dwelling, on plot 82.6x100.5, on the north side of Slst st, 115 feet west of Madison a v. ESTIMATES RBCEIVABLD. PARK AV.—The plans for the new 71st Regiment Armory, Park av and 34th st, now being made by Clinton & Bussell, will be completed in about a week. They have to be passed upon by the Armory Board. By Treasury Department, Washington, D. C. until November 5, at 2 p. m., for the mezzanine fioor extension. Mail st end, Registry Division, U, S. Court House and Post-Office building. New York, N. T.; and until November 10, at 2 p. m., for the erection and completion of the U. S. Government buildings, Lou¬ isiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, Mo., in accordance with the drawings and specifications, which may be had of James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect. BIDS RECEIVED. Bids were opened on Tuesday by President Cantor, of Manhat¬ tan Borough, for three public baths. Murphy Bros, were the lowest bidders on ali three, their bids being $91,528 for Nos. 133 to 1351^ Allen St. $91,528 for Nos. 347 and 349 West 41st st. and $108,630 for the building at Nos. 243 to 247 East 109th st; other bidders were, for Nos. 133 to 135i^ Allen st, Louis Wechsler, $112,000; Alfred Beinhauer, $104,822; P. J. Carlin & Co., $104,000; Thomas Cochran & Son, $97,000; Walter Ead & Co., $99,500; Kelly & Kelly, $102,770; Thomas B. Leahy, $109,321. For Nos. 347 and 349 West 41st st. P. Gallegher, $103,543; Walter Ead & Co., $104,750; Alfred Beinhauer, $106,816; P. J. Carlin & Co., $108,000; Thomas Cochran & Son. $103,500; Kelly & Kelly, $116,- 930; Lewis "Wechsler, $116,000; Thomas B. Leahy, $111,289; and for Nos. 243 to 247 Bast 109th st, Alfred Nugent &, Son. $125,000; Alfred Beinhauer, $124,383; Lewis Wechsler, $128,000; Thomas B. Leahy, $127,895; Thomas Cochran & Son, $118,900; Walter Ead & Co.. $118,000; P. J. Carlin & Co., $119,000; Kelly & Kelly, $132,708. The total appropriation for these baths was only $350,000, the estimates for the erection of each being only $80,000. The contracts for the Allen st and 41st st baths has been awarded to Murphy Bros, Estimates were also submitted for alterations to the City Hall, that of N. W. Ryan being the lowest, at $29,863. The other bid¬ ders were: J. R. Sheehan & Co., $33,400; Robert R. Fox. $38,600; and Patrick Sullivan, $45,760; for alterations to the heating and plumbing, Walker & Chambers were the lowest at $15,900, the other bidders being E. Rutzler, $16,500; United Heating Co., $16,- 973; and Blake & Williams, $23,488. Only $25,000 was appro¬ priated for the City Hall alterations. Mr. Cantor announced For plans filed see pages 543 and 559. that he would try to secure a supplementary appropriation of $7,000, to cover this contract. CONTRACTS AWARDED. William Baumgarten & Co., No. 323 5th av. are the general contractors for the residence which Charles M. Schwab will erect in the block bounded by Riverside Drive, West End av, 73d and 74lh sts. Maurice Hebert, No. 323 5th av, is the architect. STH AV.—D. C. Weeks & Son, No. 289 4th av. have been awarded the general contract for the two 5-sty brick dwellings to be erected on a plot, 75x90, at Nos. 645 and 647 5th av, for G. W. Vanderbilt. The buildings will have tile and copper roofs and the total cost will be $1,000,000. Hunt & Hunt, 28 B. 21at st, are the architects. BROADWAY.—Ernest Flagg, No. 35 Wall st, has awarded the following contracts on the 12-sty building to be erected at No. 569-571 Broadway, for the Singer Manufacturing Co.: Masonry work, Dawson & Archer, 150 5th av; ironwork, Brown-Ketcham Iron Works. 1133 Broadway; terra cotta. Standard Terra Cotta Works, 287 4th av; excavating, M. Kane & Son, 31 Perry bL Further bids for contracts will not be received before 4 or 6 weeks. CENTRAL PARK WEST.-^John F. O'Rourke, No.l3 Park row, has been awarded the contract for foundations for the building of the New York Historical Society, Central Park West, be¬ tween 76th and 77th sts. York & Sawyer, 156 5th av, are the architects. No other contracts have been let. Bids were opened on Tuesday for building a pier on North Brother Island, for the use of the Charities and Corrections De¬ partment. It is to be 228 feet long by 30 feet wide. The contract was awarded to Henry Spearln at $7,400. The contract for Improving lots adjoining Public School No. 70, Manhattan, has been awarded by the Board of Education to John Fury at $9,400; the United Heating Co. secured the con¬ tract for heating and ventilating apparatus and electric lighting plant in M. T. H. S. annex, Brooklyn, at $3,561; and James Far¬ ley that for sanitary work in Public School No. 139, Brooklyn, at $7,840. BEEKMAN ST.—Thos. B. Leahy is the general contractor for the fire station at No. 49 Beekman st, which Is to cost $38,000, and for which excavation is now being made. Horgan & Slattery are the architects. OTH AV.—The Tiffany Glass and Decorating Co. haa been given the contract for the decoration, cabinet work, leather seats, etc., for the Mouquin Restaurant and Wine Co., 454 to 458 Gth av. The contract amounts to $9,000. Mr. Wm. E. Bloodgood is the architect. WALL ST.—John C. Clark has been awarded the general con¬ tract for altering and repairing the Bank of New York BuUding, at No. 48 Wall st. Wm. E. Bloodgood is the architect. 90TH ST.—C. F. Bond. 136 Liberty st, is the general con¬ tractor for the residence to be erected at 11 E. 90th st, for Mr, W. W. McAlpin. Barney & Chapman, 44 W. 34th st, are the architects. MISCELLANEOUS. BROADWAY.—Plans have been flled for the new Broadway Tabernacle, to be built at Broadway and 56th st. The plot is 80x178, and the building will cover 66x178. It is to be of brick and terra cotta. The church will be heated by steam and sup¬ plied with electric lights and elevator service. Messrs. Barney & Chapman, 44 W. 34th st, are the architects. No contracts have as yet been awarded. 36th ST.—McKim, Mead & White are drawing preliminary plans for an art gallery and library for J. P. Morgan, to be erected on the north side of 36th st, between Madison and Park avs, covering a plot 150x98, and adjoining Mr. Morgan's resi¬ dence, at the northeast corner of Madison av and 36th st 42D.ST.—Reginald De Koven will erect a new theatre on 42d st, iust west of 7th av. V. Hugo Koehler has drawn the plans for the building, which will have a frontage of 25 feet, at No. 213 West 42d St. extending to Nos. 212 to 224 West 43d st, where it will have a frontage of 120 feet. The entire operation, including land, will involve an expenditure of $750,000. PELHAM AV.—Mr. Chas. V. Halley, of Tremont, Is having plans prepared by Edward L. Angell, architect, of No. 243 Broadway, for a hotel and summer garden, with carriage sheds, automobile repair shop and storage rooms, etc., to be located on the northwest corner of Crotona and Pelham avs, near the main entrance to Bronx Park. The hotel proper will cover a plot SOx 175. It is to be a 2-sty structure, with a 12-ft. piazza on each fioor. By an arrangement of sliding doors each floor can be thrown into one large apartment. RICHMOND. The following are the plans filed this week in the Borough of Richmond: New Brighton.—Foot Franklin av, 1-sty steel factory, 44x53, cost $2,600, J. B. King & Co., owners; south side Castleton av, 376 feet southeast Haven's Esplanade, 2-sty frame dwelling, 33x 23. cost $3,300, C. G. Kolff, owner. West New Brighton.—East side Burgher av, 376 north Ren¬ der av, 2-sty frame dwelling, 21x30. cost $2,000. Thomas Hen¬ drickson, owner; south side Richmond Terrace. 58 feet east Burgher av. 3-sty frame hotel, 25x66, cost $7,000, Catherine F. Lynch, owner.