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January 17, 1903, HECORD AND GUIDE 99 Three adjoining stables were replaced last year by the residence of Harley T. Proctor. The stable, No. 11, was bought in April, 1896, by Elizabeth C. Oakman, who bought 25 feet abutting on 53d Et, at the same time, Harley T. Proctor is the buyer of No. 9, and Albert Flake of No. 11. COLUMBIA ST.—Charles Wolinsky has sold to Meyer Wes- sel for Morris Berger No. 51 Columbia st, 6-sty brick tenement. 54TH ST.—The City Real Property Investing Co. has sold No. 70 East 54th st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 18,9x100,5, Herbert A. Sherman was the brolver. GRAND ST.—Nevins & Perelman have bought the northeas corner of Grand and Willett sts, old buildings, on plot 50x62. IGTH ST.—Charles Galewski has sold for Joseph M. Smith to Mrs. Nellie Voit, Nos. 419 and 421 East IOth st, two 4-sty tenements, on plot 50x92. ISTH ST.—Mishkind & Feinberg have sold Nos. 153 & 155 East 18th st, a 6-Ety flat, on plot 42.4x82. The lots sold in December, 1901, for ^36,550, and were resold to the present sellers for §42,000. 32D ST.-Henry Seide has sold No. 28 West 32d st. a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 22.0x98.9 PRINCE ST.—The New York City Mission Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church has received an offer for St. Am¬ brose Chapel, at the southwest corner of Prii'ce and Thompson sts. The property include the chapel, on a plot fronting 57 feet on Thompson st, and 75 feet on Prince st, and the minister's resi¬ dence adjoining, at 113 Thompson st, a 3-sty and basement house on lot 19x75. It is probable that the pending negotiations will be satisfactorily concluded, in which case the plot will be improved with a store and flat building, NORTH OP 59TH STREET. WEST END AV.—Slawson & Hobbs have sold for Jeanette S. Mitchell, the 5-sty twenty-foot flat, at No. 169 West End av. MADISON AV.—William F. Havemeyer has sold to Samuel Rouse, No. 1699 Madison av, a 5-sty flat with store, on lot 20.11 x50, at the southwest corner of 112th st. IIOTH ST.~J. Lochman has sold to Mark Blumenthal Nos. 02 and 64 East 110th st, two 5-sty three family tenements with stores, on plot 50x100. SHERMAN AV.—The A, M, Capen estate sold to one buyer three vacant properties in the Dyckman tract. They were the plot of ten lots in the south side of Sherman av. 100 feet east of Ellwood st, 100x250; the plot in the south side of Nagle av, 204.5 feet south of llth av, 100x180.5x101x166.1, and the plot in the south side of Slernian av, 75 feet east of Isham st, run¬ ning through to 10th av, 50x75.4x61x110.5. lOlST ST.—John McCarthy has sold for Randolph Guggen¬ heimer to D. Greenberg No. 116 East lOlst st, a 3-sty dwelling! MANHATTAN AV.—K. Levenburg has bought from M. L. & C. Ernst, the southwest corner of Manhattan av and 120th st, a 3-sty dwelling. 7TH AV.—The plot 100.11x144 with 1-sty brick buildings at the southwest corner of 7th av and llGth st is said to have been sold to a buyer who intends improving the plot with a theatre. Ernest Ehrmann and Josephine Morgentliau are the owners of the property. . 62D ST.—Harry E. Zittel has sold for a Mr. Olcott No. 151 East 62d st, for Julia A. Dessau No. 157 East 02d st, and for Caroline M. Mayerhoff No. 165 East 62d st, to a Mrs. Toedt; they are all 3-sty dwellings. 63.ST ST.—The estate of Hyman Israel has sold No. 155 East 61st st, a 4-sty dwelling, 21x57x160; Harry E. Zittel was the broker 125TH ST.—The heirs of Lippman Toplitz have sold Nos. 233 and 235 West 125th st, and Nos. 232 and 234 West 126th st, four 4-sty brick flats, on plot 50x199,10. This property sold at the first Toplitz estate sale in 1900 for $105,500. and at the second sale for $113,100. being bought both times by .parties in interest. The present selling price is considerably in advance of the latter price. The New York Journal and American is the buyer, and Leopold Weil the broker. S7TH ST.-Frederick L. McMasury has sold No. 34 West 87th St. a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 20x100.8. Frederick Zittel was the broker. 1ST AV.—Adler & Herrman have sold five 6-sty tenements, at the southwest corner of 1st av and in4th st, on a plot 100x125. IIITH ST.—The State Realty & Mortgage Co. have sold to Lorenz F. J. Weiher a plot lOOxlOO.ll, on the north side of lUth st, 300 feet east of Broadway, The buyer will erect a 6-sty apartment house. BROADWAY.—John L, Miller has sold through Ashforth & Co. and P. S. Treacy, the northeast corner of Broadway and 106th st, a 2-sty building, 112.8x80x100.11x127.1 71ST ST.-Mary P. Betts has sold tc Charles L. and Grosvenor Atterbury No. 100 East 71st st, southeast corner of Park av, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 22x96,5. 129TH ST.-Mrs. J. E, Woothout has sold through Horace S. Ely & Co. and A. W. Perry No. 107 East 120th st, a 4-sty tene¬ ment, on lot 25x99,11. 124TH ST,—The Grosvenor Realty Co. has sold to Otto Kampfe Nos, 440 and 442 West 124th st. two 5-sty flats, on plot 50s 100.11. 145TH ST.—Carrie A. Worth has sold to Otto Kampfe No. 511 West 145th st, a 5-sty flat, on lot 33.4x99.11. 04TH ST.—Frederick Robitscher has sold No. 169 East 64th st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 17x100.5. Post & Reese were tlie brokers. 142D ST.^Marcus Kohner has sold the two 5-sty flats on the south side of 142d st, extending from Amsterdam av to Hamilton pl, on lot 108.7x24.11. MORNINGSIDE AV.—Samuel A. Wood has sold the Granite apartment house, at the northeast corner of Morningside av and llOth St. a 6-sty building, on plot 100,11x100. 76TH ST.-Mrs. J, J. Asch has sold No. 44 East 76th st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x102.2. Pease & Elliman were the brokers. 99TH ST.-Samuel Green has bought Nos, 61 and 03 East 99th st, two 5-sty three-family flats, on plot 50x100.11. He gives in exchange ten lots at White Plains. 74TH ST.—Gordon & Ruben have bought from Morris K. Gold No. 323 East 74th st, a 5-sty tenement, on iot 25x102.2. LEXINGTON AV.—John W. Love has sold to Cornelius W, Clark No. 1066 Lexington av, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 16.6x85. Harry E. Zittel was the broker, 121ST ST.—The Germania Lire Insurance Co, has sold through Harry E. Zittel No. 231 East 121st st, a 4-sty single flat, on lot 20x100.11. ST. NICHOLAS AV.—The Toch Realty Co. has bought from Mrs. P. Franke No. 943 St, Nicholas av, a 5-sty flat, on lot 25x100, 5TH AV.—Bernard Smyth & Sons have sold for Max Marx the 5-sty flat, on lot 25x80, at the southwest corner of Sth av and 134th st. OTH AV.—Andrew J. Connick has sold the block front on the east side of 9th av, between 206th and 207th sts, a plot 199.10x 100. J. Romaine Ei^own & Co, were the brokers. 64TH ST.—Post & Reese have sold for Jlrs. Amanda Siesel No. 164 East G4th st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x100.5. IIITH ST.—The Hudson Realty Co, has sold to Abraham Ruth a plot, 75x100,11, on the north side of 111th st. 200 feet east of 8th av. This property was sold last spring at auction by the executors of the late Simon Stern for $27,300. 71ST ST.—George R. Cannon has sold No. 332 West 71st st, a 3-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 18x100.5. M. C. Brand is the buyer. 95TH ST.—A. & C. Lewis have sold Nos. 67 and 69 West 95th st, two 4-sty and basement dwellings, on plot 34x100,8. LENOX AV.—The Bradley & Currier Co. have sold No. 4S2 Lenox av. a 5-sty flat with stores, on lot 25x80, adjoining the northeast corner of 134th st. aoTH ST.-Mrs. Sadie S. Dearborn has sold to Dr. J. B. Bls- sell No. 46 West 55th st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x100.5. 72D ST.—A Mrs, Goodkind has sold No. 151 East 72d st, a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 18,9x102.2. 131ST ST.—^''annie B. Gardner has sold No. IS East 131st st, a 3-sty dwelling, on lot 18.2x99,11; E. J. Kehoe was the broker, SSTH ST.—Slawson & Hobbs have sold to a client of L. H. & J. W. Slawson 317 West SSth st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 20x100.8. SOTH ST.—Louis Steckler has sold to William Wolff 58 East SOth st, a 4-sty and basement dwelling, on lot 18x102.2. 60th ST.—Ogden & Clarkson have sold for the Municipal Realty Company 21 East OOth st. a 4-sty dwelling, on lot 26x75, 123d ST.—Charles E. Schuyler & Co. have sold for Antonia D'Andre to Donald Mitchell Nos. 43T and 439 West 123d st, a 6-sty apartment house, on plot 50x100. The buyer gives in ex¬ change 4 lots at the southeast corner of 5th av and 136th st. 5TH AV.—John Kafka has sold to Edelman Brothers No. 1460 5th av, a 5-sty flat with store, on lot 25.11x100, at the northwest corner oE 118th st. LENOX AV.—The New York Investment and Improvement Co. has sold to a Mr. Oppenheim No. 454 Lenox av, a 5-sty flat, 25x 75x85. GOTH ST.—Amelia S. Kohn and Dr. Isaac Adler have sold Nos. 10 and 12 East OOth st, two 4-sty and basement dwellings, on plot 50x100.5. These houses adjoin the plot upon which the Har¬ monic Club has an option. The club, if the option is exercised, will erect a 7-sty building with two floors devoted to bachelor apartments, at an estimated cost of from $350,000 to $400,000, lllTH ST.—Max Danziger has sold the plot, 100x100.11, on the north side of 111th st. 275 feet east of Sth av. He bought them at auction last spring from the estate of Simon Sterne for ?37,0OO, 93b ST.—Gustav Goodman has sold to Genovefa Seybold No. 340 East 93d st. a 5-sty tenement, on lot 25x75. for $15,125. 2D AV.—Lowenfeld & Prager have sold to Jacob Ghainowitz No. 2405 2d av, a 5-sty tenement, on lot 25.2x90. 127TH ST,—Thomas M. Miner has purchased from several own¬ ers Nos. 207 to 217 East 127th st, six 3-sty and basement dwell¬ ings, on plot 100x99,11; and Nos. 2345 to 2349 3d av, three 3-sty dwellings, on plot 50x105. The property is purchased as a theatre site, the 3d av frontage to be used for the entrance. THE BRONX. PROSPECT AV.—M. F, Kerby has sold for Tomasso Glordanl to Frances C. Kelly the southeast corner of Prospect av and leOth St. 50.3x100. JACKSON AV.—John J, Petty has sold to John Frees No, 1063