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520 lMM.nhattaiiJ RECOliD AND GUIDE March 14, 1903. I Stanton, Caroline R wife of Geo A lo Alex M Bing. llGih st, Nos 235 and 237 West, Mar 11, 1903. 3,000 Sterling, Johu W to Wm A Read, Stb av, e s, 54 s Clinton pl or Slh st, 27x100. Mar 11, 1903, :;i;,453,43 Stone, David M to Emanuel M Levy, 92d sl, s s, 175 w Central I'ark West, -15x160,8, Mar 11. 1903. nom Tille Guarantee and Trusi Co to Dry Dock Savings Instn. ISth st, s 3, 104 w Av A, 25x103-3. Mar 6, 1903. 13,S00 Same to same. ISlh st, s a, 219 w Av A, 25x103,3. Mar 6, 1903. Same to same. IStb st, No 424 East. Mar 6, 1903. Same to same. 15th st, No 430 East. Mar 6, 1903. Same to Nora C Tbomas. 62d st, No 133 East. Mar 7 900 13,500 12,000 1003. 40,000 105 th 3,000 3,000 Title Guarantee and Trust Co to Josepb E and Gustav Puld, st. No 2S Weal. Mar 9, 1003. Same lo same. 34lh st. No 310 Easl. Mar 9 ,1903, Title Insurance Company of N Y to New York Morlgage and Se¬ curity Co. Sherman av, s s, 75 e Isham st, 50x75.4 to 10th av. xOlxllO.S, Mar 9, 1903. 2.500 Same lo same. Church st. No 314. Mar 9, 1903. 18,000 Same to same. 129lh st, No 107 East, Mar 9. 1903, 7,000 Todd, .\mbrose G committee John H Johnson lo Anuie I-I Chad¬ wick. Manhattan av, w s. SO n 115th st, 20x50. Mar 10, 1903. 800 Turner, James H admr Charles Turner to H Elizabeth and Edith Turner. 13ih st, s a, 200.5 w 3d av, 26x103.3. Piled and dis¬ charged Mar 12. 1903. • 8,000 Vanderpoel, Nannie S to Lawyers Mortgage Insurance Co. Sth St. a s, 2.i5,6 e Av C, 25x91!, Mar 7, lOO:',. _ 26,500 Warburg, Paul M to Max M Warburg, Broadway, No 530. Mar 6, 1903, nom Weisberger, Moritz to Katie Weil. Attorney st. No 164. Mar 11, 1903. 2,500 Weinstein, Jacob to Harris Mandelbaum and Fisher Lewine. 21st st, s 6, 117 w 2d av, 42x92. Mar 9, 1903, 100 Weinstein, .Abraham D to Solomon Simon. 15th sl, Nos 342 and 344 East, Mar 10, 1903, other consid and 100 Weinstein, Josepb to Bernhard Klingenstein- Sheriff st, Nos 82 and 84, Mar 12, 1903, nom Williams, Geo N lo Arlhur D Williams. 3d av, w a, 75.5 s 53d st, 16,8x101-Sxl!;,.Sx100.9, Mar 12, 1903. gift Wolf. Joseph and William to Louis Haims. Oth at, n s, 126.11 w 2d av, 23,5x90.10, Mar 10, 1003. 9,456,83 BOROTTGH OF BBONX. Alexander. Mary S to Kalh D Ferria. Road leading from Spuyten Duyvil Station on NYC&HRRR lo Kingsbridge, e s, at n cor land Kilcullen, runs e 60 x n 25 x w 50 lo road x — 25. Mar 12, 1903, 131.30 Clocke, T Emory exr James I Corsa to Maria T Corsa. Assigns 4 morts. 178lh st, s w s, 105.6 s e Daly av, runs s.w 21.2 x s e 59.11 xne 22.3 to sl, x n w 60.9; Clinton av, s w cor Oak¬ land pl, 25x100x25.4x100; Hughes av, e s, 25 n ISStb st, 25x S7.G; and lS3d st, s s, 150 e Av C, runs s 93 x w SO x a 50 x e 133 to w s Ryer av, x n 144 to ISSd st, x w 66 to beginning. Mar 7, 1903, nom Same to same. 1st av, s e cor 2d st, 100x100, Morrisania, Mar 7. 1003- nom "Friedrich, Edward individ and exr Helen Friedrich to Josephine Slrasser, Green lane, e s, 300 s 2d st, 34x—x22xl00, Westchesler, Mar 6, 1903, 1,500 Langmann, Gustav et al exrs William Zinsser to Helen A Kudlich. 3d av, n cor ISSth st, 75x100. Piled and discharged Mar- 12, 1003. nom Lawyers Title Insurance Co of N Y to Lawyers Mortgage Ins Co, Beck st. No 19, Mar 11, 1903. 5,000 Lyon, Wm P and ano admrs John M Lvon to Elizabeth Gifford. 152d st, n e s, 225 n w Morris av, 25x100. Mar 11. 1903. 2,500 Maher, Patrick and Michael to Geo N Reinhardt. Stebbins av. w s. 325.3 n 167tb st. 45x67.5x45.5x61,5; Prosepct av, e s, 330 n 167th st, 30x65,6x30,3x61.5. Mar 9, 1903, nom "'Same to same. .5th av, n w cor 17lb st, runs — 205 x n 114 x e 104.7 X s 31,5 lo av. x — S4.G, Wakefield. Mar 9, 1903, nom Marx, Max to New York Mortgage and Securily Co. Cambrelling av, s e cor 189lh st, 100x145,8 to w s Beaumont av aud 100x148.1. Mar 11, 1903. 5,000 Nickels, Alice B lo Gertrude E Master. Morris av, w s, 59,2 n ISOtb sl, 34.1x100, Mar 10, 1003, 1,000 O'Toole, James lo Rebecca F Brooks, 3d av, e s, 66 n Tremont av, 25x93,5x24.11x91.10, Mar 7, 1903, 1,500 Provident Really Co of N Y to Emanuel M Levy. Summit st, s w cor Briggs av, 73x100x16-3x115,2. Mar 11, 1903. nom Runk, Louise F to Chas A Runk exr Wm G Talman, Jackson av, w s. 1-14,11 s IGSlh st, ]8.2x'i5. Mar J'O, 1003. 305 Underbill, Richard W guardian Henrietta Underhill to Fanny S Grpdv, Prospect av, w s, 149,11 u 151st st. 25x100. Mar 11, 1903. nom ___________PROJECTED BUILDINGS.________ The first name is tbat of the owner; ar't stands tor architect, m'n for mason, c'r for carpenter, and b'r for builder. When character of roof is not mentioned, il is to be understood that the roof is lo be of tin. BOROtTGH OF MANHATTAN. SOUTH OF 14T1-I STREET, Clinton st, w s, 75 n Heater st, 2-aty and basement brk synagogue, 20x4.3, gravel roof; cost, $7,000; C^ongregallon Tilim Anche W'is- cover, 22 Suffolk st; ar't, Benj Sleekier, .320 Broadway,—154, East Broadway, s s. 240 e Scammel st, 5-sly brk club house, 25,Ix 71.8, plastic slate roof; cost, $35,000; Young Mens Benevolent Assoc, 311 East Broadway; ar'ts, Sass & Smallheiser, 23 Park row.—153. Eldridge st, w s. 174.2 n Stanton st, 6-sty brk lenement and stores, 49,6x87 and 87.8; cost, $45,000; Leon Spielberger. 76 St Marks pl; ar'ts, Sass Se Smallheiser, 23 Park row,—148, Essex sl, n s, 88,6 e Broome st, 6-sty brk tenement and slore. 43.Sx 74,7; cost, $35,000; Mandel & Maran, 235 Henry st: ar'ts, Horen¬ burger Sc Str.Tub. 122 Bowery,^152. Leroy st, Nos 22 and 24, 6-sty brk tenement, 43,9x67; cost, $30,000; Friedman Sc Feinberg, 329 E llOtb st,; ar'ts. Bernstein & Bern- atein, 111 Broadway.^170, West st, n e cor lOih st. 3-sty brk hotel. 44.8x90 and 44.1. tar and slag roof: cost. $20,000: Albert Adler. 406 West st; ar't, Chaa Stegmayer. 306 E 82d st,—162. West at |n e cor Hubert st. 11-sty b-k warehouse, 229.Sx Washingion st 1 115.8 and 113,11, slag root; cost. $G7a,000; Varick Really Co, 35 Wall st; ar't, Wm H Birkmire, 39G Broadway.—ItU. 3d Sl. Nos 28 to 32 W| 6-sty and basemenl brk lofl and- store, 20 on Greeue st. No lilO \ Greene st and 66 on 3d st, kG5, lar and gravel roof; cosl, $1.0,000; Schumanns Sons, 037 Broadway; ar't, Francis L Ellingion, 121 W 42d st,~155. 4th st, s s, 102.11 w Av B, two 6-sly brk tenements and stores, 48 .\S3; total cost, $80,000; Perelman & Fish, 741 B Sth st; ar'ts, Horenburger Sc Straub, 122 Bowery.—158. Glh St. _Nos 202 and 204 E. G-sty brk tenement and stores, 45x84 and 3j,6; coat, .'?35,000; Wm Shulmann, 9'^ Essex st; ar'ts, Bem- _ slein Se Bernslein, 111 Broadway,—-168. 7(li st, Xos 2US to 214, two 6-aly brk lenementa aud stores, 50x77; total cost. $00,000; ow'r and b'r, Horowitz Realty Co, 67 7th st; ar't, G F Pelham, 503 Stb av.—146. lltb st, n B, 392,3 e Av D, 1-sty hrk engine room, 40.'447.4, slate roof; cost, $4,000; ow'r and ar't. N Y Mutual Gas Light Co, 36 Union Square; b'r, C C Woodruff, Long Island City.-140. llth sl, n s, 433 e Av D, 1-sty brk boiler room, 48,.8x47.4, slate roof; cost, .'jll.OOO; ow'r and ar't. N Y Mutual Gas Light Co, 36 Union square; b'r, C C Woodruff. Long Island City.-150. Broadway. No G5S, 12-sty brk and stone loft and store building, 29.G xlSO. tar and gravel roof; cost, .$175,000; Panuly estate. Oceanic, N J: ar'ts, Rossiter & Wright, 05 Liberly st.—169. BETWI5EN HTH AND 59TH STREETS. ISlh St. s s, 400 c Olb av, 6-sty brk tenement. 50x67; cost, .fS^.OOO; Chautauqua Pl Mill Co, 120 4th av; ar'ts, G Robinson & Son, '.'.'.I Hancack pl.—173. ISlh St. n s, 210 w 2d av, 6-sty hrk tenemeni, 4lixTi»; cost, $35,000; Louis Cohen, 1 Uniou aq; ar'ts. Bernstein & Bernstein, 111 Broad¬ way.—161, 21st st, Noa 325 and 327 E. 6-8ty brk tenements and stores, SOx 87; cost, -t^S'l.OOO; ow'rs and b'rs. Parnass & Bernstein, 257 Henry al; ar't, G F i'elbam, :.i03 Slh av,—1:.>9. 43d st, Nos 153 and 1.5S W, 12-sty brk and atone hotel, 40x85, plas¬ tic slate roof; coat, $180,000; estate Ogden Goelet. 9 W 17th st; ar't, Hugo Kafka, 00 Nassau st,—172. 45ch st, s s, l."0 w Oth av, 2 and 3-aty brk and stone church and, dwelling, 50x!14, lin and slate roof; cosl, $25,000: The Reformed! Protestant Dutch Church of City N Y. 113 Pulton sl; ar't, John Boese, 280 Broad way,^—14.0- 47ih st, Nos l-tS to 151 W, two 9i.4-sty brk and stone hotels, 40x SO, plastic slate roof; total cost. $350,000^ ow'r and b'r. Solo- man Wolff, 3 Broadway: ar't. G F Pelham, o03 Stb. av.—157, 53d st, n s, 437 w Stb av, .5-sty and basement brk and stone dwell¬ ing, 23x80|2, slate and tile roof: cost, $SO,OtUl; Florence C Eno Graves, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel: ar't, C P H Gilbert. 1123 Broad- way^lOG. 53d St. Nos 22i; and 228 E, G-sty hrk tenement. 40x87.5; cost, $42,- 000: ,'^l-r;ibara Silver.son, Germania Bank Building: ar't, G F Pel¬ ham, 503 Sth av.—175. BETWEEN .S9TH AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF STH AVENUE. 93d at, a s, 169 e 1st av, 1-stv brk storage, 50x94.11. tar and gravel roof; cost. $1,500; Adam Happel, 138 W llOtb st; ar'l, Chas Steg¬ mayer, .306 E 82d St.—151. 103d st, n E, 150 w 1st av, 3-stv brk stable and dwelling, .50x59.8; cost, $lS,nOO; Bruck & Schulman, .'i3S E 103d st; ar't, Alfred E Badt, 1 Union sq W.—163, 114lh st, s s. 25 e Madison av, 3-sty brk and stone engine house, SOx 76,2, slag roof; cosl,.$65,000: City of N Y; ar't. Percy GrifBn, 244 5th av,—143. Pleasant av ! the block, 1-sty brk boiler bouse. 88,S.x443, corru- Harlem River | gated iron roof: cost, $1,200; Standard Gas Lighl 11 Sth st I Co, 801 3d av: ar't, Geo E Woods, foot E 115th llOtb st I St.—M4. 1st av, Nos 2126 to 21.30, three 1-sty frame sheds. 25x75; total cost, $2,100; Jos Solomon. 691 Broadway, and Simon Epstein, 38 W 110th Bt: sr't, Nathan Langer, 762 Sth av.—loG. Blackwells Inland, e s, opposite 75th st. 1-sty frame ice house, 42x 67; cost, .$50; City N Y,—165, BETWEEN 59TH AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8TH AVENUB. lOllb st, n s, 100 w Central Park West, (i-stv brk tenement. .SOx 87,11: cost, $55,000; ow'r and b'r. Leon A Liebeskind, 36 W 115th st; ar't, Geo F Pelham, 503 Sth av.—174. 106th st, n s, 150 e Columbus av, 6-slv brk tenement, 73.0vS7,ll. plastic slate roof; cost, $100,000; John McGovern., S4 W 103d st; ar'ts, Moore S: Landsledel, 148th st and 3d av.—147. lOOtb st, n s, 175 w Columbus av, 6-sty brk tenement and stores, 2.5x S7-11, plaslic slate roof; cost. $3t\000: Donald Robertson, 246 W lOStb st; ar'ts, Moore & Landsledel, 148th st and 3d av,—167. IIOTH TO 125TH STREET, BETWEEN STH AND 8TH AVENUES. 110th st, s s, 75 w Lenox av. G-sty brk tenement. 50x87.11. plastic slpte roof; cost, $110,000; Isaac and Hy Mayer, 100 W UOth sl; ar't, Jobn Hauser, 1061 7tb av,—171. BOROTTGH OF BRONX. Victor st, e s, 125 n Columbus av, two 2-siy frame dwellings, 21x 4.t; cost, $8,000; Knauf Se Garrache. Classon av. Van Nest; ar't, Bernhard Ebeling, Wesl Farms road.—03. 10th st, s s, SO e .\\' C, rear. Unionpori, 2-siy frame stable. 20x24; cost. -"J.'-'OO; John Cordes, on premises; ar't. Bronx .Architectural Co, 3.307 3d av.—OS. 12th st, s E, 150 e Av D, Unionport, 2-sty frame dwelling. 20x55; cost, .$6,000; Chrisiiau Vondran. 672 E 147th si: ar't, Bronx Architectural Co, 3307 3d av.—95. 141st st, s s. 100 e Willis av, six 5-sty and basement brk tene¬ ments, 37.6n,S8; total cost. $150,000: Gaines Roberts Co, i;99 E 140lh st: ar't, G Fred Pelham. 503 Sth av,—04, liSth sl, n E, 100 w Ciinlon av, 2-sty and aliic frame dwelling, lOx 36, shingle roof; cosl. $2,000; Willipm E Schott. ."iSO 4lb av, Man¬ hattan; ar't, Bronx .Architectural Co, 3307 3d av.—91. Forest av, e a. 196.9 n IGSth st, two 5-sty brk lenementa. 37.6x125; tolal coal. $70000: Zimmermann & Flood 1033 E .156th st; ar't. Harry T Howell, 13Slb st and Sd av,—100. Mi-lrose av, n w cor 154th st, G-sly brk teuenient and,stores. .SOx 90: cost. .$45,0110: Thomas D Malcolm, 1G7th st and River av: ar't, Bronx -Architectural Co, .3:107 3d av,—00. Park av, s e cor ISlith st, seven 2-sty brk dwellings, 20x.52: total coat. $."2,000; Frederick M Mellert, 1l502 Monroe av; ar'l. W C Dickerson, 149th st and 3d av.—99. Prospeci av. w s, 2li7,6 a Westchesler av, two 5-s'v brk lenementa, 40x84. tin or plastic alate roof; total cost, .$70,000: John Mc¬ Grath. 1793 Anthonv av; ar't, James P Meehan. 1796 Anthony av.—02. Prospect av. e s. 35 n Macy pl, two S-sty brk tenements. 37.6x00: total cost, $00,000: McCarthy fi Macy, 102:) E 1G2d si; ar'l. Bronx Arcbitecturn! Co. 3307 3d av.—96.