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January 2, 1904. RECORD AND GUIDE ' 5 K"' **' """ ~»* ■■M.IIP——=.».—««Ulll— II THE REAL ESTATE WORLD \A Gossip, JWetas and Personals Aj Real Estate and Building Statistics. Cossip of the Weeic. The following are the comparative tables ol Manhattan, Tho _____ Bronx and Brooklyn of the Conveyancea. Mortgages and Pro¬ jected Bulldlnga for the correspndlng weeks of 1902 and 1903. William H. Smith will sell at the Brooklyn Real Estate Ex- MAKHATTAN AMD THE BRONX. "J""'/ ^*f ,^"-'' ™ Montagtie st, on Tuesday, January 5th, 1904, the plot (OxlOO with frame buildings at the northeast cor- CONVEYANOBS. „er of Pitkin av and Osbori, st. Brooklyn. This property is in D.c'llo™i»c D.o,=6to3i;ino. '!«">eart o( Browneville, where there has been considerable Tol.l No tor Ma.)h«ta"n ' IW Total No. lor Manhattan 172 speculation recently. Amount involved....... $373,010 Amount involved....... $1172,222 _____ Number nominal....... 163 Numljer nominal ....... Iw 1903. 1002. The last week in the year is not only up to the average-for Total No., Manhattan, Jan. 1 to date.. ,,„, "'S .,,, JS'm "" """" '"" "'•"""= '" ">« number ot transactions reported. Total Amu, Manhattan. »o.^y|1""- fl01..13.eOB "^j'^lf'''" but above it, there being a total ot one hundred and tourtee,; Dec. 24 to 30, inc, Dec. 26 to ai, Inc. transactions reported for the four days. One of these is the sale Tnl^lin^inl^vTd" ''"°'' ?C5 4?! ImouaWn^^'olvIS.^ ^.T.' ^iS.2% "J ^'^^'^"^ Broadway Tabernacle site, and is of the sensational Number Dominli: ...... 41 Number nominal ....... 211 character. Another is in the same section, that is of more than 1908. 1002. unusual interest is the purchase of No. 35!) 5th av. The sales Total No.. Tbe Bronx. Jan. 1 to date.. 4,C44 p,f ^^^ °^ vacant plots in the Harlem section continue large, there being Total Amt., Tlie Bronx, Jan. 1 to date. $7,3Gl,9bO $0,G14,tiBG sixteen this week representing a total of seventy-eight lots a Total No MHnhntm.. «nd The '"'"*' ^^"^' '^"^^^ number of which were sold for improvement with fiats'or Uronx.'jaii. 1 lo (lute....... 18,«-I0 17,345 tenements. Tenements represented sixty-four of the total num- "^"L^r'oni'jun'i7o d'ntc".".*! ."'i^T ? 100,075,50.% *i:i7,052.42i ber of transactions, fifty-three of them being north of Fifty-ninth street. For the corresponding week last year there were only MORTGAGES. ^ total of .sixty-sIx transactions. 1003. 1902. _____ r-Dec. 24 to 30, Inc,--, ^-Dec. 20 to 31, luc.--, ManJiati..n^ Bronx. Manbattau. Bronx. SOUTH OP 59TH STREET. imou!l"voi™d......... »i,375.210 $03,338 »2,oS7,S2.'> J270.S34 PERRY ST.—The Georgia Turpentine Oo. has bought loS Perry S.5Srn."lS£'......V.V SSOD.OIO 514,788 $544,028 »100,104 =«• M »W l>hll
o8,oOO $,8,ooO S2Co,047 $06,430 Av D. a u-sty brick tenement, on a lot 21xS2. Amolnft'^invo'lved.....V.'.. $3,217,700 ....■.'.■. .$1,778,150 $120,300 CORTLANDT ST,—Samuel Green bought CO Cortlandt st ad- ''°', n''°intn,°a?«'co^'.°" 32 1 52 0 Joining the northwest corner ot Greenwich st, a 4-sty building, on Amount involved...!..'.".'.' $5,112,500 500 $1,403,100 $109,000 a lot 21.1x56x17.3x53,8. .. , ., , , , „ ,. ^"?f 081 ^"K'oi.. ^^'^^ ST.-Weli & Mayer have sold through L. Klinger & Co. ?o£ Ami."5°anl,S'n'"an' "t°d«e'. |255,764,°907 $2S2,758S '-^SS and 237 East 25th st, a 7-sty tenement, on lot 40x98.9. Total Ne., 'tj. Broax, Jan. 1 to date. 3.541 3 410 CHRISTOPHER ST.-Joshua W. Jones & Co. have sold tor Mr. Total Amt,. The u,-.nx, Jan. 1 to date . mM^SS '"j'^^OOi Zuhden S4 Christopher st a 3-sty house, on lot 21x07. Total No., Mnnliattan and Tlie ' ' BEDFORD ST.-Joshua W. Jones & Co. have also sold for Mr. To,'i'l°".n'l''M'a..'l.a'il'«i"«na tH '°'°'" "'"''^ England to Adeistein & Avrutine for Improvement 64 Bedtord Bro'iix, Juu. 1 to dtite....... *272,.103,180 iti:too,4us.:ii;t st. Old house, on lot 18.0x69, which, together with 60x62. adjoin- PROJKCTED BUILDIN>.=. mg^ makes a plot 61.6x69, owned by the buyers. .n.^ j^y, ... 2(TH ST.—Herman J. Levy has sold for Leopold Michael, of Total Nn, N.w Building.. Dec. 24 to 30,' iae. Dee. 27-1.",;. 2.' Ine, ?''~K»'". t« Joseph L. Buttenwelser 312 and 314 West 27th st, a Maiib-i.tBD....................... 10 lo 0-sty building, on lot 3j.Gx9S.9. Thf Broti........................ _________« ________10 20TH ST.-George T. Butler has sold to Clarence M. Phipps. of Grand total................... 1(5 25 the firm of Phipps & Atchison, 211 to 215 West 20th st, a 7-sty Total Amt. New Bulldlnea: _ _ _ fiat building, on plot 50x83x50x81. TheKx',■.■.■.'.■.■.■.'.'.'.'.■.'.'.■.'.'■■■■■ ^'iS ^loiS 5"^^ AV.-Henry Corn sold to Oppenheimer Bros & Veith 91 —■ -" -----T—'--- and 93 5th av. an 8-sty loft building, on a plot 5Gxll7x irregular Total A^m^.^iltera'tlona-............... (leasehold). He took in part payment the northwest corner of .viaiiliaitan....................... SCI,400 ?.iS,5t>0 Tth av and 13Gth st, and the southwest corner of 7th av and 13 Tth ■^"^ ^^°''^....................... ______l:}^ ____il^ st, two 5-sty fiats, each on a plot 32.5x100, and 243 and 245 West Grnnrt totnl .................. J(!4,500 $GO,740 116th St. a G-sty elevator apartment house, with stores, on a plot '^"^Ma^uhanln.^an^lTilate......... 088 831 ^OxlOO. The deal involves about $350,000. The Bronx,'Jan. 1 to dote......... ______TUO 854 3D AV.—Richard V. Harnett & Co. have sold for the Excelsior Manhattan-Bronx. .Ian, 1 to d.te... 1J54 1^5 Savings Bank 844 3d av, a 5-sty fiat with stores, on lot 25x100. Total Amt. New Buildings: 17TH ST.—Mayer S. Auerbach has resold 37 West 17th st, a Th"IS-Jan.'itoda"t'«.-:;.-;.-;;: "Ho^lsu ^^i^ill ^-^^y dwelling, on lot 25x92. Municipal Realty Co. are the buyers. —------------ --------------- 13TH ST.—Van Vllet & Place have sold for William Reed to TouTAmtAUe^Xn.f"-^' '■■■ ^*«>-l'^'91* $87,944,267 ^^^^jp^ g. and Geslne Nutzhorn 439 W. 13th st. 25x103.3, with Manhattan-Bronx. Jan. 1 to date... §10.936,813 ?9.271,070 i and 5-sty brick apartment buildings thereon. _________ STUYVESANT ST.—Hiram Merrltt has sold for Morris Wein- stein 42 Stuyvesant st. 17x80 irregular. CONVKHANCES. 19TH ST.—John H. Berry has sold for Dr. John H. Wood- r, o..^*^^'. r. «» '!?^*, ^'^^y to Richard Bozlne. 25 West 19th st, a 4-sty dwelling, on Dec. 24 to 30. inc. Dec. 26 to 31, nc, , . o- no i^ > ■ .i. .-., .. ^ -j,- Total number....................... 302 '244 'ot 2ox92. adjoining the Cluett building. Amount Involved.................... ^^^'^'S-i $307,fi4R MADISON ST.—Kidansky & Levy have sold 321 to 325 Madison To™i?l^Vnml"or of'ConVeyancea! ** ""^^ ^t and 30 to 34 Gouverneur st, two 6-Sty tenements on plot 62.Gx Jan. 1 to rtnte............. 21,0H0 18,440 73.S. to William D. Haller. ''***Jai."™"o"da*lL*!'t'!T!r?"''.V: *34,S06,452 »30,543,410 BAXTER ST.-Kidansky & Levy have sold 148 and 150 Baxter „„ st to Alexander Lurle. who will erect on the plot a 6-sty and MORTGAGES. basement tenement. Imount"i^volved..................'.'. $577070 SG^O 403 HESTER ST.-Romm & Issacs have bought from Kidansky & Number over 5%.'.■.■.'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.. 'l03 " ' 73 Levy 103 Hester st. NZberaV5%or'ie.V.-.V.V.-.-.-.'.V.V.'.V ^"'^^■jns ^''^'■?o' MULBERRY ST.-Kidansky & Levy have bought and resold .*mni'nt invnivpd....... . . ___ $369,300 5423,081 '-0 M. Voccali, for improvement, 163 and 165 Mulberry. Total iitim1><>r of Mortcaces. .Inn. 1 to date............. 10,334 13,0G1 An Imporiant Fifth Avenue Sale. Tntfll amonnt of llIort)£B«;ea, ____ _ .ian. 1 to date............. $70,505,822 $59,082,730 oTH AV.—Frank L. Wing has sold 359 Sth av. a 5-sty building PROJECTED BUILDINGS °" ^°^ lG.8xl00. The property Is separated by 361 5th av from No of New Buiiainea ' ' m '>9 ^^^ holdings of Benjamin Altman in this block. He owns a plot ■"^-tima'tp''CO.M. .."..^'.'^*.'.'.*.'.*.*.'.'.".'.' $236,665 $574,65b fronting 98.3 feet on 5th av and 125 feet on 35th st, being the '''"*i'nn Vt "l 7*"" ""»'<""«"• 1014 toTO southeast corner of these sts. The buyer of 359 is a Mr. Wright ■rotiri"'Aint?o/'Npw'liaildVnirs, ' ' '"'ho presumably is acting for Mr. Altman, for It Is hardly likely TotLVVmn^nt^^Sr Alteration.' *-3'^3S'S37 $17,057,415 that any one but he would pay £170.000 for an Inside lot only Jan. 1 to date............'* $3,140,253 $8,550,003 16.8x100. Mr. Wing took title to the property In 1903. the -con-